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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:22 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Legislative gridlock results in inability to form new government, bars Valruzian entry into NOCTO
Nowogard, March 4412
The Sejm was recently split on a decision to join the Northern Council, as well as forming a new government following the 4411 elections, an action that still has yet to be done.

NOWOGARD - Over the past year delegates within the Sejm were in a fierce gridlock on two forms of legislation: The ratification of the Northern Council treaty, drafted by Foreign Minister Pilarczyk after successful talks within the organization's capital, Bekenial, and the forming of a new government, by way of a Council of Ministers proposal. With elections just two years away, the current gridlock may pose a crisis for a fully integrated government of Unity Coalition members, after the Komitet Obywatelski was recently reformed, and subsequently joined the organization. Ultimately the vote to form a new Council of Ministers was struck down by the Humanist Club, who demanded equal representation within it. The SdPR was apprehensive to allow such a party to gain government positions, given that the HC was openly anti-capitalist. Ultimately President Kobylanski encouraged the Sejm to put aside political differences and "get the job done, for the good of a successful democracy". Fellow delegates of the SdPR within the Sejm, as well as Foreign Minister Pilarczyk are scheduled to reintroduce the bills next month, in the hope that they will pass by a 2/3rds majority, as is required under the Valruzian constitution for such laws.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:27 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
With reemergence of Patriot's Time in the Sejm, hope is reinvigorated for an end to the "Cabinet Chaos"
Nowogard, March 4412
A packed Sejm votes on the Introduction of a new Council of Ministers bill, drafted by the Social Democratic Workers Party.

NOWOGARD - At the beginning of Leon Kobylanski's third term as President, it seemed that what was quickly being called "Cabinet Chaos" would continue to persist. With the reemergence of the Patriot's Time party, hope has renewed for the formation of a new cabinet, and the return of the smooth flow of the democratic process. With only two parties abstaining at the current moment, a majority seems likely, although it may be too early to tell. The crisis first grew out of legislative deadlock all the way back in 4411, immediately after the close of the elections. Since then, it has led to the ineffectiveness to form a new government, something that is concerning in a functioning democracy. Many were thinking that it would continue, but hope seems renewed as stated above, after the Social Democratic Workers Party invited the Patriot's Time into the Unity Coalition, of which they accepted, bringing their coalition to 322 delegates strong. "After a long period of legislative deadlock, we may finally see some stability return to our fellow parliament." Jaropełk Wegrzyn, Marshall of the Sejm, stated today.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:37 am


Valruzian science is a print and digital magazine, headquartered in Hel, that reports on both local and national scientific activity.

Whilst measuring for seismic activity, researchers of the Knińsk Institute of Oceanography and Geology uncover mysterious underwater formations
Knińsk, 7 January 4415
Divers off the coast of Knińsk explore these strange formations not far off the coast, after they were discovered by ground penetration equipment.

The Knińsk Institute of Oceanography and Geology never expected to uncover such an astonishing find after routine measurements for seismic activity uncovered geological anomalies on the ocean floor. After dispatching a dive crew, the anomaly was found to be a massive geological structure, with very angular and precise shapes, posing the question whether it is natural or manmade. Speaking in an exclusive interview with Valruzian Science, Więcesław Raczkiewicz, Chief Researcher of Oceanological Studies states "We're not sure what it exactly is, but it is likely manmade. Yes, it is incredibly rare for nature to produce such angular shapes, but it is not impossible." What is being called the "Knińsk Formation" has nonetheless baffled scientists as to it's nature or purpose, but speculation mainly has quelled to the formations being natural, as Chief Researcher Raczkiewicz suggests. Nevertheless it hasn't stopped the public from cooking up all types of conspiracy theories, ranging from a secret government underwater installation to an alien spaceship landing base. Whatever its purpose, the Knińsk Formation is likely the product of erosion and plate tectonics.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat Jun 30, 2018 7:28 am


Wewnątrz Nowogard

Inside Nowogard is a subsidiary magazine of Red Rose that mainly reports on non-political goings on in the nation's capital. Stories range from music, sports, entertainment, and business.

