
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Sat Jul 14, 2018 11:45 am

Hawks Decry "Misguided Jelbek Policy"

Deltarian hawks have expressed dismay at the Government's supposedly lenient approach to the Rklemjistad Summit. Leaks that the Government had agreed to a five year timeline to withdraw from Jelbania have caused outrage among many officials of the previous administration. Odoacer Bratislav a former national security advisor to ex-Chairman Adawolf von Thaller demanded nothing less than "annexation of southern Jelbania" in an opinion peace in the Ushalandan Recorder.

Another old regime star, Mazaranna z Jler a former deputy Foreign Minister questioned, in the Deltarian Eye, the government's apparent failure to take advantage of the overwhelmingly negative international opinion of Vanuku. The latter country faces numerous condemnations, sanctions and other punitive measures. According to Jler, this should make it vulnerable to "strong Deltarian demands".

This however is far from the approach that the Sigeric von Thaller Grand Council seems to be following. As one insider stated, "it is not out of love for Vanuku that Deltaria is going soft in the peace negotiations." Deltaria's moves are seen as a rush to divert the considerable resources that it is plowing into Jelbania yearly to strengthen its own domestic economy and upgrade its armed forces before any more largescale military adventures. Chairman Thaller apparently believes that there is more to be gained via diplomacy and certain "soft actions" than any dragging on in the peace negotiations.

Deltaria apparently views itself as able to continue influencing southern Jelbania "by remote" and feels that Vanuku will not be able to mess about too much in Jelbania in coming years given its many tattered international relations and a freshly resolved dispute with Zardugal. Here Deltaria has quietly interfered, promoting oligarch Vladan Zima's apparent interest in investing in the Zardic Canal. The Grand Council has apparently ordered all departments to forward any kind of help towards the success of the project, be it supporting investors with loans or sharing any intelligence with the Zards related to the project. The rise of a rival Canal in Majatra would naturally weaken the Grand Canal's strategic and economic importance.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:10 am

Cildanian PM In Cachtice
July 4222

Chairman Sigeric von Thaller has hosted Cildanian PM Dom Troisi as part of Troisi's tour of Majatran capitals. The Chairman received Troisi at Cachtice Castle in a magnificent ceremony attended by several Deltarian dignitaries. Thaller expressed interest in his counterpart's Majatran Union of Nations (MUN) initiative and reaffirmed Deltaria's longstanding interest in pan-Majatranism. The Chairman also said that the Grand Council would consider the accession treaty in coming weeks and if it approves of it, move it for speedy ratification by the Veche.

The Chairman's move has puzzled local foreign policy experts who were gambling on him returning Deltaria to the Majatran Alliance following Deltaria's warm overtures by leading MU member Istalia. Grand Council watchers deem it to be part of the supposed "Sigeric Doctrine" of seeking to reforming the current balance of power in Majatra by supporting the rise of lesser powers and "harassment" of the old duopoly of Istalia and Vanuku.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:16 am

Operation: Restore Order

Deltaria's military operation in the Jelbek tribal areas "Operation: Restore Order" has begun. The Ministry of War announced that 85,000 Deltarian troops had entered the southern tribal areas as part of the joint Deltarian-Vanukean-FRJ post-Summit mission to restore, or rather install the rule of the Free Republic in the anarchic western bits of Jelbania. For the Deltarians this is a return to an area evacuated following the Vanukean nuclear attack.

A Deltarian soldier with Jelbek tribesmen

The Deltarians have proceeded in an "uncharacteristically gentle manner" according to an east Majatran diplomat. There have been no reports of any casualties yet three tribes close to Lake Majatra have been reported as having submitted. A horde of Deltarian religious and secular charities have followed the Army, dispensing large armounts of government and privately subsidised aid. The tribal Beks have joined the Deltarian forces with their small militias as it ventures further west into the tribal areas.

This gentle behaviour masks sinister intentions according to the Central Majatran Dispatcher. Deltaria's new leadership clearly thinks that building soft power is a less expensive and potentially equally successful method of extending and maintaining its grip on south and western Jelbania. Deltaria has affirmed that it will withdraw all its troops in Jelbania by 2029 as agreed at the Rklemjistad Summit.

The Dispatcher predicts that this soft touch behaviour will be no more once the Deltarians reach the interior and face a real foe in the Jeztrid ruler Shlajkai VII Khagan (a supposed descendant of the Deltarian Thallers' ancient enemy - the Jeztri royal clan)
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:17 am

Chairman: "Restore Order" A Success

Chairman Sigeric von Thaller has declared the ten month old Operation: Restore Order a "roaring success". The Chairman said that the Deltarian forces had managed to pacify all of the tribes in the southern half of the Tribal Areas and had taken significant territory from the Jeztrid Khagan. Very little military action has taken place in much of the process, with Von Thaller describing the process as "largely diplomatic." It has been alleged that many of the tribal leaders accepted "stipends" from the Deltarians and many have been seen spotting new cars and other signs of newly found wealth.

