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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu May 24, 2018 12:12 pm

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NC tracks and monitors Trigunian aerospace activity in North.
Northern Council said to be tracking and monitoring Trigunian aerospace activity through Northern Hemisphere
A Trigunian combat aircraft is intercepted by a Kazulian HF-16 near Dolgava.

Trigunian military aircraft conducted aerial manoeuvres around Keris this week on a scale seldom seen since the end of the Terran War, prompting Northern Council jets to scramble and force multiple aircraft to either divert their course or return to their complement airbase. NORDIC commanders have stated that it had been tracking and monitoring Trigunian aircraft throughout the Northern Hemisphere as apart of the organisation's northern aerospace policing policy. Aircraft from Kazulia, Hutori and New Endralon were scrambled to meet Trigunian aircraft throughout the hemisphere. A spokesman from NORDIC stated that although they remained in international aerospace, aircraft were still scrambled to intercept and establish a Northern Council presence. Although these manoeuvres by Trigunian aircraft remain in international airspace there is room for miscalculation. These heightened manoeuvres by Trigunia comes at a time where diplomatic relations between Trigunia and the Northern Council are an all time low and with Trigunia openly sponsoring dissidence within Northern Council allies, Kazulia has voiced complete condemnation for Trigunia's actions citing them as provocative and destructive to the establish regional stability.

From strategic bombers to contemporary combat aircraft, the Northern Defence Integrated Command (NORDIC)'s advanced radar systems have detected more than 50 Trigunian aircraft throughout the Northern Hemisphere with a large percentile lingering around the Kerisian nations especially Egelion. Trigunia's open support for communist dissidence in Egelion and Dundorf has forced the Northern Council to become increasingly responsive to Trigunia's actions. Secretary-General of the Northern Council, Harald Christiansen describe Trigunia as "transitioning towards its post Terran war aggression." Posterior to the Great Terran War which saw the death of millions and resurgence of the "Trigunian Bear", Trigunia's actions on the international spectrum could easily be labelled as destructive to global peace and stability. This is easily seen as the nation supported undemocratic regimes throughout Terra and sought to sure up its dominance through influencing political decisions within its neighbours and nations which aligned themselves with the nation at the time. Many have labelled Trigunia's recent actions as Trigunia becoming increasingly resurgent. This, to the Northern Council, has been viewed as a threat to the security of its members and global security.

Lieutenant General Thorleif Ramsland, Joint Commander of the Northern Defence Integrated Command stated that the radar stations built in Northern Council such as Luthori, Dorvik, Hulstria, Lourenne, Kazulia, Hutori, New Endralon and Egelion had proven beneficial to the alliance, as it has been reported that NORDIC is currently utilising these systems to monitor the movement of Trigunian aircraft throughout the Northern Hemisphere. With other nations set to join the Northern Council, Lt. General Ramsland stated that similar to the aforementioned nations early warning and aerospace monitoring stations would be constructed in said nations. It had reiterated that incursions in the aerospace of Northern Council aerospace will receive an asymmetrical response, with Kazulian and Hutorian air and missile defence systems to be positioned in Telamon, New Endralon, Dolgava and Egelion soon it is expected that said defences will be the asymmetrical response.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat May 26, 2018 4:48 am

Development Bank pledges $15 Billion to Dovanian development
Kazulian Development Bank pledges $15 Billion to development and innovation in Dovani and Vascania.

President of the Kazulian Development Bank Veronica Roinestad pledged billions in developmental aid in Dovani and Vascania in-order to help developing nations in the region achieve their developmental goals. On a background of the poor economic state of Dovani, especially in the "third world", the Kazulian Development Bank has expressed great intention in investing in development and innovation in the region. Attempts had been made in the past to boost economic activity in the region however such events proved futile as they were short lived. Veronic Roinestad spoke of a united front by the Kazulian government in heralding economic development in the region through the Kazulian Development Bank and the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund (CISF), the world's largest and growing sovereign wealth fund. The Kazulian Development Bank has mainly focused on investing in economic opportunity in other regions however, with Roinestad being recently appointed as President of the investment bank, she intends on re-orienting the organisation towards regional efforts as she views the region as important to economic development in the international community, with a similar pattern being made within the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund and its recently appointed Chairman Kristoffer Aarones. Similar to the Kazulian Development Bank, the CISF has mainly focused on using its wealth to invest in development outside of Dovani, neglecting Dovani completely, however Aarones is currently working to reorient the fund's investment output.
Veronica Roinestad wrote:Development in this region unlocks opportunities never seen before. It is hard for many to admit that despite our efforts to promote development, we have left a core region behind. It is as though we have separated ourselves from the region which we call home. Development in Dovani and Vascania shows great potential for economic development and regional stability. It is important that we recognise the worth of these regions and the role this region must play in international development. We must work to make this region as a whole, as investor-friendly as possible. Investment in key in development, but so is innovation. That is why the Kazulian Development Bank and the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund will pledge over the next 50 to 100 years, 2 Trillion dollars to development and innovation within this region.

