Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby RedReaper » Sun May 06, 2018 6:31 pm

Republican Party Formed, Seeks To Return Hulstria and Gao-Soto To Normal After Government Collapse

After months of turmoil following the collapse of the Hulstrian government, a new party has seized power and seeks to turn Hulstria and Gao-Soto into a Federal Republic. The Republican Party, formed during the last days of the Reform Party government, has gained large amounts of popular support in recent weeks, with polls suggesting their is large scale popular support for an end to the twin monarchies.
The formal Act which will establish the Federal Republic of Hulstria and Gao-Soto is set to pass unanimously on the 2nd June 4389. Republican leader, Julius Stuhr had this to say of the Act's passing;

The people of Hulstria and Gao-Soto have for too long waited for the modernisation of our political executive that they deserve. The whims of the two royal families are not worth the time and money of the Hulstrian people. May this constitutional amendment set Hulstria and Gao-Soto on the correct course to a future far more desirable.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby RedReaper » Mon May 07, 2018 9:50 pm

First Federal Election Held, Republican Julius Stuhr elected Federal President

The first ever federal elections have been held today on the 7th August 4389, with the Republican Party winning all seats in the Federal Diet and Council, as well as the presidency. This comes as a historic day in Hulstrian history, a nation which for so long has had a monarchistic form of government, which is now, finally a Presidential Republic.
Federal President Stuhr, had this to say of the historic occasion;

Today the people of Hulstria and Gao-Soto have demonstrated their rights as citizens of this great nation, to elect a head of state for the first time in almost 300 years. May the election today be regarded as a new beginning for Hulstria, one of responsible government, by the people and for the people, in accordance with modern progressive values.

However, there has been some criticism of the elections amongst monarchist elements within the country, many touting the low turn out for the election as a sign of general monarchist tendencies within the populous. Only time will tell if new political parties rise to reestablish the monarchy once more.

President Weighs in On Massa Plan, Supports Istalian President

The newly elected Federal President, in a recent interview with the Chronik, stated that he supports the Istalian President's position on negotiations. After being asked what Hulstria's policy concerning the Saridan-Hawu Mumendes crisis shall be, President Stuhr stated;

I believe that President Massa has the right idea. Regimes such as Saridan can be disarmed not only by force, but also by negotiation. A war in Seleya would be disastrous for all sides, and for Terra as a whole. Any negotiation which limits violence, while also decreasing the negative impacts of Saridan's racial policies, must be supported.

When asked about the position Hawu Mumendes is taking, Stuhr said;

The Sovereign Lands Group has its heart in the right place, but it needs to think very clearly about what effects its aggressive policies could have on the people suffering under Saridan's Apartheid regime. In a hostage situation, negotiation is key, sometimes storming the building guarantees civilian deaths, even if the perpetrators are killed. The Saridan situation is the perfect case of where invasion would simply lead to genocide. Better to limit casualties than take a large step with serious ramifications. Their threatening of Istalia in this is also an incredibly dangerous move, one which could turn a small scale conflict into a global disaster.

When asked about the number of refugees, and where they could go, Stuhr stated;

These things are up to negotiation. However, the government of Hulstria and Gao-Soto is willing to help in anyway it can.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby CCP » Mon May 07, 2018 11:05 pm

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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby RedReaper » Wed May 09, 2018 1:21 am

Hulstrian Troops Take Part In Exercise Titianaboa
Hulstrian Troops as OPFOR during Exercise Focus

Hulstrian Troops of the Federal Armed Forces have taken part in a major multinational Northern Council exercise in Lourenne, codenamed Exercise Titianaboa. Hulstrian troops took part in joint operations working with troops from other Northern Council nations, in what is set to be the largest military exercise carried out by the NC to date. Around 5000 Hulstrian troops took part. Training involved live-fire exercises, mountain and urban warfare infantry manoeuvres and aerial reconnaissance, as well as surface and submarine warfare manoeuvres.
Defence Minister Heine Geyer stated in a recent press release that;

Hulstria's involvement in Titianaboa is not only meant as a demonstration of our nations commitment to the Northern Council Treaty, but also to show that the Northern Council, our Bundesheer included, is not to be messed with on the Terran stage. Our cooperation is a spit in the eyes of the enemies of peace.

The Defence Minister reiterated Hulstria's beliefs on the importance of military cooperation between free nations;

Military cooperation is the most vital component of defence policy in Hulstria, and globally. In order to put up a united defence against terror and oppression, military's across the free nations need to work together to ensure their nations are collectively defended. The Northern Council is of key importance to peace in Hulstria, but also across Terra.

