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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:40 pm

New Archeological Discovery Brings New Information About Ancient Dankuk
Above is the Terrocata Army of the Warlord, Ra Chin-Ho in A Dankuk Border region.
After much excavation and research,archeologists have discovered a massive lead into the past of Dankuk. In 4375 in the small town of Yeongjang,a farmer discovered a porcelain statue in the ground he was tilling and farming on. After an investigation by the Dankuk Archeological League they found the funeral chamber of Ra Chin-Ho,a warlord of Dankuk who ruled the Border lands of Dankuk from 12-37 A.D. His funeral chamber was surrounded by Terrocata Soldiers,which hints he wasn’t a monotheist as previously thought,instead possibly a paganist. However this is not the major discovery of today.

In the chamber two clay tablets were discovered today. On these tablets were Ancient Lettering. After researching further,these letters were determined to be Ancient Sekowo and Ancient Hulstarian texts. On these tablets there were diplomatic treaties about alliances and territorial bounds. It seems that Ra Chin-Ho’s empire has been larger than originally thought and may have had connections other local warlords.

Further investigations are pending
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Apr 28, 2018 5:10 pm

Imperial Palace Condemns Northern Council Intervention in Bianjie
Above is the Imperial Palace
Following the mass bombings of Bianjie by Northern Council and it finally ending,The Imperial Palace has condemned the actions in Bianjie
The following is a statement released by the Imperial Palace:
After much discussion,The Imperial Palace condemns the actions in Bianjie,including the bombings of Bianjie and the Land Assault that has followed. Kazulia and the Northern Council is acting very Imperialistcly. Intervention in Bianjie was not necessary to the Northern Councils security or to its members sovereignty. The real reason the Northern Council has intervened was to expand its influence and create a puppet in the third world. Multiple times the Northern Council has had the opportunity to pull out of Bianjie and let the locals figure out there future however they never bothered to leave or even attempt to advance a local government. They have invaded and taken control of lands as if they were at war with the nation. The Northern Council has repeatedly shown it had no interest in the people or nation. They care about expanding there sphere of influence.

We will continue to update this
Great Dovani Summit Conference Brings Dankuk New Allies
Above is the Summit Hall that this conference is currently being held at
At the Great Dovani Co-Prosperity Summit in Taeyangsudo,A conference was held between multiple nations including Istalia,Hulstaria,Sekowo, Deltaria,Pontesia, and Esinsundu. At this conference the discussion was mainly discussing Kazulian Imperialism and how to stop it. On this issue, all nations there agreed that the intervention in Bianjie was mainly an imperialistic move. They also discussed possible counters if Kazulian aggression were to turn on its neighbors.
The Delegate from Hulstaria said this on the matter:
”It is clear that we have all suffered at the hands of Kazulian ambitions - the Yukio-Labsburg ruling dynasty of the Crownlands, descended from Yukio the Great, founder of the Sekowan nation, has for many centuries being forced into wars with our northern neighbours to protect our sovereignty, culture or to fight for territory that is rightfully ours. Now we believe that with the rightful, Yukio-Labsburg, Emperor back on the throne, we must be on our guard again.

With this in mind, we believe that close co-operation between our nations is necessary to defend our rights and sovereignty in the wake of this inevitable expansionist behaviour. We must gather to us the free states of Greater Dovani and pool our military resources so that collectively we can build a metaphoric - if not physical and geographic - defensive wall around Kazulia.”

Further discussions are in progress and we will continue to update you
Dankuk Military to Build Up it’s Air Force and Navy
”It isn’t an army that will end a war. It’s the ships at sea and the planes in the air”
At a press conference at the Military Command Center in Taeyangsudo,the Military has announced it will begin focusing upon naval vessels and aeronautical vehicles.
Heyo Syng,Head of the Military said this:
Dankuk is a very defensible area via land. We have mountains and deserts in the south and forests and beaches in the north. What really concerns us is our weakening Air Force and Navy. Our Navy and Air Force have begun to slow down technologically and we have begun to lose more ships and aeronautical vehicles to age and time. We have decided to divert 41% of the military budget to updating and expanding the Navy and Air Force. It will not be our Army that will win any war. It will be our navy and Air Force.