Kazulian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sindre Granberg stated that the ventures by the KDB and the CISF had the complete backing of the Kazulian Government. Foreign Minister Granberg vowed to promote equal opportunity and development in the region. She stated that this will come with reconciliation and forgiveness. It had considered within Skalm to forgive the debts of various Dovanian nations, citing that debt had little to no place in development. Foreign Minister Granberg stated that the issue of debt forgiveness will be brought to Minister of Finance Lisa Nyborg and the Stortinget where it will be considered. As the region's leading economy, Roinestad stated that it was time that Kazulia gave back to the region that made it into the great power it is today. Initially the Kazulian Development Bank has placed $15 Billion LOD aside for investment in the fields of education and environmental protection, sectors which the KDB has stated could potentially prove beneficial to development in the region.

Foreign Minister visits Barmenistan and Zardugal to broker relations.
Foreign Minister on state visit to Zardugal and Barmenistan to broker diplomatic and trade relations.
Foreign Minister Sindre Granberg speaking to Deltarian officials during her visit to the nation.

In an attempt to broker relations with Majatran nation-states, Foreign Minister Sindre Granberg is set to visit Barmenistan and Zardugal, seeking to broker increased relations between the Majatran nation-states and to promote trade and business cooperation between the Kingdom of Kazulia and the aforementioned nations. The state visit would mark the first time a Kazulian diplomatic official had visited the two nations, as it could be seen that Foreign Ministers in the past (when pertaining to Majatra) preferred to visit nations such as Vanuku, Istalia and Selucia. The diplomatic visit comes amid the Kazulian government's moves towards promoting development within the international community.

Foreign Minister Granberg told reporters that the state visit would be a major effort in the government's re-engagement process, as it would set the foundation to similar visit to other majatran nation-states. She stated that she intends on exercising the international provisions of the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund and increasing investments to the nations. Kazulia's current dealings with majatra nations constitutes billions of Kronas, leaving plenty of room for growth. Demand is rising for its defence expertise and investment opportunities. Apart from trade partners, the Kingdom of Kazulia (according to Foreign Minister Granberg) sees majatran nations as potential allies, particularly in the diplomatic spectrum.

Some majatran nations have been keen to obtain Kazulian industrial and defence technology, which the nation has been recently promoting internationally. Foreign Minister Granberg stated that she intends on strengthening relations with nations such as Deltaria, Cildania, Pontesi and Kalopia and also stated that she intends on brokering diplomatic and trade relations with nations such as Beiteynu, Jakania and Jelbania but these moves are expected after the implementation of several government reforms.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:07 pm

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Government to ease regulations on heavy industry production
As modernisation looms, some controls on industry to be relaxed but penalties for violations to become stiffer
The Åndalberg Hydroelectric Plant, now decommissioned under government restrictions on heavy water production

The Department of Trade and Industry recently announced that it would be moving to relax its regulations on heavy industry, amid a decision by the Department of Finance and the Economy to move to enable the nation to become self-sufficient and investor friendly. Speaking to the Stortinget, Minister of Trade and Industry Kristian Husby, outlined key concessions to be offered to companies with intentions to expand into heavy industry and emphasised that stiffer penalties would be levied on companies that violated new regulations. According to a report released by the Department of Trade and Industry, the relaxed regulations the removal of the ban on the production of heavy water, mineral mining and heavy equipment manufacturing. Other restrictions include an ease in regulations on the manufacturing of diesel engine vehicles (might it be trucks or automobiles) as heavy-duty gasoline engines will be mandated to have catalytic converters, the general deregulation of the automobile and shipping industry, the exemption from the requirement for marketing licenses for exports and the discontinuation of the government's programme to push for the destruction of nuclear power plants. As it pertains to nuclear power-plants, there currently exists a government programme moving to dismantle nuclear power plants across the nation due to waste management concerns. Under the regulations ease, the government will halt the programme, enforce extremely strict industrial waste regulations and launch an initiative to recycle nuclear waste generated from the remaining power plants.

