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Re: Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby Pragma » Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:22 pm

Major Reforms In Midway // CCN


The newly elected President Izel Atl Ixtli has began a major reform programme in the nation of Midway, with major new changes being announced in environmental, economic and educational policy amongst others. A flagship policy of Ixtli's campaign, the change of primary energy source from fossil fuels to wind, is already commissioned to happen with massive projects being constructed on both sides of the nation, in the vast sea territory controlled by the country. Enough energy to power the entire country twice over will be generated by a long-term - 20 year - plan that will totally phase out fossil fuels and allow the exportation of renewable energy to other Dovani nations. The cost will be immense, but the rewards major.

Another, cheaper, change is the change in regulations on businesses and unions. Unions will have power stripped away from them, requiring majority internal ballots for strike action and banning non-open shops. This is meant to 'decrease the unnecessary and burdensome burden on smaller businesses', according to the Conservative Union-controlled Finance Ministry. The country has also gotten rid of corporate tax for new, small-scale, entrepreneurial startups for their first year. The businesses effected by this change are predicted to grow far faster by economists, but once again it comes at massive expense to the country's coffers. This increase in expenditure has more than one economist very worried for Midway.

The massive role-outs in infrastructural, educational and economic plans and tax exemptions are all down in funding terms to the massive increase in inheritance tax. This proposal has caused a split between Ixtli's Unity party and the Conservative Union that has supported them in the Assembly. Instead, Ixtli must rely on the Socialists to institute the radical 'meritocracy tax' which taxes inheritance to a point unseen before in democratic nations across Terra. While it does have exemptions for inheritor of certain ages and health conditions, unless an inheritor has contributed towards the wealth they are inheriting, they will have to pay tax rates between 70% and 90%. This does increase public income, but also is deeply unpopular amongst the rich and middle class.
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Re: Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby Pragma » Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:47 pm

Midway Economy Booms, Welfare Reforms Passed // CCN

Above: Midway Prime Minister Tanaka Tepin.

The centre-right Unity-Conservative alliance in Midway has continued to pass rather radical changes in the increasingly developed nation. Formerly a backwater in a backwater part of the world, reforms are continuing to astound pundits. Tanaka Tepin, the Prime Minister of Midway, has just this week spoken to some of the nation's most powerful business-people in a large conference meeting on the success of the Midway economy. The stock market of Midway has risen by 60% since the outing of the Socialist Party, while the GDP has grown to levels not too far off some Majatran nations. Amidst this success, a slew of more reforms have also been passed - particularly in the key areas of welfare and education.

In education, the investment from the government into schools and universities has increased by over 23% - creating a moderate deficit in the medium-sized Dovani nation. However, the changes are predicted to increase the average results of school children and students in Midway, especially due to the large investment in rural and poor urban areas that have lagged behind historically. Midway's schools and universities will have 'greatly improved and modernised resources to use to study and to learn', according to the Ministry of Education - led by the Unity Party's deputy leader Icnoyotl Zyacotl. President Ixtli herself held a round-table with headteachers and principals from across the nation before this policy was passed and 'got their approval', according to sources.

In welfare, the government will officially end funding for non-disability, non-pension welfare programmes next month - which will bring the deficit back into control. This will coincide with the official launch of the Ministry of Trade and Industry's new programme to seek out simple employment for able-bodied but unemployed people. By the end of the five-year term of the President, this being the middle of that term, the government is set to introduce a universal basic income that will cost far less than the current welfare programme, and will top up minimum-wage pay to a living wage without the need to put stress on business. Despite the massive increase in expenditure in Midway, the increase in economic growth is allowing income to catch up at an accelerating rate.
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Re: Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby General.M » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:11 pm

Midway warns international community; "We cannot help these refugees any longer."
A refugee camp in Midway

Midway - President Tsuga Kinzo warns the international community that a humanitarian disaster is developing. The Bianjie Civil War has now raged on for 6 years, and more than 170.000 refugees have arrived in Midway. But the Midway state does not have the recources to provide the Bianjie refugees of al neccesary goods to survive. In the biggest refugee camp in Midway, near Ngu̱hnu, more than 12.000 refugees are stuck in the crowded camp.

