
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:38 pm

Khagan Dead
April 4413

The royal press office has announced that Manil II khagan has died at the age of 61. The news came after four months of endless speculation about his state of health. The Khagan had ruled over the northern half of the Great Jelbek Steppe for 22 years, the last eight years marked by an intense conflict with his southern neighbour the Katonid Khanate. He is survived by his wife Khatun Mri and their three daughters. Following the announcement of his death, the Council of Mnistrs signed a Yassa (decree) drafted by the dying Khagan which proposed the appointment of Khatun Mri as Regent of the Northern Khaganate. The new Regent is the daughter of the mighty Wekj clan, one of the most powerful clans in the entire steppe and will be assisted by her brother Shmil Juhnsrmko Wekj, a close advisor to her late husband.

It is expected that policies will remain largely the same although there is the elephant of the succession thundering in the room that is the North.The Regent is believed to favour appointing one of her daughters as the first female sovereign on the Jelbek steppe since the contested Khanum Clarisse (r. early 38th century) over her husband's third cousin Prince Petr who is said to be hovering in a nearby country waiting for a call to the throne. A number of conservatives have called for sticking to Manil I Khagan's old reform to the succession and appointing the last male dynast as Khagan. Many anti-Deltarians however are willing to accept a departure from tradition and avoid the installation of a man thought to be "not unfriendly enough" to the southerners. A third option remains in the senior line of the Dorgon clan of Bianjie who are the scion of a Suadjakai female cousin of Manil I's. This option is not likely to be considered seriously with the Dorgons embroiled in their own dynastic conflict at home.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:10 am

Northern Leadership Crisis Temporarily Resolved
July 4413

The succession crisis in the Northern Khaganate has been temporarily resolved or rather postponed. This follows Khatun Dowager Mri's proposal that her eldest daughter Princess Zbn marry her disliked cousin Prince Petr while her second daughter Princess Yhnra marry the Bianjin junior Khan Hada. The Khatun Dowager will then wait until a son is produced from one of the unions, adopt him and proclaim him sucessor to Manil II. The Northern Kurultai has ratified this unusual solution to the succession problem and renewed the Khatun Dowager's regency indefinitely. For now the Hatun Dowager is effectively monarch of the Northern Khaganate, nothing unusual in Jelbek culture with the female relatives of monarch regularly wielding power as regents.

Shamans Protest Damage To Major Shrine

The College of Shamans has loudly protested the damage caused to the Shrine of the First Khan by fighting forces in the Battle of Grand Shaman Merlkai Bashkir and the rest of the college signed a letter demanding that the Shrine be restored and foreign armies stay far away from it. The Grand Shaman has commissioned the feared Black Shamans to apply curses on whomever fired on/bombed the Shrine. The Shrine is among the holiest on the steppe and is associated with the first monarch of a united Jelbania, Grzkai "One Eye".

The Shrine of the First Khan

In normal times, the reigning monarch serves as the custodian of the shrine and officiates there maintaining it himself. It is also the traditional coronation place of the Khans and Khagans (the Shrine of the First Hatun serves a similar purpose for the monarch's chief consort) The destruction has enraged many Jelbeks and revived unification nationalist sentiments which had largely mellowed with many increasingly accepting the status quo of a divided steppe.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:59 am

Northerners Offer "Unconditional Ceasefire and Reunification Pathway"
June 4415

In a surprise move, reportedly not even confided in the Northern Khaganate's Vanukean allies and benefactors, the Khatun Dowager Mri Wekj has sent a diplomatic team to the Katonid Khanate. The team, headed by the Khatun Dowager's brother and effective premier Shmil Juhnsrmko Wekj, presented an offer to the Katonid ruler of an unconditional ceasefire and a "pathway" for Jelbek reunification. These moves are thought to be prompted by rising war weariness in both states, the war having gone on for almost a decade now.

The war has been costly in blood, with an estimated 200,000 people killed so far and monetarily, with taxes raised to astronomical levels and economic development, outside military industry, virtually dead. While no major incidents of insubordination have been reported, troops have expressed weariness as well and calls for a political solution have increased domestically particularly following the damage to the Shrine of the First Khan.