We will continue to update you.
Last edited by Yolo04 on Tue May 01, 2018 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Apr 29, 2018 5:08 pm

Dankuk Launches New Economic Organization
Today the Dankuk Goverment has created a new economic organization,known as the Dankuk Economic Assistance League or DEAL. DEAL was made to expand and continue assisting students and soldiers who’ve fallen into debt. DEAL will lend out money at no interest in exchange for a promise of 10-15k dollars in the next 15 years. This organization,says creator,Hiy Syng Go will assist not only students but the majority of the Dankuk populous.
Dankuk Military Plans Naval Exercises with Sekowo
After the Greater Dovani Conference and several discussions with Sekowan delegates, a naval exercise has been ordered between the Sekowan Navy and Dankuk Navy. The naval exercise will take place off the Sekowan coast and will last up to 3-4 days. In these exercises,the navies will practice how to initiate blockades and how to destroy any blockade breakers. Both navies will contribute at least 2 destroyers and several gunboats alongside,Dankuk’s Aircraft carrier.
Dankuk Imperial Senate Repeals "Lese Majeste Law"
Above is Sun Seoung,President of the Democratic Nationalist Party
After intense debate within the Imperial Senate,the "Lese Majeste Law" has been completely repealed. Under "Lese Majeste Law" it was illegal to critique the Monarchy,as it was seen as treason,and was punishable by death. In 4369,The Peoples Socialist Party of Dankuk was able to limit the punishment for critique of the monarchy to a basic fine. Today however the entirety of the “Lese Majeste Law" has been repealed making it 100% legal to critique the monarchy and the empress. The bill to repeal the "Lese Majeste Law" passed today with 174 for,84 against,and 0 abstain.
Leader of the Democratic Nationalist Party,Sun Seoung said this on the repealing of the "Lese Majeste Law":
With the repealing of this law we finally can critique the monarchy and we can finally join the rest of the world with the right to critique the government. We have expanded ourselves so much we couldn’t afford to have these archaic beliefs and laws.
Last edited by Yolo04 on Tue May 01, 2018 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:27 am

Dankuk Legalizes Cannabis
Marijuana is now legal in Dankuk
Today the Dankuk Imperial Parliament has passed a new law legalizing the production and sale of cannabis in Dankuk. With 167 for,88 against,and 0 abstaining,the bill passed. Many economic analyst say that this will bring in new taxes for the Dankuk Government and bring another drug forward for usage with suffering peoples. Tu-Hyo-Sung,economic analyst for the Imperial College of Taeyangsuedo said this on the matter:
With this new law we can generate more taxes for the empress and our military. Our military is expanding and needs this new river of revenue.

Dankuk Begins Building New Navy Vessels
The Naval Yard in Taeyangdou building a new ship
Today the Dankuk Royal Navy has announced the creation of up to 25 new ships. These ships are set to be built by the end of the year. The order includes 2 destroyers,13 gunboats,5 frigates,and 5 corvettes. The Dankuk Royal Navy has also ordered at least 25% of the Royal Air Force to be redeployed under the command of the Royal Navy.
We will continue to update you
Royal Marriage in Dankuk
Pictured Above is a picture of Yong Tam Hee
Today the Imperial Palace of Dankuk and the Government of Sekowo have announced the marriage of Ishida Kenjiro,the granddaughter of the Sekowo Prime Minister and Yong Tam Hee,granddaughter of Empress Yoon Jin. The couple have been dating for two and a half years now and today there marriage was announced. While many call this a “strategic marriage” both parties have said this is just a marriage of two people in love. The marriage will take place Taeyangdou,Dankuk and will occur on January 13th,4386.
Last edited by Yolo04 on Tue May 01, 2018 1:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:47 pm

Dankuk Stocks Up 3% Since Marijuana Legalization
Above is an image of the Dankuk Stock Exchange Building
Today the Dankuk Stock Exchange has increased by 3.657%. Multiple economic analysts say this is due to the fact of legalization of marijuana usage and selling.
Kai Schwender,Minister of Trade and Industry,stated this:
With the legalization of marijuana,we have significantly increased Dankuk’s GDP and industry. We’ve decreased unemployment and we’ve significantly increased our tax revenue. With Nazi Kazulia on our border,I believe it was necessary to get every source of revenue possible.

