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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Jervoy Tyson » Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:50 pm


ROMULA:As Int'l community isn't giving Istalia' stance as "ALL IS WELL" certificate the Istalian govt is under pressure & instead of accepting failure,its blaming the opposition parties which are not going to leave GOVT. unaccountable.
Get ready we wont leave you in this matter.You are accountable to the Parliament & this nation.You have to answer for Bringing Istalia SHAME, SHAME & JUST SHAME
.PNI Central Information Secretary Tazio Caranci
You are totally failed in handling every issue.You can't blame us for your failures.International community knows all the things.
MUPI Leader General (R) Carlo
NO,NO.They can't escape they have to be accountable for their so called "MASSA PLAN"led by Massa,Sante & Calenda.Be ready for it.
LDPI Members.
Sources reveal that the current political rift has thrown Govt. In a defenceless situation as it faces criticism both internally & internationally.It seems that the upcoming elections would include a full compaign against govt. Of failing Istalian in Saridan War.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby RedReaper » Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:00 pm

Labour Becomes Second Largest Party as Calenda Wins Presidency in Election Shock
Romula, Mezzodiurno

Surprise and jubilation filled Labour Party headquarters last night as the newly formed party wins 67 seats, making them the second largest party in the Chamber. Davino Bartone made a celebratory speech to the press at the Baglioni Hotel in Romula, which served as the party's electoral headquarters. Bartone was visibly elated, with the victory coming as a brilliant surprise to many across the political spectrum. The party received a staggering 7,948,683 in its first ever election, with the majority coming from the regions of Padagna and Trivendito. The news came as the Radical Alliance's Simone Calenda won the presidency with Labour Party support.

I must give my greatest thanks to all our loyal supporters who came out in their droves today. The electoral establishment has received a severe shock today and it is all thanks to you. This staggering electoral success for our new party is but the beginning of what is to come. We must now look to our allies in Parliament, to the new President Calenda, to ensure the formation of a government which will represent the people and allow us to achieve the changes which this great nation deserves. Servi il Popolo! Thank you all.

Coalition negotiations are currently underway, with hopes of a new left wing coalition government on the horizon. The Liberal Democrats remain the largest party in the chamber, but without much support from the other political parties, it is unlikely as to who will end up in government and who in opposition.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:44 pm

Rosso steps down!
PND succeeded in "Damage Mitigation" as the nationalist wave falls

Following the election, the PND HQ in Palerno was sincerely disappointed about the election loss to an underdog left wing candidate. Many in the party blame it on the fractured bid of the nationalist bloc, whilst Luciano Vespa-Baldassare claims that they should not have aligned with that bloc in the first place and should have endorsed the ULD candidate to follow further along the path of "damage mitigation". This path was actually relatively successful for the PND , which lost only 6 seats, reclaiming its position as strongest nationalist party and despite losing Sarregna, surprisingly winning Mezzodiurno, keeping the party firmly in fourth, which looking at the new number of parties in the chamber and damage taken by PNI is actually quite a satisfying result for the National Democrats.

Nonetheless, this means again a now final farewell to Antonio Rosso. Aged 86 he has seen a lot. He has been World Congress Security Council representative of Istalia, he has been Prime Minister, he was a philanthropist in the Rosso foundation following the AI collapse, he founded the PND and in his final election managed to keep the PND a key player in Istalian politics despite the increased number of parties and the sinking nationalism - he even managed to gather 17 % of the vote for President (remember aged 86). His grand son Gianluigi Rosso (18, named obviously after the honoured President) is currently leading the Youth Wing organization of the PND (Young Alternative) and is expected to step up to the national political scene very soon, presumably following university studies.

The departure of Rosso calls for a new Leader, and the party has unanimously confirmed Vice-Leader Luciano Vespa-Baldassare as the new Il Duce of the party. Of course there were some sighs of disappointment regarding this arguably undemocratic appointment, but the mainstream belief was that the party needed to project unity and strength and a famous name in front of the challenges to come in the new legislature. Moreover, the VB line was always the most moderate one in the party, hoping to govern in the next legislature and sending signals towards the Liberal Democrats of such intentions.

