Northern Council

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Re: Northern Council

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:38 pm

Northern Council Dovani Operations Fleet Breakthroughs to New Alduria

HF-35C Taking off from the Deck of the HMHS-Alexandra Kennedy

A reinforced Northern Council Fleet has scored a decisive victory against the Dovani Union in southern Dovani as the newly created Northern Council Dovani Operations Fleet has smashed a chunk of the Dovani Union main battle fleet and broken through to New Alduria and cutting off the coastal assault forces of the Dovani Union.

The Hutorian Seventh Fleet, lead by the HMHS-Alexandra Kennedy Carrier Strike Group from Kazullia, has joined up with Luthori's Task Force Orange, and a Lourenne strike group and moved back east where they struck hard and fast with the overwhelming firepower brought to bare by the Seventh Fleet. The Dovani Union's Southern Battle Fleet was still reeling from repelling Task Force Orange, and their commander believed that Task Force Orange was the most the Northern Council would bring against him so quickly and was caught off guard by the Kennedy's assault power; the Alexandra Kennedy, one of Hutori's Graham class Supercarriers, is one of the largest Aircraft Carriers in the world, and it is the first time since the Wolfsheim War that Hutori's dominant Carrier Strike Groups have been pulled out against an organized foe.

The Southern Battle Fleet has withdrawn east while the Northern Council's Dovani Operations Fleet has taken a firm position between Dovani and New Alduria in the Straits where Combat Air Patrols have been set up and the marine assault forces of the Dovani Union have come under harsh naval bombardment, breaking up massing and formations, now entirely cut off from supply and under constant air and naval harassment. While this doesn't completely defeat them, it does give the New Aldurian Army the chance to push them back effectively into the sea and put their effort in the south. Thus far the Dovani Operations Fleet is only holding it's position however the Hutorian Fourth Fleet and the Kazullian Second Fleet is also inbound from Majatra and once they link up with the DOF its fully believed they will aggressively pursue and attempt to sink the remaining elements of the Dovani Union's naval strength.

On New Alduria itself Northern Council reinforcements have begun to arrive; the Northern Council's 3rd and 5th Tactical Air Forces have arrived in force on New Aldurian airbases and have begun immediate air sorties against the invading New Aldurian forces and attempting to wrestle the skies away from the Dovani Union's aerial forces. On the ground the opening elements of the 7th Marine Expeditionary Regiment, attached to Seventh Fleet has arrived, as the 1st Battlaion has arrived with the remainder expected shortly.

Hutori has also stated that it has begun mobilization of domestic forces across Hutori for immediate deployment, highlighting Hutorian commitment to the fight and it's critically known that the Commonwealth Joint Airborne Corps in Luthori, comprising the Luthorian 1st Airborne Brigade and Hutori's legendary 6th Airborne Division have embarked for Ostland, a small stop before continuing onto New Alduria.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:30 pm

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Re: Northern Council

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:25 am

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Re: Northern Council

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:56 am

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Re: Northern Council

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:53 pm

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Re: Northern Council

Postby Maxington » Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:44 am

NOCTO opens Cybernetic Warfare Operations Centre
The Northern Council's Information Management Headquarters (IMHQ), a new branch of the Northern Council

The Joint Headquarters of the Northern Council marked the opening of a new branch/department of the Northern Council Treaty Organisation, crafted to integrate cybernetic operations among the Northern Council. The Information Management Headquarters (IMHQ) is a cybernetic warfare operations centre providing the advanced command and control capabilities and global integration capabilities needed to ensure information shared among members of the alliance is secure and the cybernetic capabilities of the alliance are enhanced. The headquarters allows for the NC to synchronise and coordinate cybernetic operations. In the past cybernetic operations under the banner of the Northern Council had been loosely organised and usually resulted in conflicting decisions/actions. The Information Management Headquarters pools the resources of the dedicated cybernetic apparatus within the Northern Council, thus "de-conflicting" joint operations.

