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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby LarsO » Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:10 pm

Massive protest against budget cuts
Hunderds of thousands gathered in the capital to protest the budget cuts.

27 february 4428 - Port Golavia Hunderds of thousands of Lodamese protested yesterday in the capital against the budget cut measures proposed by the current right-winged cabinet. The protests were organized by a joined effort of the Progressive Socialist Party and the Lodamun Labour Party. "I am amazed and impressed that so many of our voters and perhaps even many of those who didn't vote for us showed up to support the protests on this cold day. In my eyes this shows the resentment by the people of Lodamun against the plans proposed by the cabinet." said Owen Huxley, leader of the LLP. James McAvoy, parliamentary leader of the PSP, added: "These protests show how many people have lost their trust in the government, listen to them and write out new elections!" The protests come at a difficult time for the sitting cabinet, as the Conservative Democrats left the coalition, stating that there was a lack of coordination between the members of the coalition.


Liberal Progressives abolished!
Former LP leadership urges voters to vote for the Progressive Socialist Party.

2 march 4428 - Port Golavia In a major upset today, Liberal Progressive leader Maynard Rand announced his party’s resignation from both the Presidium and the cabinet. ‘This government no longer sits well with us, I have been holding meetings with president Voncken and we want to let the progressive part of our party become the prominent one. Having two progressive parties makes no sense, it would only split the vote. Therefore, the Liberal Progressives are from this very moment defunct as a political party. I have offered our resignation from the cabinet and urge all our supporters to vote for PSP candidates in the necessary upcoming elections. It was an honour serving this body, though a short one, and I look forward to working together with the PSP in the future.’ With the Liberal Progressives leaving the Presidium; 58 seats become vacant, this prevents the current coalition to replace the resigned ministers, as the Lodamese law doesn't allow for new cabinet proposals with vacant seats in the Presidium.
Lodamun Labour Party - 2nd Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ReformedEndralon » Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:31 pm

All Change!

June 4428

Election results are in and the “constructive chaos” that has dominated Lodamese politics in the last 21 months is set to continue. Following the Conservatives leaving the governing coalition and the Liberal Progressive disbanding as a party, the Republicans and National Socialists lost 108 seats. As a result the previous government can no longer continue as its supporters only have 162 seats in the Presidium.

Four parties including the Progressive Socialists, Secular Humanists, Labour Party and New Green Party made gains on the back of the disbandment of the Liberal Progressives. The new Lodamese Workers Assembly made strong inroads into working class support for the Republican Party and the National Socialists taking 77 seats, albeit the LWA is based upon the foundations of the historic Lodamese National Coalition that disbanding less than 20 years ago and as such was able to rapidly market itself to its former electorate. Finally the Conservative Democratic Union seem to have been rewarded by the electorate for breaking with the government coalition in gaining 23 seats.

In a reasonably significant silver lining for the losing government parties, Francis Young, leader of the Republicans, secured election to the Presidency at his second attempt. He had lost back in 4426 by just under 50,000 votes in the second round although this time defeated the same opponent President Voncken by over 12 million votes.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby LarsO » Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:18 pm

Lodamun Naval Renewal Program a succes
New Golavia-class leave for their first mission.

The two Golavia-class Destroyers, Devis and Cohen

22 August 4428 - Providence Three new frigates and two newly developed destroyers are the result of the Naval Renewal program ushered in by the former Minister of Defence Noorwood C. Kemp (LLP) in 4423. From the Lodamun Naval Docks in Providence the new destroyers were launched for their first mission. "These ships will be used to protect the waters of Lodamun and to uphold Lodamun's part in the Naval-Cooperation with Kalistan." said captain François Hus of the Devis. The project was the first step in the Army Modernization Act (AMA), which has as goal to modernize the Lodamese Armed Forces. Former Minister of Defence Kemp was present at the launch of the vessels: "I am very proud of the result, it shows the vitallity of the Lodamese industry and gives our naval forces the boost they need. The first part was a succes, it is now up to my successor and the Presidium to continue the AMA." Which will likely happen, the Ministry of Defence has currently saved up to 4.25 Billion LOD in the Army Modernization Fund for futher modernization, 2,5 Billion LOD will be added to that every year as result of the AMA.
Lodamun Labour Party - 2nd Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 6:58 am

Political landslide: who is LWA?
November 5, 4428

The most recent elections in Lodamun could be called historical for several reasons. One new, small party managed to gather over 70 seats in the Presidium and has made a statement they are here to stay. But what is LWA actually. And what's the reason for their early success? We spoke to their chairman.

