Kalistan Visits Vanuku

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Kalistan Visits Vanuku

Postby Doc » Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:50 pm

Reprinted from the Kalistani Republic
Kalistani Foreign Minister flies to Vanuku
Visit to seek resolution of Grievances, possible arms sale

Kaliburg, Ananto
September 5, 4408

Foreign Minister Orenthal Williams heads to high level talks in Vanuku. Williams will be the first Kalistani official to visit Vanuku since the events of 3925

Foreign Minister Williams departed Kalistan for Weil, Wrnukaék Konzknstat (known in Kalistan as Vanuku) this morning on a high level diplomatic mission. The mission follows on the heels of the Vanukese overture around purchasing stock in KALNAPECO and KALNAFERCO, and welcoming words from Count Brnó Sigzmasrmko Zhtál, Leader of the Zhtál-Merlkai Jezhrjekai Prta in the Vanukese Press. Williams brings an authorization from the Kalistani Government to negotiate an official endof the crisis began in 3925, when the Kalistani Presidential Jet was shot down, killing President of the Republic Elga Bjorksdattir, Foreign Minister Eduardo Gallegos, and 52 Kalistani service members accompanying the President on a visit to Trigunia. A full report of the destruction demonstrated Vanukese responsibility for the assassination, and the Vanukean Government has never apologized for or admitted its role in the assassination. This refusal has led to cold and distant relations between the two countries for 500 years.

"We agree with Comrade Zhtál in this matter. It is time to finally bury the machete that stands between our two countries and move on," Williams said in a short statement before bording the plane. "We fly to Vanuku today to settle that matter once and for all. I also carry a bank draft in my hand today worth 500 Billion Rubles. With the help of Kalistani military attaches who fly with me, we will see what sort of down payments we can make on military hardware, in line with our nation's strategic deployment plan. Mobility is our mantra, and if Vanuku is selling, we are certainly in the market."

With that, Williams boarded the government-leased corporate jet which will serve as his office for the next two days as he makes his way to Vanuku, with refueling stops in Aldegar and Selucia. This trip signifies William's first mission abroad since taking office two years ago. He flies with a small staff of aides, as well as representatives from Kalistan's Regular Standing Force and the RSMoK. He also travels with the Deputy Finance Minister for International Investment and her staff, who will be on the look out for investment opportunities in Vanuku.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan Visits Vanuku

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:56 am

Vanuku Pulls Out The Stops As Kalistani Foreign Minister Arrives For Talks
Military Display Laid On For Williams As He Steps Off the Plane.

An airforce fly-by formed part of the armed forces parade that greeted Orenthal Williams.

Kalistani Foreign Minister Orenthal Williams has been given a grandstand welcome after touching down on Vanukean soil. Greeted by his Vanukean counterpart, Rnúf Ashur, and a host of other government officials, he was immediately treated to a 45-minute armed forces parade which took place on and above the tarmac at the Wiel International Airport.

The breathtaking display was not just for aesthetic reasons. It was meant as a demonstration of Vanuku's state-of-the-art "home-built" arsenal ahead of a potential deal to supply Kalistan with military hardware.

Minister Williams was then given a grand tour of the capital, which blends ultra-modern-economy-driven architecture with historic buildings reflecting the pomp and majesty of Vanuku's royal links. Later in the day he went into behind-closed-door talks with the Prefect and the Foreign Minister, where discussions first turned to drawing a line under the past.

Foreign Minister Ashur said: "We have held extremely constructive initial talks with Foreign Minister Williams and his team. He, like us, wants to let bygones be bygones and move on. The growing economic links between our two countries shows how beneficial it is that cordial relations are re-established - and we are excited by the prospects of future tie ups between Vanuku and Kalistan.

"We will now move on to more "nitty-gritty" talks about what investment opportunities can be developed. It is no secret that we wish to work with Kalistan in rebuilding their military and will be looking at the prospects for supplying a range of military vehicles and other equipment."
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Re: Kalistan Visits Vanuku

Postby Doc » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:43 pm

reprinted from The Kalistani Republic
Foreign Minister Williams reports "Progress" in negotiating with Vanuku
"Many major hurdles crossed", said FM

Weil Vanuku
March 3, 4409

Foreign Minister Williams passes by reporters as he returns to talks with the Vanukese Government

