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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:00 pm

Oltra, the green hope of In Marea-Civis Sinistram
The Praetor of Insularia has been pressured many times to run for the general secretariat of the party

Artemisia Oltra in the Insularian Senate during a plenary session

She has led the regional government of Insularia with an absolute majority since 4387 (except for a minority government during the 4402-4406 period). And now, after the loss of Oriensos and Cor Patriae in the hands of right-wing parties that the former Praetors - Passilus Volantus and Alanus Scaro - have not been able to cope with by just a handful of seats, all eyes have been redirected to her.

Artemisia Oltra (Trinereum, Insularia, 4346), is a politician of few but strong words. Belonging to the Insularian branch of In Marea-Civis Sinistram, she is one of the most well-known faces of the most progressive faction, and was a leader of the IUVIM for a short period of time. She positioned herself against Zelotes Siskos and his "Government of the Consul", understanding that the only thing that was being done was to empower the right without necessarily implying stability, and she also positioned herself next to Mr. Scaro and Mr. Volantus against the decision of the General Secretary, Seia Nerva, to form a government together with Factio Aurorianus and Factio Republicana, understanding that, despite having won the elections in 4402, it was time for the party to go to the opposition and work to build a true social majority.

He began in politics in 4368 when she entered the Senate of Insularia for the first time in the lists of In Marea, and since then she gained positions in the party. Former Secretary of Health of the party, she has a degree in Medicine from the University College of Victoria, and in 4374 she was chosen as a substitute for Ares Zervas to head the party lists to the government of the region.

Although she had a bad start (the party reaped its worst results in the first three elections led by her, with the historic minimum of 7 seats out of 150, a real earthquake in the traditional stronghold of the party), the results changed drastically in the 4387 when, after a powerful campaign, she took control of the government of Insularia by absolute majority obtaining one of the greater amounts of votes ever received by the party, surpassing herself consecutively in 4391. Since then, her government maintained the absolute majority in the following elections, obtaining in 4398 the third best historical number of votes of the party, and today, being the Praetor of Insularia that has governed for the longest time with absolute majority (more than 20 years). And although her leadership does not seem to be in danger, some within the party are already looking for her figure to replace Seia Nerva as a powerful attraction for the general elections.

Daughter of an immigrant from Valruzia and a baker, her grandfather served as secretary to numerous mayors of Trinereum who advocated the indpendece of the region from the rest of Selucia. Asked about her first poor electoral results and the ideological positions of her family, she responded:

"People did not expect me to do well, a doctor from a village with a foreign father, but after seeing my work, now they have no doubts about my commitments with this region and its people".
Regarding the independence of Insularia, she assured that she is not in favor of supporting it in the way in which it is currently raised, as her predecessors Zenon Gogolas and Ares Zervas did, since she considers that it is currently based "more on xenophobia towards the rest of Selucians instead of seeing it as a struggle against the conservative and racist class that prevails in other points, as it should be. " She also declared illegal death penalty in the region, in a time where the conservative forces are implementing it all over the nation through regional governments.

Defender of human rights and great admirer of his predecessors in the party, especially of Ares Zervas for approving the initiative of the illegalization of the wage gap in Insularia, she ensures that she does not currently have plans to present herself to the General Secretariat of the party, since for her, her life is Insularia. However, she does clarify that he shas spoken with the current secretary, Mrs. Nerva, to discuss the matter of her government partners, and the disagreement between the two was very well-known within the party.