New Leader Luciano Vespa-Baldassare with a comment:
Thank you Antonio Rosso for the fantastic years that i know you, my most proud achievement is calling you a friend. Thank you to the voters who continue to trust us, as we have not lost voters despite the increased party number. Thank you to the party members for unanimously confirming me as their Leader, I hope to not disappoint. Lastly, as a thank you to the media, we can still provide food for speculation regarding who will become the new Vice-Leader of the PND, so have fun tonight!

The Vice Leader of the PND will be elected democratically, AFTER the coalition building process concludes as Luciano hopes with currently unshared power within the party to put the PND in the most optimal position possible.
Only then will the comfortable Environment allow for such crucial decisions such as leadership elections

Claims Luciano.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Aethan » Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:49 pm

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
Left Bloc - Istalia
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:16 pm

Breaking News: Luciano Vespa-Baldassare, PND Leader, meets with new head of Istalian central bank!
Vespa-Baldassare:"you have finally reclaimed independence!"

Following the passage of the PND proposed bill on detaching the central bank fully from the government, the new Leader of the National Democrats has finally met its new head. Commenting solely with the statement that the central bank has "finally reclaimed its independence and unbiased competence". The two Gentlemen have talked the rest of the afternoon behind closed doors, as the success of this project will strongly affect the PND's success in the future, it being their initiative. However, there are clearly common interests as the PND is a capitalist party.

The central bank of Istalia now being separate from the government is observed closely by the stock markets and all political parties, as corporations approach the situation with "cautious optimism" whilst radical left wing groups claim this to be of benefit solely to the elites.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:26 am

Istalian Edition
Grave fuoriuscita da un deposito di scorie nucleari in Sarregna
Disastro ambientale colpisce un sito di stoccaggio dell'ENIST nell'entroterra Alariano: 12 i comuni evacuati, moria tra il bestiame e le culture ed oltre 52 km² di territorio contaminato

SASSERI - Situazione gravissima in Sarregna a seguito di un collasso strutturale di un sito di stoccaggio di scorie nucleari dell'ENIST che ha rilasciato nell'ambiente e nella falda acquifera notevoli quantità di materiale radioattivo. Il collasso ha interessato uno dei tunnel sotterranei del sito, coinvolto in uno smottamento sotterraneo, dove erano stoccate circa 25 tonnellate di scorie. Lo smottamento, secondo i primi dati dell'inchiesta lanciata dal Tribunale di Sasseri, sarebbe stato dovuto all'erosione di una cavità sotterranea generatasi a seguito del farsi strada di un torrente sotterraneo alimentato dalla locale falda acquifera, a sua volta alimentata dalle importanti piogge della passata stagione.
Il crollo non solo ha permesso alle pericolose scorie di entrare in contatto con la falda acquifera, ma ha liberato anche nell'aria parte delle scorie dato che lo smottamento ha fatto crollare un'intero lato della collina artificiale sotto la quale vi à il sito, una collina innalzata sopra i tunnel di stoccaggio al di sopra di uno strato di roccia e composta di materiale argilloso impermeabile e di due spessi strati di cemento armato, una soluzione adottata all'epoca della sua costruzione a causa della natura dello strato roccioso che, sebbene garantiva una solida base, non poteva essere traforato.

