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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:45 pm

Tambethra Kumar Returns To Vanakalam; Pledges Financial Support To Pro-Democracy Forum
March 4414

Above: Wealthy heir T. Kumar

The son of wealthy expat Tambethra Surevan, Tambethra Kumar, has returned to his birthplace in the rural north to pledge support to the Vanakalamese Pro-Democracy Forum and offer his family's financial support to the movement. This could be a major aid to the pro-democracy fighters, with the possible implications of international ties and financial backings being huge in possibly securing better equipment for their side of the fighting. Some even suggest the Tambethras may finally get their revenge as darlings of the democrats, after having had their attempts at ecocommunalism forestalled by the communists. After a major PR victory on the behalf of the anti-communists and the military in peacefully defeating the police at the siege in Srishayini, the Forum is looking for international aid so as overthrow the communist government 'via pressure and as non-violent a process as possible' - according to its leader T. Sagana, former head of the now-dissolved Independent Electoral Council.

The now officially dismissed former national armed force - renamed the "Democratic Fighters" - have moved across the north to take control of key resource centres the communists are not holding. Their advance has so far taken hold of 1/5th of the nation, and many commentators on the situation suggest that only communist support in the cities and the mountains in the centre of the nation are preventing the advance from continuing even further as of yet. The government is trying to hold the line, but is losing ground up and down the north as the communist-backed and communist-backing People's Authorities - formerly the national police force - have disintegrated in areas of strong Forum support.

The crops in much of the south have failed, and with the military swiftly gaining the loyalty of farmers in the north the PA are becoming harder and harder to properly upkeep. While the situation may look bad for the communists because of this, the communists are planning soon to call upon their massive number of supporters to form a communist army, according to inside sources. The concern there would be that they would end up with a very badly trained and unprofessional force squaring off against the properly trained and equipped military - though you should and must never doubt the popularity of the communists, and the potentially massive force they may field if these plans go forward.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:58 pm

Communists Flee Srishayini Temple; Rebel Ballot Date Set
April 4415

The Communist forces in Vanakalam, anticipating the imminent declaration of war, have fled from sites up and down the country and drawn back to trenches and bases in an effort to contain the spread of pro-democrats before a true battle-line is created. This has led to the evacuation of Srishayini Temple, the largest and most magnificent temple in the nation, if not the whole of Dovani. Democrat leader T. Sagana called the capture of the temple by pro-democracy forces a "clear victory for the heart and soul of Vanakalam". The resistance continues to grow as the People's Authorities and their new commander, M. Rubini, try to create a firm perimeter from coast to coast in the middle of the country - alongside some holdouts in the urban areas of the north.

The alliance of experienced political operator T. Sagana, near-billionaire Tambethra Kumar and former general R. Karthiyan has as of yet proven to be undefeated in contesting the supremacy of the communist government in the capital. The next step will be a ballot that is planned to take place around the nation in the autumn, which will be held both in lands controlled by the Pro-Democracy Forum and also through underground networks in the rest of the country. While T. Sagana admits that turnout in the 140 of 200 constituencies not in Forum hands will be low, maybe even very low, she is confident that "at the end of the day, we will have a more legitimate government to lead Vanakalam". The Forum and all non-communist political parties are putting forward Tambethra Kumar as their candidate, who will be against the incumbent - against her wishes.

For the President, who will soon have to face an unofficial poll and is already facing food shortages across her nation, her new policy of conscription recently instituted couldn't come soon enough. The communist government is clear that war is all but declared, and now it is just a matter of training those enlisted - all unmarried men between 21 and 40 have been drafted, and all unmarried women between 25 and 42. Soon, the President will have a giant army prepared to march across the internal border.

Reports suggest that if Kumar is declared the victor in the 'strange election', as local call it, then the President will launch a giant offensive in an attempt to stop the growing resistance - plunging the nation into civil war.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:02 pm

Communists Attack As Tambethra Kumar Called Winner Of Election
October 4415

Democratic forces have been ambushed on the day after the election count, early in the morning. As pirate radio called out that Tambethra Kumar had defeated the incumbent in the unsanctioned poll, 59% to 41% with 49% of voters reportedly polled, much of the north erupted into violence as a state of war was finally declared. Masses of communist conscripts, willing to die for the revolution, poured into rural heartlands with assault weapons. While the professionally trained and well-dug-in democratic forces killed thousands of communist recruits, they were outnumbered by nearly 10-to-1 in much of their positions and the sheer numbers forced them to retreat, though the casualties were extreme for the communists. This came as the communists were polled to lose their majority in the unofficial election, which the Pro-Democratic Forum says supports their cause.

Despite the controversial - and somewhat unaccountable - poll and its meagre turnout, the communists saw it as enough of a threat to finally start violence. The Forum has lost 1/3rd of its territory over a few days span, and the communists have begun to build extensive defences throughout the country out of earth in the hopes of containing and closing in on the rebellion from all possible sides. However, the pro-democratic forces were able to halt the communist advance in the central north, as communist losses became too great and the government's generals saw that they were just wasting troops to advance any further yet. The plan has, however, drawn soldiers from industry and agriculture in the south, but this a price the President is willing to pay for the opportunity to crush resistance.

