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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Thu May 10, 2018 6:38 pm

FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Si è svolto tra il 30 marzo e il 2 aprile il Congresso Nazionale del Fronte Democratico, il 4° dalla sua fondazione.
L'Assemblea era chiamata a votare la nuova lista di candidati Democratici, il rimpiazzamento della Vicepresidente Flo, decidere se unirsi al "Fronte Popolare" e interrogazioni varie della minoranza FD alla maggioranza.
il 30 marzo l'Assemblea del FD approva con 200 voti favorevoli la nuova lista dei candidati Ministri del FD, essa è così composta:
Presidente del Consiglio: Giovanni Piacente
Interni: Mattia Renzo
Esteri: Lucio Vero Rosso
Finanza: Pier Antonio Bersanio
Difesa: Umberto Maresi
Giustizia: Naomi El-Saledin
I&T: Graziana Amazzoni
H&SS: Duchessa Giuliano
E&C: Alessandro Galimberti
S&T: Giuseppe Giusta
F&A: Beatrice Solzotto
E&T: Lucrezia Gnasso
T&I: Paolo Carletto
Il 31 marzo l'assemblea ha votato per eleggere il Vice-Presidente visto che Flo si è dimessa per delle incomprensioni con il Presidente Piacente. La votazione si è svolta in 2 turni:
- Mattia Renzo: 67 voti - PASSA AL SECONDO TURNO
- Nicolò Vero Rosso: 65 voti - PASSA AL SECONDO TURNO
- Paolina Vecelle: 41 voti
- Giuseppe Giusta: 27 voti
2° turno:
- Mattia Renzo: 104 voti - ELETTO
- Nicolò Vero Rosso: 96 voti
Il 2 aprile si è votato circa l'invito del PCI all'entrata del FD nel "Fronte Popolare", nel dibattito che ha preceduto il voto l'Assemblea si è "spaccata" in 3 poli: i Liberali, che non vogliono assolutamente il FD all'interno del FP, i "Rossiani" (che fanno riferimento al figlio di Lucio Vero Rosso, Nicolò Vero) che optano per un referendum tra gli iscritti ed infine la "Sinistra Dem",guidata da Bersanio, che vuole fortemente questa entrata dei Democratici nel Fronte Popolare. Su richiesta di circa 50 membri èstato modificato l'ordine del giorno da: "Vuoi che il Fronte Democratico entri ufficialmente a far parte del Fronte Popolare?" a "Vuoi che gli iscritti del FD, tramite referendum, siano autorizzati a decidere sull'entrata del FD in FP?"
Sì: 102
No: 98
Il Presidente Piacente, preso atto del voto, ha decretato la data del 22 agosto 4391 come data del Referendum.
FLORENZA, PADAGNA - The National Congress of the Democratic Front took place between March 30 and April 2.
The Assembly was called to vote on the new list of Democratic candidates, the replacement of Vice President Flo, decide whether to join the "Popular Front" and various questions of the FD minority to the majority.
on March 30, the FD Assembly approved the new list of FD Ministers candidates with 200 votes, as follows:
President of the Council: Giovanni Piacente
Interior: Mattia Renzo
Foreign Affairs: Lucio Vero Rosso
Finance: Pier Antonio Bersanio
Defense: Umberto Maresi
Justice: Naomi El-Saledin
I & T: Graziana Amazzoni
H & SS: Duchess Giuliano
E & C: Alessandro Galimberti
S & T: Giuseppe Giusta
F & A: Beatrice Solzotto
E & T: Lucrezia Gnasso
T & I: Paolo Carletto
On March 31, the assembly voted to elect the Vice-President as Flo resigned due to misunderstandings with President Piacente. The vote took place in 2 rounds:
1st round:
- Mattia Renzo: 67 votes - GO TO THE SECOND ROUND
- Nicolò Vero Rosso: 65 votes - GO TO SECOND ROUND
- Paolina Vecelle: 41 votes
- Giuseppe Giusta: 27 votes
2nd round:
- Mattia Renzo: 104 votes - ELECT
- Nicolò Vero Rosso: 96 votes
On April 2, the vote was voted on the invitation of the PCI to the entry of the FD in the "Popular Front", in the debate that preceded the vote the Assembly has "split" in 3 poles: the Liberals, who absolutely do not want the FD within the FP, the "Rossiani" (who refer to the son of Lucio Vero Rosso, Nicolò Vero) who opt for a referendum between the members and finally the "Dem Left, led by Bersanio, who strongly wants this entry of the Democrats in the Popular Front. At the request of about 50 members, the agenda was modified from: "Do you want the Democratic Front to officially become part of the Popular Front?" to "Do you want the members of the FD, through referendum, are authorized to decide on the entry of the FD in FP?"
Yes: 102
No: 98
The President Piacente, having taken note of the vote, decreed the date of 22nd August 4391 as the date of the referendum.
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Jervoy Tyson » Fri May 11, 2018 6:25 am


