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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:11 pm

Istalian Edition
Calenda risponde alle critiche internazionali ed attacca i nazionalisti
Il Ministro degli Affari esteri difende le azioni Istaliane e si scatena contro i nazionalisti in patria: "Con quale coraggio restare indifferenti a guardare milioni di persone ridotte alla condizione di oggetti e soggetti a compravendita come del bestiame? Questa amministrazione continuerà a tener fede alla Giustizia ed alla Compassione che ha sempre distinto questo Paese"

ROMULA - A seguito delle critiche contro l'Istalia giunte da parte della comunità internazionale sulle posizioni ed iniziative contro Saridan adottate dal Paese insieme ad Hawu Mumenhes ed agli altri membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza del Congresso Mondiale, il Ministro degli Esteri Simone Calenda ha voluto prontamente rispondere alle critiche convocando una conferenza stampa. Il Ministro, però, non si è limitato a rispondere alla stampa internazionale, ma si è scagliando con particolare astio anche contro il polo nazionalista ed isolazionista e specialmente contro il Movimento dell'Unità dei Popoli d'Istalia, scoperto a lavorare alacremente per sabotare l'attività del governo a livello internazionale, inviando messaggi alle cancellerie di mezzo mondo chiedendo apertamente di opporsi alla strada intrapresa dall'Istalia.

Queste le parole del Ministro:

Per rispondere ai dubbi ed alle domande di molte nazioni del mondo ed espresse per mezzo della stampa internazionale, questa Amministrazione può solo rispondere che non stiamo facendo altro se non rispettare il volere del Consiglio di Sicurezza del Congresso Mondiale, nel quale siamo stati eletti e riconfermati da numerose nazioni che si aspettano da parte nostra un preciso comportamento. Ciò che ha confermato costantemente il Paese all'interno del Consiglio di Sicurezza è stata proprio la nostra integrità e la nostra determinazione nel rispettare dei principi e dei valori di fronte ai quali alcun confine può reggere.
la maggioranza delle nazioni del Consiglio di Sicurezza ha espresso la posizione di quell'Augusta Organizzazione e dunque la posizione della maggioranza delle nazioni di Terra, soprattutto di coloro che continuano, come noi, a credere nella vera Giustizia, qualcosa che trascende le divisioni tra popoli e territori, Giustizia tanto universale che è stata espressa da tutte le grandi filosofie, religioni e scuole di pensiero etico, morale, giuridico e sociale. L'eguaglianza di tutti gli esseri umani in dignità, doveri e diritti.
Non credo che questo Governo debba aggiungere altro o dare ulteriori spiegazioni! Piuttosto, ci rivolgiamo ai tanti che vogliono criticarci chiedendo loro: Con quale coraggio restare indifferenti a guardare milioni di persone ridotte alla condizione di oggetti e soggetti a compravendita come del bestiame? Questa amministrazione continuerà a tener fede alla Giustizia ed alla Compassione che ha sempre distinto questo Paese.
Riguardo al Trattato Globale sull'Emancipazione, ahimè, quell'Istalia interessata a guardare solo il proprio giardino è la causa del fallimento del voto di ratifica, quell'Istalia che vuole chiudere gli occhi di fronte alla sofferenza altrui, quell'Istalia che vuole ignorare l'alta missione che l'Istalia è chiamata a perseguire, quell'Istalia che, con mia sincera delusione, e con sconcerto lo apprendo da fonti oltre i confini del Paese, sta lavorando nell'ombra letteralmente per sabotare non solo le linee programmatiche di questo Governo, ma addirittura lo spirito ed il carattere di questa nazione: il Movimento dell'Unità dei Popoli d'Istalia preferisce sabotare gli sforzi del Governo infangando il suo operato di fronte a nazioni terze nascondendosi in Patria, invece, dietro un silenzio disarmante.
A quelle persone dico solo che questa è la risposta al perché questo polo nazionalista ed isolazionista ha portato l'attuale maggioranza parlamentare a coalizzarsi contro di lui! E dico loro che le loro azioni non possono che rafforzare la determinazione dei partiti parte di questa Grande Coalizione di Governo a lavorare insieme per il bene del Paese e nel nome di principi ai quali non vogliamo, non dobbiamo e non possiamo volgere le spalle!

