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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:23 pm

Bartone Cabinet Sworn In, President of the Council Swears Change to Come
Romula, Mezzodiurno

After a year of intense negotiations in Istalia, the Cabinet of Davino Bartone has been sworn into office, with a mandate, "to change Istalia for the better". The coalition consists of a wide centre-left and nationalist alliance which is united in the pursuit of change, as well as in opposition to the Liberal Democrats. Prime Minister Bartone's first aim, he said, was to push for the naturalisation and migration reform this country sorely needs. He also pledged to increase government involvement in Istalia's economy and to increase the level of regulation in vital industries, such as nuclear energy which was recently plagued with disaster which led to mass evacuation and the loss of billions of Lira.

However, the next few years are set to be tough for the new Council President, with a large coalition of parties, each with many different views, all vying for power in this new administration. However he appears to be confident that change can be pushed through over the next couple of years.

It appears that the most concerning aspect of the new coalition is the split between the Centre-left parties, internationalist and market orientated, the Nationalist party, protectionist and socially conservative and the Labour party, with its radical nationalisation agenda. Keeping all parties happy and willing to contribute to important votes is the most important part of Coalition governance. Luckily, Bartone seems up for the challenge.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:49 am

Fabiola Mondadori becomes new PND Vice-Leader after defeating Alessandro Bencivenni
Luciano Vespa-Baldassare is now empowered to handle the nuclear power referendum

As promised, as soon as a new cabinet got installed although without the PND being in it, the election for Vice-Leadership occurred. The race was deemed as over when Luciano Vespa-Baldassare endorsed his complete loyalist Fabiola Mondadori. Alessandro Bencivenni was defeated with only 25% of the vote. This might not seem democratic, but the party wanted to stand united behind its leader and whilst Bencivenni is seen more of as a reformer, aiming to get closer with the ULD and making the party more liberal, in the economic and social senses of the word, Mondadori was a safe option, which would keep the party on the current conservative-nationalist trajectory initiated by the founders and moreover, Mondadori backs the party leader 100%. By voting for her, many party members wanted to show similiar levels of commitment. With a clear party course, the party is deemed very versatile to react to spontaneous challenges, such as the proposed referendum on nuclear energy which the PND opposes. In fact, the PND is currently the only opponent of the referendum itself as according to Luciano Vespa-Baldassare it „undermines the responsibility of the parliament given to us by the voters“.

Pro-Nuclear Istalian Yeudi appointed PND nominee for trade and industry!
For the first time in party history, an Istalian Yeudi has assumed a role in leadership, Abraham Lutti (40). A Romula born lawyer, previously working for an energy company which fittingly provides the currently controversial, PND-supported Nuclear Energy. He applied for party membership following the lively statements of MP Maximilian Varano concerning nuclear energy. Looking at his background, he was accepted instantly and given the nomination for Trade and Industry. This nomination should show the commitment of the party to preserve nuclear power and at the same time remove any claim that the party, as is a tendency with nationalist parties around Terra, is in any way anti-semitic.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Jervoy Tyson » Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:18 pm


ROMULA: The results of previous elections have created a new govt. incorporating Nationalists Ministers.PNI gave the green signal to President to form the govt.lead by PLI's Davino Bartone.
In the crucial cabinet making process the 3 nationalist parties gained immense importance as there vote decided who will rule.After deep deliberations & consultations PNI agreed to form the govt.with Leftist parties on invitation of AR & PLI in which PNI gained the powerful FOREIGN MINISTRY and SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MINISTRY lead by Junaid Waseem & Antonio Giaccherini.
Image Minister for Foreign Affairs
Image Minister for S&T

The selection of Junaid is seen as a symbol of national integration & cohesion among all the faiths of the societies.
Junaid is the only Minister in the current cabinet selected from a minority.
The LDPI & MUPI has praised the stance of PNI.Nationalist parties have condemned other parties in ignoring selection of ministers from different faiths.
There is diversity in our country which should be represented
The PNI Chief Usman Khawar is biggest example.
The current govt. Formation is seen as a sign of victory for the Nationalists making other parties desperate to reach them out for cabinet formation.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Jervoy Tyson » Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:26 pm

Minister for Foreign Affairs Junaid Waseem

Minister for S&T Antonio Giaccherini
Jervoy Tyson
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:36 pm

Today, Minister of Finance Sesto Foscarini announced his candidates for positions within the Ministry of Finance, with approval from the prime minister. Below is a short biography of each of the candidates.

