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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:50 pm


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

SdPR's leadership elections conclude: Kobylanski becomes National Committee Chairman in landslide victory, Tomasz Snarski voted State Committee Chairman
Nowogard, 15 March, 4404

NOWOGARD - With election results in, the United Social Democrats faction have once again secured another leader for the Social Democratic Workers Party. Largely expected by many, Kobylanski thanked party members nonetheless and expressed his gratitude to be able to steer the party through such rough waters in Valruzian politics. "We'll brave the worst," the young leader said. With another set of snap elections on the way after the Communist Party left the Sejm for undisclosed reasons, the party is optimistic that they'll hold their majority. "We must continue the coalition with the Partia Centrum to preserve what this country stands for: Freedom and equality. Democracy. Peace. I'm sure that our majority won't be hit too hard." Later today Tomasz Snarski was voted in as State Committee Chairman versus his competitor, Jarosław Pilsudski, of the Alliance of Social Liberals. Winning an estimated 53% of the vote out of the party's 5 State Committee Headquarters, it was an incredibly tight race. Pilsudski was only beaten by 4%, with an estimated 49% of the vote. A former attorney and investment banker, he has quote "seen some of the good side of capitalism, and some of the ugly side." He hopes to, along with the party's nominee for Minister of Finance, "take a close and good look at the nation's budget, as well as instituting moderate tax reform."

The 59 year old former attorney and banker has had a wealth of experience within the legal and financial fields.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jun 07, 2018 5:00 pm


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

Snap elections a victory for the PC-SdPR coalition, SdPR National Committee Chairman speaks of forming a new cabinet
Nowogard, 23 March, 4405

NOWOGARD - With yet another round of snap elections being needed for the Sejm after the departure of the Communist Party from politics, the PC-SdPR coalition remained relatively unscathed, with the Social Democratic Workers Party being toppled from their majority by only 7 seats. "I am not disappointed at all by the election results. The people have spoken and they have reaffirmed their desires for federalism and republicanism to remain within our nation. This is a victory for not only centrists and social democrats alike, but for national stability." Not much campaigning was done on the SdPR's part, as the party has only just recently re-entered Valruzian politics, but that hasn't stopped them from becoming a big player very quickly. Retaining their core values from the days of Mr. Niemczyk, the party now vehemently supports the maintaining of democracy, whatever the cost may be. Speaking from his office in downtown Nowogard, the new advisor to National Committee Chairman Kobylanski, Ignacy Kalinowski spoke about the forming of new cabinet for specifically this reason. "With the old 'Unity Coalition' reformed as former advisor Wolanski used to call it, all those years ago, a new cabinet must be formed to reflect that. The politics of our nation today are not just about improving the lives of our citizens but making sure the values of democracy are retained for even a century more. Excuse me for saying this, but the time when democracy ends is when hell freezes over." The SdPR stated that they would likely shoot for the introduction of a cabinet bill before the Sejm sometime during this month.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:41 pm


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

Newly Appointed Foreign Minister Pilarczyk talks renewing of Valruzia’s stance within Seleyan Union, as well as international relations
Nowogard, 10 November, 4405

”We can only prosper economically if we are interconnected.”

NOWOGARD - In an exclusive interview today with Red Rose, the newly elected Foreign Minister Igor Pilarczyk spoke largely about reaffirming Valruzia’s stance as a political and economic powerhouse within the Seleyan Union, an organization of which he states has “Seen some dangerous inactivity in recent years.” Valruzia in the past decades has contributed unrivaled economic development within the region, as well as in military affairs. But now the titan of north Seleya has retreated into the shadows, an action of which could’ve been “disastrous” for diplomacy, Mr. Pilarczyk states. “We also want to get more states back into the SU by any way possible. We can only prosper economically if we are interconnected.” On the Mordusian-Saridani Affair, Mr. Pilarczyk was optimistic. “Surely we can find a middle ground. Granted the actions of the Apartheid regime in Saridan are horrendous, but a war would likely destabilize the region. Valruzia will try its best to mediate this crisis. I expect that I will speak to the Union Assembly in Baltusia on these matters.” As of today fellow Valruzians as well as the international community have yet to see what will develop out of the new management of the MFA, but its leader seems jubilant and optimistic, whatever may occur.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:57 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Nowogard, September 4407
"After two years, we have learned that attempting to be a mediator towards the regime is only giving them the legitimacy that they want."