Jelbek Reconstruction Aid Program

The Department of Foreign Affairs has announced that Deltaria will fund a 15 billion LOD reconstruction aid program for southern Jelbania. Grand Councillor for Foreign Affairs Bela Rakosi said that Deltaria retained its view that the intervention was necessary and an act of self-preservation but also wanted to help the reunified country to get on its feet and repair much of the infrastructure damaged in the war.

The sum will be disbursed over a period of 25 years (600 million annually) and Deltaria has demanded oversight over spending. It seems part of it will be spent on projects chosen by Deltaria, chiefly the extension of the Zima railway line which may eat up to a quarter of the total package. There is also a strict requirement that at least 80% of all building supplies be sourced from Deltaria. Deltaria has defended these provisions as "necessary for national security related reasons" and also as a form of reassurance for Deltarians who have to foot the bill that it will be to their interest.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:18 pm

Deltaria Finishes Withdrawal From Jelbania
March 4428

Deltaria has withdrawn the last of its armed forces from southern Jelbania. Chairman Sigeric Thaller presided over the formal departure of the last Deltarian divisins from Zoggrad, Jelbania and praised the Army for its "exemplary conduct and unquestioned superiority" The withdrawal has been completed more than 18 months before the final date stipulated in the Rklemjistad Summit.

The departure means that Deltaria will now focus exclusively on building her soft power capabilities in Jelbania. A number of recent moves such as the newly established Deltaro-Jelbek Cultural Exchange, a number of scholarship programs for Jelbeks and a decision to reduce tariffs on Jelbek agricultural imports have all pointed to the southern bear's clear intention to remain a powerful player in the troubled central Majatran nation. If all fails and Deltaria deems it to be necessary to return in force, the agreement virtually enables Deltaria to re-occupy the demilitarised south with some ease.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:56 am

Markets Tremble Over MA-MUN Uncertainty
July 4428

Following Istalia's lead in its "Black Thursday", the Deltarian stock market has responded negatively to the rising controversy and uncertainty over the rival supranational unions the Majatran Alliance and Majatran Union of Nations. The DCAC lost an average of 3.4% - one of its largest daily losses in nearly two centuries.

Deltarian traders on Black Thursday

The uncertainty has peaked since MA leading member Istalia joined the rival MUN. The uncertainty has also been blamed on Deltaria's own devious policy of encouraging the growth of the MUN in a bid to undermine Istalian leadership of the continent. Deltaria has joined the MUN as an observer state but has kept up pretences of interest in rejoining the MA as well.

The head of the Deltarian Confederation of Industry Petr Fides has called on the Grand Council to intervene immediately and attempt to restore market confidence by adopting a clear diplomatic policy on the supranational union. So far the Ministry of Economics has only issued a statement saying that it is "keeping a close eye on the drop and believes it to be just an overdue self-correction."
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:00 pm

Government Divided On Response to Market Crash
February 4429

The Grand Council appears paralysed and divided on how best to respond the economic crash which was triggering by "Black Thursday". Chairman Sigeric Thaller's proposal to inject a multi billion Telar stimulus has been rejected by a majority of Grand Councillors (8-5) led by Dr. Constantin Illiescu, the Grand Councillor for Finance. Dr. Illiescu called the plan "socialistic" and called for a hands-off response to the crisis which he still considers to be a "market self-correction" In the past few month the stock market's losses have continued and unemployment has risen sharply.

Chairman Thaller finds himself somewhat trapped by his own success in creating a strong big tent political movement unified only by nationalism. Many in his party are former LNS national liberals and remain firmly wedded to the old ideas of market fiundamentalism. Thaller's many diversions from this eg introducing several economic regulations have long irritated his party's dominant rightwing which has itched for a confrontation. It seems the moment has finally arrived.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Thu Jul 26, 2018 6:12 am

Thaller Founds New Party
April 4429

Chairman of the Grand Council Sigeric von Thaller has founded a new party the Radical Party. The move comes after the Chairman was removed from the leadership of the Great Deltarian League as disputes over a response to the economic crisis worsened. The Chairman rallied centrist and leftwing League legislators favourable to a more muscular intervention in the economic crisis and formed his new party. The disputes in the League are longstanding, conservatives and libertarians have opposed at times Thaller's foreign policy and federalist measures, often blocking some of the reforms.

Having managed to attract a large majority of legislators (211 out of 250) leaving his rivals as he said, "naked". In a vicious reshuffle, he's poised to dismiss many of the 8 Grand Councillors opposed to his approach and replace them with some of his backbench allies. The priority for the new Grand Council will be a massive stimulus program aimed at ending the economic downturn.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:57 am

Rumours of Right Wing Opposition
August 4429

Rumours are circulating that Adawolf Von Thaller's youngest son Carolus Von Thaller is planning to found a new Right Wing Political Movement to oppose the left and centrist bloc formed by recently dismissed Grand Council Chairman Sigeric Von Thaller. He is posed to gather up the opposition to Sigeric and stop the planned stimulus program at all costs. It is rumoured that his new party will have a more free-market oriented method of ending the economic downturn.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby CCP » Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:52 pm

Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
Movement for Radical Libertarianism, Talmoria
Enarekh Koinonia, Cobura
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