The Kalistani Foreign Minister reported progress in Vanukese Talks during a prepared statement yesterday from the Vanukese capital. The Minister has been very busy discussing matters with the Vanuku Government, and outlined the talks so far in the statement. Below are the Minister's remarks:

Orenthal Williams wrote:"High level representatives of the Vanukese Government and my staff have met several times over the last week to talk about a number of issues. First of all, we are grateful to our Vanukese hosts for their astounding displays of hardware and power, as well as their truly appreciated efforts to make me and my staff feel at home and attended to. As you can imagine, there are some differences between Kalistan and Vanuku, and this place is quite foreign to what we are normally accustomed to. But Vanuku has taken every effort to ensure that we are comfortable and feel at home, as much as possible. And their country is quite impressive: the mix between ultra modern and traditional is truly deftly handled. We thank you Vanuku for your hospitality and your grace upon our arrival and since.

"Our discussions have been very productive and we have crossed many major hurdles. The first thing we talked about was the matter of the assassination of the Kalistani President and Foreign minister, Comrades Bjorksdottir and Gallegos, about 400 some years ago. It was imperative to both sides that this matter be resolved permanently and for all time. The tentative agreement was that the Final Report of the matter conducted by the Kalistani Government be accepted by both sides, and that the Vanukese Government proper is specifically not held liable for the actions of one of its citizens. The time for any sort of indemnity has passed, and both governments shall consider the matter resolved to the satisfaction of all. We shall let the dead lie.

"Given the duration of our negotiations, the Government of Kalistan has advanced our delegation an additional draft worth 500 billion KRB to serve us as we purchase weapons. The final 500 KRB, which remains in Kalistan is to be used if and when we conclude a deal on armaments. We have quite literally 1 trillion rubles, on hand here in Weil to spend on weapons with another 500 Billion in Kaliburg. We have informed the Government of Vanuku of Kalistan's needs and are awaiting some decision in just how much the Vanukese Government can and desires to sell us.

"Our needs are primarily for a relatively strong navy. I hear word from Ananto that Lourenne is blowing Kalistani vessels out of the water. Which makes purchase and delivery even more imperative. Kalistan needs modern destroyers, cruisers, and Frigates, with all complimentary support ships. We also need submarines. We are focusing on diesel powered vessels, as nuclear power is both hard to come by, as well as expensive for Kalistan. In the air, we need close support fighters, Interceptors, attack fighters, and helicopters, both for battle and transport. We need tanks and APCs for land combat. And we need advisors.

"Kalistan is ready to deal, and we have every indication that Vanuku is too. We are just concerned about whether or not whatever we purchase will arrive in Kalistan in time to turn the tide of the war that Lourenne has brought to our shores. We appreciate your patience as we work out a deal which satisfies all parties."

With that and without further comment, the Foreign Minister returned to his meeting with officials from Vanuku.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan Visits Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:25 pm

In unprecedented move Prefect declassifies "Kalistan Files"
Government admits it "failed to prevent" the disaster of 3925.

Prefect of the Grand Council Jlekai Nasir made an unprecedented move by declassifying the files on the Kalistan disaster.

March 4409 - With conflict rising in Jelbania and a parliament split three ways the Prefect of the Grand Council Jlekai Nasir has just entered his second term. However many have criticized the young Prefect for not being "visible". The voices of the cabinet are often Minister Ashur and the leader of the coalition party Baron Zhtál, who does not even have a ministerial position. Yet while many outside the circles of government have criticized the Prefect those within the halls of parliament and the cabinet rooms openly commend Prefect Nasir. They state he is a "leader from within" who is hard at work coordinating all the ministers and their ministries while trying to keep both coalition parties happy. It is said that Nasir goes from "meeting to meeting, dealing with all the issues himself". Most of the meetings the last few weeks are spent with the top brass of Vanuku's military to ensure the Jelbanian conflict does not get out of hand. The Prefect was notably absent from the summit in Romula and many wonder if tensions could have been lowered had he been present.

Today however the Prefect freed two hours in his schedule to exchange words with Minister Williams of Kalistan. The men shook hands and Prefect Nasir apologized for the historical fued between the two nations. It was at that moment that he presented a large file for Williams with the statement that for the first time in 400 years a Prefect had utilized his powers to declassify files. Without a warning in advance or any fanfare Williams was handed the entire Vanukean report on the Kalistani Crisis of 3925.