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Calenda responds to international criticism and attacks nationalists
The Minister of Foreign Affairs defends the Istalian actions and unleashes against the nationalists at home: "How do you have the heart to remain indifferent looking at millions of people reduced to the condition of objects and subject to be sold like livestock? This administration will continue to persue the Justice and the Compassion that have always distinguished this country"

ROMULA - Following the criticism from the international community against the positions and initiatives against Saridan adopted by the Country along with Hawu Mumenhes and the other members of the Security Council of World Congress, Foreign Minister Simone Calenda promptly responded to the criticism by calling a press conference. The Minister, however, did not limit himself to responding to the international press, but he also attacked with particular resentment the nationalist and isolationist pole and especially against the Peoples Unity Movement of Istalia, discovered to work hard to undermine the government activity at international level, sending messages to the chancelleries of half of the world, asking openly to oppose the path taken by Istalia.

These are the words of the Minister:

To respond to the doubts and questions of many nations of the world and expressed through the international press, this Administration can only answer that we are doing nothing but respecting the will of the Security Council of the World Congress, in which we have been elected and reconfirmed from many nations that expect a precise behavior on our part. What has constantly confirmed our Country within the Security Council was precisely our integrity and our determination to respect the principles and values ​​in front of which any border cannot hold.
The majority of the nations of the Security Council have expressed the position of that Augustan Organization and therefore the position of the majority of the nations of Terra, especially the ones which continue, like us, to believe in true Justice, something that transcends the divisions among peoples and territories, so universal justice that has been expressed by all the great philosophies, religions and schools of ethical, moral, juridical and social thought. The equality of all human beings in dignity, duties and rights.
I do not believe that this Government should add anything else or give further explanations! Rather, we turn to the many who want to criticize us by asking them: How do you have the heart to remain indifferent looking at millions of people reduced to the condition of objects and subject to be sold like livestock? This administration will continue to persue the Justice and the Compassion that have always distinguished this Country.
Regarding the Global Treaty on Emancipation, alas, that part of Istalia interested in looking only at its own garden is the cause of the failure of the ratification vote, that part of Istalia that wants to close its eyes to the suffering of others, that part of Istalia that wants to ignore the high mission that Istalia is called to pursue, that part of Istalia which, with my sincere disappointment, and with bewilderment I learn from sources beyond the borders of the country, is working in the shadow literally to sabotage not only the programmatic lines of this Government, but even the spirit and character of this nation: the Peoples Unity Movement of Istalia prefers to undermine the Government's efforts by muddying its work in front of third nations hiding in the homeland, instead, behind a disarming silence.
To that people I can only say that this is the answer to why this nationalist and isolationist pole has led the current parliamentary majority to coalize against! And I tell them that their actions can only strengthen the determination of the member parties of this Great Coalition Government to work together for the good of the country and in the name of principles we do not want, we must not and can not turn away!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:08 pm

With the next election less than a year away, the Alliance has opened their primaries to candidates. A few days ago the party council, which was provisionally installed with 9 members making decisions for the party, approved primary rules that would install 100 delegates from each state and 100 unpledged delegates. Now, three candidates, all of whom are members of the council, have declared for elections.
The first and favored candidate is party founder Eduardo Russo. Russo, a familiar figure to Alliance followers, founded the party. He is now 29 years old. Russo is from Florenza in Padagna and has served there on the city council and recently won the city's elections for mayor. In his political standpoints, Russo is a conservative, although the party has toed a centrist line under his leadership.
The second candidate is 80 year old economist Sesto Foscarini. Foscarini is the director of the economic wing of the Bertolini Institute, a centrist public policy institute founded by prominent poltician Tino Bertolini in the 4330s in Romula. He is a centrist who is likely to keep the party at its centrist position if he wins.
The final candidate is 40 year old Lidia Valieri. An activist from Silicia, Valieri leads the Silician Poor People's Campaign, a movement that combats poverty in Silicia and Sarregna. She is an extremely liberal candidate who until its dissolution was a loyal adherent to the Communist Party. Now, she is a main liberal voice in Alliance discourse.

