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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sun May 06, 2018 8:12 pm


Election 4389: Can Extremism Sweep The Nation? // DNS
April 2nd, 4389

Above: Petra Menager, leader of the NPU, thinks extremism is all too much.

One key question this year is 'how angry are people?'. Anger is a key determiner in whether people start to look to extreme solutions for their problems. The rate of poverty in Dorvik is one of the world's lowest, and incomes are at an all-time high, but there is a large amount of the population that does not feel like it lives in the world's fourth most powerful economy, and it's second greatest military. These people fall into three groups: highly-educated young people, filled with a sense of moral outrage at the injustices of the world; extremely religious rural people, mainly elderly but generally of all ages; the poorest parts of society, poverty-stricken or otherwise downtrodden. The first group seems to be drifting towards communism, to fix the blinding inequalities of Terra, the second drifts to fascism as their culture seems to fade away to globalism, the third is increasingly anarchistic and resentful of a government who have failed them.

It's fair to say Dorvik is a place of astounding wealthy and international connections. Many of the world's most powerful companies call it their home, and Dundorfian has become a world prestige language through Dorvik, not through Dundorf. However, this open approach has caused a great number of reactionaries - the Schwartz family, the history of right-wing parties - to emerge and to set up base camp in Dorvik. This is of direct result to the increasingly out-looking nature of Dorvik, meaning many traditionalists are feeling increasingly like they're having to give up their culture to make way for somebody's else's. This is leading to the rise in far-right politics, particularly fascism, in Dorvik today. Similarly, the government's increasing power and control over state economics and internal policy have led to another extreme solution: anarchism. 'The government is too much', they say - too much as in it exists!

Despite all of the fracas on the authoritarian right and libertarian wing, the authoritarian left is already peaking at a massive point. 274 members of the Federal Assembly are avowedly communist. Yes, many of their voters are leftists who think communism is better than the right, but they still have fanatical supporters. Young, multicultural people - the very opposite to the far-right - are developing a unique sense of social justice. They see the world as inherently unfair under capitalism, and are seeking to uproot the current system and lead the world to a socialist revolution. It all starts in the bastion of the free-market, Dorvik herself, one of the most clear examples of a working economy that institutes regulatory capitalism. This is not far enough, though, to the communists, who are seeking to have government ownership of industry and complete equality. Critics from the NPU in particular have said this kind of politics 'will lead to suppression of rights'. Will we see that warning born-out?

Written by Ida von Schleizwig, DNS politics correspondent
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Mon May 07, 2018 1:15 pm


Election 4389: Triumph For NBP // DNS

Above: The full results of this year's FA election.

With the full results of this year's election now known, it is clear that the winners of the vote are the NBP. Storming to a 90-seat advantage over their closest rivals, the AAF, the NBP managed to win 232 seats and over 25 million votes by appealing to a mixture of young people who sought to change their economic nature of the nation and older people who wanted a return to the traditional ways. This 'grand coalition' proved unstoppable, with majorities for the party in two states - Miktar and Dorvan - and large tallies in the others. The crowning jewel in the NBP's success was a victory in the presidential election, with Rudolf Mitler beating Reinhardt Frei of the AAF to win a solid second round victory: 54% to 46%. This has given the party a massive mandate to lead with, and a giant number of possibilities to gain and exercise power. The anger of the public vested their trust in a new way.

The NBP were not the only extreme party to succeed in the election, with the AAF also staking out a major position as leaders of the opposition with 145 seats and nearly 16 million votes - winning the key governorships races of Kordusia and Westmark. Young people went out in droves to vote either for a government intervention in inequality or for the government to get out of their lives, two startlingly different responses to the same question: 'what is the role of the government in 4389?'. Youths described as 'revolutionary' at best and 'nihilistic' and worst see the world around them as unfair, and with a growing young population in Dorvik these people showed up to vote and voted for change. Either they saw too little being done and voted NBP, or they saw too much intervention in their lives and voted AAF. The real powerhouse behind this vote was young people, with over 80% of young people voting for the first time in Dorvish history.

