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Changing of the Guard for the New Liberal Party

Postby Sovak111 » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:06 pm

The originators of the New Liberal Party are moving on. Former President Constance Okafor and Parliamentary Leader Russell Selwyn - two titans who founded the party in the early 4380s - are taking up new posts and leaving Parliament. After underperforming in successive elections, the Party has halved its number of MPs since its zenith in 4389. Okafor, the longest-serving President in the modern era, lost what was to be her final re-election bid. While many in the Royalist wing of the party (and some MPs from other parties privately mentioned they) wanted her to run again, Okafor decided to retire and return to academia. "I'll head back to Williams University as a Distinguished Professor," said Okafor in her address to the annual party conference. "I will not seek a return to public life. We've accomplished a lot in government. It is time for someone new to carry the torch."

Former President Okafor on her First Day back at Williams University, where she will be a Distinguished Professor of Public Policy

Russell Selwyn, the firebrand Parliamentary leader of the Party for three decades who was known for his consistent verbal battles with the fringe Reform Party, was widely tipped to be the "Presidential Candidate-in-waiting" by many in the party. Yet, several elections under his leadership have seen the party dwindle in number, and behind closed doors there were some discussions of forcing him out in a leadership election. "Russ is a great guy," said Deputy Leader Rebecca Doyle, "But it is time for him to move on." Others disagreed with her sentiment; said Health Secretary and New Liberal rising star Peter Knox, "It'd be a shame not to draw on his expertise and record of success - we cannot allow Russ to ride off into the sunset, we need his leadership!"

Selwyn announcing his resignation, flanked by colleagues and Parliamentary leader hopefuls Peter Knox (L) and Rebecca Doyle (R)

According to well-placed sources who choose to remain anonymous, Knox and others loyal to Selwyn orchestrated an Ambassadorship for Selwyn to allow him to save the embarrassment of losing a leadership election. Whip counts suggest Selwyn will soon become the Ambassador to St. Muron and Davostan, barring any surprises in a Parliamentary vote. Today, Selwyn announced his resignation from his position as parliamentary leader in anticipation of his new Ambassadorial appointment. "It has been my honor and privilege to serve this nation for as long as I have. I hope I will be able to continue to serve in my new Ambassadorial capacity for as long as the government sees fit," said Selwyn at the press conference announcing his candidacy. Until his Ambassadorship becomes official, Selwyn will remain in his Parliamentary seat. Once appointed as Ambassador, Selwyn will resign from his seat - triggering two elections. The first, a by-election for his seat as MP for Sutton East, will occur almost immediately. The second, a within-party election for a new Parliamentary leader will occur. Rebecca Doyle, chief Whip and Deputy Leader, will take on the role on an interim basis until that election can occur. Doyle, the ambitious former Lord Mayor of Port Prosperity and former Government Education and Culture minister, will garner a mass of support should she choose to run for the position. Knox, the Selwyn ally, is likely to consider a run as well. Pavel Jucewicz, the former Defense and Foreign minister, and one of the few hold outs from the "old guard" left in the party may also be coaxed out of retirement to run for party leader.

Former Foreign Secretary and Defense Minister Pavel Jucewicz speaking at a conference last year.

Jucewicz represents a very different vision of the party from Knox and Doyle. Jucewicz, a staunch monarchist, is experienced but lost his re-election bid in the last election. Sources say Okafor and others are trying to convince Jucewicz to move into the safe Sutton East district that Selwyn currently calls home to launch a comeback to politics. Knox and Doyle are unabashed Republicans. Jucewicz leans to the right in his political views while Doyle leans much more to the left and Knox holds the centre. Whoever becomes the next leader of the party will have the opportunity to dramatically reshape the party in his or her own image - a stark difference from the previous thirty years in which Selwyn held a strong grip over party policy. One thing is clear: The New Liberals, after being in government for two decades, will have to learn how to be in the opposition in a time of great change for the party.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RIS » Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:19 pm

Klavia begins Modernization Process with Hutorian Support

Recently Hutori has made great strides in fostering a closer relationship with Klavia. To these ends Hutori has committed to aiding Klavia in the modernization of its infrastructure, beginning with the designing of more modern airports and seaports. Hutori has sent some of its finest civil engineers to begin the process of designing airports in the Klavian cities of Golden Coast and Turtle Bay. Hutori is also working towards designing modern seaports in those very same cities. It is the hope that with more modern facilities and Klavia’s strategic position that Klavia will become a major trading post for the Imperial Commonwealth. This also appears to be a step to bring the often marginalized Klavia deeper into the fold of the Imperial Commonwealth.