Further copies were handed out to the press and all others with interest were able to download it in .pdf form from the government website. The report revealed that during the 3910's a radical faction had emerged within the Armed Forces. The faction was aimed at rooting out the enemies of the Principality, including socialism and communism. The radical faction was able to form under the eyes of the SSA, who only discovered after the terrorist attack on the Kalistani presidential jet that they existed. This brought great shame to an organization that claimed it was the most skilled intelligence agency in the world. Subsequently the Director-General of the SSA, in coordination with the Prince and Prefect, kept everything hidden from the rest of the government and Kalistan. The files also revealed that Commander Shlajkai Eksandrsrmo was executed for high treason in 3927. Surprisingly there is no mention of the Vanukean submarine anywhere in the files except for one line that states that "no further information on any naval vessel of the Naval Forces was acquired", with some drawing conclusions that the report is incomplete and others stating that Vanuku had no submarines there or that it was a coincidence. Nonetheless, the Prefect seems deadset on improving relations between the two ancient rivals.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Kalistan Visits Vanuku

Postby Doc » Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:39 pm

reprinted from The Kalistani Republic
Kalistan and Vanuku Close to etching deal
Cost of procurement "less than 10% of alloted amount" says Foreign Minister

Weil, Vanuku
April 7, 4409

With the release of the full Kalistan File from the Vanukese Government putting the final punctuation onto the age old feud, The Kalistani Foreign Minister announced that a potential arms sale will be moving through that will dramatically alter the character of the Kalistani Military.

A short statement from the Foreign Minister announced: "We welcome the declassified documents provided by the Prefect of Vanuku. The documents filled in all the gaps of the puzzle which confounded good relations for centuries. The President's soul can now rest easily, knowing that the story of her demise is finally and completely told. In addition, we can confirm that we are working with representatives of the Vanukese Government and representatives from Vanuku's large arms manufacturers on a deal for more than 130 Billion KBR in weapons and services. We have completely overestimated the cost of procurement of weapons We are working out the final details, but will have more information for the press soon."

The final terms of the deal are expected to be reached within the next three months. And not a moment too soon, as back home, Kalistan sinks closer toward war with Lourenne.

(OOC: I will be rebuilding Kalistan's military along the lines of Peru's military. Not one of the great powers, but regionally, one of the more important militaries along the South American coast.)
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan Visits Vanuku

Postby Doc » Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:32 pm

reprinted from The Kalistani Republic
FM William Signs Major Arms Deal with Vanuku
Vanukean Corporations to supply Kalistan Weapons

Weil, Vanuku
August 1, 4409

Foreign Minister Williams puts Final touches on Arms agreement

The Kalistani Foreign Minister completed his mission to Vanuku today with the inking of a major Arms purchase, aimed at rebuilding and modernizing the Kalistani Military. Vanuku will supply ships, tanks, aircraft, and small arms to Kalistan for just under 133 Billion KRB. The purchases were based upon the Kalistani Military audit completed before Williams' Departure and aim to completely supply the needs of Kalistan.

The deal was between the Kalistani Government and the Vanukean Government acting as an agent for the heavily subsidized Weapons industries in Vanuku. Shipyard Havendam and its subsidiaries will build the ships ordered by the Kalistani Government. Arms supplier Royal Kremj will produce tanks and infantry vehicles. Wrnukaék Tanhri will produce all aircraft for the Republic, and Anz'k Defence will produce the upwards of 100,000 small arms ordered by Williams. All electronics, firing systems, and avionics will be built by Vanutech Corporation. The purchases include cruisers, destroyers, frigates, Corvettes, Patrol boats, main battle tanks, armored cars, APCs, fixed and rotor wing aircraft, of both interceptor, CAS, and multipurpose, transport helos, and small arms. Kalistani weapons industries will continue to produce artillery and logistics and support vehicles, and support craft locally to augment the support elements of the Regular Forces.

All production is expected to be completed within a year and a half, with capital ships arriving by April 4411. The small arms will begin arriving in Kalistan within 3 Months.

Upon conclusion of talks and direct payment in full for all purchases, Williams thanked Vanukean Leaders for their hard work in putting this deal together, and welcomed Vanukean officials to Kalistan to discuss permanent diplomatic relations and a potentially closer security relationship between the two countries, though discussion of those issues at the moment exceeded his authorized mission.

Within two hours, Kalistani officials were boarding the long flight for home, grateful for the complete success in all negotiations. Williams said he looks forward to a long and very close relationship with Vanuku and will be willing to sit down with negotiators at their leisure.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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