22nd General Assembly Session

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22nd General Assembly Session

Postby Wu Han » Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:27 am

Below are the archived discussions of the 22nd General Assembly Session, which lasted from 4432 to 4447.

Image Nguyễn Xuân Khu, President of the Free Republic of Kimlien (South Kimlien):
Distinguished delegates, I rise today to discuss the struggle of my people, the Free People of Kimlien.

My people deeply love peace and yet for the past decade a war has raged on. Millions of Kimlienese have been forced from their homes as Xsampans and Northerners fought village to village, house to house, field to field in order to gain power and control over the people.

In this madness, the Free Republic has risen, committed to ensuring that a government of the people, not over the people, prevails in Kimlien. We have had many important victories in this struggle:

Rather than slaughter those loyal to the Xsampan colonial government, we peacefully took control of power. Rather than attack the Northern Aggressor, we sought to enact a ceasefire for the 4420th year of Bidar's birth.

However we know that this ceasefire will not last forever; indeed, it was scheduled to last until January 4434, mere months away. Which is why I come here to ask the community of nations for their assistance.

Soon, the Northerners will spill over our border, pillaging our villages, using rape as a tool of war, continuing their ethnic cleansing projects and bringing death and destruction against my people, as they already have for so many years.

The international community must not abandon the Free People of Kimlien to never-ending waves of cruelty and crisis. I ask the international community to recognize my government, to recognize the struggle of my people to live free, and to help us defend liberty and the rule of law in Southern Kimlien.

Thank you.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Wu Han » Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:02 am

Image Hoàng Văn Thuật, Prime Minister of the State of Kimlien (North Kimlien):
Fellow delegates;

For the past ten years, we have fought to secure the independence of Kimlien from Xsampa. We have lost hundreds of thousands of brave brothers and sisters in this fight, but in the heart of every Kimlienese person lives a single infallible truth: the storm is a good opportunity to prove the strength of the tree. No matter the odds, we shall win. Why?

Because we have united the Kimlienese people around one goal; to be the architects of our own destiny. We have found the Đinh King, and placed him on his rightful throne. We have formed a democratically-elected government where once stood only a colonial governor. Marching toward this goal with one heart and one mind, we shall never be defeated. And yet...

There are those forces which seek to confine the Kimlienese and the Dovanian alike in their bonds. The so-called "Free Republic" is a last ditch attempt of the imperialist to prevent the unification of the Kimlienese people, while the Dovani Union struggles to maintain its control over the multitude of lands and cultures on this continent.

Do not be tricked by the words of Traitor Khu; South Kimlien is not free, it is oppressed by yet another colonial regime. The proof of this is in his government, where he holds hands with the same Xsampan generals who have slaughtered civilians across Kimlien with their incessant bombing campaigns; the same Xsampan imperialists who have exploited the labour and resources of the Kimlienese people to benefit themselves. In this way, the South Kimlienese remain in their chains.

However, from the war-scarred ash-heaps of our jungles, charred from napalm and chemical defoliants, a sapling takes root. We ask the international community to support the State of Kimlien in our on-going fight to unify the nation and to liberate the people of our country.

Thank you.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Pragma » Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:13 pm

President of the General Assembly, Tambethra Dyshini:

The terrible nature of the conflict in Dovani, which I and many of the people that I know personally have sadly had to experience personally in our native lands, has caused untold death, horror and pain over the centuries. While the DU and the NC are currently able to be at peace, it seems the continent is prone to war.

I ask the GA and the nations of Terra: what steps can we take towards an ultimate solution to stop the proneness to war that the Dovani continent suffers from?
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Re: General Assembly

Postby House Spencer » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:21 pm

Horace Spencer, Legitimate & Rightful President of Jelbania:

I propose an Association of Dovani States to immediately implement peacefulness and co-operation. With my experience and revered international status I could do everything to help. For only modest salary of 100,000,000 JEL par annum I offer to be this organisations General Secreatary.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:37 pm

Istalian Representative

Istalia would like open a debate into the General Assembly about the Civil War in Mordusia and, especially now, it would like express its concerns about the Laurennese intervention into this conflict justified by a need to protect the Canrillaise minorities.
Istalia is analyzing the situation in Mordusia but we would like hear the representatives from Laurennes expressing their position on this civil war and what kind of menaces Laurenne fears for the Canrillaise minorities. We would like be informed about the "historical" discrimination against the Canrillaise minorities ofcourse and about the position of Laurenne toward the legittime Government and the Rebellion instigated by the Soul & Spirit's leader Jayden O'Brien.

As last note, it is really incredible to see how it's easy for nations part of the Northern Council to use the military force to intervene whatever they want indipendently by the international opinion... it is really ironical to think to some past years when my Country was accused to act too easily through the military means to intervene in this or that theater... it is ironical to think to when Istalia was heavily criticized and menaced of military repercution when it was ready to intervene into a nation to contrast one of the most heinus crimes against humanity, namely the slavery.

It is very concerning to see the Northern Council acting as a veritable Global Gendarmery, a role that for other nations and organizations in the past was heavily criticized. The problem is... it was endorsed by who? By the will of the member nations?
Now, we are ready to hear the usual retoric of the Northern Council, ready to reproach any act made by other nations not in line with their... "plans", but we cannot avoid to express our concerns about this behavior and this continue interventions worldwide, by part of the coalition or just by part of some of their members, which probably feel themself protected by this organization.