THE PNI-NATIONALIST PARTY OF ISTALIA is once again in the eyes of the stakeholders & public.Back with the emergence PNI is expecting to gain a lot of popularity and support from the public.
Party's newly elected Chief Yawar Khalid explained all what it took to happened after a long break from the Parliament,
Yes,we knew it.We were sure that we'll rise once again and there's a lot to come more.I'll explain what led PNI to stay out of Parliament for so long but now its a new start.Its just the beginning of new era.We are going to be stronger than ever

Corriere reached out to major the members of the PNI and all were enthusiastic about the new start.Long queues of general public were waiting for their leader to deliver a new historical speech.
Old and new leadership sitting on the same stage gave a strong message to all the Rival parties that there are no differences among the leadership.
PNI is going to give tough times to all the coalitions.We'll bury them forever.
said the anti liberal &popular front leader and former Secretary General of PNI,Federigo Eder
Corriere took the opportunity & asked the Central Information Secretary,Farooq Ahsan that whether there is a possibility that some other parties may join PNI
very very strong
said Farooq while standing in the roaring and waving crowd.
Corriere analyzed that along with the PNI many more parties are to come & emerge in national poltics.PNI led coalition in past gave tough times to the coalitions in the Parliament.They are again ready to come back in the Parliament with greater force.
Jervoy Tyson
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Fri May 11, 2018 5:38 pm

I risultati del referendum sull'entrata del FD nel FP sono i seguenti:
SI': 541.887 - 51,53%
NO: 509.768 - 48,47%
Il Presidente Piacente ha già annunciato che nei prossimi giorni perverrà al Fronte Popolare la richiesta ufficiale di entrata del Fronte Democratico nella nuova Coalizione. Dopo questa formalità il nome del partito subirà una modifica: da "Fronte Democratico - I.p.I." a "Fronte Democratico - F.D.".
Il Direttorio del FD ha approvato la direttiva del Presidente con 5 voti a favore, l'unico contrario è stato il neo-Vicepresidente Renzo.
The results of the referendum on the entry of the FD into the FP are as follows:
YES: 541,887 - 51.53%
NO: 509,768 - 48.47%
President Piacente has already announced that in the coming days the official request for entry of the Democratic Front into the new Coalition will reach the Popular Front. After this formality the name of the party will undergo a change: from "Democratic Front - I.p.I." to "Democratic Front - F.D.".
The Directory of the FD approved the President's directive with 5 votes in favor, the only opposite was the new Vice-President Renzo.
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
Posts: 52
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Fri May 11, 2018 9:55 pm

Organo del Partito Comunista d'Istalia - Anno XIX | October the 31th of 4391


Ritrovato il corpo di Ernesto Revara nel bagagliaio di una Fiat Rossa. Il Presidente Massa: "Un tragico momento per la nostra democrazia."

Ernesto Revara's corpse found inside a red Fiat. President Massa: "A tragic moment for our democracy."