Food and water is limited, and diseases rule. After repeated criminal activities outside of the camp by refugees, the refugees are now locked in the camp. This has caused an even worse situation, as the refugees can't get acces to supplies outside of the camp. Humanitarian organisations are asking the international community to help. Their plea has yet to be answered.

The refugees are not accepting these problems, and over the last weeks the refugees have protested against this situation. The protests even resulted in 2 deaths after protesters attacked the police trying to control the riots. For now president Kinzo has put its military to guard the camps to control the refugees.

President Kinzo asks the international community to take over some refugees and provide money for the refugee camps. Other than that, he asks the fighting parties to negotiate a ceasefire before the whole of Bianjie flees to Midway.
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Re: Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:59 pm

UDAP begins humanitarian operations in Midway.
Trucks of the United Developmental Assistance Programme (UDAP) in Midway.
22nd November, 4382.

The United Developmental Assistance Programme (UDAP) working alongside humanitarian agencies within Midway and the World Congress has launched humanitarian operations to ease the burden on the government of Midway as the nation tackles a refugee crisis at the hands of the on-going conflict in Bianjie. Essential items such as food, water and clothing are expected to be airlifted in the nation. The humanitarian operation is a indicator that UDAP has expanded greatly in its years of silence, moving from a minor humanitarian organisation to one with transnational reach. According to officials from UDAP staged in Midway prior to the launch of official humanitarian operation, the refugees residing in the nation currently live in appalling conditions. Individuals within the refugee camp near Ngu̱hnu have been subject to various diseases which leads to the response by UDAP as the organisation moved to assist in the situation and potentially curb the formation of a health crisis in the camp and the wider nation of Midway.

UDAP has called on the international community to bring the situation in Bianjie to an end and allow for humanitarian organisations to enter the region and begin the process of "peace-building". President of UDAP, Detlef Kachel has stated that the organisation would be dedicating large amounts of humanitarian aid to the nation. It is expected that the various refugee camps in Midway are to be improved with UDAP provided amenities such as tents and mattresses. Mr. Kachel stated the organisation would be involved in the peacekeeping mission in Bianjie once the Northern Council has seized its bombing campaign and it has also stated that it will be involved to a major extent in the situation in Medina, providing humanitarian assistance to the nations and their respective people. Currently UDAP is the only major humanitarian organisation responding to the situations in Dovani.
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Re: The Chūhōkō Propagandist

Postby rep » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:00 pm

From the Rutanian News Network

rep wrote:Rutania Elitist Party re-established: "we want full inquiry into the loss of our colony"

August 4403, Bozarburg, Commonwealth of Rutania- After more than a century of political exile, the offsprings of the old political dynasties of the party have returned to Rutania and decided to re-establish the Rutanian Elitist Party, the leading force in Rutanian politics between the 28th and 33rd centuries. The party of the Klausenburgs, Bozarburgs, Bruckenthals and Vandermarks has elected Sylvia Hinter-Vandermark (a descendant of the Vandermark-dyanasty which played an important role not only in the REP, but in the once great Orange party, and also gave the monarchs of the shortly-lived Kingdom of Rutania and East Dovani) at the helm of the re-founded party.


The party also want to set up a select committee on the colonial past of Rutania. "We want to uncover how the irresponsible politicians played away Rutanian holdings in the Carina Neck, formerly known as Rutanian East Dovani" - shared his anger the Shadow Foreign Secretary of REP, Oliver Vandermark VI.
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Re: Midway

Postby Pragma » Thu Nov 26, 2020 11:11 pm

Funding procured for significant port expansion

A major expansion project is set to commence for the Port of Zougha, the largest commercial port in Midway. Situated on the southern end of the Midway canal, Zougha has been running at full capacity for two decades in a way that has strained supply lines passing through the channel. The expansion is the solution approved between private stakeholders of the port, the local government and the Zougha Port Authority. The project is financed by a groundbreaking international agreement, involving many of the key regional players in freight and oil transportation. The Vascanian government, which relies on the canal to export its natural resources northward, has confirmed it will be lending toward the project as a matter of 'trade-based necessity'.