Needless to say, this primary will be extremely close. The elections are scheduled for August and the convention, where the final decision will be made, is slated for December.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:23 am

Istalian Edition
Presidente Vespa-Baldassare invita gli Stati membri dell'Alleanza Majatrana ad un Summit a Romula
Il Ministro Calenda ha ufficialmente ricevuto dal Presidente il compito di organizzare quest'incontro durante il quale, sperano le autorità di Romula, si potrà stabilire il futuro dell'Alleanza per il 45esimo secolo

ROMULA - Tra gli obbiettivi stabiliti dall'attuale Amministrazione già all'indomani delle elezioni, il grande summit dell'Alleanza Majatrana da tenersi a Romula è stato ufficializzato dal Governo. Il Presidente, in cooperazione con il Primo Ministro Napoleon ed il Ministro Calenda, ha ufficialmente annunciato l'iniziativa.
Il Ministero degli Esteri si è dunque messo in moto per contattare tutte le cancellerie degli Stati Membri invitandoli a Romula per la fine dell'anno e quindi ha rilasciato un comunicato stampa ufficiale a livello internazionale.

L'Esecutivo è intenzionato a gettare le basi dei futuri sviluppi e programmi dell'Alleanza per questo nuovo secolo appena iniziato, augurandosi di poter stringere ancora più i legami tra le nazioni di Majatra ora che anche l'altra Grande potenza continentale, Vanuku, ha aderito all'organizzazione esplicitando la forte comunione di intenti con l'Istalia.
Da Romula il Governo fa sapere che si augura una grande partecipazione ma soprattutto che l'evento sia fruttuoso in termini di obbiettivi e programmi comuni da stabilirsi in concordia con il resto delle nazioni del continente.

Romula ha anche annunciato che saranno invitati come osservatori i rappresentanti degli Stati non membri dell'Alleanza, senza nascondere la propria speranza nell'avvicinare, o riavvicinare, queste nazioni all'idea di una cooperazione più stretta ed integrata nel continente e dunque fare pressioni per una loro futura adesione (o riadesione parlando di Selucia e Solentia).

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President Vespa-Baldassare invites the member states of the Majatran Alliance to a Summit in Romula
Minister Calenda has officially received from the President the task of organizing this meeting during which, hope the Romulan authorities, the future of the Alliance can be established for the 45th century

ROMULA - Among the objectives set by the current Administration already in the aftermath of the elections, the great summit of the Majatran Alliance to be held in Romula has been formalized by the Government. The President, in cooperation with Prime Minister Napoleon and Minister Calenda, officially announced the initiative.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs therefore started to contact all the chancelleries of the Member States inviting them to Romula by the end of the year and then issued an official press release internationally.

The Administration intends to lay the foundations of the Alliance's future developments and programs for this new century that has just begun, hoping to be able to tighten even more the ties between the Majatran nations now that the other continental Great Power, Vanuku, has also joined the organization by making clear the strong communion of intent with Istalia.
From Romula, the Government informs that it wishes a great participation, but above all that the event is fruitful in terms of objectives and common programs to be established in harmony with the rest of the continent's nations.

Romula also announced that representatives of non-member States of the Alliance will be invited as observers, without hiding their hope in bringing these countries closer or reconnect them to the idea of ​​closer and more integrated cooperation on the continent and thus lobbying for their future adhesion (or re-edhesion, speaking about Selucia and Solentia).
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:06 pm

Antonio Rosso prepares for one last push for the presidency!
Rosso: "We should celebrate the upcoming summit as an Istalian achievement after all the rapprochement with Vanuku started with our own President Votta!"

