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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:30 am

January 4407
The PMF became the second largest party in Cildania. But will they be able to govern?

After the results came in the room was filled with mixes emotions. Even though the party won over 32% of the vote and became the second largest party in parliament a future in government seemed far off. The left wing won a small majority while the right was left battered after the massive loss of the NFFC.
The PMF wanted to govern, they had bet on a victory but in the end did not get one.

Dom Troisi (in the middle with the glasses) after becoming second in the elections

We are happy with the immense trust that over 20 million people gave us in these elections. While we ofcourse would have liked a right wing coalition we still believe that we can work to create a coalition of all parties that shall be active in foreign policy and work together to work on a strong Cildania. This will be a difficult task but we believe the Cildanian people will want it and therfor we have a mandate to create such a coalition.

Said Dom Troisi leader of the PMF.
Aiden Lavièra also commented on the result saying he is "happy and honoured" that the people have shown their dedication for a monarchy to be established.

With tensions in Majatra growing we wonder if the other parties will accept the proposal of the PMF and shall work together to show Cildanian strength in these times.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby CCP » Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:41 pm

Seeking Legitimacy and Official Recognition, Cildanian 'Prince' Rubs Soldiers with Hawu High Society

Arriving with high hopes, Alessandro Laviéra shunned by Hawu officials

AQQAK -- The brother of a prominent Cildanian political activist arrived in Hawu Mumenhes this week hoping to buttress his family's quixotic claim to a throne that doesn't exist.

Alessandro Laviéra is the younger brother of Aiden Laviéra, an activist with the newly-founded Federal Monarchist Party. Nicknamed PMF for short, the fledgling political organization is pushing for radical reforms of Cildanian society, including the creation of a complex form of government headed by a monarch. Unfortunately, there are no cclaimants for the throne of PMF's fanstyland because no such 'federal monarchy' has ever existed in Cildania. But further afield, distant and long-forgotten countries alike once employed such uncommon constitutional arrangements. Artanian regimes in particular have shown unique fascination with putting hereditary nobles at the head of local governments all beneath the throne of a national monarch. The Holy Luthori Empire in earlier centuries went so far as to ban commoners from serving in cabinet, and the country's five provinces to this day proclaim themselves 'Archduchies,' an empty pretense since Luthori politics long ago abandoned the experiment of aristocrats who both reign and rule. Centuries after Luthori tossed out its 'federation of nobles,' its former neighbor to the north, Ibutho, employed similar arrangements. Ibutho Kings were under-girded by a dizzying array of 'IzinDuna', 'uNkosikazi iPini izinDuna', and 'izinumNtwana' (dukes, countesses, and princes that is), all of whom shared the load of administering the ancient civilization's many provinces, cities, and towns, and passed on the jobs to generation-after-generation of their descendants.

Though long ago stripped of governing and political power, some of those descendants still stalk the byways of the lands their great-great-great-grands once lorded over. Nefertari Shabangu-Saksoure, a Royal University at Nekhatw professor who studies the historical curiosity of federal monarchies is in fact herself a 'princess' of sorts. 'Princess du Sang de Rildanor is the technical pronunciation,' she tells me in her workmanlike campus office, cluttered with what seem to be thousands of thick tomes with indecipherable titles like 'twe neehojnef mytpune tayfe himu vipwy twe eate idenay zas iatu iny aiopa uimo tayi aiutu irinef.' 'It's just about a son asking the king of his country for permission to inherit the rulership of the city his father had run,' she explains to me on seeing the look of abject confusion on my face. 'If you go far enough back in history, most countries can be described as federal monarchies at one time or another.' The professor has actually heard of this Aiden Laviéra. 'I met his brother last week. He came to learn about how federal monarchy could work in contemporary times.'

She did more than meet Alessandro Laviéra apparently. After being refused for meetings by Hawu Mumenhes government officials, a well-connected operative in the country's ruling party set up a dinner meeting between the professor and the wannabe 'prince.' Though they weren't alone (the dinner was attended by a mildly secret but powerful clutch of the 'formerly ennobled' so to speak), the pair apparently hit it off, huddling in corners whispering about the esoteria of ensuring your 3rd great-grandnephew inherits all the land in your city and the citizens to go with it.

