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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby November » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:19 am

Coburan prime minister Diamo Tesfaye has called for a “strong, united and resolute” reaction from the international community to the Zardic airstrikes in the Jelbanian tribal area of Yamtékstan. Tesfaye said Sharba’s response to the attack – currently being decided – would define Cobura as a nation. “The use of these weapons against civilians is not neutral; it says things about the government of Zardugal and our reaction to the use of these weapons will say things about who we are,” he told the House of Representatives.

The Coburan former Governor-General Samira Zwazi Mehjad, has repeatedly promised that proven weapons use against innocent civilians is a “red line” that would demand clarification from the offensing party. Tesfaye added: “If air strikes against civilians are used and we know how to find out their provenance, Cobura will take measures to protect its borders from raining with rockets”, alluding to the Zardic Army.

The Esinsundu allies of Cobura have provided Tesfaye with his red line moment. His electorate has always seen his most positive quality as his perceived strength on the international stage. On the home front he is facing difficult strikes over a reshaping of the pension system and reintroducing the civilian/military service, on both which the government has vowed to stand firm. Internationally, as he has often said, Cobura cannot show weakness.

A Coburan undertaking of measures would depend on its intelligence proving both the use of deadly air strikes by the Zardic government, and civil fatalities. Although Cobura would be prepared to militarise its border – which is probably what the government means with ‘’taking measures’’ – With recently defence sources said it was logistically possible, it is much more likely to act alongside the Esinsundu Empire and other international partners. Tesfaye has previously said Cobura would be “perfectly aligned with the Empire” on this issue and he has spoken to the Hawu president by phone every day recently.

On the issue of lacking clarification, the Coburan PM stated that ‘’Zardugal has the perfect opportunity to clarify itself during the upcoming Majatran Alliance Summit in Romula’’, referring to the MA Summit in the end of the year, hosted by the Istalian president Sante Vespa-Baldassare.

Coburan public opinion is already sensitive to militarisation, due to rising tensions in the Meshtikistan independence conflict, in which Meshtikistani civilians fight for independence from Cobura. Even though the conflict has been relatively peaceful, a video of an executed Coburan police officer was sent to the Cabinet with the message: ‘the result of opression’’. As a result, Coburan minister of Defence Aedan Huranizado has already given an an ultimatum to the ‘’Meshtikistani terrorists’, claiming that if the Meshtikistani citizens in the region had not given up all their arms in 3 months, the government would be forced to intervene in the region to ‘’protect the Coburan unity’’.

The Coburan PM will attend the Majatran Alliance Summit in Romula later this year, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Trade and Industry. With situations becoming more and more interesting, the summit will be more and more loaded and thus could become of significant importance in the future.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby EDominus » Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:43 pm

Cezario: "Farkas Jakab had the right idea."
By Konstantina Rivero

As the Presidential elections approach, Asterio Cezario has revealed more of his plans for the nation. But this vision is not of a democratic state, but of Augustan nation.


During a meeting in Limestoi, Cezario was said asked about the current tensions between Zardugal and its neighbors the Esinsundu Empire & Vanuku. He said this:

Zardugal has long been held back by the idea that different ethnic groups should live coexistence, but that wasn't always the case. Before the Confederacy, Zardugal saw greater national pride but the nation now we have been reduced to Communist controlled government. There is only one way to take back what we have lost, through internal cleansing. Farkas Jakab had the right idea, we must reevaluate our stance on the various peoples of West Majatra. We cannot make progress with our neighbors if we are weak internally. We must eradicate the diseases if we are to stand strong against the nefarious actions of the Vanuku government. We must eradicate the diseases if we are to stand strong against the political posturing of Cobura. And that will be my first action on day one, eradicating the diseases that plague our nation.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby EDominus » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:20 pm

February 20th, 4408
Zardic Military Occupys Areas of Yamt​ékstan

Following several border incidences between Zardugal & Yamt​ékstan. On February 12th, President Cezario declared Yamt​ékstan a threat to national security under ZODMA ( ... lid=571634). Yesterday five regiments launched an offensive on the eastern part of the territory, taking control of villages along the way. They have begun the arresting any suspected terrorists (any person holding anti-Augustan, anti-Deltarian, anti-Katonid ideology).


The Zardic Air Force also re-escalated strikes on areas controlled by the Jeztri Khagan. The regime has been labelled as a threat according to Kuzmano Makedonido, the Zardic Minister of Defense: "Pretenders, they are all pretenders!"

