21st General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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21st General Assembly Session

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:16 pm

Below are the archived discussions of the 21st General Assembly Session, which lasted from 4417 to 4432.

Baron Jebr Skronores, Vanukean Ambassador to World Congress:

Mr General Secretary, Members of the General Assembly,

The Kingdom of Vanuku has carried out a tactical nuclear missile strike targeting the Deltarian Army, which is illegally occupying the southern parts of Jelbania and attempting to annex that region to its own nation. This attack was purposely aimed at a location which would minimise civilian casualties whilst maximising its effect on the Deltarian troops and their equipment and defences. It is our estimation given the size of the warhead used that initial Deltarian casualties will be in the region of 50,000 personnel over a 10km radius area.

"This missile strike was ordered by the Prefect of the Grand Council after consultation with the Armed Forces High Command, Senior Members of the Cabinet, the Leader of the Opposition and His Majesty the King. The action was taken to prevent the prolonged loss of lives on both sides - which is estimated would run into the hundreds of thousands to acheive conventional victory - avert further humanitarian crises and to bring the conflict to an end.

As a result we have issued the following statement to the Deltarian government and are now awaiting their response:

"Understanding the overwhelming and superior power of the Vanukean Armed Forces, and faced with no proposition of being able to continue in this conflict without complete destruction, the Deltarian Government must carry out the following actions:

- Withdraw all Deltarian forces from Jelbania (the Greater Jelbek Steppe) territory with immediate effect - this refers to all those territories now commonly known as the Katonid Khanate, the Free Republic of Jelbania, the Northern Khaganate and the Western Tribal Areas.

- Immediately retract diplomatic recognition of the Katonid Khanate as a de-jure state or sub-state and officially recognise that that entity must be dissolved in order for a unified and peaceful Jelbania to be restored.

- Recognise that Vanukean troops may remain in the Northern Khaganate, western tribal areas and Free Republic of Jelbania to maintain peace until a lasting treaty of peace and unification is signed.

- The Deltarian government will agree to a ceasefire and are compelled to attend a subsequent peace conference aimed at unifying Jelbania, free from illegal occupying forces and based on the stipulations made above regarding the dissolution of the Katonid Khanate.

We expect compliance on all these matters and for that compliance to be communicated to Vanuku immediately. If Deltaria fails to agree with these demands we will see its as a continuation of hostilities between our nations. Therefore, we will be compelled to use secondary nuclear missile strikes to achieve our objectives - this will lead to the total annihilation of Deltarian armed forces in Jelbania and the liberation of the Katonid Khanate by force."

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Re: General Assembly Session XXI (4418-4434)

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:02 pm

Kalistan's recently arrived ambassador David Henry Lee, from Suldanor, made the following Comment.

"So far Kalistan is alone in condemning their ally for their choice to use nuclear weaponry. No matter: Kalistan stands on principle, and Strongly Condemns The Kingdom of Vanuku for its decision. This choice made by the Government of Vanuku and obviously endorsed by the Vanukean King, demonstrates that Vanuku is no true friend of peace or humanity, and at the very least, is not one the Republic of Kalistan can have friendly relations with any longer.

"I have been asked to read the following statement from my Premier to the Assembly. Kalistan will join all efforts to officially sanction Vanuku over this terribly short sighted and anti-humanist policy decision to kill tens of thousands."

Kalistan condemns, in no uncertain terms, both the use of nuclear weapons, and the policy makers who made the decision to use them. We strongly condemn the Vanukean choice to utilize a nuclear arsenal in a conventional war. We cannot be concerned about the politics that may perhaps mitigate this mass destruction of human life. As the Vanukean Government knows full well, it is not the politicians who die in war. It is their poor, their enlistees and draftees. And it is the poor of the other side that they have killed by the scores of thousands. While the war was conventional, Kalistan remained neutral. Now that The Kingdom of Vanuku has chosen to make the war something quite different, The United Republic of Kalistan must respond.