Rounding off the top three parties was yet another extremist group - the DKP. Losing 219 seats is far from ideal, but the party remains 55 seats and over 6 million supporters strong. The fact all three of the extremist parties are also the top three tells you all you need to know about voter dissatisfaction, alongside the astonishingly high turnout that nearly peaked at 90%. At the top of the mangled pile of non-extremist parties are the NPU, who got a solid 52 seats and just over 5.6 million voters to support them. The sole female presidential candidate, Petra Menager, came third on the NPU's ticket with New Dorvik support. This puts the NPU in a good position to demand concessions from more extremist parties in return for their support. The remaining results are as follows: NW, 48 seats; VFD, 46; ND, 21. These bottom three still play a key part in the coalition formation process, much like the NPU they can keep the extreme parties in check.

As for the formation of a cabinet, well that's already almost done! Quickly and efficiently, the NBP were able to emerge from smoke-filled back-rooms to say they had came to a deal with the NPU, ND, VFD and NW - all of these smaller parties receiving cabinet positions and propping up the NBP-led government. The NBP's price for this is an agreement to moderate themselves, and not force on any unnecessary drama through the proposal of outwardly communist or fascist bills. So far, all but the VFD have officially voted for it, and it is expected that we will soon hear a VFD statement on the matter in the coming time. As the election results told us, Dorvik is not the place it once was. It has been totally reborn from only a few hundred years ago, and one of the world's most developed countries is now looking for radical solutions to solve issues of inequality, inequity, globalisation and reform. Only time will tell what happens next.

Written by Ida von Schleizwig, DNS politics correspondent
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby elenir1 » Mon May 07, 2018 10:23 pm


The President's Announcement
Pictured above: Rudolf Mitler during the speech.
"People of Dorvik, what we have witnessed during the past months clearly shows that our nation has a big problem, that problem being the Anarchist and Communist Parties. Their search for power threatens the peace and stability that we enjoy in our nation, risking lives simply to get more influence over this nation and its people. The Communist Party and the Anarchist party have both warned me and my party that if we don't collaborate, they will start a civil war in our nation. In response to that I will say, NO, and forever it shall be that answer. I will protect the democracy of our nation with my blood and I will fight off any threat that comes near it. I urge, not only to the followers of my party, but the followers of other parties to step away from the left and their dangerous ideals. May our democracy live, Long live Dorvik!" As the president finished his first presidential speech, some cheered while others booed. In the opinion of the more left leaning part of the National Bolshevik Party, this was a betrayal against the core ideals of the party. The right leaning part had a different opinion, cheering the president as he swore to protect the nation from instability and civil war.

This move by the president will surely ruin any positive relations it had with the left leaning parties of Dorvik. However, this will improve the relations that the National Bolshevik Party has with the center and right wing parties in the nation, an already positive one thanks to the government coalition formed between the NBP and the center parties.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Tue May 08, 2018 1:04 am

GENERAL STRIKE: Civil Disobedience or the Start of a Revolution?

Dorvik has always been a proud vanguard of the free market and conservatism, but the election carried out in June 4389 proves otherwise. The National Bolshevik Party won the elections with 53.93% approval, with the Workers Anarchist Federation following behind with 46.07%. However, these elections were not peaceful ones, as the majority of Dorvik's workers, both from the AAF and the Dorvish Communist Party (DKP) united in the Gewerkschaftskongress or Trade Union Congress, the anarchist headquarters in Haldor, to discuss what the trade unions and most importantly the workers themselves should do to prevent a Fascist state. The Maximist branch of the AAF, known to be more conservative and nationalist, proposed helping the National Bolshevik Party and joining them in the government, while the Autonomist branch, known for their decentralization and libertarianism, decided that a general strike was the only way the revolutionary class could defend themselves. In the end, the Autonomists obtained most of the votes in the congress, and the Generalstreik, or General Strike, had begun.

Lone member of the Revolutionary Militias standing against the police force

What had started as a small group of unhappy teenagers soon became a massive wave of revolutionaries shouting "Break the Chains!", the Federation's motto, while setting up barricades and claiming strategic points in Kordusia's major cities. Radio stations, metro stations, police departments, factories and many other places were completely overrun by the protesters, and the police have had to resort to physical violence in many cases to keep the revolutionaries back.