Alongside the aforementioned penalties with respect to nuclear waste, penalties for other heavy industry practices such as mining, metal production and manufacturing, sanctions, fines and in some cases imprisonment could be waved against companies that breach the new regulations. Minister Husby has stated that penalties will most likely be attached to the Anti Corruption Act. The move to ease restrictions on heavy industry comes as the government moves to shift the nation towards being more investor friendly and opening the nation to opportunities which were previously unavailable due to the government's enforcement of the aforementioned heavy industry practices. The ease of regulations also comes as the government moves to experiment with the nation's principles on environmental safety. With the nation moving towards reducing its carbon emissions, the ease in regulations seems like a contradiction or a step backwards to the nation's aforementioned aims. However, Minister of the Environment and Tourism, Sunniva Hermansen stated that environmental safety will be forced into every aspect of the heavy industry reform. Factories producing large amounts of carbon emission through their chimneys will be mandated to install government certified
Centrifugal fans and emissions filters with stricter regulations being passed on factories operating within urban or otherwise populated areas.

"The government previous restrictions on heavy industry was extremely hurtful to the nation's economic potential", said economist Anker Ladefoged. Ladefoged stated that the ban on heavy industry could be attributed to the development of the Oil and Natural gas industry, as companies operating within the mining, metal works and manufacturing industry had shifted to oil and natural gas. With the nation's economy extremely dependent on oil and natural gas, the government had now seen the potential in heavy industry and the dangers of its oil and natural gas dependent economy. "It's like we had developed an addiction for oil and natural gas, now that we can diversify we can move forward as a much faster pace", Ladefoged said. As a result of the restrictions on heavy industry, most products generated from the industrial practices associated with the industry had been imported from other nations including Dankuk, Indrala, Trigunia, Dorvik, Vanuku and Istalia. Minister Husby stated that although mining products such as coal and oil shale will not be mined, the refining of the minerals will most likely be conducted in Kazulia as the government has sponsored the construction of various refineries across the nation in accordance with the shift. Minister Husby warned companies going back into the mining industry:
Companies are allowed to conduct mining operations once it does not entail the extraction of coal and oil shale. Companies found running said operations will be sanctioned and fined of up to 35 Million Krona for disrupting the rehabilitation of the coal and oil shale mines.

As heavy industry is industrial sector demanding investment, the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund will be investing into the environmentally safe practices of the various heavy industry companies. As the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, the CISF must maintain its standards for promoting environmental friendliness. The fund had been recently barred from investing in environmentally destructive oil and natural gas practises including fracking. Companies such as Warton Danver, Sorthamnmetall and Verdalros had welcomed the ease in regulations. The government has encouraged other heavy industry companies to come to the nation and participated in the drive towards industrial greatness and investor friendliness
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby CCP » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:16 am

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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:05 am

Kazulia to build permanent military base in Deltaria
Kazulia to construct permanent naval airbase in Deltaria to ensure permanent presence.
Heavy transport trucks of the Royal Engineer Corps unloading equipment from an RORO ship.

Earlier this morning it had been announced that Kazulia would establish a permanent base in Ştefăneşti, Ushalande. Minister of Defence Gudhlek Lundberg stated that the agreement struck between the Deltarian Government and the Kazulian Government would ensure a permanent Kazulian presence in the region well into the future. The expansion of the nation's presence in the region comes as the nation moves to solidify trust and reassure its strategic partners within the Majatran region that Kazulia will always defend their interests. Prior to the announced construction of the base, Kazulian operations in Majatra had been solely based in Kalopia through the Ellinor-Ketelsen Air Base which had been used for aerospace operations and was monumental in the chemical weapons facility strike against a corrupt sect of the Deltarian government. As Deltaria moves towards becoming a long-distance,dependable ally of the Northern Council Treaty Organisation, and rising international tensions it was jointly decided by the Deltarian Government and the Kazulian Government to establish the base which would allow for naval assets to be positioned in the region for a sustained period. The base has been viewed as an advancement to the Ellinor-Ketelsen Air Base as it vouches for a naval airbase, one which could accommodate aircraft, troops and naval assets.