Local band, called "The Beat Brothers", lands record producing deal with VEMI
Nowogard, 13 July 4416

Local rock band The Beat Brothers landed a record deal recently with Valruzian Electric and Musical Industries (VEMI) today after being discovered by producer Anders Hellström-Zawislak, a notable Kazulian-Valruzian record producer. Hellström-Zawislak states that it was mostly the work of the band's manager, Michał Mielcarek. "Frankly my office has been peppered with phone calls. Eventually he caught my interest. I spoke with him for some time over the phone, went downtown to the venue where they play, the 'Underground', and they captivated me. They've got the opportunity for talent and I just couldn't let them slip away." The band's genres range from rock and pop, and Hellström-Zawislak believes their potential is ripe for becoming an national sensation. "Give it some time, and I'm sure they'll be going all across the nation. I'll work with them on their first studio album and make sure it's the fidelity they want. It's important to make sure you don't work for the band, but with them. Building a good relationship with them is the first step to ensuring a good vibe between us." He hopes that the band's contract signing under VEMI will boost the company's sales as well as expanding into other countries, and acquiring multi-national musical acts.

Anders Hellström-Zawislak, a Kazulian-Valruzian record producer, poses before an interview in front of a collage of promotional photos of The Beat Brothers.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Wu Han » Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:05 am


Inside Nowogard is a subsidiary magazine of Red Rose that mainly reports on non-political goings on in the nation's capital. Stories range from music, sports, entertainment, and business.

Indralan conglomerate TQ Group renovates and restores historic palace, plans to open luxury hotel
Nowogard, 13 July 4416

Indralan multinational conglomerate TQ Group has purchased the historic Radziwiłł Palace in downtown Nowogard with the intention to transform the former-residence into a luxury hotel. TQ Hospitality bought the property from descendents of the House of Radziwiłł for $26m, and have spent $80m so far on renovations. TQ Hospitality Overseas Director Ho Tingfei has said that the company is trying to "restore" the property "to its traditional Valruzian style."

"Out of our deep appreciation for Valruzian culture, TQ has partnered with experts at the University of Nowogard and the University of Brzansk to ensure the architectural restorations are as true to the historicity and original artistic vision of Radziwiłł Palace as possible."

TQ's partnership with Valruzian scholars has allayed many of the concerns expressed by citizens of Nowogard when they first heard the historic palace was going to be auctioned. Though some are still discontent with the idea of the palace becoming a commercial luxury hotel, public sentiment has been rather positive.

"For years this diamond of Nowogard was buried and left to rot," said History Professor Jan Konwicki. "Luckily, the project undertaken by TQ will save this gem and preserve it for years to come."

After all renovations are completed, the hotel will have 216 rooms, a ballroom, a gourmet restaurant, a bar, a gym and spa, a small public gallery and a number of conference rooms.

Hotel ballroom (left), Contemporary Suite with view of Downtown Nowogard (right)
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:35 am

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
With immense success and hype for The Beat Brothers in Kalistan, Foreign Minister Pilarczyk announces support for complete repeal of the Nowogard Accords
Nowogard, June 4418
The grin says all— Seeing that Valruzian-Kalistani tensions have considerably lowered in recent years, FM Pilarczyk announces full support of a repeal of the Nowogard Accords.

NOWOGARD - After recently granting The Beat Brothers Access to Kalistan, Foreign Minister Igor Pilarczyk has announced support for the repeal of the Nowogard Accords, a Seleyan Union treaty that imposed several sanctions and embargoes on the Republic of Kalistan. So far, Valruzia was the only nation to successfully ratify the document, which resulted in numerous rebukes from Kalistan’s own Foreign Minister, Orenthal Williams. “After seeing the success of this ‘bodacious four’ as they are also being called, and it being a few years since hostile action was taken by the Republic, I wholly support a full repeal of the Nowogard Accords. Frankly it was somewhat of an embarrassment within the SU, since we were the only ones to ratify it. I hope that now Valruzia and Kalistan can set our differences aside and work towards mending relations.” When asked about introducing the repeal before the Sejm, Pilarczyk stated “As soon as possible.”
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:19 am


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

After 4 terms, now former President Leon Kobylanski announces retirement from politics, looks back on time in office
Nowogard, 10 June 4418

NOWOGARD - After being knocked from his winning streak for the first time, former President Leon Kobylanski announced his retirement from politics. The nearly 50 year old politician entered Valruzian politics as a protégé of Józef Niemczyk, the first National Committee Chairman of the Social Democratic Workers Party. Upon Niemczyk’s resignation, he became Acting National Committee Chairman, being fully sworn in the year after. Under Kobylanski’s 4 terms, the nation saw numerous reforms, such as revival of Valruzia’s dominance within the Seleyan Union as well as reinstatement of Environmental Minister Wolanski’s eco-friendly legislation aimed at curbing carbon emissions by 50%, which according to outsider analysts, has been achieved. The Kobylanski administration also introduced social security reform, and introduced a fallback plan that ensures unemployed workers are granted an occupation. Red Rose was able to sit down for an interview with Kobylanski, and he was reflective on his time in office, as well as optimistic for the future.

