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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby TUSCLeader » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:18 pm

Ben Sullivan election night speech

We knew we were going to make losses tonight, we were Ill prepared both financially and organisationally to fight another election. However, the losses were small, and our friends in the SDP remain the largest Party. The result, as has previously been the case for recent elections, has been completely indecisive. The Hosian Democratic Alliance seem likely to hold the balance of power yet again. This likely means weak and unstable Government and probably another election before long, as the HDA have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and manipulative. I make clear that I cannot serve with them in Government under the current leadership. If bringing about an SDP led Government requires us to vote for a cabinet proposal including the HDA then we will not seek to obstruct that turn of events. However, unlike previously, if they're in the proposal we will not be in cabinet. We will continue to be a voice for the nation's most deprived and downtrodden, and although not much is certain after tonight, that one fact will remain for as long as this party exists.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Dino9932 » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:46 pm

Edward Underwood Election Night Speech

I proposed fresh elections in the imperial diet, because i felt the peoples voice, i felt that wanted change, wanted a change away from this coalition of chaos, away from these so old and respectable establishment parties and there s old irrelevant ideas. Away from the White Rose, Social Democratic, Luthorian Democratic Union,Hosian Democratic Alliance and Conservative Parties hatred of fredoom and equality, they want to dictate who you can marry, who you can love and how you want to show it, and how you feel. And the people responded in kind to that kind of orwellian way of governing. YES WE CAN.

Liberal Republican Party
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby hansoloffson » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:14 pm

Alice Teodurschu press conference

The leader of the Social Democratic Party, after the election held a press conference to adress the issues of a coalition.

Once more we are the largest party in the diet, once more we were returned with a increased number of seats. We saw the White Rose fall in support along with most of the Neo Liberal parties, i want to start of with sharing my admiration for Charles Albert Brighton who decided to not run for his tenth reelection. He has been a inspiration and a great teacher. But that is not why i have called you all here. I have brought you here for the simple reason of coalition. I was approached by the leader of the Hosian Democratic Alliance. They offered to sit in a cabinet led by me on one condition. The complete destruction of our welfare state. The complete destruction of all taxes. The complete destruction of every goverment job, of our healthcare, our education and of our defense. We will never allow that to happen. We will not sit in a coalition with such a radical party. If anything we need more funds in to our education and healthcare, our industries needs to be supported, not ruined. We will neverlet ourselves or this great country be blackmailed by a radical party. I will always stand up for the workers of this nation, and i do hope that even the right wing parties will distance themselves from passing a budget that could not even properly fund our defense. Thank you all for coming and i hope a meaningful and strong coalition that can serve the people will be passed.

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby TUSCLeader » Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:09 am

Ben Sullivan makes election night speech
Thank you... Thank you all!...
What a campaign, what a result and what a team we have here at the TUSC. I would like to thank all of you, from our campaign co-ordinator Ellesha Wilson, all the way down to our newest and youngest party activist. This election result shows that the proponents of fear, despair and cynicism are wrong. Change through the ballot box is possible. We are proud that we fought this election on socialist principles, and have achieved our best election result ever. But the likelihood is that I will be stood here before you following another election before long. The enthusiasm that propelled this campaign forward needs to be carried into next time, or the dreams of an SDP/TUSC/LP Government will die. Keep up your anger, and channel it into an even better campaign next time.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:23 am

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby TUSCLeader » Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:45 pm

West budget passed the diet
A huge moment for the Luthori economy has been confirmed today, as the huge budget reform proposals pit forward by the Finance Minister Aaron West have been signed off by the imperial diet. West himself hailed the result of the Diet vote in a triumphant speech to Industrial and General Union Conference;
Years of hurt for working people across Luthori will begin to end today. The Government has done what it promised, the TUSC has done what it promised, working class people in Luthori will now pay less income tax, but will receive far better public services as a result of increased taxes on the rich and corporations, as well as the eating up of the economically illiterate surplus the Right left us with. We will continue to promote radical changes for the working class of Luthori, so that our communities are never hung out to dry again

