Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:50 am

Baristha Jebrsme Shten, Vanukean Minister of Trade and Industry:

We thank the Istalian government for opening up this debate, which we think is crucial to the economic future of Majatra and shows the true partnership-working power of the Alliance.

Our government has very recently taken steps to boost its fibre optic network provision around Vanuku to include all outlying rural areas and we remain a resolute supporter of the Trans-Majatran Corridor principle. We are also working to boost infrastructure in the Northern Khaganate area of Jelbania.

However, my government wishes to inform you that until an end to hostilities with Deltaria can be achieved (i.e they withdraw all troops illegally-occupying southern Jelbania) we see no way that this project can be fully implemented across the continent. So while we agree with it in essence - we would be loathe to spend so much money until we know this can work. After all, we would be one of the two highest contributors, along with Istalia.

Do the gathered delegates have any thoughts on this?
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:34 am


Ladies and gentleman of this great alliance. We have witnessed one of the most catastrophic events in majatran history. For the first time in recent history a nuclear device has detonated on Majatran soil. This has been done by the government of Vanuku. Therefor the Federal Kingdom of Cildania calls upon the majatran alliance to create a peacekeeping force and end the war in Jelbania as well as putting up a investigation team to investigate the nuclear site in the country. It simply cant be that we as a continent just watch and do nothing while the NC and other organizations intervene in our own continent.

We also call for an ultimatum to both the Deltarian and Vanukan governments to withdraw all their forces from the frontline or face sanctions and possible blockade. We would like to hear the opinions of everyone present here
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Axxell » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:05 am

Stefania Calliarese, Representative of the Istalian Foreign Ministry

first of all we thanks the Government of Cildania to opened this extraordinary session and we are pleased by the fact that also Cildania thinks that Majatra cannot continue to remain silent.
The Jelbanian crisis affected greatly the Majatran Alliance and now it is our duty to rebuilt confidence and authority for this organization.

But, what we have to do now is to form a common front to ask to the forces of the Northern Council to withdrew from the Majatran Sea.

In fact, I want informe you that:
- Vanuku and Deltaria are already progressing in peace talks which will provides a retirement of all the military forces in Jelbania.

- The Istalian Government reached the authorities of the Free Republic of Jelbania (the eastern most indipendent entities in Jelbania) proposing a Plan for a Confederal Khaganate (you can read the details here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=7498&start=20#p136441 ) however, we want avoid a military intervention. We promises to Jelbanians that only humanitarian personnel will be send in Jelbania and the only military support for the forces of the Free Republic and the Northern Khaganate will be air strike against possibile enemy position. However, we invited them to invite also the Katonid Khanate and the Western Tribal leaders to join the Confederation.

- Now, we received by Vanuku the confirmation about the retirement of its naval forces but the Northern Council is now asking also to Istalia to retire its fleet before to leave the Majatran Sea. This is UNACEPTABLE! Our fleet reached the area to put itself between the NC forces and the Vanukean forces to avoid a degeneration of the situation and to use our nuclear devices as deterent for Vanuku, not for the NC, so, Kazulia (leader of the NC) cannot ask us NOTHING! We hope to see the Majatran nations unite behind us to convince the NC to go home and leave us to deal to the situation.

However, as we condemned Deltaria, we think that, despite the changement of Government in Vanuku, we cannot exempt ourself to suspend also Vanuku from the Majatran Alliance until:

- Vanuku promises to destroy its nuclear stockpiles and end its nuclear program and to eliminate all nuclear devices by the year 4450.

- Vanuku promises to pay,in cash,for all damages caused by its reckless usage of a nuclear device. The payments will go out to countries and individuals effected by your reckless behavior.

- Vanuku promises to never use nuclear weapons in warfare again,unless nuclear weapons are used against Vanuku first.

We hope to see a better future for Majatra and also we hope Vanuku will recognize its enormous error and will assume its responsabilities. we cannot ignore that thanks to the peace and the cooperation between Istalia and Vanuku for more than 1 hundred years Majatra experienced one of the longest lasting period of peace and prosperity. We remained very disappointed by the measure adopted by Vanuku, but we want believe that Vanuku could be in the future again a great partner for this organization, hoping for a new Vanuku.

However, to avoid all this, collegues, the Majatran Alliance's nations should restart to work closely, also to avoid such situation. Istalia cannot deny its responsability in having given too much confidence in Vanuku. But we want no an eternal condemnation: we never condemned eternaly a nation! Hulstria was never eternaly condemned for the use of biochimical weapons and for the Gao-showan genocide. Saridan was never eternally condemned for the slavery and segregationist regimes of the past and Istalia showed always to be ready to overcome the past when Saridan showed to have taken the path of democracy and peace. And we adopted such behavior with any our enemy which found the way of democracy, tollerance and peace, ready also to aid and support their development for a better future and to avoid the errors of the past.