As of this morning, I will be in consultation with my foreign policy and defense teams, as well as in consultation with the President of the Republic, concerning this matter. Effective immediately, the Vanuku Navy must suspend all shore leave for sailors and soldiers who are attached to the 4th Fleet stationed at the Bozo River Combined Arms Training Facility in Ananto, and recall those men and women to their ships. Within 24 hours, police and militia who find Vanukean military personnel in Ananto will detain those individuals and escort them back to Bozo River to hand them over to their commanders. In addition, all Vanukean Embassy personnel are to return to their missions and await further word from their Government. As per our agreement with Vanuku, which terms we still honor, we are officially providing notice of Kalistan's intent to abrogate the Kaliburg Trilateral Accord of 4413, specifically Articles 3 and 5 with regard to Vanuku, and expect to move a bill to fully withdraw from that Treaty and our relationship with Vanuku within a week. Meanwhile, all Vanukean Nationals in any way associated with the Government of The Kingdom of Vanuku are asked to please report to Vanuku's nearest Embassy or consulate, so that Vanuku may get you safely out of the country.

It is with great sorrow that the Government takes these steps. Our relationship with Vanuku has been a profitable one for Kalistan. We will however, no, we can not tolerate this great affront to humanity. And we would rather be poor and weak than side with those who will use nuclear weaponry in war. We will take the hit. But we can not, in good conscience, remain associated with the Government of Vanuku any longer.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: General Assembly Session XXI (4418-4434)

Postby General.M » Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:43 pm

Recently Arrived Foreign Minister of the Confederation of New Endralon, Kizenia and Kuzaki Anghel Iacobescu,

We follow Kalistan as the second nation to condem and sanction the Kingdom of Vanuku. I was shocked when I watched the news today, as the news arrived that Vanuku used a nuclear weapon in the war against Deltaria. I do not wish to involve myself or the Confederation in discussions in who is right in this war, only that the use of nuclear weapons is not right. If a nation, such as Vanuku, posseses nuclear weapons, it has to act responsible. As the old saying, 'with great power comes great responsibility'. That means that the use of nuclear weapons is not allowed, unless it is a retaliatory strike.

Unfortunetaly Vanuku isn't responsible. No, they decided to use the nukes against a non nuclear nation. While the war itself was bad enough, atleast you can take active measures to prevent civilian deaths. This nuclear strike has undoubtedly cost the lives of many innocent civilians. And the nuclear strike could have been a bit more moral, had Vanuku first offered an ultimatum to Deltaria or had they warned the civilian in the areas. But no, Vanuku decided to kill as many people possible. The fallout in the area will make a part of Jelbania uninhabitable, it will destroy the harvest of the poor Jelbic farmers and pollute the scarce drinking water.

For a king who calls himself Protector of the Jelbic Peoples, he has not protected the Jelbics very well. for these reasons, we have decided to withdraw from the New Endralon / Kizenia - Vanuku Alliance & Cooperation Treaty. This is to take effect immediately. Furthermore we will close our embassy in Vanuku and expect Vanuku to close their embassy here in one week.

It is a shame that our good relationship with Vanuku must come to an end. But this crime against humanity is unacceptable, and we will therefore distance ourselfs from the Kingdom of Vanuku.
Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
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Re: General Assembly Session XXI (4418-4434)

Postby Maxington » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:06 pm

Marie-Sofie Nordlund, Kazulian Ambassador to the World Congress

Kazulia follows the sentiment of condemnation of Vanuku for its irresponsible, reckless and incompetently driven actions. Once again, the Kingdom of Vanuku demonstrates its irresponsible nature. Whilst action has not been taken as of yet, let it be known that the use of nuclear weapons is morally indefensible and what we have seen in Deltaria are appalling scenes of death and suffer for years to come due to the nuclear strike. Kazulia strongly believes that this should not stand. An asymmetrical response to the situation is necessary to ensure that the Vanukean Government does not continue its threats of a second strike. If there is no action following this use of nuclear weapons against human beings, it is likely that more and more nations will use nuclear weapons. We request that Vanuku be hereby suspended from the World Congress effective immediately.
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Re: General Assembly Session XXI (4418-4434)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:00 am