Chief of Defence General Hallgrim Jacobsen stated that the agreement would build upon the nation's record for Majatran sea patrols and serves as an example of the growing partnership between Kazulia and the Majatran nations in tackling regional and international issues. Deltaria's foreign minister Matej Mäsiar said the agreement underlined Deltaria commitment to work with Kazulia and other nations to address regional threats. General Jacobsen stated that the Kingdom of Kazulia posterior to the chemical weapons facility fiasco had always considered Deltaria an ally worthy of support, citing the nation's eagerness to be something greater. The agreement to construct the military base comes in exchange for 200 Billion Kronas investment into the Deltarian economy over the period of 10-20 years. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sindre Granberg stated that a Free Trade Agreement between the Kazulian Government and the Deltarian Government was in the process of being drafted. She stated that through the agreement, Deltaria and Kazulia would benefit from trade and investment between each other.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:16 am

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Kazulia, NC and Partners conduct joint aerospace defence exercise
Northern Council launches first-of-its-kind joint aerospace defence exercise in New Endralon
Kazulian AV-13's Corașov Air Base as apart of Exercise Crimson Moon.

The Northern Council Treaty Organisation has launched its inaugural exercise featuring an international coalition training against a "Crimson Moon". The exercise coined Exercise Crimson Moon includes units from Kazulia, Lourenne, Luthori, Dorvik, Hutori, Telamon, Hulstria, Kundrati, Likatonia, Keymon, Rutania, New Endralon, Dolgava and Egelion and contingents from Non-NC partners such as Deltaria, Kalopia, Mordusia and Alduria. Participating units launched from IAF Everton in Luthori, and trained over the airspace accorded by Luthori, Rutania, Dorvik and Kundrati. According to Combined Air Forces Artania, roughly 120 aircraft were involved including Kazulian HF-16's, AV-13's, Z-3 Centurions and AV-177s, Luthorian and Dorvish Unionfighters, Egelian Brennus Jump Jets, Hutorian HF-35's, HB-22 Emancipators and other aircraft from other participating nations. The wide variety of aircraft, according to General Lennard von Achenbach, Commander of Combined Air Forces Artania, aims at simulating a coalition force, similar to that of the Northern Council in a scenario that it was thrust into combat. Redfor units consisted mainly of Hutorian, Dorvish and Kazulian aircraft, with the two nations fielding the most modern and combat effective aerospace forces in the alliance.

General Achenbach stated that participation from nations such as Deltaria, Kalopia, Mordusia and Alduria came as it was the intention of the Joint Headquarters to not have the exercise closed to external partners. It had been encouraged for other nations outside of the Northern Council to participate in the exercise as it offered an extreme training environment for pilots of any air force. "Red Force" units mirrored that of an advanced and integrated air force, fielding extremely advanced air and surface threats, thus creating an extremely hard adversary for "Blue Force" units to hopefully "destroy". According to Major Vic Harris, a Hutorian AEW controller on-board a Kazulian AEW aircraft, stated that the Hutorian, Dorvish and Kazulian Red Force had created a surprise challenge for Blue Force. According to Major Harris, instead of Blue Force attacking Red Force's airbases, Red Force will attack Blue Force's base to test the readiness of the participants for such a scenario. Mission sets flown by Blue Force include Close Air Support (CAS), Air to Ground (A2G), Air to Air (A2A), Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD), Dynamic Targeting, Personnel recovery and more.

According to commentary gathered from the Department of Defence, participation had not only been extended to the direct allies of the Northern Council, but nations whom remain within friendly relations with the organisation. Nations such as Istalia, Hawu Mumenhes and Vanuku are expected to participate in the exercise in a capacity alongside Blue Force formations. Some of the aircraft expected from these nations include the S-10 Tanhri, the X-43 and potentially a Hawu Mumenhes variant of the Z-35. General von Achenbach stated that he was excited for the inclusion of the air-forces of Istalia, Hawu Mumenhes and Vanuku as he is eager to see how the Hutorian, Dorvish and Kazulian Air Forces go against the two great powers of the South and the ever-so growing Esinsundu Empire. Von Achenbach stated that the best air-forces of the Northern Council; Hutori, Kazulia and Dorvik have a lot of competition as the various participants are eager to be crowned the winner of the first-ever, Exercise Crimson Moon.