Regardless of the major losses for the democrats, T. Sagana - leader of the Pro-Democratic Forum - declared T. Kumar the winner and announced that he, and the non-communist members of the unofficial parliament, would be in charge of the self-proclaimed "Free Republic of Vanakalam", which would oppose the "People's Socialist State of Vanakalam" led by the President. Holding 1/5th of the nation's land, but nearly half of its farmland, the Pro-Democrats are in the works of procuring aid internationally, and are hoping to garner support from the growing empire of Medina. While the idea of the militaristic leader of Medina, Azeez, supporting democracy seems odd at first, it is rumoured he sees Sagana as a potential ally. The nation of Vanakalam has plenty of resources and fighting men, although it may have fewer of both by the time one side wins the war.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby lewiselder1 » Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:08 pm

I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:14 pm

Sagana Executes Major Offensive Against Communists With Medinese Weapons
October 4416

Above: Democratic Forum leader and chief adviser to President Kumar, T. Sagana.

The leader of the Pro-Democratic Forum, T. Sagana, has personally ordered a major offensive against the communist forces after a year of stalemate. With President Kumar a year into his first, though unofficial term, fighting in the war has came to a standstill and both sides have, up until now, been unwilling to make a major advance. However, using new Medinese weaponry, T. Sagana's forces successfully crept into the camp of the communists under cover of night and began shooting indiscriminately into tents. The communist forces were obliterated in one fell swoop through the usage of devastating explosives and high-powered machine guns which ripped through the sleeping soldiers viciously and without remorse.

Outcry at the dishonourable nature of Sagana's attack has made her lose her 'beacon of third world democracy' visage in much of the world, though she is adamant that 'it was necessary so as to defeat communism'. The Forum has subsequently annihilated communist forces across the north violently, being better-equipped and better-trained than the communists. The vicious and controversial offensive - known as the "month of liberation" by pro-democrats - has caused shock and terror among the conscripts who serve under the communists. Thousands of soldiers have deserted, sewing panic among the government of President Suhanthra. The communists had been convinced that they were on the verge of winning the war, especially considering their conscripts overwhelmed Sagana's forces previously, but all of that has changed.

In this ever-twisting war, where the losing side seems to miraculously take the advantage when defeat seems imminent, communist leader A. Suhanthra has had to consider her options, as even the tens of thousands of new conscripts she is training may easily be cut down by superior weaponry from Medina. It has been reported to the Times that the communists may soon unveil a new, shocking weapon - as evidenced by the government's edict to state scientists to begin investigating electrical and chemical weaponry. If Suhanthra manages to come out with a weapon able to viciously tare down soldiers, possibly against international law, the tide of this war may change again. Food shortages in the capital continue, furthermore.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:19 pm

Conscripts Pile Up On Battle-lines; Communists Lose Control of Lakshmikati
April 4417

Above: Communist Conscripts Transported North

Countless thousands of communist conscripts have been mowed down by Pro-Democracy fighters on the Vanakalamese battlefront, with the soldiers simply being thrown by their commanders at highly defended positions. The method of numbers-over-tactics has proved a failed strategy for the government, who have lost many of their troops to the feckless behaviour. Assaults on forts filled with battle-hardened and well-trained veterans have held against opponents who outnumber them by dozens of measures, proving a damning indictment of the communist military strategists. Alongside further news that the President's ministries cannot afford to produce high-tech weaponry, it has been increasingly stressed that the communists need to stop wasting men if they want to win this war,

The largest city in the north of Vanakalam, Lakshmikati, has been overrun by Forum soldiers who were aided by locals in killing off the communist leadership in the city, as well as rounding up and executing the communist military commanders in the area. The executed include M. Rubini, the leader of the People's Authorities, who form the remnants of the old police force who fight alongside the People's Army - the new conscripts who receive little training and are dying by the tens of thousands. Obliterated in the north, President Suhanthra has began drastic measures of diverting the nation's entire navy to arrive in nearby Sangora, which is likely the next target of the Democratic Fighters and the Forum's leader T. Sagana.

Despite the many losses for the communists, some good news also appeared for them over the past week. Harvests on farms along the southern Mantara rivers were proven exceptionally successful in this spring, while the opposing northern farms along the River Midu failed to flourish. This means the next batch of conscripts sent to fight will actually finally be better supplied, at least for a time, that their opponents. This provides a short but useful window for the communists to move against beleaguered forces opposing them in the north, with thoughts of lifting the siege placed on the temple south of Lakshmati and north of Sangora known as "the Temple of the Five Lions", which alongside Srishayini temple is one of the six holiest sites in the Vanakalamese native religion. Holding this place could provide a morale boost, even if the government is atheistic.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:57 pm

Communists Routed At Sangora
April 4418

T. Sagana and T. Kumar's democratic forces have used their Medinese resources once again and handed yet another humiliating defeat to the communists in the second year of fighting in the far-eastern nation. This time, the second largest city in the north - Sangora - was taken from the communist despite having the entire communist fleet docked there to provide artillery support. The tactic failed miserably as the communists quickly abandoned their ships in a rout caused by a rumour spread by Forum agents that the President will kill her own soldier's relatives who support democracy. Now the communists must contest with thousands of rogue soldiers making their ways south to try to gather their families and go undercover. Thousands of civilians have just gone missing, and the problem will only worsen as the country's official government continues to lose battles.

