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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby CCP » Thu Jul 19, 2018 2:50 pm

A Royal Wedding in Cildania Amidst Growing Ties With Newly-Emerging Majatran Power

Princess Nefertari is the first person of royal blood to marry into the Cildanian ruling family


QART QILDAR -- Wedding bells rang out today to mark the nuptials of Her Imperial Highness Princess Nefertari of Hawu Mumenhes with His Royal Highness Prince Alessandro of Cildania. The bride is a distant relative of both His Majesty The King and the Empress Esintsundu. The groom is the younger brother of Aiden Laviéra, a former political activist chosen by the Cildanian government to found a new monarchy for the Northern Majatran nation.

Rumors of a gathering romance followed closely on the heels of a quasi-official visit to Hawu Mumenhes by Prince Alessandro early in the reign of King Nkosinathi. Though turned away by government officials under then-President Lemarcus Morrison, Prince Alessandro enjoyed a warmer welcome from The Order of Nobles, a little-known chivalrous society that advocates hereditary nobility. Princess Nefertari is popular within such circles both on account of her professional reputation as a nobility historian and her blood ties to the Imperial Family. The Princess is a 3rd great-granddaughter of Saksoure VI who founded the Esinsundu Empire. Introduced to one another at a private Order of Nobles dinner, the pair bonded over hereditary esoterica, and the rest is history.

Although such distant blood ties don't count for much in Hawu Mumenhes (the Princess, born Nefertari Shabangu-Saksoure, was hardly regarded as a true princess within the country since the only title she inherited, Princess du Sang de Rildanor, is shared by several thousand descendants of a Rildanorienne immigrant prince named Patrice Josephus de l'Hôpital who died 700 years ago), they're the coin of the realm in a young monarchy like Cildania, whose royals and nobles boast no blood, but only ballots.

Prince Alessandro found a far more favorable reception from President Wilburn Battersby's Administration than that of former President Morrison. 'The Triosi government has been pushing for formal relations with Aqqak for some time,' said veteran pundit Qiniso Sibanyoni, currently a Fellow at the University of Soleb. 'For the Cildanians, linking up with a global power and ancient monarchy like the Esinsundu Empire is a sign of legitimacy in world affairs, which was important for them in the early stages of transition to a Federal Monarchy form of government. When they initially sent Alessandro to make diplomatic overtures, the answer from the Morrison Administration was, 'diplomatic relations, fine, but a royal marriage, out of the question.' They viewed it as degrading the prestige of the monarchy to have a member of the Imperial Family marry someone so far beneath their rank,' Sibanyoni told The Scribe.

But back-channel talks seemed to ramp up during the heat of the Jelbanian War. 'Hawu Mumenhes is well placed in Majatra due to the presence of Cobura and Imperial Armed Forces military bases there,' observed Sibanyoni. 'But at some point during the fighting between Deltaria and Vanuku, the decision in consultation with some allies was that a strategic advantage could be constructed by expanding Imperial footprints throughout greater Majatra for increased soft power benefits if only marginally greater force projection. So the Battersby Administration has taken that fully onboard and early on identified the new Cildanian government as a dependable partner for the effort.'

Though the embers of the Jelbania conflict have begun to subside, President Battersby is thought by many analysts to remain hungry for a show of heft in the southern hemisphere. As a sign of the Hawu government's about face on Cildanian relations, the Administration prevailed on former President Morrison, now a top counselor to the Imperial Family, to support Alessandro's request for permission to wed then-Ms. Shabangu-Saksoure. And turn about they did. Not only did His Majesty The King issue scrolls granting the royal assent, but additional scrolls elevated Nefertari to the title of Princess Esintsundu, a rank usually reserved only for children of the Emperor and Empress. Since the engagement announcement, the one-time history professor has been known as Her Imperial Highness Princess Nefertari, Princess Esintsundu, Princess du Sang de Rildanor (though the Royal Scrolls pointedly stipulated that only the Rildanorienne title would be inherited by any children born to the couple, the Esintsundu title being a rare and personal gift of His Majesty granted only for the duration of the Princess's natural life).

