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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby RIS » Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:08 pm

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:18 pm

Keymon News Network
New Conservative Party Lambasts Luthori and Royalists
April 4414
The president of the New Conservative Party, Fabianus Hyginos,gave a speech at Keymon State University during a party conference and we at KNN have been able to get a transcript from this party
Below is that transcript:
* Fabianus Hyginos walks upon the stage
Hyginos-Hello everybody!
*crowd cheers
Hyginos-I’ve taken a little break from running Keymon and I’ve come here to address you all. Now I know most of you know of our policy concerning the Luthori Empire and almost all of you agree with this. However we reached a deal with Hutori,as many of you know,to stay within the Luthori Empire. However I want to reassure not only you all but everyone in the world,we will fight the Luthori empires influence upon our isle and our people,but this will take many years. To throw off the yolk of Luthorian influence,we must prepare ourselves for everything the Luthroians attempt to throw at us. Many times not only have Luthorian parties and people threatened our ethnic people but also our nation. They continue to berate and belittle our people! And we’ve had enough!
*crowd cheers
Hyginos-Although Hutorian officials have treated us extremely well and have agreed to many demands,including assisting us with modernization of both our military and infrastructure,while Luthori continued to deny assistance,as long as Luthori is leading this empire and there leaders refuse to assist Keymon,then we shall continue to resist there occupation!
*crowd cheers
Hyginos-Although we lack a two-thirds majority in the senate,I believe this will soon change. The royalist in Senate have continuously failed to gain even fourty percent of the seats in the Senate. They are divided and they’re no longer even a threat to our power. Every law we wish to change gets changed. The only thing that can’t change as long as the royalist continue to hold more than 33% is the constitution. As long as the monarchs continue to rule our nation as if they are our sovereigns we will never be free! We must defeat the royalists! If we fail then Keymon dies!
Thank you all for coming out here today!
*crowd cheers
*Hyginos walks off stage

We will continue to update you
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:43 pm

Keymon News Network
Ministry of Infrastructure Begins Construction of Military Grade Bunkers
April 4416
The Ministry of Infrastructure has announced,in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense, the construction of around three-thousand military grade bunkers. These bunkers,according to the ministry of defense,will be used in the case of a WMD striking Keymon or in the case that Keymon were attacked via air. These bunkers will apparently have air and water filtration systems and have radiation,chemical and biological detection systems in order to cleanse those who’ve been effected. However many have criticized this construction effort. Many royalists have claimed this move makes it look as if the independents are preparing for war with Luthori and it could worsen relations with the Luthorian empire and cause unnecessary tensions. However some independents have also criticized the move,citing it as a waste of government funds and these funds could be used towards naval and air expansion that could successfully fight off an invasion instead of hiding underground.
However the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Infrastructure has issued a joint statement addressing both criticism:
In the case of an imminent WMD strike on the Keymon nation,citizens will be asked to evacuate into these shelters to protect themselves from the effects of any WMD. Home bunkers (many of which are more than 30 years old) cannot protect against modern WMD technology. Therefore instead of each citizen being forced to renovate there homes and adapt there bunkers (if they have them) to modern technological capabilities,we have decided that (under careful safety and structural guidelines) to construct large bunkers capable of housing a maximum of 7,500 individuals. This would make censusing and resource management easier but also reduce the need for emergency services to go house to house in the case of a WMD attack. With the maximum capacity of 7,500 we could securely house the entire Keymonite populous and even two-million more individuals,most likely tourists.
However in the case of an act of terrorism involving a WMD (which the Keymonite government could not imminently predict and would only gain knowledge of an attack after it has already occurred) the (remaining) Keymonite populous would be evacuated into these bunkers however individuals would have to be screened for not only presences of radiation,chemicals,or bio remains, but also screened criminally to prevent any more terror attacks inside the bunkers. If a terrorist were to detonate a WMD device inside one of the bunkers ,the area effected would be shut down and put under quarantine. However if the quarantine were to fail and either radiation,chemical,or biological infections spread the bunker would be shut down and head of command of the bunker would activate bunker defense shutdowns,making it almost impossible to enter or leave the bunker.
However the likelihood of a terrorist entering the bunker and breaking through security checkpoints is unlikely.
Several other concerns have been brought up such as were would criminals,the elderly in nursing homes, children in school,and hospitalized individuals go in the case of an attack. These different bunkers will be designed for each of the stated groups and many more groups including armed forces,political heads,and scientists. Each of these groups will have specialized bunkers designated for individual needs exclusive to these groups.
However many have brought up the concern of natives that will not leave there cultural areas,most of which are on the many mountains that cut Keymon in two. The Department for Native Affairs has already discussed with the seven native tribes and generally the answers mainly consisted of either retreating back to the multiple caves in Keymon or simply staying put since there lands hold no significant military value.
We guarantee that every possible issue in this process has a way to solve it and has already been solved.
Thank you however for your participation in democracy and your concerns and they have been all adressed.

