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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:47 pm

Dorvish companies would be interested in Trigunian economic assistance
May, 4433

Haldor, Kordusia - The collapse of the Socialist and Communist in Dorvik has left a vacuum of businesses interested in re-building the Dorvish economy which has suffered underneath Socialist and Communist laws in the past decade. Despite the rough future outlook on the Dorvish economy, the Dorvish industrialist and business's have not lost their international outlook. A meeting of Dorvish business and industrial officials have openly stated that the failing Trigunian economy would be something that they are interested in working with. Karlis Magnus von Desidier, the keynote speaker at the business meeting, noted that the Dorvish had to re-build their ties across the globe if they were interested in re-building their own economy. "Markets for Dorvish goods are essential to growth and sustain economic growth. Trigunia already has a portion of Hulstrians and Dundorfians who could serve as contacts for us to invest in areas critical to Trigunian infrastructure. This would be a two-fold project, it would assist Trigunia and provide a means of economic growth for Dorvish industry and business." Dorvish business's and industry's join several other nations who have opened their eyes to the failing Trigunian economy and have sought to involve themselves in working with the nation to re-build it's economy.

When Karlis was asked regarding the status of the Northern Council and Dorvik, he simply stated that the Government of Dorvik was looking to try and stabilize itself and it's future within the Northern Council would be decided there.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:40 pm

Dorvish News Service (DNS)
The Dorvish News Service is the nationwide news organization that brings all important news to the people in Dorvik

October 15th 4433
The HVV reappears
The Haukistische Vereinigung des Vaterlands has been refounded by the grandson of Hauke after the opression under the socialists was finally stopped

It was just hours ago that the grandson of ideological thinker Benjamin Hauke announced the reformation of his grandfathers political party. The HVV had seen limited electoral succes during its first appearance some 70 years ago but Alexander Hauke ensured the press that the party will look for more ways to appeal to the people.

The Haukist Union of the Fatherland has always been known for its protection of the farmers, we will ofcourse continue to do so and ensure a gradual transition to a more rural and traditional society. However, our party also underlines the fact that the world is changing and with it the political landscape. The HVV will do everything it can to not be a one issue party but to be a party that stands for all conservatives of this nation. We need to bring back a sense of pride in our culture. We need to adhere to tradition. I can assure you that the HVV with me at its front will protect your values!

Said Alexander Hauke during a press conference on the refounding of the party.

Alexander Hauke announcing the refounding of the HVV

The reappearance of the party had likely to do with the end of the socialist opression 1 year earlier and the newfound freedoms that came with it. How the HVV will do in upcoming elections is still unclear.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:12 pm

ADV passes landmark legislation
February 4434

Haldor, Kordusia - The All-Dorvish League celebrated a major campaign victory last night as the official passing of the Constitution of the Dorvish Republic was passed in the Federal Assembly, harkening the end of the socialist and communist period in Dorvik. Celebrations erupted throughout cities in Dorvik as the ADV as well as numerous other celebrated the victory over communism and socialism. ADV Chairman Joachim Gideon von Ruhr-Mauss spoke to a gathered crowd of thousands in Haldor’s Staatsplatz ”We have achieved a great victory today over the lies and deceit of Socialism and Communism. We cannot allow such a disease to plague our people. We have fought hard and won; we have won for every Dorvish man and woman in the past, the present and in the future!” von Ruhr-Mauss went on to speak about how the rise of new right-wing political movements stopped the socialist and communist dead in their tracks and how they had contended with them. von Ruhr-Mauss also noted that the Dundorfian socialist and communist groups had likely supported the Dorvish left-wing parties as they were wanting to install a copy-cat “Dundorfian Democratic Republic” model into Dorvik; also wanting to proclaim Dorvik as Dundorf. von Rohr-Mauss noted that while Dundorf was an integral part of Dorvik’s history, Dorvik had forged its own path.

