
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Orcishtimmy » Tue May 22, 2018 10:06 pm

Professional Strikebreakers Deputized By Rechtenburg Sheriff

Following news that Metzist agitators were planning to cause chaos at the Copper strike, Samuel Jackson, the sheriff, decided to temporarily deputize private security that was protecting the mines. “They have been given power of arrest and issued a firearm, but instructed to only defend themselves and arrest those who damage mine property,” Jackson said “the police force just does not have the manpower to tackle the issue, and there hasn’t been enough damage to call in the national guard”

Opponents to this action call Sheriff Jackson “Irresponsible” and that this decision is a “violation of human rights and dignity”

- The Port Alexander Wire
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Wed May 23, 2018 12:53 pm


Marco Rosales, the grandson of the late Daniel Rosales, has challenged Camille Duquesne for the leadership of the Socialist Party citing their election defeat

“It's time for real change! My grandfather campaigned and won on that platform in the historic election of 4338 that saw the first left-wing government in decades elected to power. The need for a progressive and patriotic opposition has never been higher, with a radical right-wing republican coalition in office”

He promises “a return to working-class values” with an emphasis on Hosian social teaching, Mordusian nationalism, and trade unionism. He is a vehement defender of the monarchy, citing the fact that 54.2% of Mordusians support the monarchy according to MPoll, calling them “an integral part of our culture”. He has also openly criticized Ahmadism, calling it “in desperate need of reform” and that “radical Ahmadism is one of the greatest threats to ordinary Mordusians”. He is fluent in Luthorian, Dorvish, Egelian, and Canrillaise, and was a diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before being selected as the list leader for the Bayonne Socialist Party. He has selected Emily Bishop, from the Social Markets Institute in Rechtenburg, as his candidate for deputy leader

- Rosales - 53.3%
- Duquesne - 46.7%

- Rechtenburg Post
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
Partiya Demokratîk a Azad - Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar)
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Orcishtimmy » Wed May 23, 2018 7:06 pm

The Copper Murders: A Full Rundown

It started with a law. A law that’s purpose was to liberalize the labor market and reduce the power of the unions. The events that followed because the tragedy that we face today.

A few months ago, the workers at Rechtenburg Copper went on strike, both in protest of the new law repealing collective bargaining rights and the 8-hour day. The mine owner said from the beginning that he will never work with the Union and, after the bill passed, fired every one of his striking workers and brought in new workers.

Often times, one would think that this will be the end of the story, but it was not: many of the scabs opted to join the union. After one month of protest, spies from within the strike reported communist agitators who were planning to attack the mine.

Upon hearing of this, the sheriff hired a private security force and had them all temporarily deputized and granted a firearm. This ended up being as foolish of an idea as it sounds.

Pytor (Big Pete) Slavinga and Andre (Andy) Hefferman were immigrants to this country. Immigrants who speak neither Luthori nor Canrillaise. The other day, they were heading back from a bar and they stopped by at the strike.

Unbeknownst to them, they were outside of the boundaries legally set for the demonstrators. Overzealous temporary deputy Randall Smith saw this, drew his firearm and barked commands at the strikers. Since neither of them spoke Luthori, they turned and fled back in the direction that they came from and towards the mine.

Seven shots rang out. Both Pytor and Andre were declared dead on the scene. The aftermath of this tragic evening are yet to be seen, but Smith is currently waiting in police custody.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Fri May 25, 2018 6:52 am


- Rosales - 57.4%
- Duquesne - 42.6%

Marco Rosales has won the Socialist Party leadership by a landslide on a platform of trade unionism and Hosian left politics. He has officially rebranded the Socialist Party as the Socialist Workers' Party or the SWP for short. The socialists will be known as the Parti Socialiste Mordusien in Canrillaise majority states like Sammodra and Talasor

"The POS will stand up for the working-class of Mordusia, like my grandfather before me! Our party will stand up for social democratic and progressive principles!" Rosales said to cheers
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
Partiya Demokratîk a Azad - Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar)
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Xasenya » Sun May 27, 2018 4:13 pm

The Governor-General after her election to a third term.

Govenor-General Linville refounds the Coalition, declares war on extremism.

Governor General Linville, after surviving another scare in her Governor-General race, is back in force. Refounding the Coalition for Change which collapsed halfway through this legislative session, she has declared war on the increasingly extremist parties in Mordusia, and have brought her considerable power and support to to the fray.

The return of the Coalition is good news for the United Left and Socialists, who are being routed at the polls by communists and the Alternative Future Party. While the Governor-General has little power, Linville can throw her weight around electorally through her all-encompassing coalition of Liberals, Centrists, and former Progress Party and National Movement members. If anyone can defeat Alternative Future, It’s the electoral survivors in Linville’s Coalition.

The Governor-General had this to say. “The extremism of Alternative Future and the communists must not determine Mordusia’s future, and I can not stand still any longer. The coalition will return, and for the good of Mordusia we must succeed. Our nation will not fall to the whims of extremists, and we will become stronger for this fight.”
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Orcishtimmy » Sun May 27, 2018 7:21 pm

Charles and Rose Steuart-Cohen commended as Count and Countess of Port Alexander

"I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to my liege, Emperor Alexander of Luthori, never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit. So help me God"

These were the words uttered by Charles Steuart-Cohen, formerly Steuart-Geharon, before his new liege, the people of the entire commonwealth, his religious leaders, and God himself.