Do you feel that your Presidency has changed Valruzia for the better?

Certainly. Before then, our democracy was in danger. Communist and fascist parties gained large amounts of seats in the Sejm, introduced harmful legislation to that threatened various freedoms, but when we stepped back into Valruzian politics, they gradually went away after the securing of an inter-party coalition, of which we called the Unity Coalition. We introduced social and environmental reforms and now we boast some of the lowest unemployment rates in Terra, the same goes for our carbon emission output, which we’ve successfully curbed.

What are your thoughts on the future of your party, and the nation?

If they’re competent to lead, they’ll do well. I wouldn’t hire them, otherwise, would I? [Kobylanski chuckles] As for the nation, if the current coalition holds strong then our democracy will continue to thrive. If not, then the next few decades will be the most miserable.

Do you have any advice for your State Committee Chairman, Mr. Snarski?

Not much. He’s been doing well on his own, managing each of the five Voivodeships as well as the Council of Ministers. It is pleasurable to watch him conduct political discourse. Gives me hope that the well oiled machine we maintain can still be greased.

Thank you for letting us conduct this interview, Mr. Kobylanski. But one more question before you go: What will you do now?

Most likely buy a beach house on the coast and enjoy my early retirement. Or travel the world.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:36 am


Wewnątrz Nowogard

Inside Nowogard is a subsidiary magazine of Red Rose that mainly reports on non-political goings on in the nation's capital. Stories range from music, sports, entertainment, and business.

Beat Brothers hold roundtable press conference, hint at appearance in Kalistan
Nowogard, 23 June 4418

After about a couple months of whisper campaigns conducted by Kalistani music stations, the Beat Brothers held a roundtable press conference and spoke at length about what they had been doing in the past year. “We’ve been hard at work on our first studio album, ‘Here to Please’, and we’re in the works with a studio in Kalistan,” Says Hanuszek Leminski, the lead singer of the band. “It seems they’re very excited, what with all the marketing campaigns the studio is doing over there. We can’t blame them either, Kalistan is the music capital of Terra. Lot of genres originated there, rich musical history.” The band’s comments seemingly hint at a big show in Kalistan, which could be big, considering recently that Foreign Minister Pilarczyk has openly supported a full repeal of sanctions placed on them. Whatever the Beat Brothers are up to, Inside Nowogard will keep you updated every step of the way.

From left to right: Pawlik Mareczek, Rysiek Starewski, Jerzyk Hariuwek, and Hanuszek Leminski.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:49 pm


Wewnątrz Nowogard

Inside Nowogard is a subsidiary magazine of Red Rose that mainly reports on non-political goings on in the nation's capital. Stories range from music, sports, entertainment, and business.

Beat Brothers release 1st studio album, surges to the top of the charts
Nowogard, 15 April 4419

The Beat Brothers today released their long-awaited first studio album, "Here to Please". Recorded in both Luthorian and Valruzian, various singles released months prior drummed up immense hype and success for not only the band, but for VEMI as well. Insider reports detail that VEMI actually had not created a record label to represent and manage the band, instead being directly managed by Hellström-Zawislak. The subsequent immediate success of their first album has lead to VEMI announcing of the formation of their national label, Wrzask!, or "Shout!". VEMI also announced the expansion of their brand into Kalistan, simply named "VEMI Kalistan", and will likely manage native Kalistani acts and ensembles. The company, now quickly turning into a multi-million peso corporation overnight, stated that it will likely expand into several other nations and form subsidiaries within. As for "Here to Please", the album gained almost immediate success upon release in both Valruzia and Kalistan, with record stores being mobbed by fans left and right. Songs were played on local radio stations nearly all day. It seems the Beat Brothers now have a hungry fanbase to quench, but can the rock n' roll band rival the success of YingPop? Only the future knows.

The cover image for the band's first album, boasting such songs as "Love me Really" and the namesake hit, "Here to Please".
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:31 am

Valruzian Bands lead Valruzian Invasion of Kalistani Pop Charts
Many band follow in their wake

Beat Brothers and other "Szarybeat" bands monopolize Kalistani Top 20; Beat Brothers named "Best Band" of 4419 in Kalistan by fans
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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