On these events, President Cezario said this during yesterday's National Address:
Yamt​ékstan is officially declared a threat to national security. An unstable state, without central control is a danger that cannot...should not be on our borders. We have sent our men to capture the to simply protect our borders, our people, our nation! These fundamental things cannot be striped from us, and that is what these savage clans are trying to accomplish. The wish the for the destruction of our nation, they have killed our people along our borders! We cannot allow this to continue! We will not allow this to continue! God bless the people of Zardugal!

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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Xephos » Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:50 am

End of an era

In the last gasps to save a collapsing political dynasty, a socialist faction seized control of the Sankta Partio de Reanskigo, putting an end to the imperialist death machine that the party had been constructing. The newly-reformed Koalicia de Reformo called snap elections, which resulted in the first outright victory for the Komunisma Partio de Zardugal. Zards voted in a communist government with a socialist opposition, and they have since rapidly set to work withdrawing troops from foreign nations and reforming the constitution to prevent further atrocities. Government sources have leaked plans for a wave of prosecutions for the outgoing defense and foreign relations minister, which will likely be restorative in nature, rather than wholly punitive.

The KPZ has governed only on the local level prior to being elected nationally with a majority of 222 seats. Their previous experiences in local government were a tremendous benefit to the Mallan population, who had been left out to dry by the SPDR government. Zardic President Hosni Ahmad has been touring, rallying, and meeting with Zards across the country to build consensus for his proposed reforms, leaving a press conference in Beleco with the rather ambiguous tagline "Zardic capitalism's best days are behind us, but Zardugal's best days are ahead of us."
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:14 pm

Federal Democratic Party forms; New Era for Zardugal?
June, 4147

The inaugural convention of the Federal Democratic Party was held; the convention was a celebration as well as a massive congress of members who wanted to re-forge Zardugal into the model of freedom and democracy. At the head of the new spirit to rebuild Zardugal was Soluna Plamenĉido, a fiery community organizer and former police officer from Konstandin Bay who heads the Federal Standing Committee and was elected nearly unanimously.

The Federal Democratic Party stands on a progressive, liberal conservative agenda which includes a re-establishment of Zardugal as a world power. Though not overly noted, some say that the FDP believes in Zardic exceptionalism and it’s fierce patriotic. The FDP also wants to re-build what it claims to be a “failing” military and rebuild the industrial capability of of Zardugal. The inaugural Federal Democratic Convention was dominated by hundreds of members vying for potential legislative, executive and judicial seats. The FSC has overall authority to support whichever candidate they want, however it does not tell which candidates can run underneath the FDP itself.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:41 pm

Federal Democrats condemn Communist “obstructionism”

Chairwoman of the Federal Democratic Party Soluna Plamenĉido spoke today regarding the neglect of Communist Party of Zardugal and their “...obstructionist means of operating.” The chairwoman condemned the socialist and communist, noting that being a progressive doesn’t mean espousing dangerous views such as communism and socialism. “We firmly believe in a progressive society but to harm business and people by dangerously preaching communism and socialism...that cannot be accepted.” The Federal Democratic Party’s Federal Standing Committee issued a statement of support for the chairwoman.

“We cannot accept the obstruction and low tactics of the Communist Party of Zardugal. We fully support Ms. Plamenčido in her statement and we fully plan on counting on beating them in elections. If at any time a new door opens, we’ll see what happens then.” The Federal Democratic Party has held a series of meeting with religious, military and industrial officials.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:27 pm

Zardic News Network
FDP blasts Communist over failure to sanction Vanuku
November 4418

Venetio, Ingomo - Soluna Plamenĉido, Chairwoman of the Federal Democratic Party and party front runner for Common Democratic Representative Vilhelmo Vlaĥos blasted the Communist Party of Zardugal over their treatment of majority Augustans, as well as the failure to vote yes on sanctions. Ms. Plamenĉido condemned the CPZ on their failure to pass sanctions on Vanuku, Vanuku recently used nuclear weapons in Jelbania targeting Deltarian troops. The condemnation was both personally from Ms. Plamenĉido as well as the Federal Democratic Party itself. Vilhelmo Vlaĥos, who runs the Zardic Nationalist Alliance, a caucus within the FDP, condemned the usage of nuclear weapons and while he stated he supported a nations right to possess them, the usage of them is incredibly dangerous and could possibly trigger a series of events that would damage the environment, the world and result in the death of civilians. Ms. Plamenĉido noted that "We cannot condemn the Communist Party of Zardugal more then we already have, it is incredibly dangerous to openly accept the usage of nuclear weapons. Zardugal in the past has suffered, our nation was invaded and we did not use nuclear weapons. This is a dangerous move by our northern neighbor and we cannot condone it. The Communist Party and the Government must take a stand against this."