The Revara's corpse

After eleven months of kidnapping, the sick and thin body of Ernesto Revara has been found this morning inside one red Fiat, near the Romula's section of the Communist Party. Immediately, the news shocked the entire istalian country. The Red Brigate, after a 'popular process', decided for the execution of the ex communist secretary. With their usual message, the terrorists menaced the istalian democracy, saying that this is just the first act of a 'popular revolution aimed to bring the workers to power'. Communist secretary Hoxha immediately came to witness the finding of the Revara's corpse: "We were waiting this tragic moment from many months. The Red Brigate intentions became clearer every day during this long wait: Istalia lost one of its greatest leaders, but is already working to answer to terrorism with the weapons of democracy. Real communism is confrontation, real communism is discussion, real communism is justice, false communism spreads blood and injustice." President Massa, announcing the state funerals for mr. Revara, declared: "Today we came to a turning point in the Istalian history. We already are on the road that will lead us to the discovering of the red thallerist bases in all Istalia. This is the act that the terrorists should've never done: they not only have the hatred of all istalians, but most of all the hatred of all the communists who strive for democracy, who, for example, are the majority of the working class. I have made my condolance to mr. Hoxha and to the Revara's family. Today Istalia is born a second time, at the moment where its institutions suffered the most tragic attack. The Red Brigate, with its insane act, made democracy born again."
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby CCP » Fri May 18, 2018 11:07 am

Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
Movement for Radical Libertarianism, Talmoria
Enarekh Koinonia, Cobura
Sizwe Esintsundu Amandla Inhlangano, Ibutho
Christian Communalist Party, Rildanor
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed May 23, 2018 11:08 am

Istalian Edition
Ministro degli Esteri chiama d'urgenza l'Ambasciatore di Hawu Mumenhes: "pretendiamo delle spiegazioni!"
Simone Calenda, dopo la lunga fase di consultazioni che ha interessato questa legislatura, finalmente può attivarsi a nome del Governo per far fronte agli eventi a largo di Saridan: "siamo molto amareggiati per la sproporzionata risposta militare di Hawu, ma è anche mio dovere mettere ridiscutere la situazione con il Presidente Massa"

ROMULA - Dopo la crisi politica che ha investito l'Istalia causata dalla forte frammentazione delle forze in Parlamento, finalmente il secondo Governo guidato da Sante Vespa-Baldassare si è installato a Palazzo Antinori dopo che il Presidente Massa si è appellato ai partiti per formare un Governo che potesse affrontare la crisi internazionale scaturita nelle acque Saridanesi.

Dunque Simone Calenda (Alleanza Radicale), appena installatosi al Ministero degli Esteri, ha immediatamente chiamato l'Ambasciatore di Hawu Mumenhes in Istalia affinché si rechi al Ministero per rispondere alle domande del Ministro riguardo l'attacco contro una nave della Marina Istaliana da parte delle forze navale di Hawu, una reazione giudicata semplicemente sproporzionata a seguito della delusione del Governo di Nekhatw per il Piano Massa, l'accordo stipulato dal Presidente della Repubblica con il Governo di Saridan per espatriare centinaia di migliaia di cittadini Saridanesi facenti parte delle minoranze discriminate, scambiate con milioni e milioni di lire Istaliane che, come ha denunciato il Governo di Hawu Mumenhes, avrebbe arricchito sostanzialmente le casse del regime di Koeistad.

Il Ministro Calenda ha ribadito che l'azione intrapresa dalle forze armate di Hawu ha seriamente danneggiato le relazioni fino ad oggi più amichevoli tra Romula e Nekhatw, che spingerà l'Istalia a prendere misure diplomatiche in ritorsione all'azione militare come anche a schierare massicciamente le forze della Squadra Navale a difesa delle acque del Mare delle Anime Perdute. Il Ministro, a nome del Governo e del Ministro della Difesa, ha annunciato che nessun vascello istaliano sarà lasciato sprovvisto di una importante scorta, la quale non esiterà a difendere con ogni mezzo possibile i nostri vascelli ed i nostri uomini ivi imbarcati.

Il Ministro Calenda, comunque, ha ribadito che l'obbiettivo principale del suo impegno sarà risolvere le divergenze emerse con Nekhatw per stendere un velo su quello che vuole lasciarsi alle spalle come un caso isolato che non ricapiterà più. Per fare questo, però, il Ministro ha annunciato che dovrà rivolgersi direttamente al Presidente Massa per discutere del Piano da lui proposto. Il Presidente in fatti, come Comandante Supremo delle Forze Militare Istaliane, sembra abbia forzato la mano allo Stato Maggiore affinché si procedesse comunque con l'operazione nonostante il Parlamento si sia espresso da tempo contro la proposta, sulla quale il dibattito però si è arrestato a causa della crisi politica che ha generato i ritardi nella formazione di un nuovo Governo.

