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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby dannypk » Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:38 pm

Telamon passes through radical changes
New Government is planning to install Federal Collectivism in Telamon
12th November 4351

After the inestability of the Central Government from Telamon, the liberal democrat nation falls into an one-party system Parliament. The only party left from Telamon is already announcing the future changes from Telamon, but the most important one is the installation and experimentation of Federal Collectivism, an old ideology based on the ideas of Birrender II, a Telan philosopher.

That party in the Parliament has full power. Anyways, they said they're not going to spend it oppresing our people, but change things here. The Republic of Telamon is going to pass through the following changes:

    Federal Collectivism will be applied, slowly, in the nation. So, Telamonese people will be watching how the nation becomes a federal state. Regions will be called Federations and guilds (or communities) would be done in order to keep an organisation here. People will also be able to make any unofficial guild totally free, without asking permission to anyone else.
    There'll be a small kind of anarchy based on collectivism. Yes, Telamon will go back to the Strong Anarchy, but it wouldn't work the same. We'll give more information in a future.
    As the Prime Minister, Jack Feuxerl said, "we enjoy working, but just because that's what we want: Capitalism makes us work, not because we want, but to survive. We won't allow that. Capitalism will no longer live in our nation, let's end with makes us die".

Any other information will be released on a future article, but all we can say is Federal Collectivism.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby ReformedEndralon » Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:00 am

Republican Party complete Constitutional Reform

December 4412

The Republican Party have successfully navigated their proposed Constitutional Reforms through the Allthing, passing 123 votes to 0. The Republican Party had committed to officially ending the Manrick Union between Telamon and Kazulia, which had largely been enacted by National Union the incomplete reforms of the when they introduced constitutional changes in 4406 that removed Queen Alexandra as Head of State, replacing her with an elected President. The Manrick Union was initially implemented by the Red Thallerists when they enacted the Act of Union in 4393.

The Republicans changes confirm the position of the National Union in 4406 and also serve to restore traditional republican symbols of Telamon as well as reverting the National Anhtmen to the traditional name of Telamon, rather than Grenmark. The Foreign Minister Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir iterated that “this was not an attempt to isolate Telamon from the international community” and “that relations with Kazulia were cherished”. The Foreign Minister continued by highlighting that Telamon wished to open itself for business to the rest of the world and has successfully passed the International Relations Bill wish made foreign travel easier for Telamese citizens and for tourists to come to Telamon and that the Republcians had alaos initiated a new era of Free Trade, ending historic tariffs that Telamon had applied to all imports.


Foreign Minister Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir

A separate proposal restoring the national flag was also passed without opposition
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Occam » Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:59 pm

Surprise win for Solvinsdottir and the Framsóknarflokkurinn

March 4415

Kaja Solvinsdottir of the Framsóknarflokkurinn (Progressive Party) won the elections for Forseti with 63.62% of the vote. At the same time her party gained a clear majority in the Alþingi (Allthing) with 62.60% of the vote, winning 77 of the 123 seats. The Framsóknarflokkurinn was only founded one year ago and no-one expected their win. Here excerpts from Solvinsdottir's victory speech:

Thank you for your votes and your support! No-one, myself included, expected this result. We had hoped to establish ourselves with a strong showing, but we never thought we would win, let alone with such a clear majority.

Telamon has suffered years of chaos. Our friends from the Lýðveldisflokkurinn (Republican Party) have brought stability back to Telamon and started much needed reforms. I want to thank them for their service to our nation. What Telamon needs now are stability and further reform. For this we have to work not against each other but with each other. Parties are a necessity of modern politics, partisanship is not. Therefore I propose an all-party government. Given the amount of reform needed, we believe that we need to share the responsibility of governance with our friends from the Republican Party. Our combined efforts are needed if we want to make our nation ready for the future. It is our hope that the Republican Party will join us in these efforts.
In the same spirit of non-partisanship I am stepping down from all-party offices. I want to be the Forseti of all Telans not just those who voted for me.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby ReformedEndralon » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:21 am

Government Initiates Defence Reforms

October 4414

The government has pushed through a series of reforms of the Armed Forces designed to refocus efforts towards making Telamon an active member of the Northern Council Treaty Organisation NoCTO. The Defence Minister Magnús Þorsteinsson oversaw proposals that would take Telamese defence spending from 9 Billion Telamese Pounds (TPD) to 15 Billion TPD.

