
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby EasyPeasy » Tue May 22, 2018 7:30 pm

Security was tight as Prime Minister Joel Nakajima toured cities in Negunia today in the aftermath of the political violence which devastated Beluzia recently. Mr Nakajima called the broken windows, destroyed businesses and burned tires, along with the mess and decay which left the country reeling "an absolute disgrace". He hugged a shop owner who had lost her handmade toy shop to arsonists. "We are insured, but we've lost years of hard work" the owner sobbed. This is a story repeated across the country after months of escalating political aggression by the Pantafloja Junior led, Prosperity. A Kaminskiist supporter was beaten with a baseball bat by one group of Prosperity thugs and remains in a critical condition in hospital. Overall casualties from the violence are unknown at this time.

Some have criticised Mr Nakajima for keeping a low profile during the crisis and when he was asked why this was the case a key spokesman replied "Without going in to too much detail all we can say is there was a very real security risk involved. Beluzian intelligence had intercepted real and present threats on the life of the Prime Minister. He had to be moved to a secure location along with other government officials. Deputy Prime Minister Tom McKenny was fully briefed throughout and worked tirelessly in Congress to preserve the government and push for early elections." Mr Nakajima added. "The military was always aware and working hard with law enforcement to put down the crisis. I want to thank everyone involved for their dedication and commitment during
this difficult time." Experts such as Ret Gen Brian Colleton appeared on popular morning chat show 'Smell the Coffee Beluzia'. When asked if the Prime Minister was saying this was an attempted coup d'etat he simply replied "yes" to audible gasps from the audience and hosts. This suggestion has shocked Beluzia to the core as they had been in the midst of an economic resurgence of late.

Senior Professor Debra Sutherland of Fort Thorne University who lectures in history said "massive cross party protests across Beluzia were absolutely essential in ensuring the attempted rebellion achieved no momentum with the people." Mrs Sutherland was asked how such a poorly conceived attempt to take control of the government was going to succeed. She replied "widespread voter fraud saw "Junior" win many seats in Congress which enabled him to attempt a Congressional power grab. When that failed he attempted to call out factions of the military who might be wavering but they never answered. This was the beginning of the end. In desperation Pantafloja fled when he faced fresh elections."

When asked what will become of "Junior's" BPF party PM Nakajima said "we don't have any problem with the supporters, per se. They can vote for who they like, legally and lawfully and there are plenty who were simply led astray and didn't take part in the violence. But we have a problem with supporters who try damage property, hurt other people and try to usurp power and turn the country in to a dictatorship. This is where we draw the line and we draw it clearly. We will use every lawful means at our disposal to preserve the Beluzian Republic."

Police Chief Owen Drenger who promised action following these events has said "My police force has established a task force, Unicorn, and have already identified and arrested several dozen members of "Junior's" supporters who call themselves 'Prosperity Ultra's' responsible for the worst violence imaginable in recent months. Make no mistake there is no hiding from this. We will find you. We will arrest you. Your life is going to be an absolute misery from now on." Indeed TV screens and newspapers have been filled with pictures of "Ultras" being led away by heavily armed, balaclava wearing police from recently raided houses. One person who isn't found yet is "Junior" himself who fled to places unknown, probably overseas. It is understood Beluzian Intelligence are working closely with other police forces and intelligence agencies to bring Pantafloja to justice.

Recent snap elections, under the watchful eye of the Beluzian Police and election watchers from around Terra, saw Prosperity's vote collapse by 23% and Conservatives and Liberty perform exceptionally well. Nakajima's "cool heads" speech was said to have won many admirers to see him given another term in office. "It feels like i've never left" joked Nakajima.

George Standard
Beluzia Today
April 4397
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby EasyPeasy » Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:45 pm

Beluzia Today took a tour around Beluzia's busiest construction site in Karavshire to inspect the building work on our new international airport. We met site manager Dale Dermott, a veteran of almost 60 construction projects, a jovial man who greeted us in a bright pink safety hat and reflective jacket with "Precision Engineering and Construction" written on the back.

"After five and a half years construction It's taking shape nicely" our guide said enthusiastically as he pointed to a very large set of buildings where, we were informed, the new aircraft hangers, maintenance sheds and catering warehouses were being built. "Investors have been extremely pleased with the progress though we are a little behind schedule owing to a concrete and steel supply problem late last year.