We will continue to update you
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:49 pm

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:04 pm

Keymon News Network
Keymonite Chancellor Heads to Benkenial To Discuss Situation in Dovani
At the request of Secretary-General of the Northern Council, Kurt Eskildsen, Chancellor Fabianus Hyginos has begun traveling to the Northern Council Headquarters in Bekenial.
Chancellor Hyginos Plane taking off from Turtle Bay International Airport

Although Keymon is technically an ally of Xsampa it has committed itself to the Northern Council and to its duty to provide peace throughout the world.

Before leaving however Fabianus Hyginos gave a speech to a crowd gathered at the airport:
As issues in Dovani rage,our fellow allies in the Northern Council have called upon all Northern Council members to Bekenial to discuss the current issues and come to a diplomatic solution. Trust me. I will not drag Keymon into war nor will I ever fight an unnecessary war. However let this be known! If any enemy of Keymon attacks us we will destroy them!
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:03 pm

Keymon News Network
First Vanukuean Vessels Began Being Turned Away
The Klavian Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Trade has begun turning away all Vanukuean vessels currently in Klavian territory. Although no incidents of vessels aggressively fighting back have occurred,massive protests have been organized by opponents of said actions.

Protests in Leighstown Over Vanuku Ship Stopping

These protests are over the stopping of Vanukuean vessels from entering Klavian territories. The organizers of these protests have stated that the stopping of Vanukuean could turn into war and is hurting coastal communities. However the current cabinet has stated it will not end the stopping of all Vanukuean vessels and it would instead continue to stop the Vanukuean vessels.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:22 pm

Keymon News Network
Chancellor Hyginos Currently In Lourenne
October 4421
Chancellor Hyginos has met with aspects of the Lourennais government to discuss Keymonite and Lourennais interests including possible military drills. Chancellor Hyginos,mainly due to Vanuku‘s continued aggression angering Keymonites,especially positioning its fleet in the Antonese Ocean, has met with high ranking members of the Lourenais military and government. The discussions most likely will surround military drills to reassert Northern Council and Keymonite dominance in the region and discussion may also surround business and economic issues effecting both Lourenne and Keymon.
Recently the Keymonite cabinet has raised vocal concern surrounding Vanuku’s decision to use nuclear weaponry and,due to continued attempts by Vanuku to justify its decisions,have extended the ban on Vanukuean vessels indefinitely. “Now these concerns have been voiced in the World Congress and have been repeatedly ignored or just pushed to the side and I think this has pushed the Keymonite government over the edge”-says political scientist Ocnus Pardos after being asked on his opinion of the Lourennais-Keymon talks.”We’ve seen a nation pushed around for decades now and treated as lesser to all other nations in Terra by countries like Vanuku and what I think we’re seeing now is finally the Keymon government is pushing back against those who’ve mistreated it”. Although no official word has come if these discussions have led to anything,many say that the talks will most likely be successful as Lourenne has continuously been investing more and more into Keymon and to make sure these investments stay safe and don’t leave,Lourenne will attempt to show off its military muscle.
We will continue to update you.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:45 am

Keymon News Network
Keymonite Gangs Pop Up After Drugs Criminalized
November 4422
Recently numbers of criminal gangs have sprung up across Keymon after a legislative bill passed criminalizing not only drug usage but the sale of drugs. This has caused the many legal drug businesses in Keymon to go out of business and the many drug users of Keymon have been violently thrown back into criminality. Now many criminal gangs are supplying the demands for not only cocaine and heroine,some of the most profitable drugs,but also marijuana and LSD,the most popular drugs in Keymon. According to a survey done by the Department of Human Development and Resources,before the ban,at least 3.1% of the Keymon populous admitted to usage of (now illegal) drugs. 90% of the drugs used were Marijuana and LSD. Now however,opportunistic individuals have taken advantage of the criminalization of the sale and use of drugs to make themselves rich.
According to a source,who wished to remain anonymous,said this on the recent criminalization of drugs:
This is possibly the greatest thing the legislative could’ve done for the gangs of Keymon. Before the ban we had no way to make money since all weaponry and drugs were legal. The gangs only ways to get money was from kidnappings and ransoms but everytime we would do that we’d have to think-“The police aren’t focused on drugs and guns anymore. So kidnapping is basically a guarantee of being arrested. So who will we sacrifice for that little bit of cash?”. But now we don’t have to think like that. Now we know we won’t have to kidnap for cash. All we have to do is sell drugs to get money. And with that cash we can start bribing people to start limiting guns. And we’ve got certain Bolshevik politicians around our finger. And every time they start banning or limiting stuff we get more cash. It’s a win win. They get money to continue to campaign for the “proletariat” and we get legislation that benefits us. Yet they don’t realize all the tax money they’re literally making illegal hurts them.