With the apparent weakness of the current government, and the apparent pact between the right-wing forces to carry out the approval of restrictive laws in Selucia, everything seems to indicate that, sooner rather than later, Seia Nerva will have to face some voters disillusioned, that led by Artemisia Oltra or the other two wayward regional leaders, Passilus Volantus and Alanus Scaro, more problems can give. And if they take control of the party at the national level, a new era in the country's politics can begin.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:11 pm

Selucia to Dismantle Highways
Infrastructure Ministry announces highway removal plans

Proposed urban highway removal in Victoria

August 4408 - Twenty years after Selucia's formal withdrawal from the Majatran Alliance, the new governing coalition formed of the Rexist Party and the Republican Party has embarked on an ambitious project of severing all economic ties to the Alliance. In a controversial move, Rexist Senator Albanus Claudius Midius has introduced a motion for Selucia's withdrawal from the Trans-Majatran Corridors Network, a highway project covering the entire Majatran continent, established decades before the founding of the Alliance, but seen by many as the core of the economic integration promoted by the Majatran Alliance. The withdrawal motion received the support of most Senators, and, starting this month, Selucia is no longer treaty-bound to maintain the portion of section TM-4 of the corridor that runs through its territory. Although the parties supporting withdrawal had different motives behind their vote, with the Rexist Party hoping to reduce illegal immigration and the international drug trade and the Republican Party instead focusing on the negative effects of highways on the environment and local communities, the two were in full agreement on the need for Selucia to dismantle the trans-Majatran highways on its territory.

Soon after the bill passed, the Ministry of Infrastructure, chaired by Republican leader Rebecca Clodia Pastor, unveiled an ambitious plan of urban highway removal throughout Selucia. Arguing that the corridors bisected and divided the civic cores of numerous metropolitan cities, including the capital itself and the city of Victoria, the Ministry's plan focuses on replacing the highways with mixed-use urban areas, parks, and residential or commercial land uses. The corridors had been under criticism for centuries since they were first established, and highway revolts have taken place throughout the more developed Majatran nations, but no nation so far has decided to completely dismantle the entire highway system on its territory. What pushed Selucia to finally withdraw from the treaty and initiate the dismantling of the highways is the rise of the car-free movement, largely led by the Republican Party itself and particularly its leader Rebecca Clodia Pastor, which has long been critical of the automobile dependency of the Republic and its negative impact on health, society, and the environment. Arguing that building new roads and expanding and maintaining existing infrastructure does not remove congestion, but rather increases it by making car use more attractive and comfortable and causing car owners to use their vehicles when they would have otherwise used alternatives or not traveled at all, the Republican Party sees the dismantling of the Majatran corridors as a key part of its long-term policy of drastically reducing car use throughout Selucia, complementing such Republican policies as limiting private car ownership to one per household or empowering local governments to implement mixed-income housing.

The plan introduced by the Ministry of Infrastructure involves removing the highways and promoting transit-oriented development, growing walkable or bicycle-friendly areas in cities, and transforming the highways as boulevards, rebuilding them as tunneled freeways, or relocating them through less heavily populated areas. The Ministry's plan involves cooperating with municipal governments to develop urban intensification, an urban planning system promoting high residential density with mixed land uses, in order to counter urban sprawl and to concentrate residential, retail, and recreational zones through high density mixed-use development, growing an efficient public transport system, and redesigning cities to encourage walking and cycling and discourage car use. The Ministry estimates that its plan of dismantling the Majatran highways and redesigning Selucian metropolitan areas in order to reduce automobile dependancy would last approximately 20 years and would cost around SEN 10 million for each highway to be demolished, while the cost of repairs and maintenance of each highway is estimated at around SEN 50 million.

That does not mean that the Ministry's plan is without its critics. Many have pointed to the so-called "paradox of intensification" according to which increasing population density may reduce per capita car use and have a beneficial impact on the global environment, but it will also increase local traffic concentrations and worsen the local environment. Some have also criticized the Ministry's plans on the grounds that urban concentration would lead to increased land value and harm the poor by driving up housing prices, and restrict economic growth in the long run. But for a political party that deliberately advocates reducing the economy, that criticism may ultimately fall on deaf ears.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:53 am

A weakened In Marea-Civis Sinistram faces decisive elections
The left party, fractured, begins to calculate the possible scenarios after the April elections

Atria Avenarius and Seia Nerva, Leader and General Secretary of the party and former Heads of State and Government

These are difficult times for the political party In Marea-Civis Sinistram. Internal criticism about the management of Seia Nerva, especially after her return to the opposition, and the lack of allies in the current political scenario - especially after the approval of the death penalty in Marestella by Factio Imperialis, which has ended of dynamiting the relations between both parties in the short term - have taken the party to the edge of an unprecedented crisis, only comparable to that suffered at the beginning of the century when Atia Vinicia Gryllus had to renounce her position as Caesar de Selucia to unblock the political scenario.