President of the Dorvish Agrarian League Dietrich Meyering welcomed the return of the HKV, the Dorvish Agrarian League is a powerful agrarian political association of landowners in Miktar and has close ties to the ADV and it's predecessor's such as the Free Conservative Party and the Social Nationalist Party.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:05 pm

Movement for Dovani assistance and condemnation of an inactive government
April 4434

Vilnau, Kordusia - A meeting of the All-Dorvish League, the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association and several other prominent Dorvish organizations have offered to provide assistance in re-building Dovani in the wake of the "Dovani War". The Dorvish have volunteered their services to assist in re-building the war torn region following cessation of hostilities. Volprecht Gies, who ranks as Einsatzgruppenleiter I of the privately owned, but strategically named Reich Construction Service has offered the assistance of the large construction corporation whose conducted projects throughout the world, notably contracted recently by the government of Ostland to assist in the re-building and building of new ports in Ostland. Gies was joined by Babo Trierenberg, the CEO of Ostfirma, a large conglomerate with close ties to the VDKV and has also pledged assistance. As the ADV sits outside of government, Chairman Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss offered some words against the current government of Dorvik. "It is unfortunate that the current government of Dorvik is content to sit on it's hands and ensure that the Dorvish people are not fulfilling their duties to the Northern Council allies, the Security Council or the citizens of the world. Luckily we can offer our services as private citizens and we are going to do just that. I call upon all Dorvish to remember their duty not only to their people at home, but people abroad. We must assist our allies and we must ensure that we work to assist in re-building after this conflict is over." The ADV recently ran a series of campaigns to provide funding to the VDKV for assistance to Dovani and Ostland in humanitarian assistance and other non-military materials. Chairman von Rohr-Mauss has been traveling Dorvik and meeting with hundreds of Dorvish citizens in a run up to a brand new campaign which hopes that the ADV will either re-capture the largest share of the seats in the State Council or will have enough sway to form a government.

While not in government the move for by the ADV bodes well for the Dorvish economy, as the return of a market economy has brought businesses surging back into Dorvik and the return of the Dorvish Republic has seen the Haldor Stock Exchange and Wasse am Kas exchanges surge in recent months. Economic experts have cited the return of "...traditional, stable domestic politics and political parties." as a major factor. Overall stocks across Artania have surged with the revival of a stronger, more stable, non-Communist/Socialist Dorvik. von-Rohr-Mauss also spoke at length regarding the need for future stability in the markets and banking structure of post-war Dovani nations; he called upon Dovani nations to join the International Stability and Development Bank which will allow them to work in concert with leading economic central banks. von-Rohr-Mauss was also questioned regarding the Artanian Union and it's future in relation to elections; von Rohr-Mauss stated that the Artanian Union needed a "severe" revitalization.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:28 pm

Arise, Dorvik!
September 4434

Haldor, Kordusia - The All-Dorvish League celebrated electoral success in snap General elections held in September 4434. The cause for the snap General election was due to the collapse of the “Renew” party and the collapse of the government. Rumors point to outside pressure that caused the collapse of the “Renew” party. Dorvish State Election Commission officials noted that this would be the 3rd election in 4 years. The ADV called for stability and offered a coalition agreement to the Haukish Movement for the Fatherland, often known by their Dundorfian acronym HKV, which will likely pass. Alexander Hauke, a well known agricultural specialist will serve as the State Chancellor of the Dorvish Republic, succeeding Sofia Schwartz of the Center Party. President-elect Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss welcomed the idea of working with Hauke and spoke regarding his imminent appointment as the State Chancellor "Herr Hauke is a fine man, he has the experience necessary to guide Dorvik through a massive period of re-building. His background in both agriculture and domestic affairs will serve Dorvik well. I am personally looking forward to working with him and the rest of the government." The State Elections' Commission announced that the coalition, sometimes called the Dorvishes Bollwerk (Luthorian: Dorvish Bulwark), had won the Presidential election and had capture 325 seats in the State Council, only 74 seats short of an absolute super majority.

President-elect Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss’s election victory speech noted a rise of “...a new Dorvik focused around expanding Dorvish influence in the world.” The President-elected noted that the World Congress was in dire need of “...Dorvish love...” in a joking manner. The Dorvish Armed Forces also lead a purge of officers who had ties to radical organizations; mostly Socialist and Communist who had remained over from the Dorvish Workers Republic and the Federal Republic of Dorvik. Florian Maria zu Völksau-Heusmann was appointed as the Minister of Defense and was simultaneously appointed as the Inspector-General of the Armed Forces of Dorvik and Chief of the Supreme General Staff giving him almost penultimate power in the Dorvish Armed Forces; he was subsequently promoted on decree of the President-elect as General Field Marshal (Dundorfian: Generalfeldmarschall); only few men have attained such a rank in the modern era. The ceremony was conducted and his Field Marshal's baton was given to him. Bonifaz Voll, past President of the Dorvish Republic is one of the only other men assigned such an honor. The naval equivalent is the Grand Admiral (Dundorfian: Großadmiral) which has likewise been held by few men, notably Ludwig Matern who was instrumental in the success of revitalizing the Dorvish Navy.