Conscripts from the communist military (the People's Army) are falling en-mass when they try to retake ground, with no real training having been provided. Malnourished and with very low, and yet even still diminishing, hopes of winning the war. The communists are in free-fall, with even their 'well-fed' new brigades only barely holding back the Forum in key areas of the north. Soon, and pretty much immanently even, the government will have the full power of the northern armies at their gates, with metropolis capital Thikkonagama threatened itself. If the communists fail to hold back their enemies in the north, the middle of the country is simply an open plain for the Forum forces to sweep over.

After persistent failure, President Suhanthra has gone into panic-mode according to sources. Having thought she would end the rebellion after her rapid advance a few years ago into the poorly prepared Forum which existed then, Suhanthra must now face the fact that her strategy has utterly failed in the idea of sending wave after wave of communist conscripts at better-trained, well-entrenched enemies. Now, the communists will have to deploy a new super-weapon that they call the "Red Guard", which consists of several hundred of the best, hand-picked soldiers the communist have to offer. This "Red Guard" would be a fearsome force, although they had been wanted to defend the cities. With plenty of conscripts and trenches around her personal position, now Suhanthra has no choice but to put in her strongest warriors.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:44 pm

Luthori to Send Humanitarian Aid to Vanakalam:-

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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:09 pm

Red Guard Brutally Effective At Five Lions
October 4418

The Communists are back and fighting in the war in Vanakalam with brutal efficiency as the enclave built around the Five Lions temple was reinforced by sea with hundreds of elite "Red Guard" soldiers. In stark contrast to the mainly conscript-based "People's Army", the Guard has not faltered and lost massively against the Forum forces - in fact quite the opposite is true.

The Guard won the first major communist victory since the war's early days, with the Forum's military being forced to halt with only incremental ground covered in its attempt to claim the holiest site on the face of Terra for followers of the native religion. The site honours the five sacred lions of heaven said to have been slain by the demonic forces before the Gods fought them back, the lions still venerated as martyrs to this day by all Vanakalamese people.

The Red Guard was able to hold off the first advance made by T. Sagana's forces through heavy suppression fire which stopped the advance almost immediately. The second attempt to advance was met with mortar shells, with both said tactics being far more accurate than the conscripts's attempts to use the same tactics had been. However, the Red Guard also engaged in their own tactics, of sending undercover soldiers behind enemy lines to cause chaos before quickly retreating into the heavy jungle that surrounds the area. The Forum has tried to conserve their own soldiers, which has led to a total stand-still in the sole communist enclave in the area. After defeats in Sangora and Lakshmikati, President Suhanthra was extremely happy to see her new tactic succeed in finally stopping the advance. More Guards are to be trained and deployed in the coming months.

For the Forum, this is a new crisis in the ever-shifting war that has became increasingly complex and tangled. Support from Dorvik and Luthori in the form of aid has been extremely useful in helping civilians and soldiers recover from the fighting, helping to increase public support of the movement and Tambethra Kumar's presidency. Financial and military aid from the Tambethra family's connections and Medina has also helped the Forum lock down current territories held, though the new Red Guard makes it likely that the war will soon start to drag for the Forum as they finally meet their match. However, T. Sagana is in the works of getting more support from Dorvish Defence Minister Anouk Reding if reports are to be believed, and this may include resources to help defend civilian areas more easily, allowing more troops to be committed to the front lines. Reding's spokesman said that the reports are 'exaggerated', but that 'the Dorvish government was committed to limiting civilian casualties'.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Fri Jul 06, 2018 10:06 pm

Red Guard Holds Ground; Forum Gains In Other Areas
October 4419

Above: Vice President of "Free Vanakalam", T. Sagana.

Fighting continues to roar across Vanakalam, with the Red Guard holding its ground up and down the country against advances being made by their enemies the Forum for Democracy and their pro-democratic forces. President Suhanthra, who is believed to be in ill health, has been deploying thousands of her best soldiers - the newly trained and well-equipt Red Guard - all of whom are sworn to the communist cause. These new forces have been so successful that they haven't given up an inch of ground in most of the areas they have been deployed, allowing communist conscripts from the People's Army to stand back and only be used when necessary. The Red Guard is also teaching fellow soldiers like the People's Authorities and the People's Army on their own more advanced tactics.

On the other hand, there have been many success stories from the pro-democracy forces in their push eastward from their north-western, original position. In the villages in the east, they have encountered many sympathetic rural civilians who have helped to oust conscripts and former policemen who have not been reinforced by the Red Guard. The Red Guard remains focused on fending-off the multi-year sieges on several key temples in the north and midlands, although it is also trying to slowly move and position so as to reclaim Sangora with very limited success as of thus far. Casualties from the war have slowed down, but it is clear that tens of thousands have died in the four-year-long conflict. Over a decade since Suhanthra came to power, her government is embattled for its very survival.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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