And accompanying the Princess Esintsundu on her wedding day? 'A throng of ships amongst an escort of war birds.' That's right: just like the heady language of the Preamble to the Hawu Mumenhes Constitution, the 'Falcon Living Forever' will be nesting permanently at a Hawu military base stationed in Barbaro, Cildania. Imperial footprint accomplished (though the Cildanian government also received basing rights in Hawu Mumenhes as part of the deal).

Emerging from the cathedral after swearing vows of love and devotion before the klieg lights of television cameras and the hopeful glare of the Cildanian people, the newly-married royals traveled by open carriage on the long parade route from the federal capital to the Ducal Palace in the Duchy of Barbaro. There, the Prince and Princess will reign as Duke and Duchess of Barbaro and pass on the titles to their heirs following King Aiden's creation of a hereditary nobility with Prince Alessandro as the senior duke.

And what's in store for the future of the Duke and Duchess? First: children, since the Laviéra brood are no doubt greatly anticipating the first babe of the blood royal ever born into their newly-minted Dynasty. Further afield, both Prime Minister Dom Triosi and King Aiden are said to have ambitious plans in the political arena for the Duke of Barbaro. During the last elections, Triosi's party nominated Prince Alessandro for Hand of the King, a kind of viceroy in place of the largely ceremonial monarch. Was the Duke consulted on the matter? 'No, they never asked me,' Prince Alessandro said with a bemused chuckle in a recent interview. 'But such is our duty as the royal family. We do whatever must be done for the sake of the people.'

-Yannick Pirera, March 4426
for Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation in partnership with The Daily Scribe
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby CCP » Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:05 pm

Cildanian Influence Rises from Ashes of Istalian Missteps (@24:05)

This is Episode 2 of Terran Global Newswire Live!'s Politics Anonymous.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:01 pm

August 4431
After the retirement of 10 year Prime Minister Troisi, Ino Franco becomes the new leader of both the party and the country

It was expected by many within the Centrist People's Party and also suspected by some outside of it. The young politician Ino Franco who made name by becoming Troisi's most trusted advisor has taken the position of party leadership as well as Prime Minister. The 38 year old politician was unknown until 4 years ago when he managed to be elected into parliament and became rather close to the Prime Minister. After he realised that as an MP he could not actively advise the Prime Minister he resigned his post as MP and became a close advisor to Troisi.

Now the charismatic young politician is set to continue the work of his predeseccor and has already taken steps to prepare visits to several important Majatran nations as well as preparing for the arrival of the brand new fleet Cildania has purchased from Vanuku.

With Cildanian influence in the region growing and a young new politician at the helm of the nation we wonder how the country will develop and what lies ahead for its people.

New party leader and Prime Minister Ino Franco during his designation by parliament
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:49 pm

August 4431
Vittor Barra, former Cildanian ambassador to Istalia has been chosen by the Prime Minister as the cildanian candidate

After months of deliberation and consideration the Cildanian government has put forward their candidate for the MUN presidency. Vittor Barra, Former ambassador to Istalia has been selected, "and excellent choice" says foreign expert Tinali Mionelli

Barra was one of the key players in negotiations concerning Istalian entry into the MUN and thanks to him the MUN is now taking small steps into overtaking the MA and its assets. If Barra is elected president he will also know the inner workings of the organization as he has also partially drafted its constitution and provisions. Overall Barra is an excellent choice to serve as the first MUN president

Mionelli also added that according to some within Vanuku government circles the Vanukean government is already preparing to pledge all their representatives to Barra. With such a great power already supporting Barra it will only be a matter of time before others follow suit he expects.

Barra shown during his time as ambassador
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:01 pm

September 4431
The highly advanced ships that Cildania purchased from Vanuku have arrived in the naval port of Qart Qildar

It was one of the biggest festivities in years. The big and modern ASW destroyer in front with the cruisers and frigates behind it. An entire new fleet for the Cildanian navy arrived in the capital with the king, Prime Minister and Vanukan Prefect all watching while the ships raised the cildanian flag and the drums kept playing.