This Commendation, part of the Emperor Alexander’s 45th century celebrations raising of new nobility, was a beautiful sight for all involved. Charles, whose family was long deposed from the Luthori throne, finally sees his family name restored to nobility today. He also, however, abandoned his former (weak) claims to the Luthori throne today.

His lovely wife, Rose Steuart-Cohen, great granddaughter of the populist politician Roy “Kingfisher” Cohen, was also honored by the Yeudish community of Mordusia as she was appointed “Defender of the Mordusian Yeudish” by Rabbi Ben Sotomayor, chief rabbi of Port Alexander.

“The Cohens have long given a voice to the sizable Yeudish community here in Port Alexander, and it is a source of great pride that the Cohen Family will be represented in the new nobility,” explained Sotomayor, “I think that it is only fair that this title be bestowed upon the Cohen family”

-Mordusian Royal Observer

Official Portrait of Count Charles Steuart-Cohen
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Reddy » Tue May 29, 2018 9:49 am

Postman Killed In Letter Bomb Attack
July 4400

Local police in Meech, Sammodra have confirmed that a 32 year old postman Jean Cairns was killed in a letter bomb attack earlier this morning. Cairns is thought to have opened a letter addressed to the Mayor of Meech for reasons unknown and upon opening it, was killed instantly. He had been on his delivery route and just a few hundred metres from the Mayor's official residence.

The scene of the attack

A unknown group calling itself the "Mordusian Revolutionary Front" has claimed responsibility for the attack and has promised to intensify its campaign which it says, is aimed at precipitating a violent Metzist revolution in Mordusia. It sent e-mails to several major media organisation in the countries.

The events in Meech with that postman are only the beginning to crush totalitarian global capitalism for once and for all. For millenia, capitalism has crushed exploited and raped the working people of this and bourgeois democracy has not only failed to tackle that but often abetted it. We can't be merciful while fighting a creature as merciless as global capitalism. The fool Jean in his greed opened what did not concern him. The letter was meant for the Mayor. Let it be a lesson to all elected officials out there - if you are a pig supporting or enabling the murderous activities of capitalism, we are coming for you as well. No justice, no peace!

The Meech police confirmed that they had received evidence from the group including a video showing part of the construction process of the bomb by a "masked individual." The case remains open and the police have declined to come further on the investigation. They have also declined to comment on their knowledge of the group behind this attack.
To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Reddy » Wed May 30, 2018 8:26 am

Councillor Kidnapped
January 4401

A Socialist Workers Party local Bayonne councillor Alicia Dumas has been kidnapped while on her way home from work. Dumas was apprehended by two cars during a traffic light stop and dragged into one of them at gunpoint. The Mordusian Revolutionary Front has claimed responsibility and issued a short ransom note to the media.

The Bayoone Council should double funding for the starving and the homeless and abolish the local racist police who give so many minorities a hard time or you will be getting Clr. Dumas' head in the post in three days. The SWP should stop enabling vulture capitalism or else...

Bayonne local police refused to comment on the kidnapping, claiming that it is standard policy in any ongoing investigations. It only called for any witnesses or person with any information to come forward and assist in the investigation.
To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Reddy » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:24 pm

MRF "Crushed" As Police mount Daring Rescue
January 4401

Bayonne police officers have scored a remarkable victory against the Mordusian Revolutionary Front. A team of special tasks officers stormed an abandoned house in the outskirts of the city rescuing kidnapped Councillor Alicia Dumas. The rescue came just two hours from the 72 hour deadline with the MRF had given the city council. Two MRF members were shot dead while 4 more were seriously injured and hospitalised. Another 16 members surrendered and were detained by the police.

The revolutionary group seems to have met an early death. Whipe police have refused to comment in detail, they have hinted that the members "neutralised" in the operation formed the leadership structures of the group. Many have wondered about how this came about. It has been speculated that one of the MRF members may have sold out his comrades in exchange for a slice of the reward money offered for Dumas' safe return.
To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby protijay » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:35 pm


In a speech on May 21st 4403, Head of Government Edward Bennington of the New Mordusian Alliance held a speech in Sammodra, in which he concluded it by drawing a sword and pointing it north towards Saridan. Other high ranking members of the New Mordusian Alliance have condemned this action. With foreign affairs minister Emily clay calling it "A dumb move lighting a spark next to a barrel of gasoline." The speech in itself was a call on the Mordusian populace to not vote for Alternative Future, and to allow liberty to win out.

We must not let the bane of my fathers existence once again step up to the pedestal and ruin everything we worked for yet again. We must not let tyranny rule this great nation. We must not allow our liberties to be taken away for no reason. We must now allow them to divide us under the banner of 'progress'. The Commonwealth stands, even if everything else must fall around it to do so! Real progress prevails. And as much as I would like to live to see it through. That is an ideal of which I am prepared to die for. -Edward Bennington

The speech quickly devolved into Edward Bennington openly calling for the 'liberation' of Saridan. And he has called on the rest of the coalition to take action. Saying "We are openly allowing the liberty of others be taken away, and then be told that they do not concern us." He ended his speech by saying "I call on every ally and every citizen of Mordusia to bring liberty to every corner of Saridan" before drawing his sword, and pointing it north. He has since refused to answer further questions.
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