Telamon has been a member of NoCTO since 4383, but other than hosting a number of Kazulian and Hutorian Air and Missile Defence Systems has provided little to support the alliance. The Defence Minister detailed that it was time for Telamon to pull its weight and contribute to the security of Northern Terra on conjunction with its NoCTO allies. Although recognising that Telamon is a relatively poor nation, the Defence Minister highlighted that it had a number of advantages, including its critical control over access routes through the Mad Dog Ocean. The Defence Minister called for a smaller but better quality Armed Forces and highlighted reforms that would reduce overall personnel numbers to 139,000 regular personnel, which would allow greater investment in training and equipment.


Telamon Defence Minister Magnús Þorsteinsson

Telamon is to also to focus on developing capabilities that will allow it to support NoCTO’s Rapid Reaction Forces. A Rapid Reaction Brigade has been earmarked for such a role consisting of Telamons 2 elite Paratroop battalions and a Light Infantry Battalion acting in an air assault role. Additionally the Navy’s Marines are to be reorganised to support expeditionary operations.

Alhtough it will take time for Telamon to update its old equipment, to improve its training and to integrate into NoCTO forces, the Defence Minister has announced that Telamon is to take up the burden of support NoCTO in acting as a force for good in the world.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby ReformedEndralon » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:38 am

Republican Leadership Change

July 4415

Following their defeat in the legislative elections in March 4415, Prime Minister Þorlákur Runólfsson resigned his leadership position of the Republican Party while continuing as a the caretaker Prime Minister. Runólfsson had overseen a position of intense legislative activity as the Republicans stopped up to initiate a series of reforms designed to transform Telamon society after a period of one party rule. However following the defeat he saw his continued leadership of the Republicans as unviable.

Leadership husting took place within the Republicans through May and June, and saw Foreign Minister Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir and Finance Minister Sigurður Sigurjónsson compete for the leadership position. Both had played vital roles in the Runólfsson government, Ásgeirsdóttir opening Telamon up for business with a series of Treaties designed to increase trade and Sigurjónsson overseeing the financial overhaul of government spending.


Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir, new leader of the Republcians

Although there were a number of debates between the two during the leadership election, there were few policy differences between the two, both committing to support for the free market and moderate stances on social policies. However Ásgeirsdóttir came across as the better communicator and much better personal skills. She also had the endorsement of a greater number of Members of the Allthing and the outgoing President and founder of the Republicans Jóhann Sigurðarson.

Votes went out to party members in June and at the start of July the governing committee of the Republican Party was able to announce that Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir had won the leadership election with 59.42% of the membership vote.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby ReformedEndralon » Fri Jun 29, 2018 8:14 am

Telamese and Hutorian Marines Conduct Joint Exercise in Northern Telamon

January 4416

Several tranquil beaches in Northern Norðurland (Ferene) have been disturbed this week as Marines from Telamon and Huroti engage in a simulated amphibious assault in Exercise Kraken Awakes. Roughly 1,500 Telamese personnel are engaged in the exercise, including elements of the Telamese Navy, Army and Air Force, along with an equivalent number of personnel from Hutori and observers from other nations including Kazulia and Dorvik. Despite the winter conditions a full range of amphibious and air assault tactics have been deployed against prepared defensive positions, allowing the Marines to highlight their effective capability at operating in the littoral environment as a spearhead assault formation. The Marines were able to show off new landing craft and a new range of winter warfare equipment that have been procured in the last few years.


Telamese Marines lead the way

II Commando, one of Telamon’s three elite Commando battlegroups have been earmarked for Telamons contribution to the Northern Council Treaty Organisation (NoCTO) rapid reaction forces and this Exercise forms part of the final confirmation drills. In recent years Telamon has indicated its willingness to provide greater input to NoCTO activity.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby ReformedEndralon » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:32 am

Landslide Republican Vicory

September 4417

The Republicans have returned to their dominant position in Telamon with landslide wins in both the elections for the Allthing and for the Foresti (Presdient). Hafliði Másson, the former Internal Affairs Minister, ran as the Republican Party candidate in the Foresti election and defeated the incumbent Kaja Solvinsdottir by 59.8% to 40.2% of the vote. Foresti Másson has followed the convention of his predessor and announced that he has resigned his membership of the Republican Party and will seek to represent all Telamese. He also suggested that he wished to continue to coalition government and will put forward a cabinet proposal as soon as possible.

In legislative elections, the Republcians gained 29 seats securing 75 within the Allthing and an absolute majority. Repblcian leader Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir celebrated the emphatic victory although she vowed to continue to the government coalition with the Progressives, albeit with Ásgeirsdóttir as the Prime Minister.