Rosso is most likely to be replaced by Vespa-Baldassare as Il Duce of the party

With about a year left until elections, the National Democratic Party of Istalia can show a pretty decent record of achievements in its first 10 years of existence. They are the fourth largest party (previously second largest), they had their chance at governing, placing 3 ministries, and now they get ready for another shot at the Presidency as Rosso still has strikingly high approval ratings despite being 85 years old. However, it will be his last run for it, and he will run only for one term due to old age, nonetheless, according to the Il Duce of the National Democrats, "1 term will be enough to set some things straight".

Unlike the AI, the PND is not the most right-wing party in parliament, which according to analysts make it so "coalition ready", which in the upcoming elections will be crucial as there will be 11 parties competing for the 505 seats. The goal of the PND is very clear: to maintain the number of seats. This will be challenging as the number of parties has increased, but according to vice-leader Luciano Vespa-Baldassare "absolutely possible". Luciano Vespa-Baldassare has also commented on the new system of choosing candidates, which is very democratic as anyone can apply to be a candidate in a region. Clearly, this has worked best in Sarregna, where the PND holds the relative majority.
I believe the new system is fantastic. Our first three ministers have done an outstanding job and my daughter is a very active MP concerning education. However, together with Giuseppe di Nero, they are the only two which have any history with the AI, but both were perfect fits so I do not think anyone minds that. However, the former Minister of Defence, Silvio Conte, was a choice following standard application procedure, with his navy ranking and expertise aligning with the needs of this position. Our new candidate for Foreign Affairs is our "token" *laughs* Quanzari from Padagna, who is nothing short of a patriot. He has served in the army, without a weapon though, following that he graduated law school only to become CEO in Romula's Football Club. Long story short: his application is perfect to work with the big egos on the large international political scene.

I am also happy that my nephew Sante Vespa-Baldassare is a competent President, and I see the future is bright for our family.

The PND has increased its number of members drastically with the new application procedure, especially in the Youth Wing "Young Alternative". This has ensured that very loyal and competent men and women have taken up the PND seats in the Chamber and in regional Parliaments. Ironically, the Palerno mayor is not PND, despite the HQ being located there. That is something that the current leadership hopes to change.

Below is a list of all the ministerial candidates of the Partito Nazionale Democratico:
Presidential Candidate and Leader: Antonio Rosso, Born in Romula 4320 (85) Founder of the Party and is attempting to win the presidency one last time,

Candidate of Head of Government and Vice Leader: Luciano Vespa-Baldassare, Born in Romula 4340,

Foreign Affairs: Raza Ahmed, Born in Milona 4370, After finishing an all-boys school in Milona, he went to the military but refused to take up arms. After 2 years of service, aged 19, he went on to study law in Romula where in fact he met Rosso for the first time, as a lecturer (being the head of one of Istalia's largest foundations Rosso often gave speeches at Universities), after 5 years obtaining the degree, Mr Ahmed joined the staff of Romula FC, working his way up to General Manager (making his word decisive in terms of player contracts and transfers). Aged 30 he, out of curiosity, applied for membership in the PND and got the high ranking position for Foreign Affairs.

Internal Affairs: Fabiola Mondadori, born in Turrino 4375, After the University of Turrino's Law course, aged 25 joined the PND whilst writing her doctorate. Unexpectedly she received such a high ranking position, under the condition that she would get the doctorate degree, which she did aged 27. Luciano Vespa-Baldassare saw great potential in her and essentially gave her the third highest ranking position in the party as a bet on the future.

Finance: Alessandro Bencivenni, born in Genevia 4360, Economist, former CEO of Banca Mariani [Milona], his application was accepted instantly. Now he is holding the fourth highest position (unofficial ranking) in the party and is a key source of finance for the party. His close ties with the financial sector make him legitimately indispensable in the PND hierarchy. He is regarded as one of two people able to assume leadership following the retirement of Rosso, the other one being Luciano Vespa-Baldassare. His bid is further strengthened by his son Giuseppe is the Vice-Leader of the Youth Wing, an insanely charismatic young man.

Defence: Silvio Conte, born in Vinesia 4350, Admiral of the Navy, following his whole career spent in the Istalian fleet. Joined most recently as a critique of the Massa Plan which involved the Navy "transporting innocent people like livestock". With his position as Admiral and his age, being the oldest except the two leaders, his voice is very strong in the leadership, but he lacks ambition.