Generalfeldmarschall Florian Maria zu Völksau-Heusmann, seeing the writing on the wall immediately produced a list of officers to be promoted to the various commands of the Dorvish Armed Forces. Maximilian Franz von Bahr was appointed the Inspector of the Dorvish Army, Sven Domenikus von Lÿndow-Sennhein was appointed as the Inspector of the Dorvish Navy, Franz Staiger was appointed as the Inspector of the Dorvish Air Force. In light of the success of future legislation, such as the "Law on the Defense of the Dorvish People and State" which grants the Dorvish Armed Forces access back to it's nuclear arsenal the Minister of Defense and Inspector-General appointed Viktor Heinzmann, a noted Dorvish Air Force nuclear scientist and strategic air commander as the Chief of Abteilung VIII: Military Technical Department (Dundorfian: Militärtechnische Abteilung) which is responsible for managing and access to Dorvish nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The Minister of Defense also noted that the Dorvish Armed Forces would re-join the Northern Council's military and security apparatus; notably for exercises and joint operations.

The incoming Minister of the Interior Helmut von Göthaus has formally announced that the State Security Main Office will continue to operate and that the restoration of police services to the "...wide-scale areas of Dorvik." was underway. Underneath the Socialist and Communist the faith and trust in police had dropped as the the agents of the socialist and communist political groups used the power of the police to suppress dissidents and oppositions. In conjunction with the Ministry of Justice the new Ministry of the Interior has pledged to "...arrest, charge and try those associated with violence and human rights abuses during the Socialist and Communist era." Minister of the Interior von Gothaus announced that Nikolaus Huppetz would be appointed as the Chief of the State Security Main Office and would oversee the revitalization of the SSMO.

The Foreign Ministry, underneath the control of the ADV and noted internationalist Dietmar von Lÿndow-Sennhein, brother of incoming Inspector of the Dorvish Navy, has remained tight lipped about it's future. However, several documents filed with the Main Office of the President show a wide-scale shake up of the Dorvish Foreign Service Corps, including a bevy of General-Plenipotentiary appointments notably appointing Thilo Hombitzer as the General-Plenipotentiary to the World Congress. The Dorvish Republic is a permanent member of the Security Council and Thilo Hombitzer previously served as a Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies specializing in the World Congress and the Security Council itself.

In a short period of time Dorvik has risen like an eagle from the depths of darkness. It would appear that Sacred Dorvik has risen yet again.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:47 pm

Dorvish Navy conducts wargames
October, 4434

Ships of the Dorvish Navy conducting exercises on a warmer October day

Northern coasts of Dorvik - Underneath the auspices of Minister of Defense and Inspector-General of the Dorvish Armed Forces Generalfeldmarschall Florian Maria zu Völksau-Heusmann and Inspector of the Dorvish Navy Generaladmiral Sven Domenikus von Lÿndow-Sennhein the Dorvish Navy conducted a series of wargames off the northern coast of Dorvik despite the cold weather. The wargames lasted two weeks and tested the heart of every Dorvish sailor involved according to reports from the Supreme General Staff's General Administration Department which is charged in part with public relations. While high ranking officers were interviewed, they were exclusively interviewed by armed forces news outlets and not public outlets; an unusual occurrence for the Dorvish Armed Forces but the Minister of Defense promised a full report once the wargames had "...wrapped up." which implies that the Ministry of Defense and the Dorvish Armed Forces have more planned.

Images and reports were sent following the conclusion of the two week naval wargames; including the presence of the DNS König und Kaiser Ludwig and the DNS Heike Grossberg, the two Kaiser-class aircraft carriers that the Dorvish Navy produced alongside Trigunia and Vanuku. The presence of the two massive aircraft carriers was also a signal to nations of the world that the Dorvish people were seeking to be back on the world stage. Preliminary information regarding the wargames included a hunt and sink scenario by the Dorvish Navy's once-feared submarine forces as well a series of live ammunition target practice at the testing ranges in Westmark. Limited reports were issued by the Admiral Quarter-Master (Dundorfian: Admiralquartiermeister) who leads the General Navy Office.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:00 pm

Dorvish General-Pleniopentiary to Hulstria and Gao-Soto offers to mediate and work with Hulstria and Gao-Soto with Ostland
October, 4434