Dankuk Military Launches Military Drills in the Mountains of Southern Dankuk
Soldiers training in the mountains of Dankuk
In the Mountains of Southern Dankuk, multiple citizens have reported large military movements.Today the military has announced military drills in the mountains of Southern Dankuk. These drills will include 5,000 soldiers and 100 pieces of artillery.
Minister of Defense, Alex Stäbler,said this on the drills:
These drills are necessary. We must both train our troops to fight in rugged terrain and defend against neighboring aggression. We must always be prepared to fight.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Lambasts Indrala
Above is an image of Minister of Foreign Affairs,Marian Lohmiller
Today Indralan Media have reported that Chief Secretary has sent gifts to Vanuku in response to there removing of Dankuk as an ally.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marian Lohmiller,has released this statement:
Indrala calls us a “evil regime” yet they support Kazulian Agression and Imperialism. Indrala is simply a puppet of both Kazulia and Vanuku and plays to the tune of there song. Anything either Kazulia or Vanuku wishes for,they do. Anything Kazulia or Vanuku requests,they give. Soon we will see an Indrala weak from imperialism and puppetry. We hope to see Indrala come to its senses and kick out he imperialists.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Tue May 01, 2018 1:32 am

Dankuk National News Organization
For the People,By the People
May 23rd 4386

Dankuk Stocks Drop 4.9%
Today the stock exchange in Dankuk has dropped 4.9%. The companies most affected were Dankuk Oil,Kyo Electronics,and Dankuk Shipping Inc. These companies were all struck hard by Kazulian Sanctions. Previously trade had been open and Kazulia had been a major importer of Dankuk goods and services,however now many industries are suffering due to these sanctions. The Dankuk Government has labeled these sanctions “tyrannical and imperialistic” however we wait to see if the sanctions will stay or be lifted.
Dankuk Begins Construction on New Anti-Aircraft Defense Guns
Today the Dankuk Royal Military have issued an order to build up stationary Anti Aircraft Guns along the coastline of Dankuk. No reason was given however for this build up. Currently the Dankuk Military is expanding it’s Air Force and Navy and has currently begun production of vast amounts of new planes and naval vessels. These new vessels and airplanes are expected to be released in mass by 4390.
Dankuk Government Responds to Kazulian Sanctions
Today the Imperial Palace has issued a statement on Kazulian Sanctions:
Yesterday,once good relations turned sour,and the Kazulian nation,once again,became imperialistic and attacked another nation via sanctions. The regional tension you use as your excuse for these actions was caused by your imperialistic action in Bianjie. Instead of taking your issues to the Security Council or funding the opposition of Emperor Itoh,you decided invasion would be a better alternative. You have not only destabilized Bianjie further,but also the rest of Dovani. Your actions to install a Northern Council friendly government alarmed many nations and allies. Your blatant attempt to seize control of Bianjie terrified not only us but the rest of Dovani. We do not know whether you will stop your imperialistic intentions with Bianjie. Perhaps you will continue to spread violence and imperialism in North Dovani itself. The Greater Dovani Co-Prosperity Summit was a Summit to determine how to create the greatest Dovani possible. Ending your imperialistic actions is number one to creating a greater Dovani. Dankuk wishes no harm upon the nation of Kazulia or its people however we will take appropriate actions when a foreign government begins acting imperialistically. We don’t wish for war,we simply wish for a better Dovani. Your nation has and is previously violating our treaty. Is it not aggressive to sanction a nation? Our treaty tells of militaristic action which neither of our fair nations have done against one another. However threats against us or our allies will not be tolerated. We warn you,do not cross a line you won’t come back from.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Wed May 02, 2018 1:07 am

Dankuk National News Organization
For the People,By the People
October 18th 4386

Dankuk Legalizes Usage of Cyrptocurrnecy
Today the Imperial Senate of Dankuk has voted to allow the usage and production of cryptocurrencies. The bill passed 167 yes,88 no,and 0 abstain. This bill will allow the production of crypto currency by private businesses. Economic Analysts are in unilateral agreement that cryptocurrencies are the way of the future and with this bill,Dankuk can enter the market of cryptocurrencies.
Dankuk Signs Military Treaty with Medina
Today the Dankuk Government announced it has signed a Military Treaty with the government of Medina
Below are the terms of this treaty:
1.)Dankuk will guarantee the sovereignty of Medina via both diplomatic and military power
2.)Medina will allow for the creation of military bases upon Medinan Soil
3.)Dankuk will supply Medinan Forces with weaponry and supplies of war in case of war
4.)Medina will allow Dankuk to send generals and advisors to assist the Medinan Forces
5.)If the nation of Medina were to go to war,Dankuk will allow all refugees into the nation
6.)Dankuk will loan military equipment and vehicles to Medina in case of war which will be returned at the end of said war