This marks a new Era for the cildanian navy which was until now relatively small for an island. But with this purchase Cildania has managed to create a modern fleet well prepared for the tasks ahead.
The Vanukan Prefect also sat down with King Aiden and the Prime Minister. Experts say that in this meeting the 3 men talked about the new jelbanian crisis and on MUN cooperation.

The carriage in which the King and Prefect made their tour around the cildanian capital

The Prefect also received a tour of the capital inside the golden carriage of King Aiden with thousands upon thousands of people lining up in the streets to see their king and the prefect.

With this new fleet now formally in Cildanian hands their plans for a stronger navy are finally becoming reality.

The new CRN Octavian destroyer escorted by patrol boats entering the Qildar port

One of the 5 frigates also entering the Qart Qildar harbour with people celebrating in their own boats around it
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Maxington » Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:56 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Tue Jul 31, 2018 6:56 am

Artiklu importanti meħud mill-Gazzetta tal-Gżiri

X'aktarx, il-koalizzjoni tal-NDC ħa jmexxi l-gvern ta' Qildanija għal dawn it-tlett snin li ġejjin. Il-PEP naqas b'nofs waqt li l-C-GCP irnexxa ħafna,il-PL daħlu fil-Parlament waqt li l-PTC waqqfu jeżistu. Wieħed mill-partiti tal-NDC, il-Partit Demokratiku(DP) qal li kien lest li "jneħħi l-lingwa tal-Gżiri għall-dejjem" minħabba "t-traddiment tal-C-GCP"
Qiegħed fil-periklu l-Gżiri?
An important article taken from the Gziri Gazette

An NDC government will most probably lead Cildania for the next 3 years. The PEP crashed by HALF whilst the C-GCP surged, the Libertarians have also entered the Parliament whilst the PTC have disbanded themselves. One of the NDC parties, the DP said that it was willing to "eliminate Gziri forever" for 'the C-GCP's betrayal'.
Is the Gziri Language under threat?

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:07 am

L-aħbarijiet riċenti(L-ewwel Parti)
Lulju 4432
-Il-koalizzjoni tal-NDC għadhom kif uffiċjalment iffurmaw l-gvern u l-kabinet tagħhom. Din hi l-lista ta' Ministri li ħa jkunu fil-gvern għal dawn it-tlett snin li ġejjin
Prim Ministru - Mrs. Aleksandra Kaloudi(MODAS)
Tal-Affari Barranin - Dimitris Koutsoumpas(UDL)
Tal-Affari Interni - Liana Kanelli(UDL)
Finanzi - Mrs. Sofia Kakali(MODAS)
Difiza - Mrs. Anna Antonouli(MODAS)
Ġustizzja - Mr. Nikos Koutsautikis(MODAS)
Infrastrattura u Trasport - Erica Scott(PL)
Tas-Saħħa u tas-Servizzi Soċjali - Thodoros Skylakos(UDL)
Edukazzjoni u Kultura - Wandra Prischop(DP)
Xjenza u Teknoloġija - Solomon Bowie(DP)
Ikel u Aggrikultura - John Sterburge(DP)
Ambjent u Turiżmu - Dereck Adams(PL)
Kummerċ u Industrija - Evard Adams(PL)