Hutorian Engineer meets with Klavian Lead Engineer

The Hutorian Military has also broken ground on a new naval base near Turtle Bay in order to better defend Klavia as its military is currently in a time of transition. This new naval base is yet to be named but progress is being made. With more modern facilities and a well defended coastline Klavia is sure to attract a wide variety of trade.

Hutori begins construction on new naval base near Turtle Bay
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:09 pm

HIHL Inagural Season a Success

While many thought a professional ice hockey league could not survive in Hutori, the HIHL proved them wrong. The league saw nearly every game sell out and an exciting playoffs that saw the Prosperity Voyageurs crowned the inagural Alexander Cup Champions. Here is a full list of season results including the awards handed out.

South Division
1. Bekenial Senators 31-12-5 67pts
2. Acton Maple Leafs 27-18-3 57pts
3. Anslem Rocket 19-26-3 41pts

North Division
1. Prosperity Voyageurs 38-6-4 78pts
2. Tremaine Jets 25-16-7 57pts
3. Constantine Red Wings 10-30-8 28pts

North Division Finals
Prosperity v Tremaine (Prosperity wins 4-1)
Game 1: Prosperity 4 Tremiane 1
Game 2: Prosperity 3 Tremaine 2 OT
Game 3: Tremaine 2 Prosperity 1
Game 4: Prosperity 5 Tremaine 1
Game 5: Prosperity 3 Tremaine 0

South Division Finals
Bekenial v Acton (Acton wins 4-3)
Game 1: Acton 1 Bekenial 0
Game 2: Acton 5 Bekenial 3
Game 3: Bekenial 4 Acton 3 OT
Game 4 Bekenial 3 Acton 1
Game 5: Bekenial 2 Acton 0
Game 6: Acton 4 Bekenial 2
Game 7: Acton 3 Bekenial 2 OT

Alexander Cup Finals
Acton v Prosperity (Prosperity wins 4-1)
Game 1: Prosperity 6 Acton 2
Game 2: Acton 4 Prosperity 3
Game 3: Prosperity 3 Acton 1
Game 4: Prosperity 2 Acton 1 OT
Game 5: Prosperity 4 Acton 2

Regular Season:
Chancellor's Trophy (Team that finishes 1st place overall): Prosperity Voyageurs
North Division Champions: Prosperity Voyageurs
South Division Champions: Bekenial Senators
Golden Stick (Most Goals): Jacob Steen (Prosperity) 32
Most Points: Reneé LeBlanc (Bekenial) 62
Top Goalie: Gary Trice (Prosperity) (32-3-2, 1.95 GAA .939 SV%)
Most Valuable Player: Jacob Steen (Prosperity)
Top Defenseman: Eric Jackson (Acton)
Top Defensive Forward: Frank Hill (Tremaine)
Coach of the Year: Jack Robertson (Prosperity)
Sportsmanship Award: Patrice LaFleur (Constantine)

Alexander Cup: Prosperity Voyageurs
Prince of Roccato Trophy (North Division Playoff Champions): Prosperity Voyageurs
Prince of Adelia Trophy (South Division Playoff Champions): Acton Maple Leafs
Playoff MVP: Gary Trice (Prosperity) (8-2, 1.60 GAA, .937 SV%)
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Scientians Dissolve HfS

Postby TheCollectivist » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:10 pm

October 4412

Scientian Ambassador Norbert Lowell has announced the dissolution of Hutorians for Science (HfS).

Ambassador Lowell wrote:The Scientian Assembly has concluded that having a third-party organization would confuse Hutorian voters. Having them vote directly for the Scientian Enclave leaves little doubt to whom they are voting for. For this reason we also announce that we are no longer fielding any candidates for the position of Hutorian president.
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Monarchy Splits New Liberal Party Leader Vote

Postby Sovak111 » Mon Jun 25, 2018 4:04 am

Rebecca Doyle has been elected leader of the New Liberal Party in a stunning first-round victory with a greater mandate than original party leader Russell Selwyn ever achieved. She won with 64 percent of first-preference votes beating former Health and Social Welfare Secretary Peter Knox who trailed with 17 percent. Third candidate Pavel Jucewicz had to drop out of the race after not winning the by-election for Ambassador Selwyn's former Sutton-based seat.

New Party Leader Rebecca Doyle is all smiles after winning the election on the first ballot.