The communications networks of the Northern Council have been cited as being extremely vulnerable to cybernetic attacks, mainly due to the fact that the alliance had not formed a working system aimed at integrating the efforts of the resources wielded by the alliance towards protecting the cybernetic systems of the alliance. Director of the Information Management Headquarters, Major-Geneneral Lubosław Starzynski (VNA), stated that the alliance's radar capabilities, its communication network and its information sharing network were extremely vulnerable to cybernetic attacks. Although the alliance had worked towards utilising individual units within the armies of the respective members as seen in the Kazulian Army's Cybernetic Security Management Centre being tasked with responding to threats posed to the cybernetic networks of the alliance, the Joint Headquarters wanted to ensure that the alliance had its own unit solely aimed at coordinating cybernetic operations.

The Information Management Headquarters serves as the centre for planning offensive and defensive operations. According to Starzynski, the arrangement enables the alliance to coordinate rapid communication operations and enhance its cybernetic awareness through secure information sharing and coordination. The IMHQ will field some of the most sophisticated cybernetic systems in the world, through collaborative ventures by the nations mainly involved in the programme; Kazulia, Hutori, Dorvik, Luthori, Valruzia and Hulstria.

NOCTO Commanders to meet on Missile Defence System
Kazulian Chief of Defence, General Christer Aarrestad (left) with Chief of Staff of the Joint Headquarters, General Anthony Bishop (right).

On the background of a resurgent Trigunia and the threat posed by the presence of nuclear weapons in the international domain, the need for a joint Anti-Ballistic Missile network for the Northern Hemisphere is a much needed entity. NOCTO Commanders from Kazulia and Hutori met in NOCTO Headquarters in Bekenial to discuss the challenges faced by the alliance, specifically the challenge of defending against a potential nuclear strike. Kazulian Army General Øistein Heimark, who chaired the meeting of the Missile Defence Committee alongside Hutorian Air Force General Adrian Cross, noted the critical nature of the need for the alliance to form a coordinate/organised response strategy to a ballistic missile threat. Echoing sentiments from Skalm, General Heimark stated that as the threat is becoming increasingly present, the government in Skalm will not be willing to dispatch its limited number of anti-ballistic missile systems to other nations of the alliance, citing that it puts Kazulia at great risk. Prior to now, when it became evident that there was the threat of a nuclear launch in the Northern Hemisphere, Kazulia will distribute its 11 Guardian-missile defence systems among the various members of the alliance, the most recent being during the presence a Vanukean nuclear submarines in the Anantonese Ocean.

General Heimark was upbeat about plans for both Hutori and Kazulia to develop an anti-ballistic missile shield for the Northern Hemisphere under NOCTO tutelage. Prior to the meeting, the Hutorian and Kazulian Governments held closed door talks on the possibility of collaborating to form a joint missile defence strategy. It was noted that Asvald Gruppen and Viserby Systems had long been developing the third and fourth iterations of the Skjold family of missile defence systems, the Skjold-3 and the Skjold-4, and that the Kazulian government had been contemplating on expanding the programme to include NOCTO allies. When asked about the development of the Skjold-3 and 4 systems, CEO of Viserby Systems, Wesley Harris stated that the systems were entering their final trial stages after more than 30 years of development, with significant work being placed into enabling the Skjold-3 system to be able to detect modern stealth aircraft. Generals Heimark and Cross are expected to jointly chair an anti-ballistic missile summit with the wider Northern Council Treaty Organisation with the inclusion of the Esinsundu Empire being rumoured.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Maxington » Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:54 pm

Bekenial HQ: NC will not involve itself in Majatran Relations
NOCTO Secretary-General says that reformed alliance does not intend on straying away from Northern Issue.

Secretary-General of the Northern Council, Kurt Eskildsen stated that the Alliance does not intend on straying away from its paramount objective, ensuring the protection of the Northern Hemisphere. Eskildsen's comments come amidst the mess that is the Alliance's involvement in the Jelbanian crisis. It has been stated that Eskildsen wants to orient the alliance's objectives away from matters which can clearly be dealt with by other entities. He stated that the rise of the MUN brought with its a sense of relief as the region is now capable of resolving its own issues. Eskildsen stated that the Northern Council Treaty Organisation's focus will remain on the Northern Hemisphere whereby it will work to strengthen security and build relationships. Although the Northern Council's bases throughout Majatra will remain, they will remain to protect the interests of the alliance's partners in the region.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Maxington » Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:22 pm

NOCTO, Medinese Commander to discuss peace plan
Northern Council Commanders to meet with Medinese commander on peace in Dovani.
General Kristian Lauridsen (Supreme Commander Northern Dovani) and Admiral Kyle Wright (Supreme Commander Southern Dovani)
22nd November, 4434.