The Leader of the TUSC, Ben Sullivan, congratulated West in an interview for the Daily Worker, stating;
This is a huge personal triumph for Aaron. He's still a young man, but has spent many years studying economic policy, crafting and modelling proposals. The passing of his latest budget represents an incredible shift in the opinions of the Diet. The passing of his budget despite concerns of members of all parties is a tribute to Aaron as an articulator of ideas

West, 31 (pictured: ... ylLBvl.jpg) has arguably become the second most recognisable TUSC figure in the country, since being first elected to the diet at just 19 years of age
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby hansoloffson » Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:23 am

Chancellor once more

Luthroi politics seems to have transformed with the fight for Chancellorship between the LDU and the Social Democratic Party. In the latest election miss Teodurschu managed with the help of the Labour Party, Liberal Republican party and then Trade Union and Socialist coalition to make the change for a left wing goverment back in power.

Alice now at the age of 34 will serve her third term as Chancellor and her grip on the party remains steady. While challengers have come and gone they have each time been fended of and the grip on the party have tightened even further with the passing of a new proposal at the social democratic Party. Needing a 2/3 dismissal vote in order to first mount a leadership challenge of the Chairman.

While this has seen criticism from their own youth party it seems to have fallen on deaf ears and a new leader for their Youth party has been elected.

With a budget passed with massive investments towards public works in both the industry and public works it seems the coalition will last.

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby LuthoriLDU » Sat Jun 30, 2018 6:00 pm

More than half of Luthori is BLUE


Luthori people have decided. LDU is again the biggest party in assembly. Moreover, we have won the head of state from the SDP. 3 out of 5 Arduchies are blue. Blue because the LDU won them. This was a clear rejection of the left and the current chancellor. If she is a responsible and thrustworthy she will step down. We got the mandate. Luthori got the mandate. We will try to create a cabinet of centre and centre-right. I urge the LRP to go into this cabinet. Their ideas will be heard.
I will issue a longer statement later.

Yours only,

Nicholas Ferina, president of LDU
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby TUSCLeader » Sat Jun 30, 2018 7:42 pm

TUSC make further gains

The TUSC gained seven seats at the election, giving them the largest return in the Diet they have seen. Leader Ben Sullivan made a speech to Party workers as results flowed in
Thank you all so much. Tonight was a vote of confidence in the TUSC and our part in the coaltion. Aaron West, Ashley Harris and Liam Owen have all made tremendous strides for Luthori as cabinet ministers, and will continue to do so. The results indicate a marginal victory for the coaltion Parties. The Luthori people have given their endorsement to 4 years of successful governance by the Left. It also gives me great joy to tell you all that the White Rose continue to fall further and further down. Mr Stinson told the diet before the election, and I quote, ‘roll on September'. Well September has rolled on and we now have a situation where many White Rose MDs will be benefited from all the job programmes of the Coalition. The LDU have been the most triumphant election losers I've seen in my lifetime, they're chanting and cheering despite the fact that they will remain on the opposition benches when the Diet sits again. This result has endorsed the Government of the Left, and we will continue as we were. We will continue to do our best to advance the interests of working class people from across Luthori. That's what you voted for us to do and that's what we will do

It's unclear whether there will be any changes to the makeup of the Coalition, as although the LRP lost seats, making the Cabinet no longer proportional to seats, they're in a strong negotiating position as a result of the tight election result.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby TUSCLeader » Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:57 pm

TUSC Leader Sullivan to call fresh Leadership Election

The Leader of the Trade Union and Socialist Coaltion, Ben Sullivan, has resigned his position, opening up a Leadership challenge. It is currently unclear whether Sullivan himself will recontest the Leadership. Sullivan has always been the leader of the Party in it's 2 decades of existence. Sullivan is still only 48 years of age, but after the Parties worst election result in a decade, he is facing huge pressure from within his Party. Party sources expect Joseph Yates, former Food and Angriculture Spokesman for the Party, to challenge. Yates stood in 4405 on a platform of making the Party more socially Liberal. Sullivan will likely consult with other figures from the Trade Union movement and the Party Left before deciding on a potential challenge. If Sullivan decides not to challenge, Aaron West and Jennifer Thompson are considered to be the most likely alternative candidates for the Party Left.
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