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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby cm9777 » Sun May 06, 2018 7:34 am

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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sun May 06, 2018 3:43 pm

Khaganate Faces Severe Security Crisis
March 4389

The raid into the Jeztri domains could not have come at a worse time for the newly enthroned Shlajkai VI Khagan and his Mnistrs. In a rare show of defiance several Jelbek city dwellers are resisting their forced relocation to the steppe. There have been numerous reports of violent incidents between troops and civilians. Most disturbingly for the government, some soldiers have been deserting the Great Jelbek Horde and denouncing the Jeztri-nationalist government for "enslaving the free wolf people." A number of protests and riots have risen across the Khanate particularly in the north and east where the Jeztris are little loved and remembered for their war crimes in the era of the first Jeztri H'an Genzi the Destroyer of Cities and also their election rigging last year.

Royal guards outside the Royal Complex

Unsurprising such strife meant that the governmentr failed to raise an adequate border force and one to confront and oust the Sons of Zog who are raiding the Jeztri's very own domain. At present the Sons of Zog are believed to be no more than 30km from the Jeztri capital of Jeztridomura where the new Khagan and his court reside. He has refused to evacuate the area, proclaiming faith in the "powerful spells and talisman" which supposedly protect the royal clan. It is believed that the Khagan commands no more than 5,000 troops at the Jeztri Royal Complex in Jeztridomura. The bulk of his army remains bogged down in the Great Relocation which the Khagan has refused to stop for reasons which many speculate to be "supernatural." The other army commands are either dragging their feet or outright refusing to show up and save the new regime.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Mon May 07, 2018 8:09 am

"Battle" of the Royal Compound

The inner Royal Compund

The Sons of Zog have entered the Jeztri Royal Compound...facing no resistance at all. This surprising development came after many predicted a fiery battle between them and the Jeztri royal clan defenders. Yet the Khagan is believed to have ordered his troops to fall back and remain encloserd in a central tent complex where several strange chants have been heard while even strange smoke has been seen rising from the inner complex. A Son of Zog said to this paper

It's the strangest of sights. There are skulls and talisman everywhere and the bloody chanting is creepy as hell. All we can see are literally hundreds of black clad shamans swaying about. We are just wondering if they are going to knock us out with lightning or something (laughs)
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Mon May 07, 2018 11:14 pm

Sons of Zog Seize Jeztridomura
November 4389

The Deltarian paramilitary the Sons of Zog have advanced into the Jeztri Royal Complex. At their precise moment of entrance into the Complex, the Jeztris and their college of shamans appear to have attempted to cast out the invaders through a "fire from heaven" ritual which failed. Folllowing that, the Khagan Shlajkai VI lost his nerve and rounded up a small number of troops and charged into the Sons of Zog. His force was easily defeated and still the desperate monarch challenged his Deltarian rival Baron Katona "the Butcher" to a duel.

Baron Katona accepted the challenge. As the two men were preparing and moving across a field to the required positions, the Baron suddenly shot at the Khagan's knees crippling his rival. He ordered the rounding up of the Jeztris, dragged them into a ditch and set a firing squad upon them. It was there that the uniquely violent dynasty met its end with some four dozen members killed in a scene described as "chaotic". Several members of the Council of Mnistrs (many of them Jeztris), most notably Wrntusrljikai Wrntukai Kshtri were also executed along with other high officials of state. Following the executions Baron Katona proclaimed himself "Lord of Jeztridomura" and has sent out his froces to secure more territory in south-eastern Jelbania.

The collapse and apparent extinction of the Jeztri royal clan in their homeland has trigged panic in the rest of the Khaganate. A direction-less caretaker government has been installed in Baofluz but has little credibility as army commanders have failed or rather refused to swear allegiance. As the old Jelbek saying goes - beneath each commander's cap, a crown is hidden. many are now positioning themselves for the transition. Several protesters remain in the streets particularly in the liberal coastal areas, apparently tolerated by the local Army Command which likely views them as a future bargaining chip in the post-Jeztri process.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Wed May 09, 2018 6:45 am

The situation in Jelbania
A summary of developments following the collapse of the central government

Northern Clans

Several northern clans have held a Kurultai in Amsadomura, Gezg​ék​stan, prompted by the collapse of the central government in Jeztridomura the formal capital and Baofluz the administrative and financial centre of the Khaganate. Representatives from sixteen clans met and seeing another opportunity for northern dominance in the fall of the Jeztri, declared the monarchy merely vacant and Amsadomura the new capital of the nation. Amsadomura is the most centrally positioned city in the northern half of the Jelbek country. The local Army Command has quietly endorsed the Kurultai which in turn confirmed the commissions of all the leading commanders.

The writ of the clans extends right through from the Vanukean border to the centre of Jelbania , a vast expanse of plains and some steppe towards the south. The clans have insisted that their decisions cover the entire country and have vowed to reunite it and cast out foreign invaders. As for the monarch, no decision was made although it is thought that Manil Jebrsrmko Suadjakai the son of Jebr Khagan and Khatun Sun Subin of Indrala is the favourite to assume the throne.

The East Coast

Meanwhile along the eastern cost in Rilmos the local commander of the armed forces Lt. Gen. Husn Mabek has been elected "President of the Free Republic of Jelbania" by a council of local government officials from the Rilmos taghe. The new President has similarly vowed to reunite the country but like many of his liberal coastal subjects, he rejects the monarchy and blames it for the collapse. The Rilmos coast is dotted with tourist towns and most of the country's ethnic minorities reside there. It is by far, the most wealthiest area per capita in Jelbania and considered by many a world apart from the interior particularly the steppe. Its economy is well integrated into the global one and President Mabek is believed to have begun reaching out to the international community for help and an edge in reunifying the shattered purple realm.