Minutes after her victory Doyle announced a new party platform. "People are fed up with the status quo," said Doyle. "They want a left-wing government - but they also want a Republican government! From today onwards it will be the position of this party to push for Hutori to become a Republic."

Doyle's position stands in stark contrast with that of party leaders past. The Rt. Honourable Dr. Constance Okafor was recently nominated for royal honours by the parliamentary committee that considers such standing. It was Okafor who said in her maiden speech, "It is a honour to serve the crown. I have been, and will always be a Royalist."

Okafor and Selwyn both saw the value in caucusing with the Royalist Party and together helmed four successive coalition governments. Yet, many in the New Liberal party who supported Doyle say the pro-Royalist governments offered nothing but trouble to the New Liberals. "My predecessors kissed the ring, but what did it get them? Tax cuts for the wealthy, a dismantling of the social safety net, and increased spending on the military," said Doyle in her first speech as party leader. "I promise I will never sell out liberal values to corporations or corrupt politicians."

Yet not all in the Party are keen on the new party manifesto. Widely seen as centrist "Selwynites", both Knox and Jucewicz were nowhere to be seen as Doyle gave her speech. As of the publishing of this article, Knox had not yet even conceded the party leadership. A source preferring not to be named close to Knox stated that the former Health and Welfare secretary was "examining all his options" moving forward. Some have speculated that Knox would consider caucusing with the Royalists or Federalists should the New Liberals truly pursue a republican agenda.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:05 pm

Chancellor Slams President, USPH and New Liberals

Since before the last election, the Ultrackian Socialist Party and the New Liberal Party have used parliamentary procedure to delay the coronation of Emperor Alexander's heir, Mary III. Since the bill to officially coronate the new monarch is a constitutional ammendment, it requires at least a 2/3 supermajority in order to pass. The New Liberals and Ultrackians combine for slightly more than a 3rd of all seats in the house which allows them to block any constitutional ammendment put forward by the governing parties. Chancellor Brett Martin is furious with the 2 opposition parties.

"It is absolutely disgusting behaviour from the Ultrackian Socialists and the New Liberals to hold up Empress Mary's coronation. They are playing political games with the Hutorian throne and I will not stand for it. President Ultrackius is the monarch's representative in Hutori, he should have some respect for his position, and have his party stop playing politics with the throne." ~ Brett Martin

Pro-monarch Hutorians have planned to hold weekly rallies outside of the President's official residence in Bekenial, as well as outside of the national headquarters of the USPH and the New Liberals. The first of these rallies saw nearly 5,000 people at the President's residence alone, and nearly 10,000 people participate in all. Organizers say they expect the crowds to get larger the longer the USPH and New Liberals block the ammendment.

"We are tired of 2 parties that were not elected by a majority of Hutorians, stopping our new Empress from being coronated. It is childish and anti-democratic. The people have continued to vote for pro-monarch parties because Hutori rejects the socialist policies of the Ultrackians and New Liberals." ~ Rally organizer.
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Doyle Defiant as Knox Resigns

Postby Sovak111 » Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:15 pm

New Liberal Parliamentary Leader Rebecca Doyle faces opposition not just from the government, but also her own front bench. Shadow Health and Welfare Minister Peter Knox resigned his position in the front bench for the New Liberal - Ultrackian Socialist Opposition as an act of protest for the Doyle administration's use of parliamentary procedure to delay of the coronation of Emperor Alexander's heir, Mary III. Said Knox, "I can no longer serve as a leader of her majesty's loyal opposition, if the opposition refuses to recognize her majesty's claim to the throne!"After an exodus of former party leaders after the last election, Doyle won the leadership election for the party and established a pro-Labour, and Anti-Monarchist manifesto. Doyle, defiant in the face of protests and party leader defections, refused to back down. "If he wants to leave, good riddance! I don't need him to run the opposition. I have the backing of the Socialists!"

Doyle remains defiant, even under pressure from her own party.

Sources who refuse to be named within the New Liberal Party say that Doyle is out of her depth and rules the party with an iron fist. The same sources suggest that Knox may leave the party altogether. Knox, however, disputes those claims. "I am and always have been a New Liberal," said Knox. "We will work through our family squabble and come out on the other side stronger."

Knox (L), the long-time ally of former party leader and current Ambassador Selwyn (R) is a known Monarchist.

Regional party leaders loyal to Knox have suggested that the former party leadership is working behind the scenes to limit what they see as damage to the party's image. Some have called for popular former New Liberal Leader and Ambassador to Davostan, Russell Selwyn, to resign his position and call a vote of no confidence in Doyle. Others have suggested that Former President Constance Okafor could come out of retirement to challenge Doyle. The Dispatch tried to reach both Selwyn and Okafor for comment. Both declined.