After a night cap, the professor even invited Laviéra to attend a royal ceremony held by the government to mark the Hawu Mumenhes King's appointment of a new President for the country. 'It was extraordinarily moving,' Laviéra told me soon after attending. 'I felt such a sense of admiration for the way His Majesty and this amazing system of government unifies 100 million of Hawu Mumenhes's citizens of every creed and origin. My friends in Hawu explained to me that it's one of the most diverse countries in Terra. You'd never know it because everyone there exhibits such common purpose and like-mindedness.' And that's because of their monarchy, I ask. 'Yes, and the deep way the citizens have been included in the system. The Hawu Mumenhes King for example was elected to the throne by the people. Literally anyone can aspire to be monarch in their country and take part in an incredible project of self-government. I was enormously grateful to be able to witness it,' Laviéra mused. Besides inspiration, the aspiring bigwig also took home with him a real title of sorts for him and his older brother, both of whose 'princely' titles were fabricated by their political party. In exchange for growing its membership and helping its cause, an obscure organization called Order of Nobles knighted Laviéra during his visit, creating both him and his brother Knights Grand Cross of The Most Preeminent Order of Princes and Nobles with permission to pass the titles on to their eldest sons.

Now back in the Cildanian capitol, Alessandro Laviéra is said to be busy with round-the-clock glad-handing following his party's unexpectedly strong showing in recent elections there. But his new friends here in Hawu Mumenhes say they think he'll be back soon. 'He's a bit infatuated with the place. And the lady,' one dinner party guest observed cheekily.

-Yannick Pirera, October 4407
for Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation in partnership with The Daily Scribe
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Mon Jun 18, 2018 7:56 am

July 4410
After intensive political maneuvering the PMF has managed to create a Federal Kingdom of Cildania and crowned Aiden I as the new king

It was highly anticipated. Aiden I had been gathering support around the country while the PNF negotiated with other party's. finally a few months ago the PMF with support of almost every party managed to pass the constitutional reforms needed for a monarchy to be established. Following the passing of that bill Aiden I was prepared to assert the throne.

Earlier today the grand ceremony began. In the Cathedral of the capital Aiden stepped out of his specially modelled royal car and walked on the massive stairs. When he reached the doors of the cathedral they opened, hundreds of people where invited to attend the crowning of the king and after 30 minutes of ceremony and tradition the moment was there. King Aiden the 1st, Protector of the people, Deliverer of justice, Conquerer of the seas and governor of the states had been crowned King of Cildania.

The King Aiden I stepping out of his vehicle near the cathedral

The Federal Kingdom is now a fact and the king is in the priviliged position to appoint the 5 regional dukes for all the duchy's. The King has already hinted at at least giving 1 duchy to his brother Alessandro but we can only speculate for now

While the Kingdom is now a fact it may be threatened from the start already. A new party called the CDA is currently trying to abolish it as soon as it appeared. However with little support and polling stuck at 0 seats for this party it seems extremely unlikely any effort of them will pass.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:52 am

January 4418
King Aiden has appointed his Dukes. One of which will be his brother Alessandro

After some time of silence surrounding the Royal family King Aiden has finally announced his Dukes who will rule the regions in the same manner as the king. symbolicaly.

The Dukes/Duchess will be as followed:

Barbaro: Alessandro Lavièra

Alagona: Julien La Porta

Vizzari: Emvin Belluti

Hebilon: Catherine Stellini

Gilzon: Anton Flores

The King appointed his brother Alessandro to become duke of Barbaro. This is seen by many as a strategic move since Barbaro is a PMF stronghold meaning that Alessandro will be able to rule together with a regional PMF government. making it easier for him to work together with his local government. The other dukes were chosen for their capability to lead and their history with royalty. While one choice is remarkable. a duchess has also been chosen. Duchess Catherine will lead Hebilon as a monarch. many see this appointment as a testiment of the modern house the House of Lavièra wants to be seen as.

With these appointments the King has made all of the new Federal Kingdom effective.

January 4418
Prime Minister Dom Troisi has told press that he wants to "increase the stability of majatra in cooperation with our regional partners"

In a term of relative inactivity Prime Minister Troisi has now in his last year in office given a statement that if he manages to be re-appointed as PM he will "seek better relations with majatran nations and take an active stance on the international stage" This comes after almost 3 years of no news coming from the government and many doubting the intentions of the grand coalition.

Prime Minister Troisi at one of his only press conferences in this term

But Troisi has promised the people that he shall make sure the new Federal Kingdom will "enter a new stage of prosperity and development" and that he will personally lead this great endeavor.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:49 am

January 4419
The Troisi government has condemned the Vanuku nuclear strike and calls for a emergency session of the Majatran Alliance

Dom Troisi Prime Minister of Cildania has condemned the nuclear strike in Jelbania launched by Vanuku. In his newly established weekly press conference he announced that Cildania has contacted the Majatran Alliance partners to "set up a emergency session to descisively deal with the situation in Jelbania and show the combined strength of the MA"

Troisi also confirmed suspicions of talks with the Hawu government in Artania about a possible military base exchange between the 2 nations. Troisi stated that it is expected that the negotiations about this are about to end and that the final agreement will be done fairly soon.