NOWOGARD - Seemingly bowing to internal pressure over the past two years, the current Foreign Minister, Igor Pilarczyk, has announced that Valruzia will take tougher action against the Apartheid regime in Saridan. This comes after an optimistic Pilarczyk stated in an interview with leftist news outlet Red Rose that he was optimistic in the Mordusian-Saridani Affair and that Valruzia would offer itself as a mediator between them. With no diplomatic rebuttal from the Spencer regime, it seems that he has finally accepted the advice of his subordinates. Speaking before the Sejm, Pilarczyk spoke that "The actions of the regime are incomprehensible in our modern society. They legalize slavery and segregation. They round up ethnic and racial minorities into forced labor camps. I now recognize my mistake in that we could've served as a middleman in the crisis. After two years, we have learned that attempting to be a mediator towards the regime is only giving them the legitimacy that they want. That stops right here, right now. As of today, I hereby announce that I bring to the floor the ratification of the Dolgavian Economic and Diplomatic Embargo of the Republic of Saridan. I hope that all parties in here agree that regardless of political belief, this is a human rights crisis that is occurring on our very continent. Something must be done." Pilarczyk also stated that he would likely travel to Baltusia's capital to issue an address to the Union Assembly of the Seleyan Union, possibly to push other fellow member states to ratify the treaty.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:47 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Foreign Minister Pilarczyk calls Kalistani conflict "disappointing" for Seleyan integration, mulls over Valruzian membership into the Northern Council
Nowogard, October 4409
Pilarczyk has called the recent provocations of Kalistan "disappointing" for full continental integration into the Seleyan Union.

NOWOGARD - With a recent maritime war conducting in full swing in the Antanonese ocean, to the east of Seleya, it has hurt trade and tourism to the region, and has been called "disappointing" by Foreign Minister Igor Pilarczyk. Giving a public address outside his office, he called it a hindrance to full continental integration into the Seleyan Union. In fact, prior to the Kalistan's plans to mobilize its army, the likelihood for a summit was very much on the table. "The conditions were favorable for a summit on Kalistani reentry into the SU, but given the recent events this has obviously been off the table. It is disappointing, to say the least. We were really hoping that some progress could be made. Now we're likely going to have to spectate this, as if we defend Kalistan, we'll definitely hurt relations between Lourenne and Kazulia, of whom has recently joined in the conflict. And given how powerful these nations have become diplomatically as well as economically in recent years, it'd be incredibly ignorant to risk international relationships over one rogue nation."

Pilarczyk has also mulled over Valruzian membership within the Northern Council, as the SdPR-PC coalition has been a vanguard for democracy amidst rising fascism and communism within the nation in recent years. "We are ardent supporters of democracy. I'd dare say Valruzia is the longest lasting democratic nation within recent centuries. We will defend it until there is nothing left to defend. In that regard, I have without a doubt eyed the prospect of our nation joining the Northern Council. They defend democracy, and so do we. They're the strongest military alliance north of Terra, and their member states have some of the most powerful economies out there. We are already a powerful presence in Seleya, I won't deny that. Our economy is booming and we bring prosperity to other fellow nations on the continent through the Seleyan Union. It may seem that the time is right for a summit on our membership into NOCTO. The diplomatic cables between Nowogard and Bekenial are always open to hold a summit, at either location." If the Foreign Ministers remarks are true, it will surely bring the nation into an increased presence in international affairs, giving Valruzia the power to benefit both militarily and economically from the Northern Council, as he discussed himself.
Last edited by thefalloutfan101 on Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:25 pm

Nowogard, October 4409

NOWOGARD - Since the three years have passed since the Social Democratic Workers Party introduced basic social security reforms to the Sejm, unemployment has fallen an astounding 7%, from previously 12%. In the previous, more libertarian majority governments of the nation, the unemployment rate was considered a small crisis. Most jobs that faced large unemployment were certain areas of the industrial and corporate sectors. In the months after the passing of the Social Security Reforms, it was reported that tens of thousands of unemployed workers signed up for social security cards at their local government offices, with some lines going out into the street. The Ministry of Health and Social Services released in a report today that an estimated 50,000 workers were successfully reintegrated into the workforce based on previous job experience. A spokesman for the MoH stated that workers consistently register in their offices, even if they aren't unemployed. "What our government has done is a lifesaver for unemployed workers."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:09 pm


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

Environmental reforms result in 32% lowered pollution and carbon emissions across the nation
Nowogard, 10 November 4409

The Wolanski Nuclear Power Plant, located in northwestern Chynberg, named after the former Minister of Environment and Tourism, Antoni Wolanski, is just one of many new eco-friendly facilities constructed over the past 3 years.