Justice: Giuseppe di Nero, born in Verunia 4380 (25), the youngest member of the leadership, grandson of former minister of defence and ex-AI turned ULD member Andreatto di Nero. Was accepted for the position with Rosso's recommendation (probably as a friendly gesture to the di Nero family, with which the Rosso family is close friends with). Giuseppe has recently finished the Law History degree at the university of Romula.

Infrastructure and Transport: Francette Baldi, born in Palerno 4376, the Main engineer at the Palerno-located "MassaMotors" sports car company. Working at the Beniamino Massa founded car company, she tried her luck applying for membership for the spiritual successor of Massa's party.

Health and Social Services: Simone Amalberti, born in Palerno 4371, Economics Professor at the University of Palerno. Applied following peer pressure at the local Palerno pub, which is very close to the PND HQ and consequently is a hive of PND supporters. He is a local star amongst the student body but calling him nationalist is very far-fetched. Nonetheless, he admired Gianluigi Rosso. He previously tried his luck for mayor but failed. He is very ambitious and believes that the PND should finally choose a side either with the Nationalist bloc OR with the ULD, consequently he does not believ in the in-betweeen game which the PND currently plays.

Education and Culture: Juliana Vespa-Baldassare, born in Romula 4380, second youngest member of leadership and daughter of Vice-Leader Luciano Vespa-Baldassare, which makes her second-cousin with President Sante. She was a high-school history teacher prior to accepting her father's invitation of joining his party. After all, as the heir of the "nationalist VB" line, she felt she had to go into politics. Nonetheless, her charisma and oratorial abilities made up for her absolute lack of experience and she became minister of Education and Culture in the previous government, and now she is the most active member of parliament from the PND. She is also the second most popular PND member according to public polls, after Rosso.

Science and Technology: Maximilian Varano, born in Nepoli 4372, he was working in the Research and Development department of Magistro-Leonardi S.A. He is half Dundorfian (mother's side) and a great machine engineer who loves beer with sausages but lacks a sense of humour.

Food and Agriculture: Cecilio Barzetti, born in Calliari 4372, his family possesses massive fruit and vegetable plantations in Sarregna, hence he is very knowledgeable on the agriculture of said fruits. However, he joined the PND, for this position, due to the fact that his older brother will be the heir of the plantations, not him, hence he was searching for another job. He believes strongly that GMO is the future of farming and aspires to make Istalia a key fruits exporter. He was one of the first applicants and consequently was one of the architects for the PND's policies regarding agriculture, hoping to take the farmers's vote from the republicans.

Environment and Tourism: Giannino De Felice, born in Ulbia 4379, after finishing high-school, he became a star DJ and a regular performer at all national and international festivals. He is very famous for his voluntary work as well regarding protecting the nature in and around his hometown. He even recently made the news after he prevented the construction of a motorway through forest land, instead holding a concert to raise money to construct said motorway through a longer, yet less environmentally damaging route. Ironically, he is quite conservative as he refuses to perform and mix songs in any language other than Istalian. His popularity makes him a key figure in the PND leadership, despite his unorthodox origins.

Trade and Industry: Bella Azurri, born in Palerno 4359, former Vice-CEO of IstalAir S.p.A. and then, until joining the PND, CEO of MajAir, the low-cost daughter company. The story of Bella's life can be summarized with one word: effort. She came from a poor Palernan family, went to free school and through effort graduated as the best in her class, gaining a scholarship for the University of Palerno. Throughout her studies, she was working part-time at fast-food stores. She graduated with honours from the university with a master's degree in Accounting and Finance which allowed her to start up a cryptocurrency trading company in Palerno, which grew very rapidly and pulled her into the middle class. After selling her share of the company following a job offer in IstalAir, she started her climb to the top of that company. After all, the cryptocurrency company was not large enough to make her rich, but she was very ambitious. So she worked up the career ladder until she was made the top official at MajAir. Now she is very wealthy and super pro-Majatran Alliance activist. Which is unique among the ranks of the PND but she is a very influential woman.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:34 pm

L'Alleanza founder Eduardo Russo celebrates at election night party. Russo finished in first in voting, but by a small margin.
The Alliance's presidential primaries finished with an inconclusive result last night, with top candidates Eduardo Russo and Sesto Foscarini ending the night in a virtual tie.