It is not yet clear whether the vote was a positive victory for the Republicans or an example of an electorate turning against the previous majority party. The Progressive Party held an absolute majority in the previous legislature and as such were able to ensure that they had complete control over the passage, or blockage, or legislation. It is possible that Republican voters were more motivated to vote following the defeat of several pieces of key Republican legislation.

Turnout remains an issue. Although it improved from 47.4% in March 4415 to 54.3% it remains low compared to many other nations. Political scientist Einar Benediktsson offered the assessment that there are two main issues at work, firstyly “the period between the early 4370’s and 4410 saw continued one party rule, so that democracy is still a relatively novel and unfamiliar idea” and secondly that “the Progressives and Republicans have established a two party coalition government in a two party political system, everyone wins, reducing turnout, but also isolating those Telamese who do not feel represented by the duopoly between the two parties”. Various minor pressure groups attempted to form alternative parties prior to the Allthing elections, but the Republican and Progressive parties continue to dominate the political scene.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby ReformedEndralon » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:04 pm

Defence Minister Announces 2 Billion TPD boost for Armed Forces

January 4418

Defence spending is to increase by another 2 Billion TPD, taking defence spending from 4.4% of GDP to 5.1%. Savings made in other government departments are to be reinvested in defence, in line with commitments to purchase new equipment to strengthen the Telamese armed forces. The current focus of equipment procurement is to build new destroyers, frigates and submaries, with current investment expected to see 4 destroyers, 12 frigates and 6 submarines to have been built by 4444 replacing current dated equipment.

The Defence Minister Magnús Þorsteinsson detailed that Telamon had a fine naval tradition, but that in recent years the navy had been neglected. This endangered the economic wellbeing of Telamon given its reliance on commercial ship building and fishing, its ability to defend its coastline and the island of Suðureyja as well as to fulfil Telamons commitments to the Northern Council Maritime Force. It is hoped that with a Republican government additional funds should be secured in the next legislature and that emnasures could be put in place to begin looking at new multirole fast jet platforms for the Air Force.

Rapid Reaction Force Read to Deploy

September 4418

In light of increased militarism in Southern Dovani and a desire on behalf of the Northern Council Treaty Organisation (NoCTO) to ensure regional stability the Defence Minister has put the Rapid Reaction Brigade and supporting elements on short notice standby to deploy should NoCTO request deployment. The Defence Minister attended the mission rehearsal exercises for the Rapid Reaction Brigade where he briefed troops on the requirement for Telamon to take the lead in securing peace and stability through Terra.


Telamese Paras on exercise

The Rapid Reaction Brigade is a 4,500 strong unit built around three infantry battalions with supporting light armour and artillery units. The Brigade contains the two battalions from the elite Parachute Regiment and has received extra funding in recent years to purchase new equipment as well as having taken part in major exercises with NoCTO allies, with officers and non-commissioned officers also having completed training at specialist academies in nations such as Dorvik, Hutori and Kazulia. The Brigades would be strengthened with support from other Army and Marine units and a Helicopter Squadron from the Air Force would also likely deploy in support of the Rapid Reaction Brigade to provide tactical mobility.

Earlier the Defence Minister had attended an emergency meeting of the Northern Council at which the situation in southern Dovani had been discussed and he had offered Telamese military support to any future NoCTO operations.
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Occam » Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:46 pm

Announcement from the Government of the Lýðveldið Tælmörk (Republic of Telamon)
April 4420

This press message was released by the Government of the Lýðveldið Tælmörk (Republic of Telamon):

Citizens of Terra,

The World Congress purports to be an organization dedicated to international collaboration. It's structure, however, clearly shows that it serves a different purpose. While the overwhelming majority of nations has basically no influence, the few nations of the Security Council have the power to bind all member states to their decision. With the introduction of permanent members, it is now clearer than ever, that the World Congress serves only to give the imperialistic bullying of smaller nations by the members of the SC the appearance of legitimacy.
Therefore the Lýðveldið Tælmörk (Republic of Telamon) has decided to disacknowledge the World Congress. ... lid=574786
We invite the free nations of Terra to join us in finding ways of true international collaboration.

Gustav Kolbjoernsson, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lýðveldið Tælmörk (Republic of Telamon)
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Re: Telamon Morning Post

Postby Occam » Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:11 pm

Giant Salmon Farm Built Near Ragnarsfjarður

August 4421

Telamons largest salmon producer has become even larger. The Sweet Water Salmon Company has recently opened its largest salmon farm yet. Once the new installation near Ragnarsfjarður works at capacity the Sólblómstrandiborg based company expects its yearly overall production to reach up to 100,000 metric tons of salmon, making it one of Terra's largest producers of seafood.

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