- Hija ħaġa ironika u tad-daħk li partit li ma jafx jikteb għandu l-ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni.
- L-istess partit(li kien qal li ħa jneħħi l-Gżiri għal dejjem) għandu l-ministeru tal-Kultura.....
- L-UDL li lanqas hu kapaċi jitkellem mal-oppożizzjoni mhux ħa jkun kapaċi jieħu sehem f'Affari Barrani(li għandu bħala ministeru)
- Anna Antonouli ħa tkun kapaċi li tkompli timmodernizza l-militarju ta' Qildanija?
- MODAS kif ġew fdati bil-Ministeru tal-Finanzi meta huma kienu dawk li għollew t-taxxi għal massimu ta' 80%?
- UDL kienu qalu li lesti biex jarrestaw r-re Aiden li m'għamilx att kriminali. Mela għalfejn għandhom l-Ministeru tal-Affari Interni(li jinkludi l-pulizija)?
Ma tistax tkun pożittiv fuq dan il-kabinet meta int tkun rajt dawn il-kummenti kollha speċjalment la tara li l-Gżiri ħa jiġi affetwat ħafna.
Recent News(Part 1)
July 4432
-The NDC have officially formed a government and its cabinet. These Ministers will be on the Cabinet for at least 3 years.
Prime Minister - Mrs. Aleksandra Kaloudi(MODAS)
Foreign Affairs - Dimitris Koutsoumpas(UDL)
Internal Affairs - Liana Kanelli(UDL)
Finance - Mrs. Sofia Kakali(MODAS)
Defence - Mrs. Anna Antonouli(MODAS)
Justice - Mr. Nikos Koutsautikis(MODAS)
Infrastructure and Transport - Erica Scott(PL)
Health and Social Services - Thodoros Skylakos(UDL)
Education and Culture - Wandra Prischop(DP)
Science and Technology - Solomon Bowie(DP)
Food and Agriculture - John Sterburge(DP)
Environment and Tourism - Dereck Adams(PL)
Trade and Industry - Evard Adams(PL)

- The fact that a party that can't write properly has the Ministry of Education is funny
- The same party(that has also threatened to remove Gziri forever) also has the Ministry of Culture....
- The UDL isn't even willing to talk to the opposition let alone able to talk to foreign powers
- Is Anna Antonouli capable of continuing to modernize the military?
- How have MODAS been trusted with the Ministry of Finance when they have set the max. tax rate at 80%?
- The UDL has said that they're willing to arrest King Aiden. Then why have they been trusted with Internal Affairs(which includes police)?
There is no way that you can be positive about the cabinet when you have seen all these comments especially when you see that Gziri will be highly affected.

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:52 am

L-aħbarijiet riċenti(It-tieni parti)
Lulju 4432
C-GCP u l-PEP għadhom kif għamlu alleanza sura li ħa tiddefendi l-lingwa tagħna. Ta' taħt huma d-dettalja tagħha.
Koalizzjoni tal-Monarkisti Qildaniji
Malli partit jirratifika u jiffirma dan il-kuntratt, għandu kull dritt u risponsabbilta biex jkun magħruf bit-'tag' tal-KMQ(CMC) fuq l-isem tal-partit. Il-partiti li s'issa iffirmaw dan il-kuntratt huma; C-GCP, PEP

L-ideali tal-koalizzjoni:
-Koalizzjoni ta' partiti pragmatiċi li jkunu magħqudin fil-gvern u fl-opposizzjoni biex jieħdu ħsieb dawn l-ideat li ġejjin:
-Il-Monarkija u s-sistema tar-re Aiden ħa tibqa f'Qildanija; Il-kandidat tal-id tar-Re(HoS)tal-KMQ ħa jkun il-kandidat tal-C-GCP.
-Gziri ħa jibqa l-lingwa uffiċjali ta' Qildanija għal dejjem.
-Qildanija ħa tkompli bit-triq tal-PTC u ħa ssir poter ikbar fil-MUN(RP)

Klawsi Tekniċi
-Partiti li huma interresati li jidħlu ġol-koalizzjoni irridu jiġu approvati mill-membri kollha f'kunferenza.
-Il-partiti huma obbligati li jivvotaw favur/kontra proposi li jgħinu/jweġġgħu dawk l-ideati li huma miktubin bl-'italics'.
-Dak kollu li mhuwiex bl-'italics' inkluż l-isem jista' jinbidel faċilment jekk il-partiti tal-koalizzjoni kollha ikunu jixtiequ.
-Partiti li jixtiequ li jitilqu mill-koalizzjoni iridu jgħidu dan lill-koalizzjoni ġurnata(irl) qabel ma jitilqu. Wara dan, isiru sett ta' laqgħat fejn wara l-partit jista' jiddeċiedi jekk ma jitlaqx mill-koalizzjoni jew le.
-Partiti li jmorru kontra l-ideat huma f'ċans li jittieħdu konsegwenzi kontrihom li jiddeċiduhom il-membri oħra tal-koalizzjoni.