Now, with the party as the only reference of the left after the turn to the right of both Factio Republicana and Factio Imperialis, they face elections in which they can pay dearly for their political inactivity. In addition, the harsh criticism towards the management of Seia Nervia for her little political battle has been increased within her own party in the last legislature, especially after the approval of the death penalty and corporal punishment laws, the repeal of international events treaties such as the Olympics, and the refusal of the current government to become involved in Majatran Affairs and political stability. Thus, the leader of the party in Insularia and the only leader that governs a region, Artemisia Oltra, has seen it necessary to go out and defend her administration several times, which still considers that, in the next elections, "she will be harmed, although I do not fear for my continuity as Praetor de Insularia, but for losing the fragile absolute majority because of the national leaders. "

Critics of the national leadership are no longer hidden, and they range from small regional senators to the leaders of the regions, including Insularia, Oriensos, Cor Patriae and Occidentria, which has joined in the last hours.

Odia Mendia and Fedora Kalla, leader and former party leader in Occidentria, and opposition leaders in the region since 4370, have spoken out in favor of a deep debate within the party to "tackle once and for all, the problem we're having right now. "

On the other hand, the Leader of the party at national level and former Consul of Selucia, Atria Avenarius, who has been spared criticism for the time being, has pronounced in favor of
"not opening this type of debate to just a few months of the elections, because they weaken the party's position and generate distrust in the voters ".

What is most feared in the national apparatus, and in favor of what has already been said by several former ministers and regional leaders, such as the former minister of Foreign Affairs Thera Terzi or Justice, Caprenia Belletor, and the leader in Oriensos Passilus Volantus, is that the celebration of an extraordinary congress of the Federal Committee of the party is proposed, that it has the last word on the decisions that are taken. The Committee, made up of the five regional leaders and one more member from each region elected by vote of the militants, plus the general secretary and someone elected by them, may, in the last resort and if the Secretary General does not resign on their own, force the resignation of the latter if more than half of its members (7 or more) renounce their position in the Committee (which would imply, in turn, losing their position within the party in the case of regional leaders, who would have to go through a regional reelection, as do the independent members). However, and although it seems that the result of the April elections will be expected, if this ends up being harmful to the party, the convocation of this Committee is foreseen, for which it would already count on the announced resignations so that it flourishes from the leaders of Oriensos and Marestella, as well as the independent members of Insularia, Oriensos, Occidentria, and Cor Patriae, which would put this proposition on the verge of triumph if finally the leader of Insularia, Artemisia Oltra, knowing that she would be re-elected as regional leader or even as a substitute at the national level, resigns from the committee as well.

There are still be a few months to hold the elections, but what many members of the party have clear is that, "as the only reference of the left now in Selucia, we must show our ideas clearly and fight for our principles, and that is something that currently and under this direction, which came as a driver of change after the absurd manipulation that led to the resignation of Mrs. Gryllus, is not being done. "
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:23 am

Nerva emerges reinforced and aims to form government
In Marea-Civis Sinistram gets its best result since 4358 in both votes and seats and serves as a springboard to Nerva to lead the party a few more years

Seia Nerva after the election results

In Marea-Civis Sinistram faced the elections of 4411 as a test to check the political opinion of its voters about the management of the general secretary, Seia Nerva, during the last years. With an open war within the party in response to some of the decisions taken by Mrs. Nerva, a bad result in these elections would have led to the resignation or motion of censure of Mrs. Nerva as general secretary of the party, something about that several former ministers and regional leaders had already demonstrated in favor.