Some claim that these protests, the General Strike itself, will dissipate in a matter of weeks. But most believe that these actions taken by the AAF, DKP and the NBP will lead to a civil war between the forces of the left and right, and that it is only a matter of "when".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Tue May 08, 2018 9:06 pm

Siege over University of Lissenfeld

Police forces have arrested and killed 52 students from the University of Lissenfeld, Westmark. Considered by many to be the birthplace of the Dorvish Communist Party, the university was taken almost immediately after the Generalstreik was declared, and with help from other protesters and members of the AAF, students have managed to defend themselves inside the building's classrooms and halls.

However, a group of policemen with support of military artillery opened fire over the university this morning, besieging the building and neutralizing protesters. Although a small fight broke out between the students and the police, these were either pushed away or arrested, and the university's grounds have been declared out of bounds for citizens.

Above: Policemen arresting students around the University of Lissenfeld

Roman Stern, Second Lieutenant, says:
These protesters illegaly occupied the University, I believe there is no chance to negotiate with a bunch of criminals and inconformists. If we give them our hand they'll just stab us in the back.

Helga Weissmann, student, says:
Our own rights are being destroyed by acts of violence like these. It is necessary we rise up against this new order that is being imposed to us, or we will risk losing our own liberty.

It is not clear yet if this assault was directed by the Lissenfeld Police Department or by the government, but it will remain as a tragedy in Dorvik's history for years to come.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby NatSocDorvik » Wed May 09, 2018 1:22 am

Return of National Socialist Workers Party?

After many years the NSDAP has seemed to resurface under Leonhard Schünemann who just today gave a fiery two-hour speech where he addressed a crowd of thousands in Haldor.

Leonhard Schünemann giving his speech in Haldor

In his speech, Leonhard Schünemann promised to deport all "undesirables," liquidate all Yidish property and execute all "traitors" to Dorvik. He promised to see the Dorvish through this time of crisis and terror if they only follow him. After the speech, many of the attendants pledged their allegiance to Schünemann.

After the speech, Schünemann stated in a mini-press conference that

If you are tired of politicians that talk and are looking for a politician that acts then I may be your candidate. For far too long we have watched as our great nation has been eroded by Communism, Anarchism, Democracy and overall degeneracy and if you follow me this will end and we shall build a utopia free of the Yidish people and all the corruption they bring. Follow me and the future will once again be in the hands of the Dorvish people.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Wed May 09, 2018 9:35 am

July 4390
The Traditionelle Gerechtigkeitspartei has returned after religious conservative Mathias Blocher requested the Aswalt family for the approval of the revival

The TGP, one of the historic party's of dorvik, has today reemerged in the political arena of Dorvik. Mathias Blocher, a known conservative, asked the Aswalt family for approval before reviving the TGP. The Aswalt family had only 1 condition. Alexander Aswalt would become presidential candidate for the party. Which Blocher agreed to.

The instability we experience at this very moment is very strange for a country like Dorvik. Where are our traditional values? Where is the respect? Where is the Pride we all once had as fellow Dorvish citizens? We need order and we need stability in order to get all of that back. The TGP has always been fighting for a stable Dorvik that can deliver justice and will defend our traditional values. It is time for our nation to return to its core again. To return to better times. Extremism is not the answer. Tradition and Justice is!

Said Mathias Blocher during the press conference that announced the revival of the party. Blocher will become the new party president and has already announced the TGP will immediately propose reforms that "shall bring Dorvik back to its core and its traditional values"

TGP President Mathias Blocher during the announcement of the party's revival

Many respond with hope on the revival of this historically big party in the hopes that it will bring the much needed stability to the nation. But will it become as big as it did before? Will the TGP actually stop a civil war and further civil unrest? Only time will tell.

