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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Thu May 10, 2018 7:43 pm


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Royalist Presidential Candidate hopefuls Merv Best (left) and Adriana Woodbury (right)

The Royalist Party has elected the candidate that will represent them in the 4393 presidential election. The constitution of the Royalist Party states that a presidential candidate at least two years prior to an election, with exceptions being made when an early election is called. The primary came down to Adriana Woodbury, the current MP for Acton Groomsbridge and opposition foreign affairs critic, and Merv Best, the CEO and majority shareholder in Best Enterprises, a real estate development and resort company, who had also been a well known member of the former Conservative Party for decades. After the final results were in, Best was elected as the Presidential Candidate with 54.6% of the vote. Best represented the Conservative Caucus in the primary, while Woodbury represented the Progressive Caucus. After the results were in, Best thanked the entire party for having faith in him.

"I would like to thank everyone in this party for having the faith in me to run as their presidential candidate. It is a great honour and privilege. I must thank Adriana Woodbury, as she ran an incredible campaign and I know that she would have made a great president and will someday. Now it is time for our party to be united in taking back this country. We have sat by for too long and allowed socialists to ruin our economy. Thanks to great work from our MPs, and help from the few other sensible parties in the house, we have made strides in fixing the economy. The work is only just getting started though. It is time to turn Hutori back into the economic powerhouse that it once was. Again, I thank everyone for their support. Lets do this!"
~ Merv Best
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Fri May 11, 2018 9:52 pm

New Royalist Conservative Chairman Not Taking it Easy on the Government

Royalist Conservative Caucus Chairman Brett Martin during debate in the House of Parliament

A year into his tenure as Chairman of the Royalist Party Conservative Caucus, Brett Martin has shown that he is not afraid to stand up to the government on policies he does not agree with. Martin, the 23 year old rookie MP says that in order to take his job seriously as the chairman of a caucus in the official opposition, he needs to make sure that the voices of all Hutorians are heard, and not just those that agree with the government. During debate on the Energy Nationalization Bill, which would reverse the decision to privatize energy which was passed as part of Bill R-1, he spoke on how socialist policies have left Hutori in an economic crisis.

"If we listened to the USPH and nationalized absolutely everything as they seem to want to do, we would have the worst economy on Terra and nobody would do business with us. For some reason, the USPH believes socialism will repair our broken economy, yet it was socialism that destroyed it in the first place. I ask all members in this house, including the other parties on the government side to please vote against this bill and send a message to Hutori and all of Terra that we are done with socialism as it has proved to be a cancer to this country."

Martin says he believes that the next election will be one of change, and that Hutorians will voice that they are tired of failed socialist policies of previous governments.

"Hutorians are tired of the same, worn out socialist policies that have made the Hutorian economy the laughing stock of Terra. The last Conservative government under the Rt Hon Aaron Scheer tried their best to fix the economy, but were shut down by socialist parties at every turn. Their own coalition partners in the New National Progress Party would not even support them on many issues. I believe that the next election will be one of change. I have spoken with people in every corner of Hutori, and all of them have told me the same thing, "Brett, we are tired of this. We need a government that will turn this around.". The Royalist Party is ready to be a part of that government. There are parties in Hutori that are committed to fixing our country. In the next election, you will see a new government that is ready to lead. It is time to take this country back."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sat May 12, 2018 2:28 am

Rousseau Slams Chancellor Stevens, Calls for Non-Confidence Vote

"Hutorians do not want a lazy chancellor."

Today, Royalist Leader Pascale Rousseau rose to introduce a non-confidence motion, seeking to dissolve the current government so that the people of Hutori could elect a new chancellor, as he feels that the NNPP have done nothing in their 2 years in power. This was Rousseau's statement on the floor of the house:

"Mr Speaker,

For the last 2 years, this government has had no leadership from its chancellor. The New National Progress Party has sat aside and done nothing except vote on bills while the New Liberal Party has done everything. We believe that as the largest party in the coalition, and the party whose leader is the chancellor of this country, the New National Progress Party should be at the forefront of the government coalition, bringing forward its own ideas while supporting the ideas of their government coalition partners. The NNPP has not done so. Hutorians do not want a lazy chancellor. They want a chancellor who will show true leadership. I hope all parties in this house will vote in favour of this non-confidence motion and call for an early election so that we can elect a chancellor who will show some real leadership."