"Rubbish" said Dr. Brick Neag, party stalwart and former Education minister in the Okafor administration at the potential for either to re-enter Parliamentary politics. "They wouldn't do that. They wouldn't cut off Rebecca's legs right as she becomes leader. It is bad for the party, and bad for the people of Hutori."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:21 am

Woodbury "Hutori is the Midst of a Constitutional Crisis"

Duchess Adrianna Woodbury

Former Royalist MP and Foreign Affairs Minister, and currently a senior lecturer at the Leah Ross School of Political Science at the University of Bekenial, Adrianna Woodbury, the Duchess of Groomsbridge, has come out against her former coalition allies, the New Liberal Party, for sparking what she describes as "the most severe constitutional crisis since the Enitter Crisis."

Her Grace has been studying the ongoing constitional standoff in the House of Parliament since the election of January 4413, and the refusal by the New Liberal Party and Ultrackian Socialist Party to confirm the coronation of Empress Mary III, until they get certain legislative concessions.

Never in the history of Hutori have we faced such a crisis in our very constitution. By law technically Hutori has no legal head of state at this point. Consider this, the last legal Head of State was His Imperial Majesty Emperor Alexander with President Carmichael as his Viceroy. Upon the death of His Imperial Majesty President Carmichael, as the last affirmed Viceroy, held the legal and viceregal authority until Her Imperial Highness Crown Princess Arianna could be confirmed. With the subsequent election of President Ultrackius, there has been no Viceroy or Monarch to confirm their own authority, so right now President Ultrackius has no legal or constitutional authority... so for all intents and purposes from a legal and constitutional standpoint, until the standoff in Parliament ends, we have no Head of State. Not since the Cabinet and Senate revolt against President Enitter by his Vice President, we have never been in a situation like this. I would advise the New Liberals, as the Ultrackians have already stated will not vote for any continuation of the Monarchy, to come to an agreement with the royalist coalition to put this to an end.

A spokesperson for Steuart House has refused to comment, stating the Royal Family doesn't comment on political affairs, though it is known that the Crown Princess and her family have been staying on an extended vacation in Fort William, at Villyan Palace, the royal family's Luthori residence, since the constitutional crisis has begun.
Last edited by colonelvesica on Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Lowell: Constitutional Crisis Is Counter-Productive

Postby TheCollectivist » Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:44 am

June 4414

Scientian Ambassador Norbert Lowell has stated in a recent interview that the present constitutional crisis between monarchists and republicans is "counter-productive":

Lowell wrote:Hutorians can elect a national representative via a direct popular vote. At the same time, we also have a royal family. The system we have respects the demands of both monarchists and — up until now — republicans. The present crisis that has been initiated by certain republicans is counter-productive and will only produce division and promote radicalism on both sides. As Scientians, we support a republic, but we feel the present system is very pragmatic. The royal family has proven itself to be an overall benevolent force in Hutorian politics. Demanding its separation is injurious to social harmony — especially when we are already in practice more republican than monarchist.

Lowell urges other republicans to "appreciate what we have now":

Lowell wrote:It is very unlikely the opposition will achieve what it sets out to accomplish. The results so far point only to more division and hostility. From a utilitarian point of view this crisis has had only a negative impact on Hutorian politics. We urge our fellow republicans to appreciate what we have now. Appreciate that we have a president. Appreciate that we can elect a national representative. And especially appreciate that this present system is actually supported by monarchists. Let's not demand for extremes. Let's make the best of what we have and be thankful for the harmony that can be achieved because of it.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RIS » Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:06 pm

Prosperity Ironworks to Build New Shipyards in Klavia

In a recent development Hutorian Shipbuilding firm Prosperity Ironworks has announced that they are building a large drydock facility in Turtle Bay, Klavia. The project seems to be a very ambitions affair and the proposed plans seem to outline an extremely expansive shipyard facility. Officially, Prosperity Ironworks claims that these shipyards will be for repairing and refitting commercial vehicles that pass by the busy port. However, there has been speculation that Prosperity Ironworks is gearing up to produce military craft for the recent Klavian Naval Modernization project. Regardless, this proposed facility seems to be one of the most expansive naval construction facilities ever constructed even rivaling that of Prosperity Ironwork’s home facility.


When asked to comment on the project Prosperity Ironworks had little to add except that they were looking to capitalize on the amount of trade that follows through the Maddog Ocean.
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