But now, we feel all Majatra menaced by the presence and the interference of the Northern Council, we feel also that all this war was in some way feed by someone into the Northern Council with the clear objective to weak and destroy the Majatran Alliance. We feel the Northern Council now only as an imperialistic organization which want extend its hegemony all over the world.
Kazulia was once time ago the first to accuse Istalia to act as the gendarme of the world and to want extend its hegemonic influence on the world. Well... today we feel the same for Kazulia first of all and the other allies of the Northern Council.

So, if we want defend Majatra from the influence of all these people living thousands of miles away, we have to demand together and united the withdrawal also fo the NC's forces.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:39 pm

Video Link Message from Baron Rnúf Ashur, Vanukean Minister of Foreign Affairs.


I am currently at the World Congress HQ in Whale Island and cannot attend in person but I felt it necessary to speak to you by video link and convey my thoughts. A senior member of my foreign team is on their way from Wiel and will be with you soon...

The new Vanukean monarch and government deeply regrets the sickening decision by the previous regime to launch a nuclear strike to attempt to achieve victory in the conflict with Deltaria. Those of you who follow our politics closely will know that in the aftermath of that decision the king abdicated and the head of government was forced out by a vote of no confidence, led by the monarch and approved by two political parties in the Grand Council.

We knew what had been done was utterly wrong and we moved quickly to ensure the threat of further nuclear strikes and those who had made them were removed. Was this too late? Yes, for the many people who died or who are dying in Jelbania, and for those who will die or those who will be born with deformities or suffer terrible disease. This legacy will haunt us forever. However, we believe it was not too late to save the world from catastrophe, we prevented further horrific strikes and all-out nuclear war with forces from around the world.

So, while you judge us as a nation on the atrocity that took place in Jelbania,, we also ask you to judge us on the actions we have taken since to prevent that further escalation and in preventing the loss of so many millions - yes millions - of lives.

So, why if we are contrite do we hold out against the Northern Council and refuse entry to any part of Jelbania and blockade their ships in the Majatran Sea?

Because, delegates, their real intentions have nothing to do with a concern for the people of Jelbania. Yes, they will disembark and bring medicines and specialist aid but this is nothing that is not already being supplied by our government via our allies in the Northern Khaganate. This is a mere facade.

No, the real reason the Northern Council wishes to gain access into Jelbania is to gain a firm and permanent foothold in Majatra and Majatran affairs to spread its alarming hegemonic influence beyond the northern hemisphere. As the Istalian delegate said, one of their tactics will be to drive a wedge between the nations of the Majatran Alliance and what better way to do that than force Vanuku and the other nations apart? Divide and conquer is the old adage - believe me, the NC are following that mantra.

Politically and economically there are consequences too, not just for Vanuku but all nations in the Majatran Union. Suspend us and it will end the billions of free trade opportunities that now exist between our nations. And given the size of Vanuku's economy it is no over estimation to say that 20 per cent of Majatran Alliance internal free market trade will be stopped overnight.

Of course this will have a knock on on all our economies and this may lead to resentment amongst populations and the potential rise of nationalistic groups within our nation. They will blame the punishments introduced by the Alliance to promote their own political agenda and potentially isolate our people from you even further. Again, this will play into the hands of the Northern Council in the long term.

If you think this is born out of paranoia, look no further than the Northern Council's demands regarding nuclear weaponry towards Istalia or, closer to their own home, the way they try to enforce their will on nations such as Kalistan.

This is why I urge the Alliance not to suspend Vanuku. If we remain we can join you in one clear voice demanding the Northern Council withdrawal; if we are on the outside, I am afraid they win because we ALL suffer politically and economically.

Of course, the Alliance cannot be seen to be dealing in double standards. That is why we also ask that the suspension on Deltarian membership is also lifted. They too, despite being our opponent for years, have called on the Northern Council to withdraw and we need everyone, who believes in this cause, to stand together now.

Thank you.
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Rogue » Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:43 am

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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Axxell » Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:16 am

Istalia cannot deny that shares the same concerns expressed by Vanuku about the Northern Council, but what is sure is that this cannot make forget that Vanuku acted in a reckless manner and that many nations shares concerns on the fact that such a nation continue to detain a nuclear arsenal.
Istlaia, as already said, doesn't want a punishment led by vengeance, which could led to the raise of extremisms and conuter-vengeance sentiments, but Majatra, Jelbania and the World demand serious action by part of Vanuku so to face its responsabilities.

We cannot avoid to continue to demand the destruction of the Vanukean Nuclear Arsenal as well as the payements of sanctions and of all what it is necessary to face the nuclear desaster in Jelbania.

We will leave Vanuku and Deltaria continues to conduct the peace negotiations before to resume such dialogues (OOC: I have little time in these days), but we are not sure that the Majatran Alliance as we know it will still exist.
We are in fact disponible to dialogue with Cildania and any other Majatran nation for a reform of the Alliance which, we regret, despite graanted for more than a century one of the longest lasting period of peace and prosperity for our continent, we have to constate that maybe made its time. The jelbanian crisis affected enormously the integrity and credibility of the Alliance and Istalia assumes totally the responsability of this failure.