Later in the tour we were treated to a drone launch which gave Bt a bird's eye view of the entire site on a large screen. The drone flew over the main entrance point, spun around 360 degrees then glided gracefully over the almost completed runway tarmac before zooming in to look at the window less terminal buildings. In ultra HD workman and vehicles with "Digger", a premier Beluzian building firm, could be seen carrying out their duties. A contingent of workman at the departure terminal even posed together in comical fashion as the drone zoomed past.

The drone finished it's tour with a look at the main control tower. An tall imposing structure standing 200 feet into the air made up of 1200 tonnes of concrete. Dale was quick to inform BT it took just 15 days to build. It looked superb. "There have been challenges. We needed a special crane to finish the top but we succeeded in everything we wanted to achieve." A quick trip to the top of the tower showed us a clear 360 degree view of the entire airport landscape.

Back in his office Dale showed us various site maps and pointed to a large area marked "terminal". You've already seen this and it looks amazing now but when it is finished it is going to be magnificent". he said proudly before showing BT the final artist's rendering of the finished product. Ornate columns, open spaces, bright lighting, cheerful decor and helpful staff welcoming beaming visitors who collected baggage from well organised carousels were all shown. A vast car park and taxi space finished the scene. It illustrated visitors finding transport to take them to the delights Beluzia has to offer quickly and easily.

It was hard not to be impressed but would it live up to expectations? Dale responded assuredly. "Of course, the investors wouldn't have put about b20 billion into the project if they didn't think it would be feasible. This is really going to be the shot in the arm Beluzia needs. I am really proud to have been part of this project."

It hasn't all been plain sailing for the venture however. Aside from the steel and concrete supply consideration the site also had a near fatality when a young apprentice slipped and fell from scaffolding. Luckily the boy survived but it resulted in career ending injuries. The foreman's usual jovial mood disappeared instantly as he recalled the tragedy. "It shook everyone up badly. We take every precaution to keep our guys safe. He over balanced and his harness snagged. Awful business. We can expect to have to settle that one in court. I had to close the sight down for a week because of it."

Nonetheless the project continues to buzz to its conclusion. Dirt and dust covered workmen around us hauled poles and wooden frames to various destinations. Dale assured it was just half a year away from completion and first testing and ultimate grand opening in July 4402. "We are looking at millions of instances of traffic a year for this airport. It's very exciting"

Anna Leopold
Beluzia Today
Jan 4402
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby EasyPeasy » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:57 am

There were jubilant scenes on the steps of the Congress building today as Conservative and Liberty supporters waved Beluzian flags, popped champagne bottles and sang traditional songs as they celebrated the end of the farcical "Junior" Premiership. Car horns tooted also as they marked the return of Duncan Pigg a quiet spoken Beluzian businessman who felt compelled to return to politics after seeing the country become "a joke". Tom McKenny, Liberty leader and once again Deputy Prime Minister, speaking in the halls of Congress said "We owe our thanks to those parties who supported us. This is a triumph of unity. You are in good hands, we will not forget you."

Also celebrated was the passage of the Eligibility Act which made it clear that those who serve in office must not have criminal convictions and, arguably more importantly, must be able to take the oath of office in Beluzia itself. "This is a key piece of legislation" said the new Justice Minister Jonathan Dickinson also present at the celebrations and enshrines in law that we won't be governed by a foriegn land, foreign entities or by someone living overseas unable to take part in debates. We call on "Junior" to resign the presidency immediately as he is now ineligible to hold office. We also call on him to stop hiding in Likatonia and come and talk to police in Beluzia regarding his role in the events surrouding the attempted coup."

When asked if the law disqualifying someone from being eligible for office for having outstanding warrants was too broad Mr Dickinson responded "Why would we allow someone who was issued an arrest warrant by the court to lead our justice, defense or financial institutions? It is preposterous. This is common sense legislation to eliminate legal loopholes which certain nefarious entities have taken full advantage of. Such entities need to be resisted by all parties regardless of political leaning."

Anna Leopold
Beluzia Today
Dec 4404
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Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:59 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby EasyPeasy » Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:35 pm

TV cameras clicked incessantly as Tom McKenny today took the oath of office of Prime Minister in Congress today as head of a unity government with the United Party and Kaminskiist Front. Outside large crowds watched the ceremony on big screens and some tv and radio stations reported very good ratings. The multitude outside sang a stirring rendition of the Beluzian Anthem.

"It's been a tumultuous few years for Beluzia and I am very grateful to have the chance to lead this great nation." McKenny said in his acceptance speech later. "But we've seen so much greed, corruption, incompetence, unsound decision making and mismanagement. It gives Liberty no pleasure to take control of Beluzia under these circumstances but fate has decided we must as our people need steady hands to guide the country toward another general election. With our friends in the UP and KW and with our Congressional colleagues we will deliver this. The people demand it."