Sono 12 i comuni in provincia di Sasseri ad essere stati evacuati mentre oltre 52 km² sono stati dichiarati zone interdette all'accesso e poste sotto controllo dell'Esercito, il quale sta pian piano constatando anche la grave moria di animali d'allevamento e delle culture in tutta la zona. Purtroppo ancora non si hanno dati certi riguardo la contaminazione della falda acquifera e le previsioni più pessimistiche addirittura dicono che la contaminazione potrebbe raggiungere il fiume Adise e propagarsi in tutto il sud dell'Isola con conseguenze davvero catastrofiche.
Dopo la paura, ovviamente, è arrivata l'indignazione ed in migliaia in tutta Istalia sono scesi in strada per chiedere immediate azioni da prendere contro il gigante dell'energia Istaliano come anche sulla materia dell'energia nucleare. In molti, dopo l'incidente, hanno espresso la loro opposizione al nucleare sottolineandone la pericolosità e quindi proprio il problema delle scorie e del loro stoccaggio.
A farsi portavoce di queste istanze si è posto il partito di centro-sinistra Fronte Democratico, che dopo un fallimentare tentativo di bandire l'energia nucleare attraverso una legge presentata in parlamento, ha già dichiarato al Presidente della Repubblica, durante le consultazioni post elettorali, che il Fronte spingerà affinché un referendum sulla materia sia tenuto entro od alla fine della legislatura.

Intanto il Presidente della Repubblica ha dato disposizioni affinché le divisioni specializzate dell'Esercito si mettano in moto per contenere la contaminazione e soprattutto per bloccare il suo propagarsi fino all'Adise, operazione che viene prima di ogni altra cosa, come espresso dal Presidente Calenda:

Oltre 50 km² sono già stati contaminati, se non blocchiamo immediatamente il propagarsi della contaminazione rischiamo davvero di perdere la Sarregna orientale se non tutta la regione. La priorità ora è confinare la fuoriuscita, dunque ci sarà il tempo per chiamare i responsabili alla barra e per prendere adeguate misure preventive.

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Serious leak from a nuclear waste store in Sarregna
Environmental disaster hits an ENIST storage site in the Alarian hinterland: 12 municipalities evacuated, deaths between livestock and crop and over 52 km² of contaminated area

SESSERI - Very serious situation in Sarregna following a structural collapse of an ENIST's nuclear waste storage site which released large quantities of radioactive material into the environment and groundwater. The collapse has affected one of the underground tunnels of the site, involved in an underground landslide, where about 25 tons of waste were stored. The landslide, according to the first info from the investigation launched by the Tribunal of Sasseri, was due to the erosion of an underground cavity generated as a result of the advancing of an underground stream fed by the local aquifer, in turn fed by the important rains of the past season.
The collapse not only allowed the dangerous waste to come into contact with the groundwater, but also released part of the waste in the air as the landslide collapsed a whole side of the artificial hill under which there is the site, a hill raised above the storage tunnels above a rock layer and made of impermeable clay and two thick layers of reinforced concrete, a solution adopted at the time of its construction due to the nature of the rock layer which, although guaranteed a solid base, could not be pierced.

There are 12 municipalities in the province of Sasseri that have been evacuated, while more than 52 km² have been declared areas forbidden to access and placed under control of the Army, which is slowly noting even the serious death of farm animals and crops throughout the area. Unfortunately, there is still no reliable data concerning the contamination of the aquifer and the most pessimistic forecasts even say that the contamination could reach the river Adise and spread throughout the south of the island with truly catastrophic consequences.
After the fear, of course, the indignation has arrived and thousands in all of Istalia have gone down to the streets to ask for immediate actions to be taken against the Istalian energy giant as well as on the matter of nuclear energy. Many people, after the incident, expressed their opposition to nuclear power, underlining its dangerousness and therefore the problem of waste and its storage.
The center-left party Democratic Front, which after a failed attempt to ban nuclear energy through a law presented in parliament, has become the spokesman for these requests and has already declared to the President of the Republic, during post-election consultations, that the Front will push for a referendum on the matter to be held before or at the end of the legislature.