RUSSO: 55.8% - 56 delegates
FOSCARINI: 38.9% - 39 delegates
VALIERI: 9.3% - 9 delegates

No surprise here that Russo dominated Padagna, his home region. However, it's not quite as resounding of a win as you would think due to the fact that sources claim that internal polling and computer analytics placed them well above 65 percent. This is only the first shocker of a night of surprises, which ended well for Sesto Foscarini.

FOSCARINI: 51.2% - 51 delegates
VALIERI: 26.3% - 26 delegates
RUSSO: 22.5% - 23 delegates

Trivendito's results are particularly shocking because of how easily Foscarini ran away with it. The expectation from all three camps was that Padagna was Russo's territory, Mezzodiurno was Foscarini's, and Silicia was Valieri's, leaving Sarregna and Trivendito as the main battlegrounds.

FOSCARINI: 64.2% - 64 delegates
RUSSO: 32.8% - 32 delegates
VALIERI: 3% - 3 delegates

Foscarini easily won his home region.

RUSSO: 46.7% - 47 delegates
VALIERI: 33.3% - 33 delegates
FOSCARINI: 20% - 20 delegates

Silicia kept Russo from an embarrassing loss in the primary round. Without the strong result here, the race would have been over for him and in Foscarini's hands.

RUSSO: 49.6% - 50 delegates
VALIERI: 27.5% - 28 delegates
FOSCARINI: 21.9% - 22 delegates

RUSSO: 208 delegates, or 41.6% of pledged delegates and 34.67% of all delegates
FOSCARINI: 196 delegates, or 39.2% of pledged delegates and 32.67% of all delegates
VALIERI: 92 delegates, or 19.2% of pledged delegates and 16% of all delegates

Now, we head to convention, where 100 unpledged delegates will make a decision on who to vote for. Valieri has yet to endorse a candidate, which could significantly alter either candidate's chances of winning the nomination. However, even with Valieri's endorsement, neither candidate would have enough delegates and would have to court the unpledged delegates.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:20 am


The ULD held their traditional congress this year; this time later than the PND, possibly in a slight realisation after the national democrats unveiled their candidates for ministers. The congress was held in a traditional matter, in the span of almost a week. However, it was more eventful than most in the recent years: many more shocks among the candidates, and the party leader and Prime Minister, Alba Napoleon, announced that she will resign if the new abortion law D.d.l. does not pass. Those words did cause many whispers within the party, as multiple members of the party began vying for the post of Chairperson. Although the most senior members of the party's leadership besides Napoleon, those being Faraj and Bossi, are seen as loyalists, figures such as Rashid Arian, Andrea Moro or Cesare Vespa-Baldassare could be ambitious enough to try their strengths.

President Vespa-baldassare did not, however, seem to pleased with the candidates for Ministers

Unusually, the ministerial candidates were announced not by the party leader, but by President Sante Vespa-Baldassare, who was confirmed to run for reelection.

Alba Napoleon was obviously confirmed to be the candidate for Prime Minister, however that may potentially change due to the abortion bill vote being very close.

Ariele Aceto, the Istalian ambassador in Luthori, is the proposed minister of Foreign Affairs. An experienced diplomat, the professor is widely expected to replace the slowly fading star of Imraan al-Bahrin in the ULD leadership.

Giuseppe Baldini, one of the most controversial figures within the party, was seen as the big winner of the congress, achieving an important ministerial nomination, becoming not only the candidate for minister of interior, but also the planned deputy prime minister.

Agostino Salazar, the minister of Trade and Industry and former minister of Education and Culture will replace Sarwa Faraj, the *golden lady* or *iron lady of istalian economics*, due to her iron rule and long service in the ministership. Salazar, as mentioned, has experience in the fields of economics and as a minister, and is among Napoleon's most trusted men within the party.