Afterwards, Rousseau met with reporters and continued his verbal assault on the chancellor.


"I have sat in this house for the last 2 years, having to work with the chancellor's coalition allies to get anything done. The chancellor has done nothing but show up to vote on bills. This may just be the laziest chancellor in the history of this nation. Hutorians are sick of this, and I'm sure his coalition partners are not too happy with having to do all the work either."

Should the non-confidence vote pass, an early election will be held as soon as possible.
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New Liberals Nominate Okafor, Fresh Faces for Federal Office

Postby Sovak111 » Sat May 12, 2018 3:50 am

At their quadrennial conference at the Royal Alexander Hotel in Port Prosperity this week, the New Liberals vowed to create 'a fair, free and liberal Hutori’ and contest a Presidential election for the first time in party history. As the Royalist and Reform Parties push for a vote of no confidence, it came as no surprise that the conference felt more like a campaign nominating convention than a meeting on policy.

The meetings began with New Liberal rising star and Member of Parliament for Axminster South, Peter Knox, calling the meeting to order and listing the successes of the first ever government to include the New Liberal Party. “Regardless of who may be at the top of the ticket,” said Knox, “the New Liberals have taken on leadership roles in this government.” He went on to praise party leaders Pavel Jucewicz, Constance Okafor, and Russell Selwyn, saying “It was our Defense minister who increased military readiness with our allies, it was our foreign minister who hashed out trade deals left and right, it was my friend, our fearless Parliamentary leader who stood up to the racist bullies in the Reform party saying once and for all that a united Hutori is a great Hutori.”

Image: New Liberal MP Peter Knox opens the New Liberal conference

It was Selwyn, and his recent battles with Reform Party Justice Spokesperson Frederick Stanton, that were on the minds of many in attendance. “He has a record of speaking for the voiceless,” said Felicia McGinty a university student at Bishop University attending her first conference, “and I believe him when he says he has our backs!” “He’s had to make hard choices like raising taxes and the retirement age,” said Throne and Altar pensioner Miles Haddington, “but he’s the only one who is willing to do what he thinks is right, regardless of whether it is good for politics.” “[Selwyn arguing with Stanton] is the reason I joined the party,” said New Liberal Parliamentary candidate for St John’s Bay Laura Jennings, “I’ve never seen someone stand up to a bully like Stanton on behalf of the Mashacara before.”

Image: Party Leader Russell Selwyn walks the hallways of the Royal Alexander Hotel during the opening speech

Jennings, the 29-year-old daughter of the chief of the Ehnita Tribe and first-ever New Liberal Mashacara candidate is part of a new wave of young candidates from the party running in districts that traditionally support the Conservative Royalists or the Reform Party. Like Jennings, the majority of the New Liberal candidates for Federal office are under the age of 35. Many are not of Lutheran descent and see themselves as answering the party’s call for a more diverse pool of candidates in their ranks. “It is time for the Mashacara to get off the sidelines, and into the voting booth,” said Jennings, a native of Tremaine who went to St John to start a business after university and never left. Jennings is running to unseat Reform candidate Malcom Green, a long time MP who is rumored not to support the party’s current segregationist agenda. While the district leans to the right, the Reform Party has stopped raising campaign funds on Green’s behalf. Jennings clearly believes she can win, saying, “The people of St John are not racist, they just want low taxes and good governance - and you know what? So do I.”