Deputy Minister of Finance with a portfolio of Financial Institutions and Markets: Salvatore Brunetti
Mr. Brunetti is an experienced economist who has become renowned for his work on regulatory reform. Mr. Brunetti is close friends with Minister Foscarini, so it is no surprise that this appointment happened.

Assistant Minister of Finance for Domestic Finance: Elena Episcopo
Mrs. Episcopo a well-known titan of industry who has been tapped for her knowledge of the economy of Istalia.

Assistant Minister of Finance for International Finance: Angela Calabrese
Ms. Calabrese is known for having served in high-level positions in several international corporations.

Assistant Minister of Finance for Investigative Services: Rt. Col. Francesco Odeschali
Colonel Odeschali previously served in the Istalian army but was recommended by several members of the armed forces to Minister Foscarini to serve as the head of the investigative wing of the Finance Ministry.

Assistant Minister of Finance for Regulation: Ilario Pavone
Like Mr. Brunetti, Mr. Pavone is known for his work on regulatory reform.

Assistant Minister of Finance for Nationalization: Anselma Siena
As a woman with experience within the nationalized companies, Mrs. Siena was an easy decision from Minister Foscarini to run the department of nationalization and nationalized companies.

Treasurer of Istalia: Salverio Orlando
As a career employee of the Treasury, Mr. Orlando is well-equipped to lead to branch in charge of minting money.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:51 am


Arian narrowly defeated Giuseppe Baldini in the ULD leadership elections

Rashid Arian, former Senate whip and secretary of the ULD narrowly defeated Giuseppe Baldini, former candidate for Prime Minister, deputies whip and first Vice-Chairperson, supported by former ULD chairperson, Alba Napoleon. Arian, however, was able to get the backing of Cesare Vespa-Baldassare, Andrea Moro and, most importantly, Agostino Salazar, whom Arian instantly nominated for first vice-chairperson; the congress will soon vote upon that nomination, however, per tradition, it is unlikely that the Chairperson's candidate will face opposition.
Arian, however, as previously stated, did face opponents in the elections, those being the favourite, Giuseppe Baldini and the previously mentioned Andrea Moro. Arian's campaign was directed against the current represented by Napoleon and her predecessor, Horizonte, of allying with left-wing parties and, as he stated, characterized by the complete lack of reforms. He also stated that under his leadership, the Liberal Democrats will work more closely with the National Democrats, announcing that their candidate will get the ULD's backing in the second round of the presidential elections, if the ULD's candidate will fail to advance there, which Arian deemed as "very unlikely". Nonetheless, the ULD will soon begin their presidential preelections; supposedly, Sante Vespa-Baldassare is considering trying his strengths once again.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:27 pm

Fabiola Mondadori (34) unianimously confirmed as PND Presidential candidate!
PND distancing from PNI in favor or ULD as ULD presidential candidate will be endorsed in the second round!
Vice Leader and Presidential Candidate of the PND Fabiola Mondadori posing for campaign posters

After long internal discussion, the minesterial nominees have been announced, without much change as the PND leadership is aiming to become a top 3 party in Istalia, with familiar faces. The only new face will be the nominee for Trade and Industry, Abraham Lutti, who is already campaigning in jewish neighbourhoods and in towns close to nuclear plants.

Most importantly, the presidential candidate was unexpectedly the Vice Leader, Fabiola Mondadori who was backed by Vespa Baldassare insted of being the candidate himself. Ms Mondadori is completely loyal but she is not a puppet, which is why she was accepted by all PND members unanimously, Luciano would have probably had more competition. Luciano Vespa-Baldassare's comment:
Well, the whole party likes her, I back her as we have a common vision for the future of the PND and she is on the same page with the voters, which is why amongst the younger demographic she is much more popular than I am, and believe it or not, we do not solely target the older upper class. This also leaves me to handle business in Parliament, as the most heated discussions on nuclear power, immigration and Workers' rights will not end any time soon. It is our job and specifically my job as Party Leader, to ensure that the will of the voters and that common sense prevails!

Ms. Mondadori, who is currently campaigning in her home town of Turrino, has only shortly commented:
I am proud to be here as the PND presidential candidate, a party which will soon enough be playing in the top league of Istalian politics, and I hope to get it there, but for now work is just starting!