Giovanni Ramano will be the party's candidate for Minister of Defence; a former military pilot, Ramano later began his career in the arms trade world, first as an expert, and later as a trader himself. That way he met several other businessmen, and members of the party.

Raseef Adan will become the new candidate for minister of justice; a man of many talents, Adan first was a lawyer serving many pharmaceutical companies and later, due to his knowledge of that scene, he became the minister of Health and Social Services. Adan, however, is, as stated, a very experienced lawyer.

Infrastrure and Transport - Andrea Moro. Moro was a member of the city council of Firenze for a long time, however, after her unsuccessful run for the position of mayor, she was noticed by the party's authorities and soon advanced to national politics, becoming a senator.

Rashid Arian will, if everything will go as planned by the ULD, return to the post of the Minister of Health and Social Services. A doctor and poltician, and a not-so-strong loyalist, Arian is however seen as the prefered heir to Napoleon. If he would, in fact, replace her, he would be the first Quanzari man to lead the ULD, as all prior Quanzari leaders of the ULD were women.

Giancarlo Simonette, the son of former ULD leader Grimaldo Simonette, will be the candidate for minister of Education and Culture. He himself stated that he has never planned to enter politics; instead, he was a theatre actor and director. He was a well-respected man of culture. However, in his 40s, he decided to enter politics. Just 2 years in, he became a candidate for Minister, mostly due to hime being hugely respected amongst the artists of Istalia.

Sad al-Ozer, a former Astronaut, will now be the Liberal Democrats' candidate for minister of Science and Technology. There is little to say; he published books about space nad his experience that high above Istalia. It is also seen as an effort to make the cabinet more attractive, however, due to his experience, he is also seen as a good potential candidate.

Nada Kamal will be the candidate for Food and Agriculture. She is a very specific member of the ULD, as she describes herself as a nationalist and conservative, for the ULD's standards. She is seen as someone that could appeal to the rural vote and allow the ULD to finally establish their foothold in villages or among the poor, which are seen as more conservative.

Environment and Tourism - Sonia Ingrao. If she would, in fact, become a minister, she would be the youngest one in Istalian history, at bare 19 years of age. Ingrao isn't a stranger to being the youngest, as she was also the youngest leader of the ULD youth wing, which she began to lead 3 months before her 16th birthday. Ingrao hasn't gone university, instead being linked to the ULD all her life, with her mother being the party's MP. This is a very controversial pick, due to her very young age and complete lack of experience.

Cesare Vespa-Baldassare will be his family's party's candidate for Minister of Trade and Industry. Currently, Cesare is the minister of Infrastructure and Transport. The second youngest Vespa-Baldassare politician is an economist and banker without experience in the latter field, but seen as a genius in the prior. He is seen as another controversial figure, however, due to his recent marriage to Saara al-Munir, an adult films actress.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby RedReaper » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:55 am

Bartone Endorses Calenda for the Presidency
Nepoli, Mezzodiurno

Chairman Davino Bartone has endorsed Radical Alliance candidate Simone Calenda as the election nears. Bartone, who prior to the announcement was speculated to be running for the office himself, said that it was far more important to get the Left into office than to seek unlikely electoral gains which would split the vote and place the Liberal Democrats back in power.

Istalia cannot survive another term of right wing governance. The left must win, party politics aside. Hence I wholeheartedly support Simon Calenda for the Presidency and I hope that we can strive united together to provide a true leftist alternative to the rising nationalist right in this country. Thank you.

Bartone's comments have split the party, with many on the far left condemning the endorsement as a betrayal. However, it appears that Bartone continues to have majority support within the party. Vice-Chairman Bernardo Pirozzi has backed the decision, mirroring Bartone's sentiment regarding the necessity of a left victory in this election.

Elections are to be held on April 15th.
Last edited by RedReaper on Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:30 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:00 pm

Organo stampa ufficiale dell'Alleanza Radicale

Calenda: "la Sinistra deve avere un candidato comune! Dobbiamo risanare molti danni fatti dai nazionalisti!"