The pathway offers a return to 4405 borders. The Northerners propose the establishment of a confederation under the presidency of the Free Republic whose territory would be evacuated by all forces. The Free Republic would become the officially recognised Jelbek national government and be responsible for conducting foreign policy and "defence co-ordination" The Northern Khaganate and the Katonid Khanate would retain extensive autonomy and a limited right to conduct foreign policy particularly with their respective benefactors Deltaria and Vanuku. As for the anarchic Tribal Areas, the Northerners propose a "stabilisation mission" which would result in their incorporation into the Free Republic. All in all, a highly complex plan, it is said to have amused Katona greatly and his official response has not been announced yet.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:18 pm

Jeztri "Kingmaker" As War Spreads West
February 4417

Self-proclaimed Shlajkai VII Khagan has found himself and his small statelet the centre of attention as the Deltarian-Vanukean war in Jelbania has spread west with the entrance of both powers into the Tribal Areas. Jeztri has managed to carve himself a statelet (roughly a fifth of the Tribal Areas) deep within the Tribal Areas along with earning the allegiance of a number of local tribesmen and gangs. He finds himself trapped between a Deltarian army allied to the Katonids who exterminated his supposed Jeztri relatives and Vanukeans and their Northern Khaganate allies who are neither sympathetic nor particularly hostile to him. Analysts believe that Jeztri may just throw his lot with the Vanukeans in hope of protection from the ever merciless Deltarian-Katonid force.

New Khagan Selected

Khatun Dowager Mri Wekj of the Northern Khaganate has adopted her year old grandson Nrjlkai and installed as the successor to her husband Manil II khagan. Nrjlkai Dorgon is the son of Hada Khan of Bianjie and Manil II's daughter Yhnra Suadjakai. The Kurultai has ratified the decision and proclaimed the infant Nrjlkai Khagan. The kurultai also confirmed the Khatun Dowager's position as Regent and she will likely remain in that position until the Khagan has reached adulthood (14 years old) The new Khagan will not be enthroned for a few more years, he is likely to be crowned at age four or five vwhen he has attained basic horse-riding skills. The move largely ends the succession controversy and allows the Khatun Dowager to focus on her quest for peace.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:37 am

Following Nuclear Attack, Mass Protests Grip Jelbania
September 4418

The devastating Vanukean nuclear attack on Deltarian forces in western Jelbania has enraged millions of Jelbeks who have taken to the streets. The attack which was carried out close to the holy Khan Tanhri mountain, the most sacred of spots on the steppe, has been condemned by the leaders of all four Jelbek statelets including Vanukean ally Khatun Dowager Mri Wekj of the Northern Khaganate. Following the attack, Jelbeks began thronging into streets, rural centres and other places of note in what began as a silent protest against the attack, war and foreign interference in general. Passions heated up and many began protesting angrily, some even violently, demanding the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces from the steppe and unification of the steppe under a native leader.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:04 pm

Khan Tanhri Eruption
September 4418

It has been reported that Khan Tanhri the holy western mountain appears to be undergoing a volcanic eruption. Khan Tanhri began emitting dark smoke earlier yesterday, something which scientists view as a pre-cursor to a full eruption - a release of gases which may be followed by a magmatic eruption. The mountain has apparently began glowing red which is feared to be a sign of an imminent magmatic eruption.

Khan Tanhri

The beginning of this eruption (none has been recorded for more than 3,200 years) has been associated by many Jelbeks with the ongoing "foreign war". Some in the local scientific community have speculated that the Vanukean nuclear attack has released enough energy to "spike" this volcanic eruption. This fringe theory has gained considerable support in the local scientific community. Some have argued that a supposed expedition by a Dankukin volcanologist Dr. Lee may have sparked the eruption. The scientist is noted for unethical experiments and no one knows what he may or may not have attempted.

Another more popular theory has been advanced by Grand Shaman Merlkai Bashkir. The eruption according to him is clearly a sign of the wrath of the Sky Father Lord Tanhri and his wife the Earth Mother Ajr at not only the invasive nuclear attack so close to Lord Tanhri's doorstep (the mountain) but also the general intrusion by foreigners in this holy area and the steppe as a whole.

Bashkir has called on Jelbeks to rise up and cast out the foreigners before the wrath of the gods intensifies and "worse things happen". With hundreds of thousands to millions already on the street, the Grand Shaman's call has a widely receptive audience ready to obey any leader with even the slightest aspirations to national leadership.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Axxell » Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:26 am

Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sat Jul 07, 2018 6:01 am

Purple Revolution
October 4418

Hundreds of thousands of Jelbeks remain firmly parked in the streets and population centres of the steppe quietly protesting the various developments in their country in the past three decades. The protesters have remained in the streets for two weeks now and vowed to stay there till the foreign armies left the country and the steppe was reunified under a single national government. As their moral leader Grand Shaman Merlkai Bashkir has boasted, not a single stone has been thrown nor a drop of blood spilled in these uncharacteristically peaceful protests now widely referred to as "the Purple Revolution".

Protesters in the FRJ capital Rklemjistad

The Revolution is largely limited to the Free Republic and the Northern Khaganate. The totalitarian Katonid Khanate has managed to limit the protests within its borders although the movement there is not unnoticeable. In the Free Republic, Premier Omr Flipsrmko Hyeon has personally endorsed the revolutionary movement and has called for the withdrawal of all foreign combatants and a "reunification Kurultai". In the Northern Khaganate the Khatun Dowager has restrained her security forces from harming the protesters and instead called for their demands to be taken seriously.
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