However, after harvesting more than 20 million votes and 285 seats (getting 41 more than in the previous elections), its best result since 4358, Seia Nerva has managed to silence all critical voices and has strengthened her leadership of the party for a few more years.

The leader of the party, Atria Avenarius, who for the second consecutive election was left at the gates of victory (45.15% in the first round and 47.53% in the second), was the first to congratulate Mrs. Nerva for the magnificent result that places the party as the first political force of the Senate and with more than a third part of the senators, which gives it a veto capacity over any ratification of new treaties.

Likewise, the party has swept the regional elections, with Artemisia Oltra remaining as Praetor de Insularia with an absolute majority (89 seats of 150), Alanus Scaro and Passilus Volantus recovering the Praetorships of Cor Patriae and Oriensos respectively, and Modestus Triarus getting for the first time the Praetorship of Marestella, a region that traditionally grants the least number of votes to the progressive party. The only region that has resisted, Occidentria, has kept Odia Mendia as leader of the opposition, finishing in second position.

After these results, the appearance of the general secretary has been shortly after. Smiling, she has thanked all the voters of the party, and has promised to continue working for the welfare of the citizens.

Asked if she would take action against those who spoke against her, she said the following:

"I know I can not appeal to everyone, but the results speak, and they say that my management of the party and both the opposition and the government has paid off, and the citizens have seen it and benefited us. There is no reason to take action against anyone because we are an open party in which many different opinions fit, and always with respect, they can all express themselves. I know that Ms. Oltra does not approve many of my decisions, it is something public, just like Mr. Volantus and Mr. Scaro, but they have been chosen by the militants of their regions, and therefore they have the right to make the decisions they think appropriate, as long as they bring results. And on the table they have achieved them. Artemisia and I have minor ideological differences, but we are in the same boat and we are all happy when our party is benefited, and it saddens us when the party is damaged.

On the words of some former ministers, such as Thera Terzi or Panthea Sacca, who also spoke in favor of his resignation, she admitted that she "did not expect it", but that "we judge people for their work, and if I believe that in their positions they have done well, I will continue counting on them ".

In turn, the party secretary has announced that it has already closed negotiations with Factio Imperialis and that, in the coming weeks, the new government will be formed if all goes well, in order to put an end to the isolationist and conservative policies applied by the previous government.

Leading the Senate, replacing Parus Adrada, she has chosen Batea Stacca, one of the veterans of the party, as the new Princeps Senatus. A woman with a calm and conciliatory profile, the secretary general intends to avoid new tensions such as those that arose in the previous legislature between Alanus Scaro and the senator of Factio Republicana Aedodatus Nymphidius.

Although regional leaders remain silent except for celebrations for having reached or maintained the government, sources in their immediate surroundings affirm that now "it is time to take advantage of the majority that citizens have granted them to drive changes in the nation."
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:57 pm

Republicans Lose Government, Win Consulship
Republican candidate Hiroto Yukimura elected Consul

Electoral poster endorsing Hiroto Yukimura's candidacy

July 4411 - The April elections proved a pleasant surprise for the Republican Party, which managed to achieve its best electoral result in its history. With more than a quarter of votes the Republicans became the second largest party in the Senate, while their candidate for Consulship, former Minister of Internal Affairs and former Praetor of Marestella Hiroto Yukimura, emerged the winner in Consular elections after facing Atria Avenarius in the second round of voting. But it seems that, in what concerns executive governance, the Republican Party fares best when it performs poorly in elections. In spite of its electoral triumph, the current Rexist-Republican coalition cannot last and, given that negotiations with the Imperial Party aiming to bring it into the center-right coalition failed, it is likely that a new government formed of In Marea and the Imperial Party will soon receive the Senate's vote of confidence. Regardless, the Republicans can now rejoice in their very first Consular victory and that a significant number of Selucians have granted them their vote of confidence, after a controversial and contested time in government that included Selucia's official condemnation of the Romula summit, the Republic's withdrawal from international sporting events (which had long been a Republican goal), and the implementation of an official policy of dismantling Majatran highways on Selucian territory.