Molti però, soprattutto analisti indipendenti e soprattutto le voci più critiche nei confronti del Governo e delle Istituzioni, hanno sottolineato come l'incidente tra le forze navali Istaliane e di Hawu presenta molti punti oscuri, come ad esempio il fatto che l'intero Gruppo Navale inviato nelle acque del Mare delle Anime Perdute abbia lasciato isolata la nave che avrebbe effettuato il pagamento, oppure il fatto che nessun aereo sia stato fatto decollare dalle due portaerei inviate a largo di Saridan o che nessun sottomarino sia intervenuto nonostante lo Stato Maggiore della Marina avesse annunciato che le unità sottomarine avrebbero pattugliato costantemente tutta l'area.
Il Ministro Calenda, incalzato dalle domande, ha invitato i giornalisti a rivolgersi al Ministro della Difesa, scaricando comunque simili dubbi come mere teorie del complotto e che probabilmente l'errore della Marina Istaliana sia stato quello di non credere alla possibilità concreta che Hawu potesse dar seguito alle minacce lanciate all'indomani dell'annuncio del Piano Massa.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Foreign Minister urgently calls the Ambassador of Hawu Mumenhes: "we demand explanations!"
Simone Calenda, after the long consultation phase that has affected this term, can finally take action on behalf of the Government to deal with events near the Saridan's waters: "we are very disappointed at the disproportionate military response of Hawu, but it is also my duty to re-discuss the situation with President Massa"

ROMULA - After the political crisis that has hit Istalia caused by the strong fragmentation of the forces in Parliament, finally the second government led by Sante Vespa-Baldassare installed itself in Palazzo Antinori after President Massa called the parties to form a Government that could face the international crisis arising in Saridan's waters.

So Simone Calenda (Radical Alliance), just installed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, immediately called Hawu Mumenhes' Ambassador in Istalia to go to the Ministry to answer the Minister's questions about the attack on an Istalian Navy ship by the Hawu naval forces, a reaction deemed simply disproportionate following the disappointment of the Government of Nekhatw for the Massa Plan, the agreement signed by the President of the Republic with Saridan's Government to expatriate hundreds of thousands of Saridanese citizens belonging to the discriminated minorities, exchanged with millions and millions of Istalian lira, which, as the Government of Hawu Mumenhes denounced, would have substantially enriched the coffers of the Koeistad's regime.

Minister Calenda reiterated that the action taken by the armed forces of Hawu has seriously damaged relations so far more friendly between Romula and Nekhatw, which will push Istalia to take diplomatic measures in retaliation to military action as well as to deploy massively the forces of the Naval Squadron to defend the waters of the Sea of ​​Lost Souls. The Minister, on behalf of the Government and the Minister of Defense, has announced that no istalian vessel will be left without an important escort, which will not hesitate to defend with every means possible our ships and our men boarded there.

Minister Calenda, however, reiterated that the main objective of his commitment will be to resolve the tensions emerged with Nekhatw to spread a veil on what he wants to leave behind as an isolated case that will not happen again. To do this, however, the Minister announced that he will have to directly address President Massa to discuss the plan he proposed. The President in fact, as Supreme Commander of the Istalian Military Forces, seems to have forced the hand to the Defence Staff to proceed with the operation anyway despite the Parliament has long been against the proposal, on which the debate has stopped because of the political crisis that has generated delays in the formation of a new government.

Many, however, especially independent analysts and especially the most critical voices against the Government and the Institutions, have underlined how the incident between the Istalian and Hawu naval forces presents many obscure points, such as the fact that the entire Naval Group sent to the waters of the Sea of ​​Lost Souls has left isolated the ship that would make the payment, or the fact that no aircraft was taken off the two aircraft carriers sent off of Saridan or that no submarine intervened despite the Navy General Staff had announced that the submarine units would constantly patrol the whole area.
Minister Calenda, urged by the questions, invited journalists to turn to the Minister of Defense, dumping anyway such doubts as mere conspiracy theories and that probably the mistake of the Istalian Navy was not to believe the real possibility that Hawu could follow to the threats launched in the aftermath of the announcement of the Mass Plan.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Wed May 23, 2018 9:34 pm


Just as reported, Massa will not run for another term as President

It is official; as expected, the President's press centre issued a short note in which Antonio Massa announced that he will in fact not run for another term as President and that he has already consulted the leadership of his party a few weeks before issuing the statement and unveiling it to the public. Massa was widely expected to resign, due to his increasing age, stress, lack of motivation and conflicts on the line with the Liberal Democrats.