Mr. Waleski, we would like to start with congratulating you and your party for the fine result during election. You must feel thrilled.
Well, actually I was very pleased to hear that we got 77 seats in the Presidium. But we will still have the duty to prove we are worthy of representing an important part of Lodamese civilization. Next elections will be the real test for us. Most of our votes we got in Rapula and Golavia. We will need to expand and make sure citizens from over the nation know who we are and what we stand for.
What does your party stand for then?
LWA was founded after the economical struggle we had in Rapula after the neverending reforms and the budgetary cutbacks. There was a plan in the factory I work to step up and engage in politics and thus giving the workers a voice. That again explains our modest success in Rapula. We are a party that consists of workers and that has one primary goal: to change the workers' conditions and providing them the means to feed and take care of their families. To get going, we needed some advice on how a political party is being run. Luckily, Rosie Marreels, daughter of former President Devis, accepted an advisory role and led us into the political scene. She now is in office as Minister of Internal Affairs. We owe a lot to her. She, as her family, is still very popular throughout Rapula.
Is she the one who advised you to support the Republican Presidential candidate?
Not really, we never gave it that much of a thought. We actually received some advice from the Republicans and they informed us about what was going on in the Presidium, since we were new. We believed it to be a logical move to support Mr. Young during elections. Because of our voters, he actually got elected President.
Some people say that LWA overthrew the political landscape. They got Mr. Young to be President, but on the other hand they chose to get into a coalition without the Republican Party.
That's were Rosie steps in again. We knew the President would be grateful for our support to his party and that the RP would keep that in mind while forming a coalition. Unfortunately, that never happened. Rosie had advised us to talk with Mr. McAvoy, who has worked with her mother and from whom she knows is a noble politician. We got around the table and worked out a deal. The current Prime Minister was pleased to have us on board, and up to now, we are pleased with the coalition as well.
What changes may we expect from your party?
We will not be making to much of a proposal yet. We will see to it that no decision are taken that could damage the position of the working class. Afterwards, there will be room for changes. Up to now, we have an advisory role within the coalition.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Doc » Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:29 pm

Lodamun and Kalistan to jointly develop new Submarine
Construction to begin at Kaliburg in 4432

Kalistan and Lodamun will jointly develop a new cutting edge submarine for service in the Anantonese Ocean.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby LarsO » Sun Jul 29, 2018 3:29 pm

Kalistani and Lodamese Navies hold large scale exercise
Joint week-long exercise contains all elements of naval warfare.

Kalistani ships fire on coastal targets

Lodamese Marines land near Bozo River CATC

Anantonese Ocean - A large week-long exercise operation took place recent week in the Anantonese Ocean. The joint-exercise was conducted by the naval forces of Kalistan and Lodamun. The both navies practiced each aspect of naval warfare, from tasks like refueling at sea and maneuvers to live fire coastal bombardments and amphibious landings. The first two days of the exercise took place near the coast of Norstavan (Lodamun). There ships of both navies practiced signalling, communication, spotting and maneuvers, to optimise the collaboration between the two fleets. Part of the pratice was a combat situation. In this hypothetical situation enemy submarines, a role played by Kalistani submarines, tried to 'sink' the vessels of the combined fleet. "This is an very important aspect." said captain François Hus of the Lodamese destroyer Cohen, "Our navies are tasked with protecting the Anatonese Ocean, which we have done for over 140 years already. Submarines can pose a great threat to ships in naval combat, it is not unthinkable that we might face realy enemy submarines in the future. If such an attack takes place we must be certain that there are no failures in communication." Both the ships and the submarines took their task very serious, as if they truely engaged in combat. On the first day the submarines managed to get seven major hits on Lodamese and Kalistani vessels of which two would likely have resulted in the destruction of two vessels, making them the clear victors of that day. The next day, however, the submarines were less succesful, getting only two major hits with one of their own submarines 'destroyed'.

The third and fourth day were live fire missions, in which Kalistani and Lodamese ships tried to destroy targets on land, in the air and sea. In this exercise Kalistan took a leading role, as their field of expertise is naval atillery use, which became even more clear in the results. With Kalistani ships hitting 85% of their targets, whilst Lodamese ships had a 71% hit ratio. "The Kalistani are specialists on this field, which means Lodamun can learn a lot from our allies." said Ensign Lucas of the Devis. The last three days were used for large landing operations at Bozo River CATC on Ananto. Four Lodamese marine battalions and seven Kalistani battalions were deployed along several kilometers of coastline and ordered to secure beachheads. Troops of the Kalistani army were tasked with protecting the shores and defending the area around Bozo River CATC from the invaders. With live fire being used as the landing crafts approached, the nations wanted to create as much of a realistic effect as possible. On the third day the marines were victories, fully securing the beachheads for reinforcements to arrive.