Meanwhile Blocher calls upon all party's to "come back to sense" and find a solution for the growing unrest.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Wed May 09, 2018 4:21 pm


Menager: 'Extremists Should Be Prepared For The Roof To Cave In' // DNS

Above: Petra Menager

This has been one of the most hectic times in Dorvish political history. A deal struck between the NBP and the centrist parties has collapsed, and now the National Bolshevik Party, the Worker's Anarchist Federation and the Dorvish Communist Party have formed Terra's most left-wing government, with 432 of the 551 seats currently occupied being held by this extremist government. The cabinet, filled with far-left officials, is 85% male and fronted by the AAF. It is likely to serve the remainder of the four-year term, and has the ability to change the constitution. This will undoubtedly be the most left-wing time in the history of Dorvik, with the constitution to be changed to make Dorvik a far-left, socialist state - and many of the nation's policies to be reformed in the image of communist-socialist ideology. A dark day for the right and the centre, indeed, the darkest in their history.

Despite this, the situation is not hopeless for the centre. The government's approval rating is less than 1% among people who didn't vote for a governing party, and even within those parties is barely above water. The governments general approval rating is extremely low, the lowest in millennia. Many of the far-right voters who voted for the NBP feel utterly betrayed, and protests have sprung up across Dorvik in the largest spontaneous set of protests in decades. While the NBP remains a very socially conservative party, and extremely dominant, it is increasingly left-wing economically, which will cost it in many areas of its heartlands. Many anarchist supporters also feel deeply failed, as a party they thought founded on the principal of being against authoritarianism has now embraced and coalesced with the two most authoritarian parties of the past few centuries.

Amongst this chaos, leader of the NPU Petra Menager has taken the role as leader of the opposition. She admits it will take many years to undo the constitutional changes, if she ever can, but Menager is refusing to give up. "We are seeing an axis of the most potent evil form against democracy and liberty," she told DNS corespondents, "and these extremists should be prepared for the roof to cave in, because they're going to see 3 years of protest and civil disobedience". Menager also stressed the need for a unification of non-extremists: "the NPU is the only party that can stand up to these extremists, we reject aristocracy and meaningless traditionalism while simultaneously rejecting socialism and dangerous authoritarian leftism". Many expect if an election was held today the results would be very, very different - the government has not even yet announced why it came to this agreement to join together, and so most are calling it a 'coup d'état'.

In spite of the giant mountain that the centre will have to climb, it seems Menager is willing to wait. "We have a load of extreme right parties, blaming all of the world's problems on people of other races and looking to aristocracy and racism for help - they're failures and charlatans and they'll be a stain in the history books," blasted Menager, referring to the new parties on the block representing the far right, "and we have a load of extreme left parties, blaming all of the world's problems on rich people and looking to anti-democratic socialism for help - they're fools and monster and they'll be a footnote in Dorvik's timeline". Such blasting rhetorical indicates a massive and unparalleled move of the extreme centre against both wings of extremism. "It's all about getting our message out there, about disrupting extremism at every turn," says Menager, "it may take decades, but we will defeat extremism".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby elenir1 » Thu May 10, 2018 12:13 am


Split in the National Bolshevik Party

Pictured above: The left leaning parts of the NBP marching in support for the new leadership
"We have betrayed our basic fundamentals, the coalition with the center is something only a Yidish controled party would try to form. We strayed away from our allies while getting closer to what we defined as the enemy. For that, I call for all the supporters of this party to oppose Rudolf Mitler, without him we shall lead Dorvik to the Socialist utopia it was destined to be, without any degeneracy and where capitalism doesn't sell the nation's culture and people." These words by Franz von Fernand caused what is now known as the NBP split. While Rudolf Mitler controls the presidency, with the support of the more right leaning part of the National Bolshevik Party, Franz von Fernand controls the parlament side of the party, with the support of the left leaning side of the party. Both sides have recognized themselves as the true sucessor of the NBP, while portraying the other side of the party as the stray one.

With this split in 2, it is expected that the party will drastically lose support in the next election. However, for now, the new leadership will enjoy the success that was experienced in the last election. The new left leaning side of the party has also established new coalitions with the left leaning parties of Dorvik. Enthusiasm is high within the NBP lines, as it seems their goal to establish an anti capitalist regime will finally come to life.
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