Now, it is time to restart from a new beginning hoping for another century of peace and prosperity. We are also ready to leave behind the tensions and the contrasts with some majatran nations to rebuilt together a better future for our people. But... as said, to proceed Vanuku as to responde to the other majatran nations and to the world for its action.

For this reason, we propose that, at least as last measure of the Majatran Alliance, a MA International Court will be established to judge the responsables of the nuclear attack, first of all the at the time prime minister, than ministers, public officials and military hierarchies involved in that regrettable and sad decision.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:34 am

Members of the MA, honorouble colleagues, today is a day that i and with me all of Cildania hoped wouldnt come. Our country has been debating on this issue for over 2 years now. We have struggled with making a decision on this subject and have reconsidered time and time agiain. But now we are certain, certain thatthe destiny of the Majatran continent is greater then the MA makes us believe. The MA is a Prime example of the failures of ambition. It has been dominated by only 1 country for far to long and has discredited the opinions of its member states without giving proper explanations.

Today i, Prime Minister Dom Troisi of Cildania, Announce the Cildanian withdrawal from the Majatran Alliance. We will put all our effort into developing a strong alliance though the MUN and create a organization that takes irs members opinion to heart. We call upon all nations in this alliance to follow our example and join the MUN. Because Majatra deserves peace and strength. And that is what the MUN will deliver. I thank you all for your cooperation in this organization and wish you best of luck in future endeavors
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:21 pm

"To form an entirely new continental union is counter-productive. It is well within the rights of member states of the Majatran Alliance to reform and re-build. I concur that the Istalian's have long since dominated the organization; however that can change. They have firmly placed their full faith and credit behind it...that is something that we can respect. Zardugal has chosen to remain within the Majatran Alliance and calls for a massive overhaul and re-dedication to the Majatran Alliance's operations. The situation that arose in Vanuku should NEVER be repeated. The usage of nuclear weapons on Majatran soil must be condemned unilaterally and with a solid voice from the largest regional organization. The Northern Council should not have a stake as much as it does in Majatra and we believe that this alliance can do that.

Zardugal will concur with the proposal of the representative from Istalia. We believe that the formation of a Majatran Alliance Court of Justice is proper; furthermore we propose that each member state of the MA will send 2 judges to serve on the Court of Justice, or whatever it is to be called, bench and it has a rotating presidency of 5 year terms."

Azmera Yaee Elias,
Permanent Representative to the Majatran Alliance
People's Democratic Republic of Zardugal
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:59 pm

Sir Kezkai Jezküst, Vanukean Ambassador to the Majatran Alliance:

Quite frankly, the reason this organisation has seemed dominated by Istalia for so long is that very few other countries have actually bothered to contribute to debates or to crafting policy or creating solutions for the betterment of Majatra. So, rather than be critical of Istalia, I would actually join the Zardic representative in commending the Republic for its efforts in trying to push things along despite being, for many years, a lone voice.

That said there is no doubt this organisation is facing an existential threat: partly due to a downturn in neighbour relations following the recent Jelbanian conflict, partly due to the aforementioned lethargy and partly due to outside interference that has put much told pressure on this body. I can understand why ambitious governments like Cildania have become disillusioned and why they feel the need to strike out with a new approach in the form of the MUN. And I think it is no secret to say that Vanuku is being heavily courted to join that organisation and loosen its ties with the MA. This is a matter we must consider given recent comments in this organisation and it is currently being debated in our Grand Council.

However, we are intrigued to see that Istalia - spearheaded by the Foreign minister's party and supported by the President's Party - is now looking to ratify the MUN treaty of full membership. ( ... lid=576100)

Does that mean that Istalia believes that the MA has had its day and that the MUN is the future? Or is the Istalian government hedging its bets and would it recommend to other nations in the MA to do the same?
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Re: Majatran Alliance's Allied Common Executive Commission

Postby Axxell » Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:15 pm

it was a very hard decision, but... actually we feel that the Majatran Alliance suffered enormously the Jelbanian crisis and all what happened. We were not able to put an end to the conflict and to avoid the worst epilogue.
It was our hope to reform the Majatran Alliance, it is true, but maybe the MUN could be a worthy successor.

Istalia can only say that it was not our intention to see the MA become an "Istalian organization", we hpped to see many nations partecipate in the Alliance, we always tried to involve as many government as possible, but often we found ourself to be a lonely voice.

I think that we must not have contrast on this changement, we think that we could join the new organization and restart a new century for Majatra. Indipendently by the organization we build, what is important is to try to work together for a peacefull and presperous Majatra.

About the Majatran Justice Court, we think that it could be formed also within the framework of the MUN and beginnig its work as we agre on its composition.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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