If that would be the case, Alba Napoleon, the ULD Chairperson, would overtake Vespa-Baldassare as the Party's candidate for Prime Minister

The ULD, however, doesn't seem to be worried; in a short response, the party announced that the first round of the primaries will be held in late December, and that the candidates already registered themselves, and will start going public. Among them is most likely the Prime Minister, Sante Vespa-Baldassare who, with Napoleon's backing, has the victory in his pocket, experts say.

Vespa-Baldassare is seen as the ideal candidate for president; popular and with experience, and with a strongly populist tongue

The "ageless prince", as some call him, due to the fact that, even though he is after his 44th birthday, he looks 20 years younger, and was born as the heir to the largest Political dynasty in Istalia is widely expected to utterly crush his two most likely "serious" opponents, Rashid Arian and Abdul el-Haram. However, the primaries have yet to happen.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Thu May 24, 2018 12:10 pm

Partito Nazionale Democratico combines the nostalgic Purple of the Nationalist Alternativa Istaliana with an all new cast!
Antonio Rosso and Luciano Vespa-Baldassare return to Istalian politics, with a "new" party.

"Il Duce" Antonio Rosso (left, 78) and Vice Leader Luciano Vespa-Baldassare (right, 58) are ready to take on "the big fish".

After a 20 year absence, the purple banners have been raised anew over Viale della Repubblica 2 in Palerno, the former AI HQ. However, now it is the HQ of the all-new PND which is nostalgically led by two very familiar names, Rosso and Vespa-Baldassare. But despite this nostalgia, that is where the obvious similarities with the AI end because unlike the AI, the PND is completely committed to Rossoism, also known as National Democracy (hence the name) which was first introduced back in Gianluigi Rosso's era (Antonio is the great-grandson), which is the complete commitment to Istalia's democratic constitution and the flexibility to compromise, which has been taken further this time, as Antonio has openly declared to be willing to work together with ALL parties, across the whole political spectrum, which he reiterated in the following statement:
Our newly founded party, with the absolutely highest aspirations, is very different from the AI. The only things left from AI days is the youth wing, still called Young Alternative because it would be too costly to re-establish it, the lilac colour, Luciano and myself. Everything else was completely refurbished, even the way we hope to attract new members has been reformed, not to mention the methods of fund acquisition which has killed us last time. Currently, we are the smallest political movement registered for the next elections, with only 1000 permanent members, including the youth wing. Our largest following, as expected, comes from Padagna and in terms demographic we attract some radical young people from the Urban Areas (except Romula) but we mostly attract older, working Istalian men and women with small business. With this tight demographic we hope that in the next elections we will have enough votes to act as kingmaker for a coalition either led by the ULD, or a Nationalist coalition, or even a communist-led coalition which we consider as possible if they consider such a possibility.

Antonio Rosso will be the PND presidential candidate, hoping that his name and reputation will propel him to the second round, which however most analysts deem highly unlikely due to the stigma surrounding the party.

To dissolve the aforementioned stigma, Luciano Vespa-Baldassare, the candidate for Head of Government and future Whip of the party in the chamber of deputies, has talked to us about the new recruitment system:
As you can see, Antonio and I are not the youngest anymore, so we have come up with a system which hopefully will provide the best man for the job. Basically, we have created an online application which would allow anyone to join with a symbolic fee of 1 Lira. The applicant then had to provide evidence of a lack of a criminal record and the applicant must not be a member of a different party at moment of application. Following that, he or she is immediately considered to be a party member, if they are over 18, and a youth wing member, if they are under 18. However, to be considered to be a candidate for a parliament seat, they had to submit an online application with a quick questionnaire and they had to submit a CV and motivation letter. The submissions were controlled by Antonio and myself personally so we have a fantastic cast of people which will run in every region. The best performing candidates will become governors and ministers, at our first party conference after the elections, we will decide on the other permanent leadership members, which will however have to periodically change in order to prevent a political and ideological swamp.

Finally, I also have to wish the best of luck to my nephew Sante, who despite being a poltiical opponent is still family!
Thank you.