The election of Hiroto Yukimura also marks a shift in the internal politics of the Republican Party. The new Consul is a representative of the Imperial faction of the Republican Party, the unofficial grouping of monarchist Republicans, originally one of the two strongest factions of the party but one that has been marginalized since the election of Adeotadus Nymphidius, representing the Hosian Democratic faction, and Rebecca Clodia Pastor of the Green faction of the party as co-chairpersons in February 4400. Hiroto Yukimura gained prominence when in October 4403 an internal memorandum calling for the Republicans to embrace constitutional monarchism was leaked, and his name featured at the top of the memorandum's signatories. It thus appears that, although the leak failed in its goal of gaining the support of the Imperial Party for an alliance with the Republicans, it did manage to return monarchist Republicans to prominence and Hiroto Yukimura's bid for nomination as Republican candidate for Consulship was finally successful. Whether this will translate in the new Consul's party embarking on a closer cooperation with the Imperial Party is uncertain, and given the latter's rejection of the Republican coalition offer it is likely not much will change for the Republican Party's stance.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:04 pm

Selucia Visits Kalistan
Trilateral agreement to be signed

Selucian Consul Hiroto Yukimura interviewed by a reporter in Kaliburg, Kalistan

March 4413 - Throughout 4411, during and after the April elections, Republican members of the Selucian government, including former Minister of Foreign Affairs Statius Domitillus and current Consul Hiroto Yukimura, have reached out to their counterparts in the United Republic of Kalistan for a military and economic agreement between the two nations. Responding to the Seleyan Union's embargo on Kalistan in reaction to the latter's closing the Ananto Straits to international shipping, the Selucian government saw an opportunity for increased trade and cooperation with a nation that shares Selucia's reluctance to participate in neoliberal international organizations such as the Seleyan Union or the Majatran Alliance. The discussions between the Selucian and Kalistani governments proved fruitful, and after the April 4411 elections the new left-wing coalition formed of In Marea and the Imperial Party endorsed the Republican initiative of reaching out to Kalistan. The new Ministers of Foreign Affairs Thera Terzi and of Defence Pantea Sacca joined the Republican Consul Hiroto Yukimura in a high-level official visit to Kalistan, where in September last year they joined the Vanukean delegation already visiting the United Republic with the purpose of discussing a similar arrangement. The three nations, recognizing their joint interests in the area, reached the decision of establishing a formal trilateral agreement covering issues of trade, military cooperation, technology transfer, and a partial alliance coming short of a full collective security arrangement. The details of the agreement have not yet been made public, but sources within the Selucian Consular office indicate that the Selucian Republic is enthusiastic about its contents and is willing to ratify it, provided the other two parties to the agreement also sign and ratify it. This diplomatic visit allays the fears of some Selucians and international observers that the Republic's isolationist policy towards the Majatran Alliance and supranational economic and military agreements would lead to autarky and a complete closing up to international affairs. Consul Yukimura, in a press conference organized in Kaliburg immediately after the meeting with the Kalistani and Vanukean delegations, announced Selucia's desire to remain involved in Majatran and Seleyan affairs on a position of equality and mutual respect with other nations and praised the Kalistani government for its "courage in standing up to the Great Powers and the institutions of neoliberal globalism and their assault on Kalistan's sovereignty".
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:30 pm

Selucia recovers its international agenda
After the Kalistani visit, President Calenda of Istalia met with both heads of Selucia

Seia Nerva with a member of the Istalian delegation

After years of a totally isolationist policy coming from first years of the center-right coalition of Factio Republicana and the Rexist Party, the new center-left government of In Marea-Civis Sinistram and Factio Imperialis has proven to be mucho more internationalist, after the Kalistani visit and agreement and now the meeting with the Istalian President Mr. Calenda to discuss economic and international affairs.