Kien, Hulstria and Gao-Soto - Dorvish General-Pleniopentiary to Hulstria and Gao-Soto Bernd Foelkersam spoke at a conference in Kien earlier this month regarding relations between Dorvik and Hulstria and Gao-Soto; the Dorvish General-Pleniopentiary noted that relations with a "...strong Dovani power to assist and potentially continue to build Dovani's stability and prosperity alongside Kazulia was token to Dorvik's Eastern Policy." Dorvik has a vested interest in Ostland as many Dorvish nobles and businesses continue to operate in Ostland and it provides a recognizable portion of trade for the Dorvish state. In recent decades relations between Hulstria and Gao-Soto and Ostland have broken down but over the past several years have experienced a rapid cooling. "I believe that Dorvik can offer it's assistance in making sure that we all get what we want...and that's peace and prosperity for everyone." General-Pleniopentiary Bernd Foelkersam met with his fellow Dorvish Foreign Service Corps General-Pleniopentiary to Ostland Hansgeorg von Pölzl to discuss easing of relations between the two countries and how Dorvik could help mend that gap.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:09 pm

Artanian Defense Group unveils updated hardware
October, 4434

Updated variant of the ADG C-295 AEW&C

Haldor, Kordusia - In the wake of a revived Dorvish Armed Forces the long awaited EWAC version of the Artanian Defense Group (ADGS) was unveiled with the ADGS C-295 AEW&C which was developed after a series of prototypes that failed to satisfy the Dorvish Air Force. ADGS representative Jan Tieseler noted that while the plan was largely developed by the Dorvish Air Force it included technology from various other contributors of the Artanian Defense Group. The conference in which the Dorvish Air Force noted that they had received an unknown number of ADGS C-295 AEW&C aircraft also noted that they had provisioned for several other variants of the C-295. It has been reported that the Dorvish Air Force have been testing several dozen aircraft at the launch of wargames in October; they provided aerial command support for the Dorvish Navy in their October wargames during the first two weeks.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:02 pm

Dorvish News Service (DNS)
The Dorvish News Service is the nationwide news organization that brings all important news to the people in Dorvik

March 11th 4435
State Chancellor Alexander Hauke inspects the silos
The State Chancellor visited the nuclear silos in Westmark and underlined the importance of the nuclear arsenal

In a mostly ceremonial visit State Chancellor Alexander Hauke inspected the nuclear silo's of the dorvish army in Westmark.
After a tour by military officials explaining the inner workings of the silo mechanisms among other things the Chancellor proceeded to meet with top military officials to discuss ways to improve the procedures for nuclear deployment.

The importance of our nuclear arsenal cannot be understated. With this arsenal our state can project its influence accros the globe and maintain the security of the dorvish people. Even if we would rather not deploy such a deadly and destructive weapon it is a great detterent against our enemies abroad who will not dare to call on the wrath of the Dorvish State while we have this in our possession

Said Hauke

The Chancellor is also reportedly preparing for several visits abroad to deepen relations with mainly Artanian nations but also to reassure Terra that Dorvik is back to protect it.

The State Chancellor leaving his hotel to "inspect" the nuclear silos
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:44 am

Dorvish economy booms post-Socialism and Communism
June, 4435

Dorvish business leaders far and wide meet in Haldor

Haldor, Kordusia - A meeting of banking, financial and other business leaders in Haldor have met to discuss the status of the post-planned economy of Dorvik and their brimming with good news. President of the Dorvish Economic and Business Council, a public-private think tank which regularly brings together government officials and leading business, financial and banking officials, Waldemar Tanius von Desidier spoke with great confidence of the Dorvish economy. "We are fortunate to have a government that supports the Dorvish economy the best they know how, but letting business leaders doing what they need to do. Dorvik has never been stronger, we're finally coming out of a recession and our GDP has increased over 100b within the first several months since the collapse of the planned economy tossed onto Dorvik." Waldemar Tanius von Desidier is a prominent business and financial leader in Dorvik, the von Desidier family has large stakes in several banks, including major banks overseas. The Dorvish Economic and Business Council also provides a forum for the Dorvish government to interact with business and financial officials on a regular basis. President Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss was in attendance and he thanked each of the business, banking, financial and Dorvish industrialist in the audience. The Dorvish President however singled out the large swathe of agricultural specialist in the audience and thanked them for putting Dorvik back on the map in regards to exports from the agriculture sector.
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