Now the police force has reportedly had to respond not only to increased gang violence but increases in all crimes. However a notable spokesperson for The National Bolshevik Party has released a press statement regarding these numbers-
Our nation state was infamously known around the world for being a hive of drug addicts and abusers, this is in short was due to a number of factors, namely: 1) The full legality of recreational drugs. 2) The lack of public social provision stemming from a lack of funding in the capitalist system.

The so-called geniuses of liberal thought protested, "If we legalise drugs, cases of drug abuse will decrease as users have access to clean means of administering the drug.". But what resulted? A slow, lazy and impassive population. Drugs are a burden to our production, and act as an obstacle to reforming the nuclear family. Their use divides families and enables a whole range of mental health issues to develop which strains our already struggling public health service.

However now after our criminalization of drugs,rates of productivity have gone up among the proletariat workers. The reports that the criminalization of drugs has resulted in more gangs and more crime is simply false. These fake statistics are simply a way for the bourgeois to try to defend the legalization of drugs. The New Conservative Party,who controls the Justice Department, is simply trying to reinstate its evil capitalist will among the proletariat masses. We will not allow them to. Workers we stand with you!

However according to the National Endarme (The Keymonite National Police Force) they’ve been extremely stretched across multiple parts of the island and they may have to call upon all 12,000 of the National Endarme’s reserves or even force citizens to be conscripted into the police force.
The current active duty personnel count is around 8,000 however 70% of these personnel are in the 4 major Keymonite cities and the remaining 30% have to patrol the rest of the island. Although many have called on the police force to just allocate forces to other areas,the National Endarme released a press statement debunking this claim:
We can not allocate police forces at the moment because the majority of the drugs are being sold in the major cities. But the majority of the drugs are being made in rural areas. Perhaps if the politicians hadn’t forced us to arrest drug dealers and users we wouldn’t have an issue like this. But we don’t make the laws,we simply enforce them.

We will continue to update you
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:25 am

Letter to the Editor
"You should re-legalize Drugs and then join ODEN"

by Georgia Tass,
Director of ODEN-Kalistan, Kaliburg, Ananto
Socialist Party of Kalistan
December 18, 4422

Dear Editor of the KNN,

I write today as one interested in the disorder you reported the other day concerning "drug gangs" who are making money hand over fist due to the artificial creation of a black market in your nation.

Due to my position as Director of the Organization of Drug Exporting Nations, Kalistan Subsidiary Branch here in Ananto, I think I have some expertise on the matter of drug policy. As a matter of fact, Kalistan's drug policy is crafted in my office.

If I may rely on my expertise on the matter of drug policy, I would say that prohibiting recreational drugs, or anything really, that the population enjoys, will produce a backlash. We can assure you, as a nation that is steeped in the drug culture, and as an organization that sells more than 2 trillion Kalistani Rubles worth of drugs worldwide annually, that The Keymon market has certainly been on our radar. We have had some trouble there competing with legal production and sales. Naturally, we will see our profits from Keymonese users skyrocket due to the Government's prohibition on drugs. Drug prohibition does not prevent drug usage: Only overdose can do that. You can make drugs illegal, and all that will do is make suppliers like ODEN-Kalistan richer, and Keyomonese users poorer.

Look: we do not sell drugs to your people. We only sell drugs to your distributors. We don't particularly care whether drugs are legal or not in your nation. We are supplying a terra-wide demand for drugs, and as the only drug cartel in Terra, we will make money whether you make drugs legal or illegal. Nor will your laws affect our sales one bit. Demand is demand, and it only goes up under prohibition.

But as a matter of public health, I can assure you that with drug prohibition, the threats to human health dramatically increase. We know that legal drugs are produced under clinical conditions. A user always knows the exact dosage they are getting and the grade of quality is stamped right onto the package when a person or an organization buys for ODEN. Our brand is a mark of quality, and we are meticulous in our methods, and only buy from the producers with the best reputations. In Kalistan, we are permitted to put unaffiliated producers out of business all together. The goal is to provide the best quality and the best valued drugs to users around the world. We have been at this game for more than 2000 years, and can assure you that if you are concerned about the health and wellbeing of your drug users, you can't get better than ODEN. Drug prohibition also ends drug regulation. Now users are not only being supplied by ODEN, which come with an associated cost of the black market, but a bunch of garbage produced locally, by people trying to make a quick buck.