Both leaders of Selucia, Consul Hiroto Yukimura and Caesar Seia Nerva, have confirmed their attendance to the meeting, in order to discuss, among others, the future relations with Istalia, a long-time friend of Selucia; deal agreements and investments between both nations now that Selucia does not belong to the Majatran Alliance, and an increase in the shipping connection between them now that the Trans-Majatran Corridor network was disbanded by the last conservative government.

Caesar Seia Nerva take advantage of the occasion to further discuss the treaty with Kalistan and the reactions of other nations:

This government decided to keep going the treaty negotiated by the last government as it seemed beneficial for both parts. In the same way, we have required Kalistan to ratify the Selucian Official Diplomatic Treaty as a sign of commitment with our nation before ratifying the commercial treaty, and we have authorized so after reviewing the current legislation of the nation to ensure that no civil rights are broken and nobody is being discriminated. That does not mean, as others have said, that Selucia will not keep its relationships with other nations, especially in Majatra. Selucia has always defended its neutrality in affairs that doesn't not involve flagrant violations of human rights, and is willing to maintain its friendly relations with all Terran nations.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:47 am

Thera Terzi starts international tour
Selucian Minister to expand ratifiers of Selucian Official Diplomatic Treaty


One of the most ambitious projects ever of Selucian politics, the Selucian Official Diplomatic Treaty, which aims for the stablishment of formal relations and embassies between Selucia and the rest of Terran nations, has been already ratified by 48 nations, making it one of the most successful international treaties. Now, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Selucia Thera Terzi has announced the start of an international tour to convince the nations left to ratify it to join the treaty.

We are very proud of this treaty, that remarks the neutrality of our nation regarding the other Terran nations except, of course, in case of crimes against humanity or flagrant violation of human rights. More than 45 nations have already signed it, but the purpose of this government is having as many nations as we can. Is because of this that I'll be having an international tour to visit the leaders of Egelion, Davostan, Keymon, Luthori, Hobrazia, Narikaton, Saridan and Kanjor in order to increase the relationships between our nations by the ratification of this treaty.

While the first three nations are already debating the issue, with high probabilities of being approved, the rest of them have not said a word yet, and there is where minister Terzi will focus more.

We are the third economy in Majatra and we have a long history of democracy, and respect for civil rights. We do not see why a nation would not like to sign a treaty with us that will only bring benefits to both parts, and that is what I will tell them.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:26 pm

The Government announces the creation of scientific divulgation days
Directed to all audiences, the conferences are proposed as a way to "get to the public, from the mouth of experts in the field, knowledge on current issues"

From left to right: Ministers Soteris Liturius (Science), Mikola Moraitis (Health) and Fulcinia Trailus (Education)

The Ministers of Science and Technology, Health and Social Services and Education and Culture of Selucia have announced today, in a surprise press conference, the creation of the Scientia Sabbati (Knowledge Week), as a way to bring science and knowledge to all citizens, and to end the false myths that surround it.

Scientia Sabbati is an activity aimed at all audiences, of different ages and levels of education. Attendance and participation in the activities is free and will be held every year in the month of November. Its objective is to make available to citizens the topics and issues that interest and concern them, discovering the research centers and the activities carried out in them as work spaces to improve our life in the short and long term.

The Scientia Sabbati will be celebrated throughout Selucia, in large and small locations, in many places and venues, in the mountains and in the city, in conference rooms and gardens, in cinemas and theaters, in laboratories and research centers, museums and libraries, universities and schools. An extensive program of round tables, courses, workshops, guided tours, open days, exhibitions, excursions, ... etc. will make up this event of scientific culture.
has said the Minister of Education, Fulcinia Trailus

Among the objectives of this initiative, we find:
- To disseminate the results of investigation, opening the spaces where it is carried out daily.
- To show the rich scientific-technical heritage of Selucia.
- To renew the knowledge of the citizen about science and technology.
- To encourage the participation of citizens in scientific issues.
-To promote scientific vocations among the youngest.