Sante is the probable presidential candidate of the ULD and the heir to the currently largest political dynasty in Istalia, spanning across two parties and four generations!
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Thu May 24, 2018 7:24 pm

Istalian Edition
Consiglio Settentrionale e Vanuku: stringere le relazioni per un mondo più sicuro
Il Ministro degli Esteri Calenda sarà presto impegnato con le rispettive controparti dell'altra potenza Majatrana e di Kazulia, nazione leader del Consiglio Settentrionale: "ricostruire e rafforzare le relazioni tra le grandi potenza per incrementare la cooperazione e la sicurezza internazionale"

ROMULA - Si prospettano all'orizzonte dunque ulteriori ed importantissimi impegni per il Ministro degli Esteri che da pochi giorni ha accolto insieme alle altre massime cariche dello stato la delegazione diplomatica di Kazulia ed ha intavolato importanti trattative con il Ministero degli Esteri di Vanuku.

Per quanto riguarda Kazulia e l'organizzazione del Consiglio Settentrionale, Simone Calenda si è mostrato altamente recettivo nei confronti del Governo di Skalm, dando chiaro segno della volontà dell'Istalia di normalizzare definitivamente le relazioni con la potenza nord Dovaniana dopo quella che alcuni hanno definito una delle più prolungate guerre fredde della storia contemporanea.
La rottura con Kazulia giunse addirittura ai tempi del Presidente Tajani (4241-4245), dopo l'azzardata decisione dell'allora Capo dello Stato di procedere con un blocco navale ai danni di Dovani. I segni della rottura definitiva, comunque, erano già da tempo nell'aria a seguito dei sempre maggiori contrasti tra Istalia e Kazulia, specialmente all'interno del Congresso Mondiale, e molti indicarono l'Istalia come il principale responsabile del temporaneo abbandono dell'organizzazione da parte di Skalm che percepiva il Consiglio di Sicurezza come in qualche modo eccessivamente dominato dall'allora attivissima politica interventista di Romula.
I segnali di un riavvicinamento erano infine giunti durante la Guerra contro la dittatura segregazionista Hulstriana, che vide le forze Istaliane e Kazuliane combattere insieme all'interno della coalizione internazionale che abbatté il regime. Da allora le relazioni si erano distese con una timida ripresa delle comunicazioni, anche se in modo piuttosto tiepido e che comunque non permisero una vera normalizzazione.
Con il recente ingresso di Hawu Mumenhes all'interno del Consiglio del Nord, infine, la volontà dell'Impero Esinsundu di non danneggiare le relazioni con Istalia e Kazulia, avendo stipulato da molto più tempo con l'Istalia un'alleanza difensiva, ha spinto la nazione artaniana ad intraprendere azioni diplomatiche finalizzate ad un riavvicinamento tra la potenza Majatrana e quella Dovaniana.
Il Ministro Calenda ha oggi, infine, confermato che l'Istalia è pienamente convinta del fatto che una totale normalizzazioni dei rapporti con Kazulia non potrà che spianare la strada ad una maggiore cooperazione tra il Consiglio Settentrionale e l'Alleanza Majatrana e quindi favorire maggiori sforzi coordinati per garantire sicurezza e pace a livello internazionale come all'interno delle varie nazioni coinvolte.

Altrettante speranze Calenda le ha per le relazioni con Vanuku e sul futuro dell'integrazione majatrana: in Vanuku il dibattito sull'adesione o meno all'Alleanza Majatrana è infatto sbarcato in parlamento dove, nonostante le voci discordanti, quello che è stato riconfermato, con soddisfazione di Romula, è la fede nell'amicizia tra le due potenze Majatrane che tiene dalla seconda metà del secolo scorso.
Calenda ha voluto sottolineare come la Temrkai-Votta Pax, scaturita dal patto di cooperazione, amicizia e pacifica convivenza tra Istalia e Vanuku concretizzatosi dopo la guerra contro l'Hulstria, abbia promosso e garantito quello che molti considerano come il più lungo periodo di pace e stabilità per il continente Majatrano dell'epoca contemporanea.
Calenda si è chiaramente esposto quindi a favore dell'ingresso di Vanuku nell'Alleanza, congratulandosi con la Corona e con i governi che si sono succeduti dopo la caduta della Repubblica per l'impegno messo nel garantire l'affermazione di una monarchia costituzionale che ha cancellato gli estremismi che avevano attanagliato la nazione durante il periodo repubblicano.
Il Ministro, infatti, ha voluto esprimere la propria convinzione nel fatto che se Vanuku dovesse fare questo passo decisivo, ciò non solo promuoverebbe ma garantirebbe ancora molti anni di pace per Majatra e darebbe un impulso ancora maggiore allo sviluppo economico di tutto il continente.
Data la natura di entrambe le nazioni, l'Istalia, visto come il paese leader dell'Alleanza Majatrana, ha invitato il Governo Vanukeano in un dialogo bilaterale per discutere l'eventualità che l'Istalia vede come un vero "briefing" preliminare prima di un futuro dialogo tra Vanuku e l'Alleanza.