Many in Beluzia were surprised by this trio of parties coming together to help throw out "Juniors" government-from-afar, ultimately deemed illegal by the court system, given their often vastly different political leanings. When asked if this could be a problem in the future McKenny said "look, we've got a hard enough road ahead. I am sure we all want the best for the country and there is much we agree on to move forward. We've wasted so many years that other countries have used wisely to improve the lot for their citizens."

Beluzia was plunged into turmoil with the political departure of the Conservative Government led by Duncan Pigg. This allowed the BDP/BR Party to re-assume almost full control with limited numbers and rush through devastating unilateral legislation. The subsequent removal of the government by popular protest had a devastating impact on the legislature leaving just 250 Congressmen to oversee administration of the country. As such calls for PM McKenny to call a snap election are growing louder and louder from many sections of society just six months out from compulsory general-election.

PM McKenny himself conceded there is good cause saying "We need a government which reflects the will of the people as a whole. But we need to steady the Beluzian ship, take stock and prepare the country for free, fair and legitimate elections to get that." He was quick to note a word of caution also. "Whatever happens in that poll and subsequently to that the people will not accept 'corruption as usual'. This country will not be subject to dysfunctional nepotistic politics which make us the laughing stock of Terra any longer."

Prime Minister McKenny left reporters after answering a few questions on various pressing subjects to meet with his fellow cabinet members for the first time on charting a way forward for the country. "It's time to go to work."
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:09 pm

Breaking News:
United Party supporters have launched a peaceful protest in the capital agianst the President’s recent actions supporting the possibility of establishing an Emperor over the nation, the protestors have been standing outside of the Presidential residence for several hours, only moving to allow emergency personnel through the streets. One protestor was recorded saying: “We will not bow to no man! Beluzia will resist any Emperor!” Many protestors expressed fear that the President would open troops to fire on protestors or arrest the peaceful group as members of the BDP have been known to do in past protests, but their resolve remains strong.
Current Active Party: United Party(Beluzia)
Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:25 pm

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:11 am

Celebrations erupt as new Government sworn in
Celebrations in the street have erupted as the new government takes office in Beluzia, newly appointed Justice Minister, Tim Spencer has announced that the Justice Ministry is issuing an arrest warrant similar to the one that was brought before the Congress last term, however this one leaves the enforcement of the warrant firmly in the hands of the Ministry of Justice, any one on the warrant still in Beluzia has been arrested and an extradition request is expected to be sent to Likatonia soon. Meanwhile Minister of Internal Affairs Vicky Hammond has ordered national police to protect the newly appointed Ministers and to monitor for suspects on the warrant.

The Minister of Justice also taunted the President’s claim of a new perogative preventing the Ministers from opposing the President, the perogative which has no legal basis is not being enforced and is assumed to be a last attempt by the BDP to maintain their dictorial control over the Ministry. The Justice Minister couldn’t help himself from passing a comment saying: “Mr. President where is your preceious perogative now? Who will enforce it? The Justice Ministry oh.. wait, what about the police under the Minister of Internal Affairs... oh there she is now directly opposing you... maybe call in the military, oh nevermind seems they are too busy defending their country from threats such as yourself.”
Current Active Party: United Party(Beluzia)
Posts: 59
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:11 pm

