Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jul 30, 2018 1:45 pm

Herlkai Bókkatéz, Leader of the Majatran Reform Party (MRP)

Mr Speaker,

May I say what a honour it is that the voters have chosen to elect the MRP as the largest party in the first election of this Grand Assembly. We also extend our congratulations to all other parties in MUNGA and look forward to our future debates.

We stand for the many millions who want positive reform of Majatra but not at the sake of radical or destabilising changes to government or a nation's constitution, which could affect stability. This is why the first topic I wish to bring up in this session is the current situation in Jelbania where a new government has taken control and is attempting to eject other nations who are there legitimately, based on the agreement of the Rklmjistad Conference.

This nation is also withdrawing from the MUN, the Union of Jelbic Peoples and becoming very isolationist. Given the work nations have put in to try to rebuild Jelbania since its reunification we wonder what other Assembly members think of the current government's action and what we can do to persuade that nation from withdrawing from this organisation?

If left to its own devices we feel Jelbania is susceptible to falling into deep economic recession and its people will become impoverished very quickly particularly as they have not had time to recover from the long war that left many parts of the country devastated.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:23 pm

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

We, just like the honourable leader of the MRP, also congratulate all other members in this assembly on their election and thank the people for voting on the GCPM.

As for the situation in Jelbania we also have the same concerns as the MRP has. Jelbania was on track into becoming economically and socially stable once more but is now on a path of destruction that could cause yet another Jelbanian crisis.
I would suggest that this assembly will draft a bi-partisan statement adressed directly to the Jelbanian government explaining the dangerous course they are pursuing and the effects it could have for their people. We should also include in this statement an explanation on the repercussions of them continuing this dangerous behaviour.

I would like to hear the rest of our Assembly members opinions on this proposal and on the situation in general
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jul 30, 2018 4:56 pm

Herlkai Bókkatéz, Leader of the Majatran Reform Party (MRP):

We agree with the leader of the GCP regarding the drafting of a formal statement.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby HenryLee » Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:11 pm

Dan Laski, Leader of the Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)

I would like to personally extend my congratulations to the other parties of the Grand Assembly and express my dearest hope that we can all work together to ensure this organization's success. I would also like to express my deepest thanks to the voters who supported the MLS, as well as those who took part in the first MUN Grand Assembly election.

The first matter our party would like to discuss is the situation that is growing in Jelbania. We too are worried about the new government's push for isolationism and fear both the economic and social repercussions of such actions. The MLS supports the suggestion made by the leader of the GCPM and hopes to aid in the drafting of a formal statement for the Jelbanian Government.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:01 pm

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

Hereby i propose the following statement that, upon its passing and after presidential ratification, shall be send to the Jelbanian government

Dear Representative of the Jelbanian government,

Hereby the Majatran Union of Nations presses the new government of Jelbania into stepping away from the aggressive and dangerous course it has undertaken.

All majatran nations are at a turning point in their history where they have to work together. That is what we must do now as well, Jelbania needs to take its responsibility and honor its commitments made in the treaty signed between them, Vanuku and Deltaria.

If the Jelbanian government proceeds with the continued harassment of the legitimate presence of Deltarian and Vanukan troops in Jelbania for the duration of the treaty the MUN will take immediate and proportional actions. 


The Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly




This proposal shall be send to the president for ratification once at least half of the Assembly votes in favour

OOC: In this case it will be send to the president once a president is elected.
Also, for future refference, if you want a bill proposed send me a message with the bill in the format listed in the first post so i will put it in the proper voting format as well.
Last edited by Rogue on Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby cm9777 » Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:06 am

MFM Representative

The Majatran Federalist Movement votes AYE
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:50 am

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

The Grand Conservative Party of Majatra votes AYE
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:23 am

Herlkai Bókkatéz, Leader of the Majatran Reform Party (MRP):

The Majatran Reform Party votes AYE
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:33 am

The required votes are in and proposal 1.1 shall be send to the president for its signing


NOTE: The president has signed and Proposal 1.1 is now in effect
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:15 am

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

Dear representatives of the MUN, With the statement being send to the Jelbanian government there is yet another issue that i want to raise. As was shown during the Jelbanian crisis we majatran nations need to stand up for ourselves and our fellow majatrans. The Majatran nations and the MUN as its representative have enough capabilities to resolve majatran issues themselves without the interference of foreign powers.

As was evident during the Jelbanian Crisis foreign entities like the Northern Council had a tendency to involve themselves into resolving the issue and expand their influence over majatran affairs. One of the Northern Council members, Kazulia, even has to my knowledge a base located on our continent! In Kalopia!

I would like to ask the other parties and representatives what their opinions on this matter are. In the opinion of the GCPM we should negotiate the closure of the Kazulian base in Kalopia as we majatrans are more then capable of solving our own problems!
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