In the West

The situation is far less clear and among the most dangerous according to a World Congress report. Unlike in the other power centres, there is no unity among the armed forces, civil society or clans. There have been reports of vicious tribal fighting close to the Zardic border between a number of clans seeking to control the rich uranium mines in the areas. The vast and considerably underpopulated area has never been easy to govern, successive governments focused on the mining areas and neglected much else. The local army commanders have failed to agree on a common leader or strategy and like the clans, each of the leading commanders has his eyes on securing the area's mineral bounty - the only real source of revenue in the area.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:34 am

Northern Khaganate Follows Katonid Example in Electing Ruler
February 4403

The Northern Khaganate's decision to elect Manil Jebrsrmko Suadjakai as Manil II Khagan has been greeted as a "de-facto declaration of independence" The 54 year old Manil II was enthroned in a splendid ceremony in Amsadomura with his mother, the octogenarian Hatun Dowager Sun Subin of Indrala presiding over the ceremonies as is traditional. Immediately upon his enthronement the new Khagan began sending emissaries to foreign nations in a bid to start racking up recognition for his country. His case is believed to be based on its status as the largest of the Jelbek states and the legitimacy offered by the reigns of his uncle Manil I and his father Jebr I. In the 13 years since the crisis of 4389, the Northern Khaganate had remained silent on its status, governed loosely by a council of clan leaders in alliance with the remnants of the Jeztris' Northern Command Army. The Northern Khaganate did little as the Free Republic gathered diplomats from the old regime and won the most recognition from the international community.

The new Northern Khagan Manil II

As of now, around two thirds of all World Congress-recognised states recognise the Free Republic despite its grasp on little more than a fifth of Jelbek territory. It claims the rule over the entire steppe and has denounced the election of Manil II as "treasonous". very little beyond the most formal has been done by the Free Republic to attempt to gain territory. The election, admits the Free Republic, puts an end to the fiction of the other statelets merely be "autonomous regions" as the Free Republic called them.

The Free Republic's reluctance to gain any territory militarily despite its international legitimacy, is thought to be motivated by fear of the Katonid Khanate and Northern Khaganate's likely foreign backers. The Deltarian bear's shadow hovers heavily over the Khanate while the northerners enjoy strong diplomatic and personal/dynastic ties to nations such as Vanuku, Istalia, Indrala and Bianjie As for the far west, it is simply too far and anarchic for the leaders of the Free Republic to attempt anything yet.

OOC: ... lid=567773 is formalisation of the de-facto situation.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:35 pm

"Hundreds" Killed In Inter-Clan Violence
March 4404

A report by Brian Kadima the special rapporteur for the World Congress in Jelbania has detailed an alarming rise in the ungoverned south-west of the country which is now popularly known as the "Tribal Areas" Violence over domination of major trade routes and mines in the area has seen hundreds of clan militia, civilians and foreign mine workers killed. In one disturbing incident near Vrnestrap, Baokrt clan militia attacked Kshulus, a mining town nearby, killing 43 foreigners and 16 locals and then looting the town of everything including digging up copper cables. The enraged clan's Bek Aldrkai Lazrsmrko Baokrt called the report a "bloody and ill-informed slander" and challenged Kadima to a duel for slurring the honour of the Baokrt clan. Kadima called for immediate World Congress intervention into the Jelbek political crisis which has seen the country's unified government collapse and several region-based government rise up.

A looted house in Kshulus

Clash Reported Between Katonid and Northern Forces

There have been reports of a violent confrontation between Katonid border forces and a still unidentified force believed to forces of the Northern Khagan Manil II. Residents at the northern Katonid border town Nodgrad reported gunfire which went on for more than 18 hours and the sound of "large vehicles" moving about the area. Both states claim the right to rule the whole of the steppe and have, many times, vowed to reunify it under the control.

Gen. Mabek named FRJ Premier

Ret. Lt. Gen Husn Mabek the founding President of the Free Republic of Jelbania has made a stunning return to frontline politics. The general who was appointed interim President following the Jeztri collapse, won a landslide in recent elections ousting the Jelbanian Democratic Party with his centre-right Freedom and Honour Party. Following protracted negotations, he has been appointed Wrntusrljikai (Premier) of the Free Republic. He has like any Jelbek leader promised to reunify the steppe, saying that he has a secret plan and hoped to have the support of his people once the wheels went into motion.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:56 am

Katonid-Northern War Breaks Out
January 4405

The occasional episodes of violence between the Katonid Khanate and the Northern Khaganate have erupted into full war. This is according to World Congress observer Brian Kadima. Kadima has reported intense conflict in the poorly-defined border regions between the two statelets. He estimated that around 5,000 troops in total may be involved in the conflict already. Twice as many civilians in the areas have fled to locations deeper within their respective states.

A battle inside Nodgrad

The coastal Free Republic has called on the "rebel regions to stand down immediately." The government has however refused to take sides although some believe that the Free Republic may be keen on allying with the Northern Khaganate or at the very least, seeing the northerners win as the Khaganate has a semi-liberal political system much closer to the FRJ's own while the Katonid is a much more totalitarian and militarist state.

"Mystery Force" In the Tribal Areas

Visitors to the far south bits of the ungoverned Tribal Areas have seen evidence of rising stability close to the lake shore bits of the otherwise anarchic province. There are reports of an organised military force in the sub-region which has "shown up from nowhere" and has managed to pacify around a tenth of the 227,000 sq km province. Little is known about the force except that it wears dark blue uniforms and is better organised than the usual clan militia which are rampaging all over the Tribal Areas.
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