Meanwhile, the President of the Republic has made provisions so that the specialized divisions of the Army are set in motion to contain the contamination and especially to block its spread to the Adise, an operation that comes before anything else, as expressed by President Calenda:

Over 50 km² have already been contaminated, if we do not immediately stop the spread of contamination, we really risk losing all the eastern Sarregna if not all the region. The priority now is to limit the leak, then there will be time to bring the responsables before the Justice and to take appropriate preventive measures.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:00 pm

Maximilian Varano (PND MP) comments on the nuclear catastrophe
Varano: "We can not blame the leak on nuclear power!"

During the recent Sarregnan nuclear leakage due to a landslide which has caused the evacuation of hundreds of Istalian citizens from their homes, the question of nuclear power's place in Istalia's energy hierarchy is questioned once again. The PND, as one of the parties not only favoring Nuclear Power, but voting in favor of their subsidies, is now on the front lines having to defend their decision in front of disillusioned voters and feisty media. First to provide any real comment outside of regular condolences was the nominee for the Ministry of Science and Technology, MP Maximilian Varano:
Let me start with saying that I am deeply sorry for all the people and wildlife suffering from this catastrophe. It is easy now to scapegoat everything on the power plant itself, and I am in deepest solidarty with the people in this regard. However, as a scientist it is my duty to explain that blaming nuclear power itself for the disaster is outright wrong. All the blame should go to engineers and subcontractors which have constructed the storage facilities at this site, clearly without all necessary safety measures. Blaming nuclear power, which by the way is the main reason why Istalia is able to achieve its environmental targets, is only going to damage Istalia as the engineers and private companies, and even politicians signing off on the project, will not feel the full responsibility and consequence of their simply ignorant actions, hence further catastrophe will not be avoided either. We will take this case to the ministry of justice and make the responsible pay compensation to the victims and we will start an initiative of modernising all nuclear power plants and storages to the absolutely newest safety and ecological standards. Thank you and may god help the poor souls that are now suffering!
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:35 pm


Giuseppe Baldini may replace Napoleon as the ULD's candidate for Prime Minister

In a recent statement, Prime Minister Alba Napoleon announced that she may very well not lead the planned grand coalition, consisting of both centre-right and centre-left parties; instead, she said that a more agreeable nonpartisan candidate, such as the head of the Istalian Central Bank, Bruno Savelli. However, she also mentioned a political figure from her party; the planned minister for Internal Affairs, Giuseppe Baldini. Many in the ULD, however, would not like to see that happen, as Baldini is seen as the current Chairperson's lapdog; although the Liberal Democrats gained many seats in the recent elections and now have twice the amount of seats of the second party, the labourists, they have lost the presidency, something that members of the party cannot forgive the chairperson; they believe that the Prime Minister could have easily arranged the backing of the National Democrats for Vespa-Baldassare.
They would prefer to see either Rashid Arian or Agostino Salazar as the new Prime Minister, leading the grand coalition. Both were seen as Napoleon loyalists, with the prior one even called her heir, however, at this point, both seem to be possible challengers that she may have to face in the upcoming leadership elections; be it for Napoleon cutting them off from power (Salazar's case) or replacing them (Arian's case); not only that, but if they'd unite their forces, they could possibly overturn the Prime Minister's decision and install one of themselves as the Prime Minister candidate; that is, if Baldini wouldn't have sufficient enough backing.
But the question is; will Napoleon really be replaced?
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:24 pm

Istalian Edition
Calenda propone Bertone alla guida dell'esecutivo
Una Grande coalizione di difficile composizione e con molti partiti, questa la scelta del Presidente: ora dovrà riuscire ad avere la fiducia in Parlamento

ROMULA - Il capo dello stato ha incaricato Davino Bertone di guidare il prossimo Governo. Sarà una Grande coalizione del Centro-sinistra con il Partito Nazionalista, sostenuto esternamente dal Partito degli Agricoltori.
A Calenda non piacciono le cose facili, questo è chiaro: 6 partiti ed uno di supporto esterno, non proprio il più facile governo da guidare, ma Calenda è riuscito a riunirli intorno ad un programma preciso, un'incremento della spesa pubblica utilizzando il surplus budgetario con l'obbiettivo di stimolare la crescita, incrementare i redditi tramite il moltiplicatore fiscale ed innalzare il PIL tramite investimenti in settori chiave come quello delle infrastrutture e stimoli all'industria ed al commercio.