Hulstrian Troops During Laser Training Exercise

Stuhr Replies To Hawu Mumenhes, Declares Hakim Doctrine ''Naive Fantasy''

After a recent back and forth between Federal President Stuhr and Hawu Mumenhes Foreign Minister Turner concerning the necessity of an intervention into Saridan; inwhich Stuhr expressed concerns over the possibility of genocidal actions being carried out by Saridan in retaliation to acts of aggression; the President has come out against Minister Turner's use of the Hakim Doctrine as a defence of his government's intervention in the region.

I must begin by thanking Minister Turner for his expression of congratulations over my electoral success. The democratic principles which have been applied in Hulstria and Gao-Soto as well as in Hawu Mumenhes are ones which fill every heart in both nations with hope. However, I must add that in order to experience the true freedom that democracy has to offer it tends to help if you are not dead.

The Hawu Mumenhes' intervention, although carried out with the best intentions as all will agree, carries with it the possibility of colossal civilian loss of life, regardless of their governments idealistic vision. The Saridani regime will stop at nothing to retaliate against any act of aggression, and when they can't strike Hawu Memenhes' troops they will simply strike who they regard as their true enemies; their own civilians. A genocide in my mind, is likely if this infernal conflict does not cease at once.

An even greater threat than this is the possibility of a direct confrontation between Istalia and the intervention force. Hawu Mumenhes have on numerous occasions declared Istalian warships in the combat zone as legitimate targets for attack. Such an act of aggression could have far reaching repercussions across the whole of Terra, and could cause a humanitarian catastrophe on a scale a hundred times greater than even the worst case scenario in Saridan.

I am under the impression that it is time for the Hawu Mumenhes government to forget the naive fantasy of the Hakim Doctrine, a Doctrine which however hard they try will not be implemented, and begin to strive for peace and reconciliation in the region. They should take the lesser evil of negotiating with the Saridani Regime, rather than march the whole world into a conflict nobody can predict the conclusion of. I do believe, and hope that they will change their mind on this issue. To that end only time will tell.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby RedReaper » Wed May 09, 2018 1:43 am

President Stuhr Condemns Recent Developments In Dorvik, Decries State Violence And Rise in Extremism

Following the recent shocking developments in Dorvik, President Stuhr has condemned the violence, and calls on both the World Congress and the Northern Council to intervene in the situation before it escalates.

All citizens of Hulstria and Gao-Soto have been shocked today at the violence which has erupted in our Brother Country, Dorvik.

The attacks carried out by the State on civilians are simply unnerving, as is the extreme nature of these attacks. The use of artillery shells against protesters is an International War Crime, one which should be placed under direct investigation by the World Congress.

We also call on other members of the Northern Council to support us in our universal condemnation of the extremism on display, and act with us in helping to ensure peace and stability to the Dorvik nation.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby RedReaper » Sun May 13, 2018 10:52 am

Hulstrian Bundesheer Joins NC Intervention In Bianjie
Hulstrian Scouts on Patrol outside Mo Ching International Airport

Federal President Stuhr initiated Hulstrian military operations in Bianjie today as part of a joint task force involving Kazulian and Lourennais troops. 10,000 Hulstrian military personnel have been transported to the NC base of operations at Mo Ching International Airport. The Hulstrian Air Force will also be coordinating with Kazulia to provide air support for NC intervention forces in the region.

Stuhr, in a press release; declared war on Bianjie and support for the Northern Council intervention;
The Bianjie dictatorship must be crushed to ensure the territorial integrity of all the nations of Dovani. The regime must be eliminated and peace restored to the continent. Hence Hulstria and Gao-Soto has issued a declaration of war to the Bianjie regime, and has transferred a total of 10,000 military personnel to support Northern Council intervention operations.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby RedReaper » Wed May 23, 2018 7:49 pm

Federal Government Proposes Widespread Ballistic Missile and Space Surveillance Program
The proposed radar stations shall be placed at strategic locations across Hulstria and Mikuni
Space Surveillance Facility, Kazulia

The federal government in conjunction with the Northern Council and Department of Defence, has proposed a bill that will establish large scale ballistic missile detection and space surveillance systems in the Hulstria-Mikuni Federal Republic. This policy aims to ensure the Northern Council's stated aim of providing security for the Northern Hemisphere of Terra.

These surveillance stations shall be placed at strategic locations throughout Hulstria, and shall work in conjunction with similar stations in Kazulia and Lourenne in order to provide a united missile defence network for Dovani and the rest of Northern Terra. Defence Minister Heine Geyer heralded this bill as;

the beginning of a new age of peace and security in Terra, fostered in great part by the Northern Council Organisation.
Last edited by RedReaper on Thu May 31, 2018 9:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Fri May 25, 2018 11:22 am

Republican Party Loses Ground in National Opinion Polls
As more political parties begin to emerge, is the decade-long dominance of the Republican Party drawing to a close?