We’ll continue to update you
Dankuk Stock Market Continues Decline
Today the Stock Market of Dankuk has hit a severe low. The companies Dankuk Oil,Dankuk Trade Inc,and Taeyangdou Manufacturing have all seen massive losses in the stock market since the Kazulian sanctions have been put in place. Dankuk Oil has announced it may have to sell oil at inflated prices to stay afloat. Dankuk Trade Inc has reported it might need to expand trade to third world nations and Indrala,which is currently under a sanction by the government,to stay afloat. Taeyangdou Manufacturing has announced it will lay off over 1,000 workers to keep its doors open. The Dankuk government has stated its concern however says that “Kazulian stubbornness will not allow a solution”
We will continue to update you
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Nasania » Wed May 02, 2018 5:08 pm

The Riket must abandon it's anti-Kyo sentiment and tacit Western Supremacy!
March 15, 4387
Taeyangsudo, Myeoggi, Dankuk

Shining Sun Palace in Taeyangsudo

It seems that the Riket is feeling especially threatened more than usual. According to the State Propaganda arm in the Riket, Kazulian President Granberg "expressed desire to reconcile relations with Dankuk, but cited that many things must happen before she moves to approach the government Taeyangsudo in the name of cooperation and thawing tense relations. She stated that Dankuk must show Kazulia its willingness to abandon its anti-Kazulian sentiments and eagerness to champion cooperation." While she tries to paint this in an Anti-Dankuk light naturally, and blatantly lies about it's own past behavior(how many nations has the Riket invaded, bombed, intervened, or economically nitpicked? Half a dozen at least). Perhaps we should discuss reconciliation. However we must make it clear that as long as Kazulia engages in wanton agression like it's done for past few centuries(does anyone remember the purchase of Yeosong energy corporation orchestrated by the Kazulian puppet prime minister Rasmus Roinestad in 4193?). Does anyone remember the war we recently had with them which they started! Wasn't it them who tried to "Kazulianize"(ie genocide) Eljang and Reunii?
After all that, it's no wonder trust isn't especially high in our part and so Co-Prosperity treaty was drafted in defense against a proven agressive dominationist power. What was discussed was ways of containing an aggressive power, if Kazulia wishes to spin some nonsense about not being a tyrannical regime, then lets see proof! She talks of reconciliation but then states she won't initiate talks, clearly she only cares about imposing her western tyranny on us.

As for Kyo Empire, that was the Ryeo Dynasty who we overthrew and exiled after irreconcilable differences occurred. That same family runs Yingdala today under the guise of the Sun Clan-who they are now pursuing alliance with strangely enough. Taeyang Dankuk has never declared war on another nation in its entire history(we did send support a faction in bianjie in Hopes a quick end to the war would end the genocide there-suffice to say organizational difficulties prevented such and we pulled out). The new Taeyang Empire is entirely different from that Ryeo tyranny we disposed of-our empire is home to many nations and we live in harmony and peace with each other, at this present time we are making efforts to preserve Draddwyr culture which suffered heavily from Kazulian invasion. Have we genocides Kazuls? No. Have we genocides Westerns? No. Have we banned political participation of nonkyo in politics? No. Many have to ask where this supposed tyranny of Taeyang is. It clearly only exists In minds of Kazulian National Socialists and their new buddies the treacherous Ryeo. If kazulia wants reconciliation they MUST abandon their racism against the Kyo minjok.

June Sung
Correspondent for Nationalist News Network

Sang Bagong makes many trips overseas under orders from the Honourable Yeonguijeong Prince Tae Kyo.
March 18, 4387
Taeyangsudo, Dankuk

Sang Bagong Minister of Finance

Considering the recent economic developments, The Office of the Prime Minister has concluded it important to send the Minister of Finance to various nations to draft a series of new economic trade agreements. Exactly who these treaties are with is a closely guarded secret of the government it seems the Prime Minister is hopeful regarding the outcome of these new developments.