Image: Laura Jennings is the first ever New Liberal Mashacara Candidate for Parliament

Jennings was not the only young candidate receiving the support of the party today. The 34-year-old Lord Mayor of Port Prosperity, Rebecca Doyle, gave a rousing keynote speech with notes in hand in which she called for a winner-take-all attitude and a nation-wide effort to win local, provincial, and federal elections:

‘There is nothing unprincipled or wrong with wanting to win. There is no noble victory in defeat. Losing robs you of a chance to make people’s lives better. I got into politics to make people’s lives better. What is the point of being right, if you can’t put policy into action? We should be proud of what we have achieved in government, and we must do what we can to get back there again. All of us here today must vow never to stop fighting for chance to build a fair, free, and liberal Hutori!'

Doyle, a candidate for Parliament for Prosperity Cove, is the hugely popular Lord Mayor of the conference host, Port Prosperity. Port Prosperity, of one of Hutori’s largest shipping and Naval cities, is also one of its most conservative. Yet, Doyle has won re-election twice as a centre-left Mayoral candidate in a right-wing stronghold. Many in the party believe she could challenge Selwyn for Parliamentary Leader should the New Liberals lose seats in the no-confidence election. Such a result could lead to a major policy shift within the Party. One of the few policy areas on which the New Liberals allow their MPs to vote their conscience relates to the status of the Crown. While many of the current leadership like McDonnell, Selwyn, and Jucewicz are staunch Republicans, candidates like Jennings and Doyle - who have to run in more conservative districts - espouse Monarchist views.

Image: Port Prosperity Lord Mayor Rebecca Doyle gives a rousing speech calling on the party to create 'a fair, free and liberal Hutori’

Perhaps the most surprising events of the night related to the nomination process for a Presidential Candidate. As the New Liberal Party was founded only a decade ago, the Party did not run candidates in either of the past two Presidential elections and, therefore, did not have a nominating process in place. However, as no-confidence elections are likely, the party scrambled to decide on a candidate. The Party began with five nominations - Foreign Minister Constance Okafor, Defense Minister Pavel Jucewicz, Parliamentary Leader Russell Selwyn, New Liberal Governor of Roccoto Sarah Selkirk, and retired Air Force captain and businessman Richard Sterling. Selwyn was deemed the front-runner, but after the first two rounds of voting eliminated Sterling and Jucewicz from contention, Selwyn - the party’s first elected official and first member of Parliament - shockingly withdrew his name from contention without explanation. In the end, Okafor emerged victorious with 67 percent of the final tally. Selkirk conceded the nomination to Okafor, saying “The world already knows the good work you’ve done on behalf of the Hutori people, now let us all work together to make sure you, dear Constance, become our next President!”

Image: Foreign Minister Constance Okafor accepts the nomination for President at the end of the New Liberals' quadrennial convention

Okafor, the university professor turned foreign minister, accepted the nomination saying,

“You all today have summoned me to the highest calling one can imagine. I could not be more humbled or grateful. I never imagined just 10 years ago when one of my former students, Russ, and best friends, Pavel came to me with a vision for a new Party, that I would ever become that party’s nominee for the Presidency. I have given my life to public service, and I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to serve. I will always push for freedom and liberty for all people. I will not let the evils of racism and totalitarianism divide this great nation. I will continue to pursue an agenda of free trade and global cooperation abroad, and strength, stability, and equality at home. I will not let you down. God bless you all, and God bless the great nation of Hutori!”
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Politicos Struggle To Explain Selwyn Nomination Withdrawal

Postby Sovak111 » Sat May 12, 2018 4:13 am

After New Liberal Parliamentary Leader Russell Selwyn withdrew his name from consideration for the party’s Presidential nomination, many wondered as to his motives. When asked why he withdrew, Selwyn responded:

[New Liberal Presidential Candidate and Foreign Minister] Constance [Okafor] and I are good friends. She has shown herself to be a charismatic and honest negotiator who is unwavering in her patriotism and support for the Hutori people. She will make a great President.

I will continue to fight on behalf of all people in Parliament. My skillset is well-suited to the day-to-day battles on the floor of Parliament. I want to stay where I can do the most good.

Image: Selwyn (Right) and New Liberal MP Peter Knox (Left) watch Presidential nomination
vote counts at the Royal Alexander Hotel in Port Prosperity during last week's party conference.