The Midway canal is the eastern hemisphere's busiest by a significant margin, with millions of tonnes of vital cargo passing through annually from over three dozen countries. The countries situated in the large sea to its north largely rely heavily on the commerce provided by the passageway, prompting high levels of regional interest in the developments thereof. The port system in Midway is significantly privatised, with companies from Vascania, Indrala and other regional powers having significant sway over the operations of the canal and its ports. Though these forces are sometimes at odds for various geo-political and financial reasons, all sides have publically welcomed the agreement to expand the port.

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Re: Midway

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:18 pm

The Midway is a national news service dedicated to bringing truth to the people
Recap of the recent months; Workers' Party of Midway sweeps the election
14 June, 4887

Midway nationalists during a rally | OOC: The Express Tribune (Sindh nationalists)

Manapo, Toshu - Let us recap the events of the recent months. In the beginning of this year, several prominent politicians and bureaucrats began speaking in different parts of the country, appealing to the leftist sentiment for better working conditions to the many workers inhabiting around the nation. At the same time, they also espoused an underlying nationalistic sentiment speaking caringly for Midway, and the importance of "...a national collective, strengthened by workers' unity..." as one of the politicians had proclaimed. This socialistic and patriotic movement began spreading throughout the country, especially on the countrysides, where many peasants and blue-collar workers joined in various political gatherings and demonstrations. One politician, namely, the political veteran Thi Quang Anh, a former member of the-then ruling United People's League. Born here in Midway, but with parents who immigrated from Kimlien. With his outstanding charisma, Thi was able to sway his audiences and formed the Workers' Party of Midway, becoming the main pioneer of Midway nationalism.

As an ingenious political maneuver, Thi and all other prominent politicians and bureaucrats had now set-up an organized political movement perfectly timed with this year's parliamentary elections. And with a political boom, the WPM secured an astonishing 42.6% of the votes, scoring a total of 119 of 280 seats in the parliament. The ruling United People's Party received only a meager 37 seats. Political experts agree that their odd term of three years was one of the main causes for their fall. They had ruled without appointing a prime minister or allowing presidential elections, hoping to rule as a collective body instead, something the WPM took advantage of in their appeal to the newfound Midway nationalism. What we can expect in the coming weeks is a smooth transition of power to a new government without doubt led by the WPM, as either a minority or a coalition government.

The most likely candidates in a coalition partnership would be with the Agrarian Centre Party and the Midway Forward, the former holding mostly centrist and agrarian views, while the latter founded on liberal policies has begun to lean towards the left. Many economists have expressed that nationalizations would definitely occur if the WPM would head their own government, but that the promise of neutrality and economic success will be the most likely factor for the ACP and the MF to join the WPM in a partnership. What we also can expect is that the General Secretary of the WPM, Thi Quang Anh, will most likely serve as the new prime minister.
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Re: Midway

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:19 pm

The Midway is a national news service dedicated to bringing truth to the people
Workers' Party of Midway calls for nationwide plebiscite instead of forming a government
26 June, 4887

Manapo, Toshu - With the huge electoral victory this month, the Workers' Party of Midway was expected to form a coalition government, however, instead they managed to rally the Agrarian Centre Party and the Midway Forward in their motion to call for a national plebiscite concerning a total dissolution of the Federal Republic of Chūhōkō, and formation of a brand new state, dubbed the "Midway Republic". In the plebiscite the proposed constitution, details the new structure for the institutions of the state as well as remaking the look of Midway, in terms of names, flags and regional boundaries. The proposed state chooses to abandon federalism and instead embraces the centralized state to a large amount.

The constitution also abandons Kunikata as the official language and instead makes Luthorian the single official language of Midway. The current flag of the nation is also to be abandoned, due to the various emblems on it that signals the colonial past, the new flag is a completely red flag, with a centered white disk and a black star, representing the centrality of Midway on the Dovani continent. The Office of President will continue to exist, and hold its current ceremonial role, however, with some extra authorities, while the Prime Minister will be officially named Premier of the Midway Republic, will be the executive authority. The plebiscite also details the formation of a "Commission for Regional Reform", which will be formed if the plebiscite is approved to look into the matter of restructuring the regional systems. The Parliament is to be renamed to the National Assembly, with an increase of deputies from 280 to 600 with 150 deputies from each of the four regions.