Imperial Capital holds Festival to celebrate Marriage of Princess Yong Tam Hee of Dankuk and Lord Ishida Kenjiro of Sekowo.

Traditional dancers on Palace Grounds

A happy occasion is taking place in Dankuk as Imperial Palace opens its gates to the public to celebrate the marriage of two young people in love. In the festival includes songs sung by Princess Yeong herself, who's mother is Kami of Kyo-Pop. Featured will also be Bansori practitioners and traditional court dances.

Yeonguijeong Prince Tae Kyo, one of the world's most reclusive leaders, observes festivities
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Thu May 03, 2018 11:08 am

Dankuk National News Organization
For the People,By the People
April 3rd 4386

Dankuk Stock Market Makes Small Recovery
Today the Dankuk Stock Market has made a small recovery. Although still down from before the sanctions,the stock market has recovered slightly. The stocks in multiple companies including those in oil,energy and construction,have increased slowly over the past couple of months. These increases have reassured some investors in the market and many economic analyst agree that this trend could continue if no more sanctions are levied against Dankuk.
Dankuk Wishes to Begin Discussions with Kazulia
Today the Foreign Ministry,at an international press conference,announced its intention to speak with Kazulian diplomats in a conference.
The following was the statement made by the foreign ministry:
The sanctions placed against Dankuk are very crippling to our economy and the tensions in the region is too great. We wish to openly discuss issues affecting both nations and there people and see if we can come to an agreement about settlements and solutions. And if they do not wish for this conference it will show these acts were made out of malicious intent and they simply wish for the downfall of Dankuk

This conferences location is yet to be set however it will take place in Dovani.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Sat May 05, 2018 12:58 am

Dankuk National News Organization
For the People,By the People
May 25th 4388
Dankuk Stock Market Stalls
After 2 years of economic downturn and depression,the Stock Market has stabilized significantly. However the stock market is still far below what it was before. This is expected to stay the same as Kazulia has left a conference to end sanctions on Dankuk. The sanctions are expected to stay the same and continue to stay in place. Multiple companies have suggested that Dankuk start selling more to other nations
Owner of Dankuk Oil, Mohammed Lucila Arai,has stated this:
I believe that if Dankuk were to expand sales to other nations this economic downturn will end. If they expand sales to nations such as those in Majatra and Seleya then we could succeed. However I believe they won’t do so because they are blinded by Imperial ambition and tradition. If it were up to me I would expand sales. However I believe they just won’t do so. If they do however we could get a huge boost in sales and revenue.

Dankuk Military Shrinks Size
Today two bills have been passed by the Imperial Senate. The first of these bills was a decrease in military size. This bill has decreased the size of the army,Air Force,and Navy. This includes a decrease of troop numbers from 130,000 to 50,000. The Ministry of Defense has stated the following:
Due to Kazulia no longer being a threat to Dankuk and her people,we have decided it best to cut the number of her military. We no longer require this large of a military and it is a waste of tax payer dollars that we could spend on industry or education

The second of these billswas to cut 100 billion dollars from the defense budget and to instead reinvest 50 billion into both Industry and Trade and Education. The Ministry of Trade have stated that this was to counter Kazulian Sanctions on Dankuk. The Ministry of Education have stated that Dankuk education is much more important than expanding the Dankuk military.
Dankuk To Cut All Ties to Kazulia
Today the Imperial Palace has announced that they will shut off all communication to Dankuk excluding messages from the president or emergency messages. They also announced they were withdrawing all diplomats from Kazulia and shutting down its consulate in Kazulia. This is due to Kazulia sanctions and there subsequent leaving of a conference surrounding these sanctions. The Imperial Palace has stated that they no longer wish to talk with Kazulia. However the Imperial Palace has demanded that all Anti-Kazulia propaganda issued by the government to be put to an end. This is reportedly due to the fact that the Imperial Palace does not wish to give Kazulia any attention. Dankuk has also ended all travel to and from Kazulia. Any Kazulian tourist in the nation have been requested to leave or be deported.
We will keep you updated
Last edited by Yolo04 on Fri May 25, 2018 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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