You will notice, regardless of how much product ODEN sold in Keymon, that drug gangs did not exist before prohibition. And now, they do. And those gangs compete with one another for a bigger share of the market. They bring violence and crime into your society's midst when it did not exist before. We will sell to whoever buys from us: We do not discriminate, but you must be sure that it is your prohibition, not our commerce that is creating the violence when none existed along these lines before.

Keep this in mind as you develop policy to fix a problem your supposed solution to a different "problem" created. The best thing for your government to do is to get rid of the prohibition, re-legalize drugs, and join ODEN: If nothing else, under ODEN, your country will finally gain control of your country's drug sales, and at least ensure that if people will do drugs, they will be Keymonese drugs (ODEN does not compete with member nations' domestic markets), and you can then get a handle on quality and possession issues, whereas now, I am sure it is far easier for a small child to score a pound of marijuana than it was before prohibition.

And LSD, and opium, and heroin and MDMA and meth, no doubt: only the last of that list ODEN-Kalistan will not be sending to large scale Keymonese distributors in the coming year, as we do not produce that chemical in Kalistan.

Thank you for your attention,
Most Serenely,
Georgia Tass
Direct of ODEN Kalistan
Kaliburg, Ananto District, Kalistan
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Jul 14, 2018 11:39 pm

Keymon News Network
November 4423

Gang Wars Spark Throughout Keymon as Drug Gangs Emerge
Recently massive gang wars have sparked throughout Keymon killing hundreds of individuals so far. While the war is so far located in the major cities,where a majority of the drug addicts live,(according to a recent Keymonite Census,37% of the Keymonite populous live in or at least 15 miles from a major city) the main production centers are located in more isolated and therefore harder to detect locales throughout Keymon.

Now police are stretched thin and have called upon all 18,000 reserve personnel of the National Endarme to assist with not only quelling the gang violence but also with arresting both drug dealers and sellers. Now many police officers and reserves have been moved to the country-side attempting to locate as many drug producing centers as possible. According to several police insiders,the Heads of the National Endarme are angered by the recent criminalization of drugs as now they have to patrol and control an extremely vast and dangerous market. However the effects of the calling upon reserves has been limited as drug makers are being pushed into the forests and mountains while drug users remain in the cities.

The New Conservative Party,the only party voting no to the criminalization of drugs,has continued to critique the legislative decision and parties voting for it.
Fabianus Hyginos,President of the NCP,gave a speech at an event concerning the drug issue and we’ve gotten a transcript:
We warned the members of the legislative that this would happen. We told them that not only did Keymon benefit tax wise from the complete legalization of drugs but also crime wise since then drug addicts could actually buy the drugs legally and could openly use them without fear and crime was low. But now we’ve seen crime rates skyrocket and gangs take over sections of our major cities. And now there are gang wars throughout Keymon and the National Endarme can’t handle it. I demand that the legislative assembly reinstate the law that allows for not only drug usage but drug selling! But unless we reinstate the drug legalization bill we will continue to have this problem and we may have a huge war that would require not only the reinstating of the armed forces but possible Northern Council intervention if this war on drugs continues. Hundreds are already dead as gang wars have erupted throughout Keymon and if this doesn’t stop soon we may be plunged into civil war.
The commie scum of the Bolshevik Party has not only betrayed Keymon but also the people they’re “fighting” for. There continued attacks against not only civil liberties but also our economy not only show they don’t care but they lack any empathy. If the Bolsheviks continue to attempt to take the civil liberties of my people,we will fight back! The commie scum of the Bolsheviks must be pushed back in the next election and they must be stopped. For Keymon and for God.

New Conservative Party Kicked Out of Cabinet despite protests
Recently the New Conservative Party has been completely kicked out of the Keymonite Cabinet. Although being the largest party in Keymon with 36% of all seats in the Senate would almost guarantee representation, Future Now!, The National Bolshevik Party and Imperatorio Factio de Klavia all voted to completely expel the NCP from the Keymonite Cabinet. This has angered many in the NCP who have begun a vicious campaign to reinstate NCP control of the cabinet.
The NCP has begun a nation-wide propaganda campaign to discredit not only the National Bolshevik Party but communism itself.
NCP propaganda poster
The Party has also set up the Ministry of Debunking,dedicated solely to informing people on the opposition parties why they’re voting for the wrong party and why they should vote for the NCP. The Ministry of Debunking has also stated it will begin setting up protests and speeches against the Bolshevik Party.Although no official date has been given for any speeches or protests,the Ministry of Debunking has stated it will begin these soon.

We will continue to update you on both of these stories.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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