Fl-aħħar, il-lingwa tal-Gziri għandha partit u koalizzjoni sod li ħa jiddefendiha
Fejn qiegħdha l-kuntratt uffiċjali tal-NDC?
Recent News(Part 2)
July 4432
The C-GCP and the PEP have just made an alliance that will defend our language. The details of this alliance are underneath.
Cildanian Monarchist Coalition
As from the signing of this deal, all parties who ratify this deal shall proudly wear the CMC tag on their party names. The current parties who have ratified this deal; C-GCP, PEP

The coalition's raison d'etre/ideals:
-A coalition of pragmatic parties that are united in opposition or government in upholding the following ideals/promises:
-The Monarchy of King Aiden and his Hand of the King system shall stay in Cildania; The HotK(HoS) nominee for the CMC shall be the C-GCP nominee.
-Gziri shall forever remain as the official language of Cildania and its people.
-Cildania shall continue down the PTC's path and expand to be an even greater power in the MUN(RP)

Technical Clauses
-Parties who are interested in joining the coalition must be unilaterally approved by all of its members via a conference.
-Parties are legally obliged to vote for/against bills that support/hurt the ideals in italics.
-All that isn't in italics incl. the name can easily be changed by a unilateral agreement amongst all of the coalition's members.
-Parties who wish to leave the coalition must tell this to the coalition a (irl)day prior to leaving. A round of negotiations will be held after which the party can decide to remain or leave anyways.
-Parties that violate the ideals are susceptible to consequences that are decided by the remaining parties

As said, at last, Gziri will have an official coalition to help defend it.
Where is the NDC's official deal?

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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:58 pm

Dikjarazzjoni mill-Gazzetta tal-Gżiri
"Il-Parlament ta' Qildanija għadu kif ivvuta fuq il-proposta mill-C-GCP li kien jbiddel l-isem uffiċjali tal-pajjiż biex jiġi jirrapreżentat l-Gżiri. Allavolja l-proposta ġabet l-maġġor parti ta' voti, xorta ma rnexxixt. Dan hu minħabba l-fatt li biex tgħaddi proposta bħal din, 2/3 tar-Rapresentanti tal-Parlament iridu jivvutaw favur. Nirringrazzjaw lil kull rappresentant li vvuta favur din il-proposta u allura ħa nagħtu lista ta' partiti li vvutaw favur bħala irringrazzjament minn dawk kollha li jitkellmu bil-Gżiri;"
Il-CMC sħiħ
Independent Grouping for Life(partit ġdid u bla siġġu)

Aħbarijiet Oħra
- Il-NDC qegħdin jippruvaw jagħmlu kabinet ġdid ftit iktar minn sena qabel l-elezzjoni. Alli jista' jkun, ġara xi ħaġa? Għax sibna li l-ikbar partit tagħhom għandu inqas ministeri mill-iżgħar wieħed(PL)
- 'The Sharba Climate Accords' qegħdin fil-proċess li jiġu ratifikati. Għamilna riċerka u sibna li l-gvern ta' Qildanija m'għamel l-ebda parti biex jieħu sehem fil-laqgħat li għamel dawn l-akkordji. Forsi tgħid "Imbilli?" Imma mbagħad tinduna li Qildanija għamlet pleġġ biex tirratifika dawn l-akkordi!
Declaration from the Gziri Gazette
"The Federal Assembly of Cildania has just voted on a piece of legislation from the C-GCP that would have represented the Gziri language. Even though a majority of the Assembly voted for it, the bill failed. This is because a 2/3 majority hadn't been reached in the Assembly. On behalf all Gziris, we thank those who have voted for such legislation and as a little present, we shall be listing all parties who voted for it;"
The entire CMC
Independent Grouping for Life(a new party without any seats)

Other News
- The NDC are trying to make a new cabinet a little over a year before elections. Has something occured that caused this? Cause we found out that the largest party in the NDC(UDEL) has less ministries than the smallest party(PL).
- The Sharba Climate Accords are in the process of being ratified. We have done research and found out that the Cildanian government didn't do anything in order to contribute/give its opinion regarding the proposals. You might say "Is that a problem?" but then you quickly notice that Cildania has made a pledge to ratify the accords in question!

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