Some political experts believe Selwyn may have dumped the presidency in favor of the Chancellorship. “Why be the head of state when he can be the head of government?” asked Dr. Robert Suesmith, a Professor of Political Philosophy and Economics at the Leah Ross College of Political Science at the University of Bekenial. “Selwyn clearly enjoys the daily political boxing match he plays against the Reformers, plus the Chancellor’s Office is where the real power to legislate is and everyone knows it.”

When asked about his friend and fellow MP’s political aspirations, New Liberal MP for Axminster South Peter Knox answered, “I think Russ’s only aspiration is to serve the people of Sutton in Parliament. Anything else you’ve heard is just speculation.”
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Temu » Sat May 12, 2018 8:09 am

Reform Party Vote Surges!

In what many considered "the most important election of the decade", the National Reform Party has seen a dramatic swing of support with a growth of 5.25 percent, gaining 22 seats and making it the third largest party in the parliament. In recent months the party has drifted significantly to the right since the Member for Woodhurst West, Greg Parks took over the party leadership. This election, considered do or die for the party, has shown that the people of Hutori still have a lot to answer regarding its views on race, particularly in regard to refugees and the Mashacara. Rumours also still are speculating that the party intentionally allowed for Malcom Green, a veteran member of the party, to lose his seat in an attempt to rid the party of his moderate views.

MP for Woodhurst West, Dan Sullivan

Greg Parks, the member for Woodhurst West, was particularly elated at the result, which could now place him in a key position for negotiations for the Chancellorship. Mr Parks stated
... it will be difficult to negotiate with the leftwing loonies, as no party has majority in the house. However, regardless of what occurs, the National Reform Party will play a significant role in negotiations in forming a cabinet.

Meanwhile, the Member for Fairfield who has enjoyed spar after spar with MP Russell Selwyn recently retained his seat with a tremendous margin celebrated by causing more controversy, by reigniting the debate regarding Mashacara slavery and forced deportation. Fredrick Stanton is reported to have said "
We have the numbers now to finally put those savage creatures back in there place. I honestly cannot wait to see the look on Laura Jennings face as she gets put on that boat and is never to be seen again.

Mr Stanton, who many believe could be the next leader of the NRP, has often been a source of controversy for the party. Yet many of its supporters, especially those who previously voted for other parties claim Mr Stanton is the reason for this recent success.

Daniel Young - Former New Liberal Voter
He says it as it is, he speaks for the silent majority. I would 100% support a Reform Government

However others say he has driven away some of the moderate base of the party.

Chelsea White - Former National Reform Voter (did not vote this election)
I cannot in good faith vote for someone as controversial as Mr Stanton, I don't necessarily disagree with the policies, I just disagree with how Mr Stanton behaves in parliament, it isnt very proper and it really put me off voting for them this election.

Time will tell whether the National Reform Party will continue to grow , and whether segregation will eventuate in Hutori.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sat May 12, 2018 11:31 pm

Rousseau Reinstated as Conservative Caucus Chairman

The Leader of the Royalist Party, Pascale Rousseau, has been reinstated as chairman of the party's conservative caucus. Rousseau was removed from the role nearly 2 years ago, when he made a statement condemning the Reform Party. Now the caucus has decided that his comments were fair and that they fully condemn the Reformists for the racist ideology being pushed by them. Since Rousseau was first removed from the position, the youngest MP in the house, Brett Martin had been in the role of caucus chairman. He will now get a move from the justice portfolio, to the finance portfolio after the retirement of Alex Murphy. Martin, in all likelihood, will become the next minister of finance, a role he is very excited to take on.

"I sincerely hope that our cabinet proposal passes, and that we can get to work rebuilding Hutori. As finance minister, I will truly balance the budget, and hopefully be able to lower taxes at the same time. It won't be easy, but it is a challenge that I am very excited to take on."

Rousseau, who in all likelihood, will be the next chancellor, is happy to be back as chairman, and took the time to thank his caucus.