The Federal Standing Committee of the Federal Democratic Party of Zardugal has sent an official letter of condemnation towards Vanuku for the usage of nuclear weapons.
Image Dorvik | Image Zardugal | Image Ostland (FBC)
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Re: General Assembly Session XXI (4418-4434)

Postby Yolo04 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:25 am

Tyrone Markos,Representative for the Commonwealth of Klavia Okeano
The Commonwealth of Klavia Okeano strongly condemns The Kingdom of Vanuku’s decision to use nuclear weaponry in a conventional war. The usage of said nuclear weapon most likely has led to countless civilian deaths. This unabashed waste of civilian life’s will not be tolerated and further more will be countered.
At the order of the Ministry of Defense and Chancellor Fabianus Hyginos (who is currently at The Northern Council Headquarters in Belkenial discussing common issues) an embargo upon all Vanukuen vessels,military or civilian,entering Klavian Territory has been issued. If any Vanukean vessel enters Klavian territory it will be given a warning and will be turned back to international waters. If instances of this occur more than five times it will be considered an act of aggression. All Vanukuean vessels will have 3 weeks to leave Klavian territories. After the stated 3 weeks any vessels that remain will be removed,if necessary by force.
Due to The Kingdom of Vanuku’s decision to use atomic weaponry in a conventional war against Deltaria,The Commonwealth of Klavia Okeano will officially cut all diplomatic ties with The Kingdom of Vanuku and will begin an immediate humanitarian mission to Deltaria.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: General Assembly

Postby cm9777 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:14 am

Valentin Preda, Deltarian Ambassador to the World Congress

We strongly condemn the Vanukean nuclear attack against our forces and reject their ultimatum. We will not give up what we have accomplished so far just because times are hard and we have bled. Up until now there had been a mutual unwritten agreement to keep the war limited and undeclared but now Vanuku has crossed the line. The Grand Principality of Deltaria hereby declares war on the Kingdom of Vanuku. The only thing you will win is blood. The Deltarian military is already taking steps to replace the losses and mobilise all reserves for total war. Let it be known that from now on Vanuku has awoken the Deltarian bear! If we burn you burn with us!
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Re: General Assembly Session XXI (4418-4434)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:44 am

Baron Jebr Skronores, Vanukean Ambassador to World Congress:

Mr General Secretary, Members of the General Assembly,

For those ambassadors here who are struggling to understand why the use of the nuclear warhead is justified in this scenario, I will try to explain briefly.

- It was a limited tactical nuclear weapon aimed at specifically military targets in a 10km radius, not a strategic weapon aimed at civilian targets.

- It was purposely targeted at a section of the line in an inhospitable area away from any towns, cities, population bases.

- 50,000 Deltarian troops are believed dead. However, our estimate is that if the conventional conflict was allowed to continue between 200,000 to 250,000 would have died to secure victory - perhaps more. Thus this strategy will potentially save at least 150,000 lives on both sides.

- It will lead to a speedy resolution of the Jelbanian situation and allow that country to be reunited as one state without the threat of an oppressive occupier in the form of Deltaria, thus ending the continuing humanitarian crises in that nation.

Given all that, the knee-jerk decision by the Kazulian-dominated Northern Council to dispatch a battle group to Majatra, to secure the ground zero site in Jelbania and create a partition between Vanukean and Deltarian forces, is the most irresponsible action imaginable.

Not only will it embolden the Deltarians to carry on the fight simply because they think they have allies for their illegitimate occupation of southern Jelbania but it is likely to lead to an escalation of conflict drawing in other nations. Based on that we cannot allow this fleet to approach the theatre of conflict as it will completely compromise our mission objectives.