Finally, confirming the shift of tides in the ULD, the PND aims to get closer with the liberal democrats too, as they will be the ones endorsed in the second round of the presidential election, not the PNI candidate as was under the leadership of Rosso. The Vespa-Baldassare line is in fact only nationalist in the name, as essentially the party is conducting classical conservative politics which aligns more with the center right, than with the far right, unlike before. Familial ties may also have contributed but were not involved in the final decision making. The PND niche, sandwiched between ULD and PNI, is currently more towards the Democratic part of the name, than the Nationalist, which might alter the standing of the party for better or worse.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:03 pm

FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Si è concluso lo scrutinio delle schede delle elezioni primarie, le predizioni dei sondaggi davano Renzo e Gentile-Silvero vicini al 75% anche grazie all'attivismo ambientalista che ha rafforzato la loro influenza nel FD. Procediamo alla comunicazione dei risultati:
RENZO, GENTILE-SILVERO: 2.012.512 - 76,86% - 79 SEGGI
BINDA, LETTO: 605.946 - 23,14% - 21 SEGGI
A sfidare il Presidente Renzo c'era Rosalina Binda, ex funzionaria del PCI, mentre a contendersi la carica di Segretario con Gentile-Silvero c'era Eusebio Letto, considerato il successore politico di Pier Antonio Bersanio che andrà in pensione al termine di questa legislatura.
Il Presidente Renzo in una breve dichiarazione ha detto riguardo la questione energetica:
Una parte del Parlamento ha impedito ai cittadini di esprimersi liberamente sulla questione energetica, è una chiara violazione della sovranità popolare

Renzo ha detto, riferendosi questa volta alla gestione interna del FD, a che punto è la lista dei candidati ministri:
Nel prossimo congresso renderemo nota la lista dei candidati, vi posso dire che è pressochè uguale alla precedente con qualche cambio dovuto all'indisponibilità di alcuni colleghi.


The scrutiny of the primary election ballots was concluded, the predictions of the polls gave Renzo and Gentile-Silvero close to 75% also thanks to the environmental activism that strengthened their influence in the FD. We proceed to the communication of the results:
RENZO, GENTILE-SILVERO: 2.012.512 - 76.86% - 79 SEGGI
BINDA, LETTO: 605.946 - 23.14% - 21 SEATS
To challenge the President Renzo was Rosalina Binda, a former official of the PCI, while to contend the position of Secretary with Gentile-Silvero was Eusebio Letto, considered the political successor of Pier Antonio Bersanio who will retire at the end of this term .
President Renzo in a brief statement said about the energy issue:
A part of Parliament has prevented citizens from expressing themselves freely on the energy question, it is a clear violation of popular sovereignty

Renzo said, referring this time to the internal management of the FD, at what point is the list of ministerial candidates:
In the next congress we will make known the list of candidates, I can tell you that it is almost the same as the previous one with some changes due to the unavailability of some colleagues.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:09 pm

The Alliance has voted to back incumbent president Simone Calenda in the elections next month, breaking with the expectation that Sesto Foscarini would serve as the party's candidate once again.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Jun 17, 2018 10:03 pm

PND breaks into the top three largest parties in the chamber!
Presidential Candidate Fabiola Mondadori criticized Nationalist bloc following her underwhelming election results.

The elections of April 4410 have shifted the power balance in the upper echelons of Istalian politics. The ULD maintained pole position but lost significantly, allowing the second and third largest parties (only 1 seat difference between the two), FD and PND respectively, to catch up. The PND has aimed for a spot in the top three, and it got it thanks to the Padagnan and Mezzodiurnan vote, where it claimed the most seats (in Mezzodiurno the number of seats was the same as FD). Some analysts explain the boost of popularity of both the PND and FD with the Nuclear discussion, as the two parties were the most vocal, despite being on polar opposite fronts. The PND hopes to govern with the ULD in the next four years, but the parties left of center have all united behind the AR, giving it the presidency, and it will be difficult to dissect that bloc for the ULD and PND to gain the extra 50 seats necessary for a majority in the chamber.

Presidential Race
Fabiola Mondadori, following her first round exit despite coming very close to the second round, has expressed her discontent with the nationalist bloc:
I honestly do not understand PNI, Lega and Movimento. We have consulted them on the situation, asking for their vote in order to place a nationalist president, and we asked for him or her to be from our party simply due to us being the largest nationalist party in Istalia (by seats in Parliament not by membership yet). Yet they insist on running their candidate which once again under performs, with their candidate gaining just into double digits. Together we would have over 30% in the first round! Instead, we ultimately supported the ULD candidate which sadly failed to beat the cluster of parties behind the AR. The nationalists are more distant from each other than ever.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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