This was a very unexpected turn of events, with many believing that such changes would most likely happen in a year or two after a stable transition of power, instead Thi Quang Anh, rules de facto as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Midway, which again almost holds a majority on its own in the parliament. As the polls for now predict, there will be almost 57% who will approve of the changes, while 21% is leaning towards voting against, while 36% are undecided voters. How these changes will affect the country we do not yet know, however, the representatives of the Workers' Party continually point out that it is for a better and efficient system dedicated to the national community. And one of the more prominent WPM representatives, Tanupat Prinya, stated that "...the Midway community is a different national community compared to other nations [...] it is instead a community of all different peoples and ethnicities united to bring an alternative nationstate...", and apparently, this kind of rhetoric is appealing to the people of Midway all of whom claiming different ethnicities with the only common thing they have with each other being their unity under the simple umbrella of Midway.
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Re: Midway

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:59 pm

The Midway is a national news service dedicated to bringing truth to the people
Plebiscite approved with 64 percent of the vote, the Midway Republic founded
8 July, 4887

National Assembly Park waving the new national flags | OOC: asiapackagetravel.com

Manapo, Toshu - As the votes for the national plebiscite had been cast, the people of Midway could be seen cheering as the results of over 64% of the population, roughly over 11,400,000 voting in favor of the constitutional changes. The massive crowd of thousands could be see the flag of the Federal Republic – a symbol of the colonial past – be hoisted down for the last time, and a roar of happiness and pride could be heard throughout the capital city when the new flag of was seen waving its way up on the Parliament – now dubbed National Assembly – building. The General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Midway and de facto leader of the nation, Thi Quang Anh, held a passionate speech officially declaring the foundation of the Midway Republic, which will be guided by "the principles of democracy and socialism". Everywhere one could hear people chanting "Father Thi!", honoring the General Secretary as the father of the nation.

As the people were celebrating, the National Assembly, decided that presidential elections would be held in four months, they also approved on the very same day, the motion to appoint Thi Quang Anh as the first Premier of the republic. His government is composed only of the Workers' Party, but supported by both the Agrarian Centre Party and the Midway Forward. Premier Thi wasted no time to appoint the commissioners of the Commission for Regional Reform, beginning their work with immediate effect. The main government policies during this term were decided upon later on in the evening, these being to nationalize the natural resources, military industries and infrastructures, as well as to begin working on land reforms and holding forward a neutral foreign policy. It was also mentioned that a "Commission for Cultural Order" were to be set-up in a year or so, in order to properly work on cultural and ethnical disputes, differences and issues. In all cases said, a new era has begun for Midway, an era were the people do not look back at the colonial past, but forward at the socialist future.
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Re: Midway

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:12 am

The Economy Daily is a newspaper dedicated to bringing nationwide economic news
Government to invest in various commercial ports around the nation
18 July, 4887

Manapo, Toshu - The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Trade and Industrial Development presented during a press conference major investments and continual expansions of commercial ports around the nation. With the intentions of becoming a major economic center on the continent. One of these ports is the Port of Zougha, which is by far the largest commercial port in Midway, located on the southern part of the Midway canal. The Government hopes to remove the influence of large private corporations on commercial ports, seeing the ports as "too vital" for large private and foreign initiative. The Ministry of Trade also received approval from the National Assembly to centralize local authority over ports, and that the so-called local "Port Authorities" in the various port-cities, would be put under the centralized authority of the newly formed "National Authority for Trading Ports" which is ultimately under the supervision of the Ministry of Trade. Thus removing any local independence in the matter.

The Ministry of Finance reported that at the moment economic growth seems to be going up, not in the pace as one would hope, but they predict that with the investments and further expansion of commercial ports, this growth will inevitably reach new heights. Despite what one might think, the Workers' Party actually agreed to an opposition motion to encourage and gradually increase investments in private initiative in several sectors of the market, such as manufacturing, forest, and fishing industries. As this has raised eyebrows, representatives of the Workers' Party assures that in time, the right legislation and motions will be in place that will serve the workers and not the bourgeoisie. In other matters, there is a growing talk of a rapid nationalization in the coming months, of banking operations, natural resources, military and infrastructure industries, something that could change the outlook of the country.
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