NOWOGARD - Like the massive benefits for curbing unemployment social security has given the nation, as discussed in The Valruzian Economist, the reintegrated environmental reforms drafted by the SdPR and passed 3 years ago have also done wonders for eco-friendly energy sources, as well as curb carbon emissions, of which have been drastically lowered by an estimated 32%, according to a publicized study conducted by research teams hired by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. That number is also predicted to rise, a victory for the SdPR’s goals of a greener Valruzia. President Kobylanski commended the actions of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and spoke largely about the nation’s need for greener alternatives, and possibly about expanding their benefits to fellow members of the Seleyan Union. “We have been closer than ever before to achieving 50% lowered carbon emissions in our nation. This is a time for change. For a greener Valruzia!”
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:41 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Nowogard, October 4410
"...Kalistan is quickly becoming a threat to Seleyan stability and international peace. Something must be done." Foreign Minister Pilarczyk speaks before a special hearing of the Sejm on action against Kalistan.

NOWOGARD - After the threatening comments were made by Kalistan's own Foreign Minister towards the Seleyan Union and Valruzia, our nation's own Igor Pilarczyk called upon a special hearing of the Sejm to discuss action on the rapidly increasing authoritarian nation. "Kalistan is most certainly now a threat. The Seleyan Union can now chalk up their nation amongst a list of threats to continental stability, along with the oppressive regime of Saridan. Still embroiled in a bush war in the Antanonese Ocean, they have cut off trade to east Seleya in that region, and pose the danger of threatening the relatively peaceful nation of Indrala, who also boast an incredibly robust economy. The 'Republic' of Kalistan is quickly becoming a threat to Seleyan stability and international peace. Something must be done." The rest of Mr. Pilarczyk's delegation spoke largely about the type of action which would be necessary towards Kalistan, which ultimately boiled down to sanctions and an embargo on certain types of Kalistani goods. But instead of passing a national law, Mr. Pilarczyk hopes to review the law with various nations of the Seleyan Union for ratification as a de-facto legislation of the continental alliance. "When we want Kalistan to be alone, I mean it. This treaty will show them what it means to defy international stability, as well as fall into totalitarianism." When asked by fellow delegates of the Sejm whether or not this increased action against the rogue nation would result in Valruzian membership into the Northern Council, Pilarczyk stated "That option is most certainly available to us. Expect a visit to Bekenial from me in the coming months."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:46 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Foreign Minister Pilarczyk in Bekenial for bilateral membership talks into NOCTO
Nowogard, March 4411
The towering stature of Foreign Minister Pilarczyk was well captured by reporters during his time in Bekenial, where he awaits bilateral membership talks regarding NOCTO.

NOWOGARD - Foreign Minister Igor Pilarczyk is away in Bekenial today for the arranging of official bilateral talks between Valruzia and the Northern Council Treaty Organization (NOCTO) for the nation's membership within. This comes mere months after several scathing remarks from Kalistan's Foreign Minister, Orenthal Williams. Criticizing the actions of our nation towards theirs, he dissected Mr. Pilarczyk's speech before the Sejm point by point, attempting to dispel each one. He called the Republic of Valruzia an empire and inferred that our nation was imperialistic. Mr. Pilarczyk, seeing that sanctions and embargoes by way of Seleyan Union member states were not enough, flew to Bekenial to arrange the aforementioned talks. "It has become clear that we are likely going to join Kazulia and Lourenne in this conflict. There is no question about it now. I just await the same response from NOCTO, here in Bekenial. Hopefully more nations will seek action against this nation, as I have already witnessed with our good friends to the south, in Tukarali." When asked about what types of aid and or personnel would be sent in the conflict, Pilarczyk responded with "We'll just have to wait and see."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:51 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Bilateral talks reportedly a success, Valruzia will join NOCTO
Nowogard, March 4411
"The negotiations between Nowogard and Bekenial are, as I can safely say, a resounding success. When I arrive home, the treaty will be ratified."

NOWOGARD - After a few days of negotiations, Foreign Minister Pilarczyk arranged a press conference on Hutorian soil and confirmed that Valruzia will most certainly become a member of NOCTO, a historic announcement. "We've worked this hard in being a defender of democracy on our own continent, and now we take our interests even further." Now en-route back to Nowogard, fellow aides of Pilarczyk have already begun readying the Sejm to hold the ratification of the treaty. Valruzia has always been a major player in the Seleyan Union and has helped fellow member states grow and prosper their economies with several projects, such as the Seleyan continental railway, which, unfortunately with the splitting of the SU in the south with Aldegar leaving some years ago, has seen some disrepair. Pilarczyk confirmed also that Valruzia would not only commit itself to the Northern Council but to continue being a key player in the SU, with hopefully normalizing relations between our nation and Aldegar, culminating with their re-entry into the organization.
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