The participants in the fragile conflict in Dovani have agreed to meet in Dalibor in an attempt to resolve the on-going conflict. The Northern Council and the Dovani Union are expected to pave the road for an eventual agreement between the two blocs on the conflict in Dovani, according to media outlets who have reported that the aim was to hopefully achieve a "quick win" for both sides of the conflict. Peace negotiations had been called by Medinese Emperor Aaban who said in a passionate statement, "The lack of an attack on our newly-independent allies, Tropica, is promising," he said: "We have no quarrel with the Northern Council as an institution -- we have no desire to shed their blood. But we will neither be trampled on by an imperialist first-world oppressor. Let us meet, then, and draw a line under what has happened; let us return things to the way they should be -- an independent, unified Dovani Union, free from NC control, but the two great unions standing together, instead of in front of the barrel of each other's gun." Chief of Staff of the Joint Headquarters, General Anthony Bishop (RHA) stated that after careful deliberation, the Northern Council will meet with Emperor Aaban on bringing the conflict in Dovani to an end, and cooperating on transitioning Dovani away from its destructive past. After a day of silence on the battlefield, General Bishop stated that General Kristian Lauridsen (Supreme Commander Northern Dovani) and Admiral Kyle Wright (Supreme Commander Southern Dovani) would be representing the Northern Council Treaty Organisation in peace talks with Medinese/DU General Staff.

With peace negotiations with Xsampa completed and the demands of the Northern Council to be fulfilled by the Xsampan Government in the coming months, it has been stated that the Northern Council would be looking for an agreement similar to what was laid down before the Xsampan delegation but with implications for the entirety of Dovani. It has been stated that a temporary ceasefire exists between Northern Council and Dovani Union forces until the peace conference results in a conclusion to the conflict.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Auditorii » Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:06 am

Dorvish Armed Forces dispatch first forces back to Northern Council
November, 4434

Lieutenant General August Kessler with various officers from Northern Council allies and local forces in Dovani

The Dorvish Armed Forces have dispatched, for the first time in nearly a decade, military forces to work with the Northern Council. The Dorvish Armed Forces seconded to the Northern Council include several military units from all branches of service of the DAF. Despite it's limited role in combat operations in the Dovani War, Dorvik was able to provide, at least over the last two months, material support and combat support operations out of Ostland. The Dorvish Air Force has also been responsible for a series of humanitarian missions throughout Dovani. Rumors have surfaced that the Dorvish Navy will potentially be dispatched to the Sea of Carina for a series of underway replenishment operations as well as supporting operations while they persist in Dovani. The Minister of Defense and Inspector-General Generalfeldmarschall Florian Maria zu Völksau-Heusmann announced the formation of Northern Council Battlegroup (Kampfgruppe des Nördlichen Rates) which will responsible for all forces seconded to the Northern Council and responsible for immediate operations pertaining to the Northern Council.

Northern Council Battlegroup wrote:Commander: Lieutenant General August Kessler (Dorvish Army)
Headquarters: Joint Operations Base "Kaiser" (outside of Vilnau, Kordusia)
Dorvish Army
    -- Stoßtruppengruppe II
    ---- Stoßtruppenkommando IIa
    ---- Schwere Stoßtruppen-Panzerkommando 101
Dorvish Air Force
    -- 1. Special Reconnaissance Group (Spezialaufklärungsgruppe) (Equipped with various aircraft to support Northern Council Battlegroup operations)
    -- 17. Fallschirmjäger-Regiment Karlis Wandel (a component unit of the 107. Fallschirmjäger-Division, Dorvish Air Force)
Dorvish Navy
    -- 1st Marine Reconnaissance Battalion (1. Marine Aufklärungsabteilung) (a component unit of the 1st Marine Infantry Division, Dorvish Navy)
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Maxington » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:50 am

NOCTO announces 23-nation Maritime Exercise
Northern Council launches world's largest maritime exercise in Mad Dog Ocean.
Naval Officers of the participating nations during a press conference in Turtle Bay, Keymon.