Istalia is ready to bring their concerns also toward the Security Council where as soon as possible we will open a debate.

Thank you
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Auditorii » Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:24 pm

”The Northern Council acts on its own accord; we do not need the blessing nor the support of any body. If a nation requests assistance, they are welcome to go to whomever. Lourenne’s involvement in the Mordusian affair is their own; it is not a Northern Council action and if it was, either way it would be no business of the fading star that is Istalia. It is clear that when a power bloc arises and threatens a few nations perceived hegemony, there must be international condemnation.

Lourenne is a sovereign, independent nation and their involvement is not a Northern Council action. Do not put our name on it, the entire speech before this assembly is filled with lies, jealousy, fear mongering and war mongering. Istalia should be ashamed of itself for such a false tirade before the General Assembly.”

Aegidius Koppe,
General-Plenipotentiary to the World Congress
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Luis1p » Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:39 pm

Henri Xaltehua
Lourennais Ambassadeur to the World Congress

Monsieur Représentant D'Istalia

We'd like to say that Monsieur Koppe of Dorvik has facilitated our response to your debate on our foreign policy.

The Republic of Mordusia has, at times, neglected it's minorities. Thise would include the Canrillaise minority. Years ago, the country was in disarray when it was close to war with Saridan. At that time the Canrillaises were told head back southif they had felt discriminated. Now tell me Istalian representative, would you go to far ends to protect Istalians around Terra? If your country does not stand to protect Istalian culture, then what is your purpose as a nation? We have intervened in Mordusia to protect our culture in that nation. That is something that M. Jayden O'Brien has held his support for and that is something Lourenne sees as worth fighting for.

Also, it was Lourenne's Decision to fight on Mordusia, not the Northern Council's. We are not fighting in Mordusia on behalf of the Northern Council. Istalia must instead look to their own continent that is in disarray instead of deciding what is right and wrong for our "sovereign, independent nation". We do what we think is right for our people. The world will know of such "a false tirade" that you have indeed presented in the General Assembly
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Wed Aug 22, 2018 10:08 pm

Cardinal Pierre Carrel, Archbishop of Nouville (Noumonde), Aurorian Patriarchal Church:

Fellow delegates,

Greetings to you all, and may peace be with you.

I have travelled here today from my home country, Noumonde, where we have been experiencing heightened political instability since 2nd October.

I have had the opportunity to speak both to His Majesty King Norbert and the opposition leader Tombovelo Tsitohery, who is currently under house arrest. They both assure me they seek a peaceful resolution to the difficulties.

In order to facilitate negotiations, Tsitohery has agreed to at least temporarily call off the General Strike and the protests, and His Majesty King Norbert has agreed to release Tsitohery and the other senior opposition leaders from house arrest.

Both His Majesty and Tsitohery believe it would be helpful to the situation if the World Congress could send an official representative, ideally an experienced and respected statesperson of international standing, in order to be present during the negotiations and to assist with mediating between the two sides. I am present here today in order to pass this on as a request.

Fellow delegates, your efforts and your prayers for my country are most needed during this painful time.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:57 am

Baron Rnúf Herlkasrmko Ashur, Vanukean Ambassador to the World Congress:

In relation to Mordusia, we, like Istalia, are much concerned with the current situation. Whichever way the Lourennais Ambassador puts it, the action his government is taking must have the blessing of the hierarchy at the Northern Council. It is not credible to say otherwise as his nation would not contemplate carrying out unilateral combat action that does not fit in with the geopolitical ambitions of that defence organisation and the larger powers that run it.

And, furthermore, the Lourennais Government acts with the Northern Council safety net in place knowing full well if it is criticised or attacked over these actions by a third party, the NC members will be there to defend them quicker than you can say 'power up the submarine'.

So let us strip back that pretence first and foremost and then perhaps we can concentrate on the matter at hand and look at what this organisation can do to help alleviate matters, thus enabling Lourennais troops to withdraw quickly.

Any attempt to delay this will only be seen as another attempt by Lourenne, and thus by extension the Northern Council, to take advantage of the situation to expand its influence in southern Seleya.

In regards, to Cardinal Carrel's appeal, I agree that an official negotiator from the World Congress should be dispatched to Noumonde and I ask the Presidents of the General Assembly and the Security Council to look into this matter immediately.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Luis1p » Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:54 pm

Henri Xaltehua
Lourennais Ambassadeur to the World Congress:

Monsieur Baron Rnúf Herlkasrmko Ashur,

Have you not listened to our previous statements? Has our explanation fallen on deaf ears? It seems so. Therefore, we once again say that our intervention is NOT on behalf of the Northern Council. This was Lourenne's decision. A decision to protect our people in Mordusia and help establish a government where minorities can be treated better. This is not a doing of the Northern Council

You must understand, Lourenne had already established influence in South Seleya within the Federation of Canrille. That is something that cannot be undone. Our intentions with Mordusia are our own. This matter does not belong to Vanuku, Istalia, or any other power-grasping, war-mongering nation in Majatra. Lourennais troops will not withdraw from Majatra until our objectives are completed. We recommend to alleviate Majatran internal affairs instead of wanting to start an unnecessary conflict with the North.
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