Here at Beluzia Daily, we realized that our foreign readers might be unaware of the current situation due to some bad reporting and lack of funds. The current outcry began when the BDP and then BNP formed a government coalition in opposition to the United Party, KWRF, Beluzian Communist Party, Liberty Party, and the BSPP. For a while, it seemed this coalition would last a long time, and the BDP had found its long-sought ally in Congress to pass its legislation which had been strongly opposed to by the opposition. However, the President made one crucial mistake in overestimating the support of the Nationalists for the BDP and showed support for the imposing of an Emperor over the Republic. This would turn out to be the beginning of the end for the coalition, the BNP found this opposing to their views and broke the coalition, the resignation of BNP seats in the Ministry followed shortly. This would leave the BDP in control of the Ministry through the Government Procedure Act putting those seats under the control of the Prime Minister. As the election fast approached the Ministers and President emptied the Ministries bank accounts, and fled the country to Likatonia, expecting a defeat in the election and a possible following arrest. This was a tactic used by previous BDP administrations following similar scandals, one of the most recent times this occuring was under his father's government which also gave both him and his son Likatonian citizenship. A short term followed where the Liberty Candidate won the election, however, although there was a chance for the Ministry to return to the opposition infighting amongst those parties resulted in a cabinet failing to pass in time. An early election then occurred which resulted in a new President being elected from the BDP. Soon after the election the new cabinet was established consisting of the United and Liberty Party along with the BCPP. Fearing that the BDP's control over Beluzia was in its twilight, the President panicked and became obsessed with dismantling the opposition, just before the election the former Ministers unconstitutionally declared their positions ceremonial, and attempted to give all powers to the President, they also called on Likatonian Military to intervene to protect their false government. He also created an illegal house of Congress and held elections that were both illegal and hidden from the remaining parties, conveniently three-fourths of the false house were BDP members. Despite all this, the Justice Ministry persisted with issuing an arrest warrant against the President, his Ministers, and several employees of those Ministers for embezzling funds, election tampering, and robbing Beluzian museums. An extradition order was sent to the Likatonian government to try to get those officials to stand trial in Beluzia. Likatonia, possibly manipulated and lied to by the President sent military forces to protect their interests from what they believed were angry rioters which were in truth peaceful protestors. The situation is continuously being updated as more info breaks.
Current Active Party: United Party(Beluzia)
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby Locodave » Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:00 pm

Breaking News:

Under intense pressure, the beguiled Business and Development Party has accepted to elect its presidential candidate with an internal election, allowing all members to choose its candidate for President with a vote for the first time. Before this the candidate was handpicked by his predecessor.

“This means that the BDP is now a democratic party that respects institutions, we are in a new era of democracy in Beluzia, the era of a one man country is gone” declared its chairman, President Fortunato Marcial Pantafloja.
Critics have raised odds at the nephew of the party chairman competing in the Election.

“We still believe Dr Wewecho Pantafloja IV is the best candidate to lead Beluzia” declared the President.
Dr Wewecho Pantafloja IV is a medical doctor, graduated from the Wewecho Pantafloja University, and son of former President Wewecho Pantafloja III, who renounced Beluzian citizenship to claim asylum in Likatonia. He has been involved in multiple malpractice suits and has accusations of forging parts of his tesis. He has also reportedly been involved in an alcohol related car crash incident. He was candidate for health minister in the last legislature, but was not confirmed. He has spent the past few years with a ministerial position in the Wewecho Pantafloja Church of Prosperity.

As of now no other candidates have announced their run for the candidacy of the party, and all senior figures have endorsed Wewecho Pantafloja IV.

Critics have also raised odds over no institution other than the BDP itself will be supervising the internal election, multiple have offered to observe them, but were reportedly turned down.
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Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby Locodave » Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:00 pm

Number of militiants with voting rights: 300,000.

Leadership Election Results (one round, person with the most votes wins the candicacy)

-Dr Wewecho Pantafloja IV -------21% 63,000 votes
-Cefrain Nobial Alfonso------------20% 60,000 votes
-Tom curry Baldagano -------------20% 60,000 votes
-Alexander Tomillo Guisseppe---20% 60,000 votes
-Alfredo Lerolle Martini -------------20% 60,000 votes

total votes in internal election: 303,000 votes. 101% of the electorate.

"After initially being in fifth place in the polls at 15% support, Dr Wewecho Pantafloja IV won an upset victory over Cefrain Nobial Alfonso, who polls placed in first place with 30% of the vote"

Critics claim it is impossible for polls to be wrong by that much, and it is also pointed out that it seems fishy for numbers to be that even and turnout to be 101% of the electorate.
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Joined: Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:36 am

Re: Beluzia Daily

Postby ManagerDan » Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:08 am

Former Government Expedited to Beluzia, Convicted of Crimes Against the Republic
After a long tense time in Beluzia History which saw the emptying of state funds, robbing of museums and even misguided foreign intervention, Former President and Former Prime Minister Weewecho Pantafloja II,I along with members of his cabinet, were extradited to Beluzia by the Likatonian Government to stand trial for their crimes. The extradition occurred several months ago, and was followed by many trials which saw all members of the government sentenced to life without parole. Justice Minister Tim Spencer was asked about the matter and said this: “These men have finally been brought to justice for their crimes against the Republic, this is a glorious day for Beluzia, we thank Likatonia for assisting us in this process.” The President, who has openly opposed the warrant, was not available for comment at this time.
Current Active Party: United Party(Beluzia)
Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:25 pm


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