Command and Control functions were given jointly to Luthorian and New Endralonian personnel. On the side of Blue Force, the Kazulian, Dorvish and Hutorian Air Force were represented by Eastfield Sea Trotter and AV-50 "Himmel" for search and rescue operations and HB-22 Emancipators for bombings respectively. General von Achenbach stated that the exercise was the perfect opportunity for young pilots to garner experience from other nations within and outside of the Northern Council alliance.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby CCP » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:17 pm

Failure of Dankuk-Kazulian negotiations could lead to war says Kazulian analyst

This is the 2nd Segment of Terran Global Newswire Live!'s Politics Anonymous. The full broadcast can be found here.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:55 pm

Lourenne, Hawu Mumenhes accept ownership of corvettes
Hawu Mumenhes and Lourenne have accepted ownership of 6 corvettes under Project CB002
The Project CB002 Combat Boat posterior to its third beta sea trial in 4399.

Pennington-Reid Maritime Systems and Asvald Gruppen Maritime formally delivered 12 corvettes to the governments of Hawu Mumenhes and Lourenne, six (6) respectively, formally declaring the handover of the corvettes from Pennington-Reid to the respective governments. The delivery of the corvettes marks a technological milestone as the corvettes possess stealth capabilities never seen before on a combatant vessel. Resources from Pennington-Reid, Viserby Systems, Asvald Gruppen, Entreprise Des Défenseurs and Umkhiqizi ka Izikhali had been pooled together to create the combatant vessel formerly known under the name of Project CB002. Concept and design work on the CB002 had taken place since 4385, when it had been known as the Advance Attack Boat (AAB) underneath the Advanced Combatant Vessels (ACV) programme. The construction contract was awarded to Pennington-Reid and Viserby Systems and construction of 6 vessels for the Kazulian Navy had commenced in 4390. CB002 underwent sea trials in 4394 for an alpha test and a beta test was conducted in 4395.

During the beta test, the Kazulian Navy withdrew its order for 6 vessels after it found that a modernisation programme for the Torgersen-class frigate (Fridtjof Nansen-class frigate) instead of replacing the vessel with the proposed CB002. In 4396, the Hawu Mumenhes government announced its intentions of joining the programme through Umkhiqizi ka Izikhali (Ukl) placing an order for 6 of the vessels with the Lourennais government entering the programme through Entreprise Des Défenseurs, ordering a similar 6. Technological assets from Pennington-Reid, Asvald Gruppen and Viserby Systems had been heavily invested in the combat boat as it was the aims of the Project Lead, Pennington-Reid to develop a stealth corvette, capable of avoiding or reducing detection under ocean-going radar systems. In 4399, the Kazulian Government re-enter the programme posterior to the modernisation of the Torgersen-class frigates and the announced of the corvette's stealth capabilities. Initially it had ordered 18, however this number had been significantly reduced to 5.

With the delivery of the sets of 6 and 5 for the Lourennais, Hawu Mumenhes and Kazulian Governments, the respective vessels are to be commissioned within the weak by their respective owners. Variation of course is present as the Valois-class and the Hellerud-class, maintained by the Lourennais and Kazulian navies respectively come with an integrated command suit in accordance with Northern Council standards, meaning the vessel is capable of taking advantage of the technological assets deployed by the Northern Council, the Hawu Mumenhes variant does not possess these capabilities. Nonetheless, the Hawu Mumenhes variants possess all other components including stealth technology developed by Asvald Gruppen.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:05 pm

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:03 pm

Kazulia reinforces Utembo garrison amid rumours
Amid leaked document of Xsampan invasion of Utembo, Skalm reinforces Utembo garrison.
22nd April 4407

Kazulia has sent troops to reinforce its garrison in Utembo in the face of a leaked document from the Xsampan Ministry of Defence which outlined the Xsampan military's plans for an invasion of Utembo and engagement against the garrison positioned in the nation. Kazulian Defence Command spokesman, Brigadier Michael Thorkelson stated that a contingent of around 5,000 soldiers, 20 transport helicopters, 15 transport planes, around 100 armoured vehicles and the HKMS-Queen Ingrid amphibious assault ship is in the process of being dispatched to the garrison in preparation for an assault by Xsampan forces and is expected to arrive in Utembo within the coming 48 hours. The troops to be sent to the Utembo garrison mainly consists of Royal Marines and Paratroopers apart of the Armed Forces' rapid reaction force. The Department of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the Xsampan government warning them that aggressive action against the garrison within Utembo and the nation of Utembo itself will be viewed as a declaration of war and will result in armed hostilities between Kazulia and Xsampa.
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