ROMULA - Il Ministro degli Esteri e leader dell'Alleanza Radicale, Simone Calenda, ha ufficialmente annunciato la sua candidatura come candidato del centro-sinistra per le elezioni Presidenziali ormai prossime.
Calenda, ha dichiarato ai giornalisti, ha speso diversi mesi a dialogare con i partiti del centro-sinistra e della sinistra affinché accordassero il loro supporto al candidato Radicale, principalmente invitandoli ad unirsi intorno ad un candidato comune ed al suo programma, un programma che, come ha dichiarato il Ministro, si focalizzerà a risanare "i danni fatti dai nazionalisti".

Calenda, parlando dei nazionalisti, non ha soltanto sollevato i problemi causati da questi per quanto riguarda la politica estera nazionale, ma ha sottolineato come il Paese, dopo diverse discutibili leggi proposte dai nazionalisti passate in parlamento, sia regredito di decenni, addirittura paragonandolo ad uno "Stato di Polizia". Ha parlato di come siano stati sollevati immani ostacoli alle dogane, ha parlato di come siano stati colpiti e ridotti i diritti dei lavoratori nonché diverse libertà sociali, in primis il diritto all'aborto, divenuta materia degli enti locali, una misura inaccettabile per la Celenda come anche per l'attuale governo a guida ULD, una questione che sembra non abbia però trovato l'appoggio del Fronte Democratico che potrebbe essersi astenuto data la sua politica filo-devoluzionista.

La sfida lanciata da Calenda, però, sarà molto ardua, sia alle Presidenziali, dovendo confrontarsi con l'apprezzato Vespa-Baldassare e dunque con il Nazional Democratico Rosso, sia in Parlamento dove entreranno non meno di 11 nuovi partiti all'indomani delle prossime elezioni e dove il fronte nazionalista rischia di riconfermare la propria maggioranza relativa vanificando gli sforzi del centro-sinistra.
Calenda, incalzato dai giornalisti riguardo le difficili condizioni di questa campagna elettorale, comunque ha semplicemente risposto:

Gli Istaliani decideranno, ma quello che è certo è che Alleanza Radicale continuerà a difendere libertà, tolleranza, diritti dei lavoratori ed un'Istalia aperta al mondo!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Official Press of Radical Alliance

Calenda: "the Left must have a common candidate! We must repair many damage done by the nationalists!"

ROMULA - The Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Radical Alliance, Simone Calenda, has officially announced his candidacy as candidate of the center-left for the upcoming presidential elections.
Calenda, he told journalists, spent several months talking to the center-left and left-wing parties so to give their support to the Radical candidate, mainly by inviting them to join a common candidate and his program, a program that, as stated by the Minister, it will focus on repair "the damage done by the nationalists".

Calenda, speaking about the nationalists, has not only raised the problems caused by these as regards national foreign policy, but has underlined how the country, after several controversial laws proposed by the nationalists and passed in parliament, has regressed for decades, even comparing it to a "Police state". He talked about how huge barriers to customs were raised, he talked about how the rights of workers as well as various social freedoms were hit and reduced, primarily the right to abortion, which became a matter for local authorities, an unacceptable measure for Celenda as well as for the current ULD-led government, an issue that does not seem to have found the support of the Democratic Front that could have abstained given its pro-devolutionist policy.

The challenge launched by Calenda, however, will be very difficult, both to the Presidential, having to deal with the appreciated Vespa-Baldassare and then with the National Democratic Rosso, and in Parliament where no less than 11 new parties will enter the day after the next election and where the nationalist parties risk to see reconfirmed their relative majority, undermining the efforts of the center-left.
Calenda, pressed by journalists regarding the difficult conditions of this election campaign, however, simply replied:

The Istalians will decide, but what is certain is that the Radical Alliance will continue to defend freedom, tolerance, workers' rights and an Istalia open to the world!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:39 pm

L'Alleanza has selected Sesto Foscarini as its presidential candidate. He won with 392 delegates.
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