President Reimann in Flieder earlier this week.

For President Freya Reimann, last year's Federal Election must seem like a distant memory. After replacing Julius Stuhr as leader of the Republican Party in early 4397, she led the Republicans to an historic victory; for the third time, the party swept all 500 seats in the Bundestag and received all but a handful of protest votes in the presidential election. Eighteen months later, the Republican Party's dominance in Hulstria and Goa-Soto has begun to wane as new parties begin to challenge its claim to be the 'natural party of government'.

The most recent opinion poll published by the Chronicle, puts the Republicans on 53%. The Centre Party is on 17% followed by the Party of Friendship on 16% and National Renewal on 4%. Meanwhile, support for the VRU, an alliance of independence-supporting parties, is proving difficult to gauge given that its support is spread unevenly across the country. However, recent poll results show the party averaging around 10%. The true extent of these parties support will be seen in the coming months when a number of by-elections are scheduled to be held. Speaking to the Chronicle earlier today, Centre Party leader and ex-air force pilot Tobias Strenz had this to say:
Naturally, I am pleased with the direction that our party is taking. We have seen a dramatic increase in support over the last six months and have welcomed over 10'000 new members. However, the next election is still three years away and we will be doing all that we can to ensure that we maintain this extraordinary momentum. A win, or even a strong second-place showing in any of the upcoming by-elections, will certainly help to do that.

Political analysts believe that the Republican Party faces its greatest hurdle in the constituency of Kien Bankside, where the Centre Party is fronting local business owner Julia Weiss. A strong victory for any of the opposition parties here would certainly dent Republican confidence that they could win an outright majority in 4401, let alone maintain a two-thirds supermajority.

Jochen Ernst, Political Correspondent
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Sun May 27, 2018 12:16 pm

Tobias Strenz Re-elected as Centre Party Chairman
Following the party's success in last month's Kien by-election, Strenz cements his leadership.

Strenz during a tour to Kien. Could this young and charismatic politician make it to the top?

Tobias Strenz won re-election as chairman of his Centre Party on Tuesday with 100% of votes cast by 897 party delegates, giving him a major boost as he seeks to establish the party as a major political force in the country. With less than two years to go until the next federal election, Strenz has successfully positioned the Centre Party as a viable alternative to the incumbent Republican administration. Indeed, his party's strong victory in last month's Kien Bankside by-election has dented Republican hopes of winning an overall majority in 4401, as support for President Reimann continues to wane. Strenz now has a further two years to widen its support base beyond that of university-towns and middle-class suburbs; doing so would not only increase his chances of winning for seats in the Bundestag, but could also give Strenz a real possibility of winning the presidency itself.

However, the young, ex-air force officer will need to be proactive in order to achieve his ambitions. The emergence of other political parties means that opposition to the Republicans is becoming increasingly fractured - forming an alliance with any one of them would certainly be a sensible manoeuvre. However, Strenz has spoken of his wish to avoid the emergence of tribal politics, with left-wing and right-wing parties banding together at the exclusion of others. Whatever position Strenz does take, it is clear is that the Centre Party looks set to stay.

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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby RedReaper » Mon May 28, 2018 12:52 pm

Geyer Warns of Intervention in Egelion
The Defense Minister reiterates Hulstria and Mikuni's Commitment to Intervene if Necessary to Halt "Trigunian Aggression"

Geyer Briefs the Press at Department of Defense. Could War be Just Over the Horizon?

Republican Defense Minister Heine Geyer in a recent Press Briefing reiterated Hulstria and Mikuni's commitment to necessary intervention, warning of the possibility of military action in Egelion. The Minister also directly attacked Trigunian actions in the region, saying it was necessary for Hulstria and the rest of the Northern Council to halt their "Aggression".

The speech has so far divided public opinion as anticipation of a possible military confrontation with Trigunian backed rebels sparks fears of an escalation with the waning superpower in the West. President Riemann in a press release to the Chronicle stated;

We must not let terror and the threat of violence prevent us from defending the sovereignty and democratic rights of Egelion, and of all free nations of Terra. When the North is threatened, Hulstria must answer the call.

With the conflict in our Western neighbour escalating and as the latest election season gets closer and closer, only time will tell if such talk leads to conflict, and how that conflict will effect local and regional politics.

Jochen Ernst, Political Correspondent
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