At the end of the week both nations decleared the exercise a succes, commending eachother on the results. Kalistan and Lodamun seek to work closer together, as just recently both nations annouced they will start joint-development and production of a new type submarine.
Lodamun Labour Party - 2nd Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 4:57 pm

Change in Lodamun
September 4433

With the dissapearance of the Republican Party a lot has changed in Lodamuns political landscape. With the largest fraction gone, a new one has emerged. The Lodamese National Democratic Party has managed to get a quarter of the seats in the Presidium. Out of nothing...

While the Seculists still managed to deliver the President, with support of the other parties in their concubine, it is now up to the smaller and unknown parties to step up. It seems obvious that thee parties will form a ew cabinet. We have the two largest parties, LNDP and CDUL, that seem to have no access to the former majority. On the other hand we have two smaller parties, concentrating on the working class of Lodamese civilisation, NSLWP and LWA. This proposal was listed after intensive meetings with Mrs. Rogue from LNDP and Mr. Waleski from LWA.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:26 pm

Waleski no longer LWA chairman
New chairman after nearly 26 years
July 6, 4452

LWA members have voted for their representative. For the first time in their history, the chairman won't be Marinus Waleski. He didn't get through his fifth election last night. New chairman, who is to be installed today, will be 42 year old Bruno Backx.
While Waleski still is very popular among LWA members, he wasn't re-elected last night. Some say that party members weren't entirely convinced with the course LWA was steering the last few years. Waleski managed to get 63% of the votes five years ago but has now dropped to a disappointing 39%.
Bruno Backx, a 42 year old scientist, smashed Marinus Waleski yesterday. He promised some changes on economic level as well as some social changes. He assured the public that no new taxes would be needed to make a financial injection into our economical system and that little by little he would alter the support for the economically weaker ones among us.
Waleski will stay politically active, but it is uncertain what role he will get appointed.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:42 am

We need to certify Lodamuns position in Terra
December 20, 4452

At the end of the year Bruno Backx, chairman of LWA, did a summary of his first months as party chairman and glanced to the future. He has some plans with our nation, but the key would be a massive investment in economy and infrastructure. He was backed by Trade & Industry Minister Andre Walschot and by economy expert Thorgan Donitz.
"Lodamun has always had a very good economical position in Terra, but we need to act if we want to prevent a recession and if we want to grow and climb the international ladder. We need to focus on a strong and healthy economy, but we should not forget that international trade is the key to success. During the last few decades we have witnessed our nation working close together with neighbouring countries, and we should continue doing so."
It seems very obvious what course Backx is willing to steer. Investing in infrastructure should boost the national and international trade. There already is a financial change presented to the Presidium, but those budget changes will not at all be sufficient for the megastructures Backx is dreaming of.
It was Thorgan Donitz that presented the idea that might change Lodamun forever: "Looking at today's commercial freighting, we must admit that some of our ports are hardly sufficient in both infrastructure or size to compete with other Seleyan nations. We need to make a massive investment in our ports, or we will miss the chance to take a lead in international seatrade. I have come up with a plan to put Lodamun on the map again. If we take a close look at Terra and our nation, we see that we have ignored the eastern part of Terra somewhat. The ports we currently have at the northern boundary will be sufficient for the next 2 or 3 decades to ensure trade with the nations to our west. We should commence construction of a large port complex at the east coast. There are a few shore infrastructures that would lend themselves very well for this huge investment."
The plan is to build a harbor mainly at sea. The current infrastructure would be adapted according to plan and a huge island would be created at sea. A peninsula that would serve as a port. It would be the biggest port of Seleya, being able to berth the largest vessels known to man.
"The investment would be one of many billions of LOD, but in the end it would be worth it. According to the plan we wouldn't need any other port on the east coast, which doesn't mean that we will close down the smaller ports we have on that coastline as it is," Walschot said. "We are looking if we can raise part of the money by investors. A couple of firms and multinationals have said to be interested in supporting the idea. Two Lodamese factories have already made claims by investments on a location in the new port. These are Seleyan Steel Factory and United Shipping, which are currently investigating the possibility to build a new shipyard in joint-venture."
The future looks bright for our economy if we may believe LWA chairman Backx. He predicts that, if the Presidium accepts the plan and if enough money can be raised, the port would be operational within 5 years from the start of the construction.
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