Prime Minister Troisi

All this activity is presumably coming after the campaign statements of Troisi in which he promised more activity on the international stage. We will keep you up to date on the possible date of the emergency session of the MA.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:42 am

July 4422
King Aiden I and his wife the queen visits istalia and its capital city of Romula to discuss deepened ties between Cildania and Istalia and to discuss urgent matters at hand

Aiden I king of Cildania has just finished his visit to Romula. In a grand tour throughout the city in which thousands of Istalian people were lined up on the sides of the streets King Aiden and the queen were transported with a carriage of gold and horses pulling it. Istalia has been a long time republic and such royal spectacle is so long ago that many didnt even know it still existed.

King Aiden with Queen Emmanuela in the carriage touring them around Romula

After a tour throughout the city the King arrived at the presidential palace where he met with the istalian president to discuss deepening trade ties between the 2 countries and also discuss the current situation in Jelbania and other parts of Majatra. The 2 Head of State's said their goodbye's 2 hours later when King Aiden stepped into his carriage where his wife was waiting for him and was transported to the airport to step on his plane.

After this the House of Lavièra released a statement detailing the subject of the visit.

His Royal Highness the King of Cildania Aiden I has met with the Istalian President Salazar today. The subject of this meeting was some trade contracts between the 2 nations and discussing ways to lower regulations between our 2 markets to further development and trade between Istalia and Cildania. The king and president also discussed the troubled situation in Jelbania and ways Cildania can contribute to solving the situation. All deals have been send to the Prime Minister and his cabinet for ratification

This visit marks a new era in Istalian and Cildanian relations. The two countries are slowly coming closer together in the wake of the nuclear strike and are the 2 most active nations in the failing MA at the moment.

Will Istalia and Cildania become the 2 powers of Majatra? We will keep you up to date.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:27 am

July 4422
Following Cildanian dissapointment in the lack of activity from the MA Cildanian PM Troisi went to Deltaria to discuss the creation of a new majatran organization

In a suprising move Cildanian Prime Minister Dom Troisi visited Deltaria earlier today. While Cildania seems to want the MA to work and have stronger relations with Istalia the country has also repeatedly stated their anger towards the "dangerous inactivity of this organization towards majatran affairs"
Troisi met with the Deltarian council in discussing the posibility of creating a new, more effective organization for the majatran continent. According to sources within the government the name for the new organization would be the "Majatran Union of Nations" any detaills on its structure are unknown.

Prime Minister Troisi waving before getting inside a Deltarian government building to begin talks

After meeting with the Deltarian leaders Troisi met with journalists and stated the following

After this productive meeting with the Deltarian leadership i am confident we can reach a substainable agreement to create and maintain a strong organization that will fight for the integrity of the Majatran continent. Our talks were fruitfull and i look forward to continuing them sometime soon

With the Cildanian government going behind the back of Istalia in this matter it shows the eagerness of Cildania to become a prominent player in the continent.

July 4422
Just accros the border in Deltaria the Prime Minister also met with several Jelbanian leaders to try and come closer to reunification as well as making them aware of the MUN

The Prime Minister after his visit to the Deltarian government also met with several leaders from the different Jelbanian factions.
They discussed possibilities for reunification as well as a possible Jelbanian entry into the proposed MUN.

The Jelbanians seemed positive to the idea of a new organization as they see themselves as being betrayed by the MA. The Prime Minister did however stress the importance of the country reuiniting before being in a organization like the MNU.
They met near the jelbanian border just inside Deltarian territory. With the Prime Minister now taking an active role in majatran Affairs and also trying to exert Cildanian influence in the region we wonder how this will continue to develop.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:42 am

Januari 4423
In an interview with a local Alagon newspaper Troisi called out the MA for being "incompetent and incapacitated"

It are clearly dire times for the MA. With members being excluded and its organizational structure crumbling Prime Minister of Cildania Dom Troisi has suprisingly lashed out hard against the MA as a organization.

The MA was a good concept. The problem is that it only worked for a small amount of time before it started to crumble and weaken. The organizational structure is pathetic and its overall capabilities are incompetent and incapacitated. No longer can the nations of Majatra count on the protection of the Majatran Alliance as they could before. It has become to political, to one sided in favour of certain countries here. The MUN will aim at tackling the many problems the MA has. By creating strong and stable branches that will both be beneficial to its member states as well as independent enough to be a check and balance for its own integrity. We need true protection, cooperation and unity and the MA cannot deliver that any longer

Prime Minister Troisi during another interview

Troisi stressed the importance for Majatran nations to join the new MUN in order to make it an effective organization.

If anyone is interested in joining the MUN the cildanian government will provide your country with the means to do so

Said Troisi also telling that any majatran nation interested in joining should send a message to the office of the Prime Minister himself.

Will this lash out by the Prime Minister hurt the renewed relations between Cildania and Istalia? We will keep you up to date
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