Election efforts of the FDP have ramped up since the CPZ has continued to block common sense legislation such as the "Protecting the Zardic Economy Act" and the "Survival of the Zardic People Act" which seek to protect Zardic citizens and open the economy up to new means to economic fortune. Ratomiro Dojĉinido, a Zardic banker who runs Akritoi Banking Group, and is a front runner to lead the Ministry of Finance, has said that the communist agenda has ruined the Zardic economy and is pushing it more and more into a massive recession, potentially a recession. Former Zardic Army Major General Pato Zoranido, the FDP candidate for Minister of Defense, was approached about forming a militia to counter the CPZ but refused outright, something that has earned him praise and condemnation. He issued a statement which stated: "Our approach to return the rule of law and win elections, we will not stoop to the Communist's level."
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:52 pm

A New Era for Zardugal
Celebrating the election of a new head of state and the FDP winning a near super majority.

Vilhelmo Vlaĥos was elected as the “Common Democratic Representative” or head of state of Zardugal earlier this year. This election rocked the Zardic political scene, for the first time the Zardic people had representatives from across the political and ethnic spectrum representing them. New CDR Vlaĥos promised sweeping reforms to the government of Zardugal as well as a strong position on the usage of nuclear weapons and the conflict in the northern border areas of Zardugal.

Vlaĥos formally condemned Vanuku for their usage of nuclear weapons but cautioned the Northern Council for “...baseline intrusions on a Majatran matter. We firmly believe that Zardic leadership at the head of a strong Majatra can allow for peace and prosperity.” Reports from Gath Defense Collective and the Zardic Institute of International Studies have reported high level meetings with defense officials. A cadre of military officers and defense officials have formed a think-tank known as the Project for a New Zardic Century which seeks to re-build Zardic influence and power throughout the world. High level meetings are reportedly scheduled throughout the week.

Despite attempts by the communist to dismantle many industries they’ve held firm and only partially been nationalized. Incoming Minister of Finance has formed a task force to issue back parts of nationalized industry, upon executive order of the CDR. CDR Vlaĥos notes that the move to privatize these industries would be completed by the end of the year and would be a large boon for the Zardic economy. CDR Vlaĥos is expected to host a meeting with business leaders and economist to form a committee to enhance economics and financials throughout Zardugal.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:53 am

Federal Customs and Border Protection dispatched en masse to Zardic-Vanuku border
November, 4422

Members of the FCBP Special Response Team

Endiraho State - Minister of the Interior Ibsitua Boĵinido has formally announced that large swathes of Federal Customs and Border Protection Officers will be dispatched to the Endiraho State on the border between Zardugal and Vanuku. This move is being done as sanctions go into effect targeting Vanuku for their use of nuclear weapons in Jelbania. This is the first operation since the CDR Vilhelmo Vlaĥos unveiled a massive overhaul of the internal structure of the Zardic government upon his election in April, 4422; the new Minister of the Interior was taken from the ranks of Beleco's city police force where she served as a Deputy Commissioner and held several specializations in national security. Boĵinido quickly set out over the course of several months to re-organize the failed Ministry of the Interior and bring it up to what she said was an "...acceptable standard of service to the Zardic people." She has appointed a former military judge as her General Counsel and has moved a noted police reformer into the position of Inspector-General; she quickly empowered both positions to assist in the "...establishment of professional standards, values and consists of true Zardic men and women." While the picture was painted of a failing Interior Ministry it was noted in her confirmation speech that the ministry retained it's federal police force and had several programs and offices responsible to new offices and agencies created. Saqr el-Ishak was appointed as the Chief of the Border Patrol, an ethnic Mallan who is close confidant of the Minister of the Interior. Chief el-Ishak is personally overseeing the mission in the northern state.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 13, 2018 3:09 pm

Zardic Canal Commission formed

CDR Vlahos states that if Vanuku wants to talk; they’re welcome to come to the table. The sanctions are temporary and a means to further reinforce that Zardugal condemns the usage of nuclear weapons. The Zardic government noted that while the Grand Canal was a good source of income, it is far from primary and the Ministry of the Interior was actively exploring to build their own canal which would connect large swathes of Zardugal. The canal program was touted as a means to put people back to work with latest figures showing unemployment dipping slightly to 7.6% but the government wanted that percentage under 2% by the third year of their term.

The Zardic Canal Commission was established to look at prospects and will likely begin construction in 4423 and it is expected to take 3-4 years for the primary canal and 5-6 for the subsidiary canals. It will connect the two seas to each other from coast to coast. This announcement comes at a time when the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport is investing heavily into railroads, roadways and now waterways. When asked about the question, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport said “Why not? It’s an infrastructure project. We’ll be able to attract public and private investment. It’s going to put Zardic’s to work. It’s a good move and allows us to increase our economic independence.”
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