"I would like to thank every MP in this caucus for having the faith in me, to reinstate me as chairman. I look forward to working to promote the conservative values held by many in the Royalist Party."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Tue May 15, 2018 12:47 am

Martin Lets Loose On "Extremist" Parties In Parliament

"If all parties could be like the Royalists and the New Liberals, this country would be in a much better place."

During debate on a motion brought forward by President Okafor to elect a new cabinet or call yet another election, Royalist Conservative Caucus House Leader Brett Martin let loose on, what he calls, extremist parties in parliament. Martin says that Conservatives are tired of having their name tarnished by the extreme right wing party, the Reform Party, and he also says he is tired of socialist policies that have destroyed the Hutorian economy.

"Conservative Royalists refuse to work with extremist parties such as the Reform Party and the Ultrackian Socialist Party. We will only work with parties such as the New Liberals who understand common sense fiscal and social policies. The Reformists think that being racists and deporting or enslaving the people who inhabited this land before us will magically fix the economy, and the Ultrackians believe that just increasing taxes and nationalizing everything will have the same effect. If all parties could be like the Royalists and the New Liberals, this country would be in a much better place. Mr Speaker, I have grown tired of parties making a mockery of not only this house, but our entire nation. It was socialist parties who destroyed our economy, and now an extreme right wing party wants to make things worse. Hutori needs common sense government, but until common sense parties gain a majority in this house, it seems this country will continue to spiral out of control."

Martin said outside of the house that only moderate parties like his own, and the New Liberals will truly be able to fix the economic crisis once and for all.
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Former Ataraxian Ambassador Warrick Is Euthanized at Age 106

Postby TheCollectivist » Tue May 15, 2018 4:16 pm

September 4393

Former geological engineer and Ataraxian Ambassador Marvyn Warrick has been euthanized at the age of 106. Like his predecessor, Lyn Kopp (September 4258 - May 4366), Warrick also lived to be a centenarian. During his time as ambassador he helped lead technocratic reforms in the Ataraxian Confederation, strengthening the authority of scientists and engineers in the enclave.

Incumbent Ataraxian Ambassador Pete Thompsett wrote:Warrick died peacefully knowing others will replace him and carry on his work. The work of generations of scientists and engineers will indeed continue. As with all our people, we were honoured to fulfill Warrick's request for a peaceful and civilized death.

Warrick was euthanized using inert gas asphyxiation, a method of euthanasia used universally throughout the Ataraxian Confederation. By using an inert gas there is no panic response, ensuring a painless demise. Nitrogen, an abundant gas, is considered a standard to use for this purpose. Apart from old age, Warrick suffered from no known ailments, but cited that he felt his age "catching up to him" and he would rather have a planned death than die from inevitable organ failure.

Average life expectancy is 91 years throughout the confederation. 96% of all deaths are caused by euthanasia, with 35% of euthanasia cases involving chronic and or terminal illness. Anyone can receive euthanasia upon request, although they are asked to verify that they understand what the procedure involves. Since the communes were founded in September 4160, universal access to euthanasia has been considered a right among communal residents. The euthanasia system is so popular that the Ataraxian Confederation receives regular medical tourists for a price seeking inert gas asphyxiation.

Ambassador Thompsett wrote:Euthanasia is humane and economical. We are all terminal. It is only a matter of when and how, rather than "if". We recognize that the individual has a right to decide to terminate their life. We only require that this process is done with dignity and overseen by a medical professional.

Death when unwanted is best prevented, but when it does happen it is important to make it into a benefit for society. For this reason, we do not waste corpses, but instead use them for functional purposes in science, vital organic materials, and aiding in plant fertilization. And yes, we obviously draw a line at cannibalism - that's not particularly safe anyway.

Ambassador Thompsett is a centenarian himself and is expected to resign soon. At age 102, he is set to become one of the oldest Ataraxians to have ever lived behind Lyn Kopp. Thompsett cites mostly "gene luck" and "favourable environmental conditions" throughout his life for his longevity.

Thompsett wrote:Living in a society where very little expense is spared on public health care also helps.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Wu Han » Sun May 20, 2018 11:17 pm

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