Minister of Science, Soteris Liturius, has announced that many universities and research centers will open their doors during these days, in order to allow citizens to visit the installations and get in contact with the science that surrounds them.

The three ministries (Education and Culture, Science and Technology and Health and Social Services) have joined forces in order to develop this project, conceived as a "long-term idea" that will "awake scientific conciusness in Selucians and end with false myths".
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:49 am

Flamen: "Vanuku must sacrifice to Setlanus"
Selucian priest urges Vanuku to appease the Gods

Caius Curtius Lentulus the Flamen Setlanalis calls for animal sacrifice to end volcanic eruption

January 4421 - In the aftermath of the Vanukean nuclear strike in Jelbania and the subsequent eruption of Khan Tanhri, sacred to Jelbanian Tanhrists, the Flamen Setlanalis, the overseer of the cult of Setlanus (OOC: Vulcan) within the Religio Seluciana, has called on the Vanukean government to propitiate the offence brought against the Gods with its nuclear strike close to the Jelbanian sacred site and to restore the peace between the human and divine realms. In a recent statement, Caius Curtius Lentulus the current Flamen Setlanalis condemned the actions of the government of Vanuku as a form of vitium (ritual error), arguing that by using nuclear weapons the Vanukeans have usurped the power of Setlanus, the god of fire, volcanoes, metalworking, and, in modern times, nuclear power. Arguing that the eruption of Khan Tanhri is an obvious bad omen, the Flamen argued that the Vanukean Armed Forces have inadvertently invited ira Deorum (the "anger of the Gods") and that Setlanus is currently punishing humanity for its indolence and the recent vitium. Flamen Curtius praised the new prospect of peace talks between the Vanukean and Deltarian governments, but cautioned Vanuku that she must sign a peace treaty not only with the Deltarian government, but also with the Gods themselves. To do otherwise and ignore divine wrath is to invite further punishment, not only on Vanuku but the whole human race, the Flamen claims. In order to placate Setlanus and restore pax Deorum ("peace of the Gods"), Curtius argues that the Vanukean government needs to organize a public sacrifice of one red bull-calf and one read boar each day until the eruption ends, and must also coordinate with Jelbanian shamans in seeking to appease Lord Tanhri.

The Flamen's comments were immediately endorsed by the College of Pontiffs, the ruling body of the Selucian Religio of which the Flamen Setlanalis is a full member. The College organized its own animal sacrifices to ensure that divine wrath does not extend to Selucia herself, particularly since the Republic possesses its own nuclear arsenal and the College fears a repeat of the deadly Selucian fires of 4290, which for many Cultores Deorum were caused by Selucian nuclear policy. The comments and actions of the leadership of Cultus Deorum are the first public reaction in Selucia to the massive escalation seen in the Vanukean-Deltarian conflict. The Selucian government itself has remained silent on the issue, perhaps wishing to preserve the Republic's military neutrality in an attempt to avoid endorsing either side of the conflict, or, worse, having the Selucian government appear to support the threatened intervention by the Northern Council. The Foreign Ministry, headed by Republican Minister Haider bin Talal al-Mutanabbi, did however confirm they reached out to the government of Kalistan with an offer to renegotiate the Kaliburg Trilateral Accord of 4413 in order to ensure the continuity of Selucian-Kalistani bilateral ties in the aftermath of Kalistan's withdrawal from the treaty in reaction to the Vanukean nuclear strike. Other than avoiding any involvement in the Majatran conflict and maintaining existing diplomatic relations, however, it is unlikely the Selucian government would intervene in any way in the current war or offer anything more than a token condemnation.
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