Calenda, comunque, ha dichiarato:

Il Governo da me proposto è stato formalizzato per la mia volontà di avere al mio fianco un esecutivo formato da partiti di centro-sinistra e che perseguisse una politica budgetaria espansionistica. Ma, per senso del dovere e per giustizia, non ho potuto tirarmi indietro dal consultare anche il primo partito in Parlamento, l'ULD, ed affidare un incarico esplorativo anche a Baldini.
È mia intenzione comunque cercare di perseguire gli obbiettivi che hanno unito 5 partiti nel sostenere la mia corsa alla Presidenza e dunque in caso Bertone dovesse avere successo nel ricevere la fiducia, ebbene sarà quello il Governo che guiderà la nazione.

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Calenda proposes Bertone to lead the cabinet
A great coalition of difficult composition and with many parties, this is the choice of the President: now it will have to succeed in having the confidence by Parliament

ROMULA - The head of state instructed Davino Bertone to lead the next government. It will be a Great coalition of Center-Left with the Nationalist Party, supported externally by the Farmers' Party.
Calenda does not like easy things, this is clear: 6 parties and one for the external support, not really the easiest government to lead, but Calenda managed to bring them together around a precise program, an increase in public spending using the budgetary surplus with the aim of stimulating growth, increasing income through the fiscal multiplier and raising the GDP through investments in key sectors such as infrastructure and stimulation to industry and trade.

Calenda, however, stated:

The Government that I proposed was formalized by my desire to have an executive formed by left-wing parties and to pursue an expansionary budgetary policy. But, due to the sense of duty and fairness, I could not draw back from consulting the first party in Parliament, the ULD, and entrusting an exploratory task to Baldini too.
It is my intention, however, to try to pursue the objectives that have united 5 parties in supporting my presidency, and therefore if Bertone were to succeed in receiving the confidence, well that will be the Government that will guide the nation.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby RedReaper » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:02 pm

"Anything short of Victory is a Betrayal", Bartone calls on the Left/Centre/Nationalist coalition to Vote for Calenda Cabinet
Romula, Mezzodiurno

In a national press conference in anticipation of the vote on the cabinet proposed by President Calenda, Davino Bartone, Labour leader and candidate for Prime Minister, said that any vote against such a motion would be a rejection of the popular will and a travesty for Istalia.

Istalians want change. Decades of right wing governance by the Liberal Democrats has left people with little hope of improvement in their lives and the gradual collapse of the nation's services and institutions. Only a left wing government can truly change Istalia for the better. Anything short of a victory in the Cabinet vote is a betrayal of the people's will and of Istalia as a whole. We hope that all members of the coalition stick to their guns and back the proposal.

These comments by Bartone come as murmurs of a Liberal Democratic government being negotiated behind the scenes circulate in right wing journals and in the media at large. Concerns of Nationalist betrayal appear to be causing Bartone deep concern.

Whether these concerns are valid remains to be seen but it is undeniable that the Nationalist party's capacity to play kingmaker in this election poses a threat to both the largest parties, with the possibility of immigration and foreign investment becoming vital topics in future elections.

Bartone Comments on Nuclear Catastrophe, Calls for Investigation of Government/Corporate Oversight

Chairman Bartone has called for a police investigation and government inquiry into the recent Sarregna nuclear disaster, calling on President Calenda to investigate the disaster in an effort to prevent further catastrophes and to find who is responsible.

What has happened today in Sarregna is a true catastrophe on a monumental scale, one which needs to be investigated with haste to find out who in the government and private sector is responsible. This government is mandated to seek justice and find out what truly caused such a horrendous event.

Bartone in the past has been an advocate for nationalisation of the energy industry in favour of increased government control and regulation.
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