So, I am here to inform you that the Prefect of Vanuku has ordered the First, Second and Third Carrier Strike Groups, which are currently patrolling the Majatran sea north of Jelbania and Deltaria, to take up positions to block any approach by this Northern Council Fleet. If the NC fleet attempts to enter Vanukean, Deltarian or Jelbanian territorial waters this will be perceived as an act of aggression against Vanuku and we will take action.

Further, if the Northern Council task force disembarks in any other nation and those forces are then conveyed to any region of Deltaria or Jelbania, we will view this as an act of aggression and will be compelled to take action to achieve our mission objectives.

What galls us most is that the Kazulians do not care for Majatran afffairs. If so they would have come up with a reasonable resolution long ago to end this conflict rather than one that favoured Deltaria and preserved the illegal sub-state known as the Katonid Khanate. Instead, their hawkish leaders smell blood and an opportunity to target a rival power such as Vanuku. To that end they have whipped up their puppets on Dovani into a blood-letting frenzy and now head towards Majatra like northmen looking to ransack and pillage.

Kazulia, and by proxy your Northern Council war machine, you have heard what we have to say - take care where your fleet strays.
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Re: General Assembly Session XXI (4418-4434)

Postby cm9777 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:25 am

Valentin Preda, Deltarian Ambassador to the World Congress

We strongly condemn the Vanukean nuclear attack against our forces and reject their ultimatum. We will not give up what we have accomplished so far just because times are hard and we have bled. Up until now there had been a mutual unwritten agreement to keep the war limited and undeclared but now Vanuku has crossed the line. The Grand Principality of Deltaria hereby declares war on the Kingdom of Vanuku. The only thing you will win is blood. The Deltarian military is already taking steps to replace the losses and mobilise all reserves for total war. Let it be known that from now on Vanuku has awoken the Deltarian bear! If we burn you burn with us!
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Maxington » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:48 am

Marie-Sofie Nordlund, Kazulian Ambassador to the World Congress

Irresponsibility manifest. The use of nuclear weapons might it be in the drive towards achieving a military objective or might it be in the drive towards crippling a supposed war effort is an unjustifiable act and is one which cannot be morally defended. To justify its use of a nuclear weapons on Jelbania, that Vanukean Government has made its genocidal intentions clear: in-order to bolster our failing military campaign, we will use nuclear weapons to tip the favours of war to our side. The enthusiasm of the Vanukean Government to utilise nuclear weapons in Jelbania once more accentuates on the nation's belligerence and irresponsible nature. Under the banner of "ending the humanitarian crisis in Jelbania" the Vanukean Government in all their wisdom and understanding, has created a humanitarian crisis of international proportions. It believe that with the use of a nuclear weapons, it will solve the many issues of the situation. However all it has done is inflamed the situation.

Let it be known that the Vanukean Government is responsible for the deaths and suffering to come. In its incompetence the Vanukean Government has not taken into consideration the nuclear fallout that is currently mounting. The spread of residual radioactive material across Jelbania, into Deltaria and into Vanuku itself will result in the death of thousands even millions due to radioactive poisoning. The Vanukean Government has not improved the situation but has made it worse, as is usual. Now, the Vanukean Government openly threatens the Kazulian/Luthorian/Hutorian Task Force sailing to Majatra. We have warned of an asymmetrical response in the event that the safety and security of the task force is to be threatened. Let it be known, that the provisions of the Northern Council on mutual defence stands; An attack on one is an attack on all. I urge the Vanukean Government to seek peace and non-confrontational dialogue, in a similar manner i urge the Deltarian Government to seek peace and non-confrontational dialogue.

Members of the General Assembly, the Task Force will disembark upon arrival and will begin humanitarian and peacekeeping protocols. To this end, we urge the international community to assist in bringing this conflict to a speedy conclusion.
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