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Northern Council and Vanuku: tighten relationships for a safer world
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Calenda will soon be busy with the respective counterparts of the other Majatran power and Kazulia, leading nation of the Northern Council: "rebuilding and strengthening relations between the great powers to increase cooperation and international security"

ROMULA - So, further and more important commitments for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who has recently welcomed the diplomatic delegation of Kazulia with the other highest representatives of the state and has entered important negotiations with the Foreign Ministry of Vanuku.

Regarding Kazulia and the organization of the Northern Council, Simone Calenda has shown to be highly receptive towards the Government of Skalm, giving a clear sign of the will of Istalia to definitively normalize relations with the north Dovanian power after what some have defined one of the most prolonged cold wars in contemporary history.
The break with Kazulia even came at the time of President Tajani (4241-4245), after the risky decision of the then Head of State to proceed with a naval blockade against Dovani. The signs of the definitive rupture, however, had been in the air for some time as a result of the increasing contrasts between Istalia and Kazulia, especially within the World Congress, and many indicated that Istalia was the main responsible for the temporary abandonment of the organization on the part of Skalm who perceived the Security Council as somehow excessively dominated by the then very active interventionist politics of Romula.
The signs of a rapprochement finally arrived during the war against the Hulstrian segregationist dictatorship, which saw the Istalian and Kazulian forces fighting together within the international coalition that overthrew the regime. Since then, relations had spread with a timid resumption of communications, albeit rather lukewarm, and which in any case did not permit true normalization.
With the recent entry of Hawu Mumenhes into the Northern Council, finally, the will of the Esinsundu Empire not to damage relations with Istalia and Kazulia, having signed a defensive alliance with Istalia for much longer, pushed the Artanian nation to undertake diplomatic actions aimed at a rapprochement between the Majatran power and the Dovanian power.
Finally, Minister Calenda has confirmed that Istalia is fully convinced that a total normalization of relations with Kazulia will only pave the way for greater cooperation between the Northern Council and the Majatran Alliance and thus foster greater efforts coordinated to guarantee international peace and security as within the various nations involved.

An equal amount of hope Calenda has for relations with Vanuku and the future of the Majatran integration: in Vanuku the debate on whether or not to join the Majatran Alliance has landed in parliament where, despite the discordant voices, what has been reconfirmed, with Romula's satisfaction, is the faith in the friendship between the two Majatran powers that lasts since the second half of the last century.
Calenda wanted to underline how the Temrkai-Votta Pax, arising from the pact of cooperation, friendship and peaceful coexistence between Istalia and Vanuku which took shape after the war against Hulstria, promoted and guaranteed what many consider as the longest period of peace and stability for the Majatran continent in the contemporary era.
Calenda has therefore clearly expressed itself in favor of Vanuku's entry into the Alliance, congratulating the Crown and the governments came after the fall of the Republic for the commitment made to guarantee the affirmation of a constitutional monarchy that has cancelled the extremism that had gripped the nation during the Republican period.
The Minister, in fact, wanted to express his conviction that if Vanuku were to take this decisive step, this would not only promote but still guarantee many other years of peace for Majatra and would give an even greater impulse to the economic development of the entire continent.
Given the nature of both nations, Istalia, seen as the leader country of the Majatran Alliance, has invited the Vanukean Government in a bilateral dialogue to discuss the this possibility, seen by Istalia as a real preliminary "briefing" before a future dialogue between Vanuku and the Alliance.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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