Commander of the Maritime Group Artania, Admiral Reineke Von Rotemburg announced the commencing of the world's largest international maritime exercise, Exercise Leviathan Wedge, carded for the Mad Dog Ocean, Keymon and Valruzia. According to Von Rotemburg, 23 nations, more than 45 surface vessels and submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 45,000 personnel are expected to partake in the unique training opportunity crafted to foster and sustain cooperative relationships which have henceforth been viewed as critical to ensuring the safety and openness of the interconnected seas. The first of its scale and magnitude, the Levianthan Wedge exercise is the brain-child of Admiral Reineke Von Rotemburg (DN), Vice-Admiral Andreas Lorentzen (KN), Admiral Royce Sansouci (RHN) and Rear Admiral Jean-Philippe Bruguière (RLN) who believed that through interconnected cooperation, the High Seas could remain areas of peace. The exercise's umbrella theme, according to Admiral Von Rotemburg is "Adaptation in a Changing High Sea". Participants will exercise a wide range of disciplines and tactics. These disciplines range from disaster relief and maritime security operations to sea control and simulated combat with separate exercises focusing on missile defence, anti-submarine, counter-piracy and mine clearance.

The exercise includes forces from Alduria, Cobura, Deltaria, Dolgava, Dorvik, Egelion, Hawu Mumenhes, Hulstria, Hutori, Kalopia, Kanjor, Kazulia, Keymon, Likatonia, Lourenne, Luthori, Mordusia, New Endralon, Rildanor, Rutania, Talmoria, Telamon, Valruzia. The exercise is marking the first time the Northern Council Treaty Organisation has conducted an alliance-wide maritime exercise with the inclusion of foreign partners and other nation states. Apart from that, it marks the first time Coburan, Deltarian and Kalopian surface combatant vessels and staff have participated in exercises in the Northern Hemisphere and according to statements from General Anthony Bishop, Chief of Staff of the Joint Headquarters, it is expected that the three nations will be participating in more exercises alongside the alliance for many years to come. The exercise, apart from its core purpose to promote cooperation, serves as a platform for nations to display their military prowess and technological achievements to the world. The exercise is set to feature a live firing exercise whereby combatant vessels and naval aviation from the respective participants would see to destroy various targets including a decommissioned Mashacara class Destroyer (retired Hutorian Navy) and a decommissioned Torgersen-class frigate. According to Vice Admiral Steinar Rindal, Commander of the Kazulian Contingent, the Kazulian Navy would be unveiling its recently acquired Dovani-3 anti-ship missile to the world whereby it will demonstrate its perniciousness in combat.

Vice Admiral Steinar Rindal wrote:This exercise is more than just an opportunity for nations to cooperate with each other. Yes there are different faces and cultures, however the paramount purpose is to forge new relationships through various avenues. The interoperability of this alliance is a quality no one can match, thus as we move forward with this exercise the sentiment of interoperability is always present in all decision making.

The Joint Headquarters has established a temporary Joint Operations Centre (JOC) in Turtle Bay, Keymon where staff from Dorvik, Hutori, Kazulia, Lourenne, Valruzia, Luthori, New Endralon and Keymon are expected to support command and control over the various forces participating in the exercise. According to the Joint Headquarters, Admiral Reineke Von Rotemburg serves as Task Force Commander, serving as the exercise's supreme commanding officer; Admiral Niklas Ronningen serving as Task Force Deputy Commander, serving as supreme commander officer over the Multinational Naval Aviation Component; Lt. General Alan Terry of the Hutorian Marine Corps serves as Multinational Forces Commander, serving as supreme commanding officer over the amphibious warfare exercises within Exercise Leviathan Wedge. According Major-General Lubosław Starzynski, Director of the Information Management Headquarters, the IMHQ is also participating in the exercise alongside intelligence-gathering resources among the alliance. Brigadier Arnold Mathiesen of the Kazulian Armed Forces' Cybernetic Security Management Centre (CSMC), the Information Management Headquarters will be simulating high-level information transfers between various forces to simulate a combat communication scenario. Major-General Starzynski had invited participating nations to allow for their "spy ships" to participate in the exercise as a means of testing the IMHQ's capabilities.
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