
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 09, 2017 8:57 pm

The Istapalian Citizen is a broadsheet, independent newspaper reporting on events across Istapali.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:41 pm

Istapalian Citizen
President Successful In Llaqta Power Struggle

21st May 4315

Istapalian President and leader of the Socialist Party Yolyamanitzin Cipac has emerged victorious in a struggle for power centring on the leadership of Suyu Llaqta's United Socialist Worker's Party (USWP). Following weeks of tough campaigning, the President's preferred candidate Yana Pinto emerged victorious in the first test of support for the Socialist Alliance of Dovani (SOCALLID) from a party membership since its formation last year. Pinto's rivals were both publicly sceptical of the alliance and the leadership contest became dominated by the issue as the campaign wore on. Political analysts had highlighted the race as an important sign for the future of the young supra-national organisation.

Defeated candidate Ignacio Rottmanner was critical of the President's actions

The leadership election followed the resignation of incumbent leader Illari Caipa and was conducted as a ballot of the entire membership of the USWP, one of the largest internal party electorates in the world. Pinto's primary rival was Chawar Alca, a perceived moderate who was described as being "cautious" of Istapali, and the third candidate was the nationalist Ignacio Rottmanner- a fierce critic of the SOCALLID. Both defeated candidates were critical of President Cipac for mobilising the Socialist Party of Istapali to support Pinto's election campaign. Estimates suggest that the eventual winner spent twenty times more on campaign material, such as leaflets, billboards and social media campaigns, than his rivals. Rottmanner decried it as a "foreign stitch up".

Speaking to journalists shortly after the result was announced, the President referred to Pinto's victory as a "fantastic outcome for socialism, internationalism and cooperation between nations on Dovani" however Tochtli Atl, a professor of International Relations at the University of Okopetlan had a more cynical view. According to her, "the result means that Istapali has massively increased its influence in the Socialist Llaqta Republic and in Suyu Llaqta as a whole. With Pinto's position so entirely dependent on the support of the Istapalian Socialists, his government would be foolish to act against their interests. Across the border in the Free Territory, the news is unlikely to be received well."
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby cm9777 » Thu May 03, 2018 9:30 am

Istapalian Troops to be sent to help Medina

3000 Elite Istapalian Troops will be flown in by air to support Medina against foreign invasion. By first world standards, the force is nothing too special, it will likely be far more experienced and better trained than most of the third world opponents it is facing. Due to the naval blockade, the troops will have to be flown in by air.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby cm9777 » Mon May 28, 2018 1:02 pm

Istapalian Troops Evacuate Azeez, Make Heroic Last Stand

Over the course of the war, the 3000 Istapalian Troops sent to help Medina have been extremely effective in conducting raids to disrupt the opposition. Despite these successes, Medina was well and truly defeated by enemy forces. Only some 30 of the original 3000 have returned to Istapali with Azeez who will remain a guest of honor and be allowed to stay as long as he desires. The fighting in the Medinese Capital was some of the most intense of the war and indeed the place where most of the Istapali troops met their fate. 30 men were taskted with extracting Azeez while the remainder were ordered to fight till the bitter end. With nothing to lose, the Istapali troops fought with deadly efficiency. They were tasked with guarding a small harbour district where it is understood that Azeez was able to take a ship fast enough to run the enemy blockade and reach safety. Every street was laid with mines and all sorts of traps which blew the enemy up by the number. Every time a position was lost, Istapalians would immediately counter-attack said positions driving the enemy back or dying in the process. Some Istapalians even snuck behind enemy lines to sabotage artillery guns and supply lines. Their fate is unknown. The last Istapalian soldiers fell on the docks themselves hunkering up in a lighthouse with a machine gun. Needing the lighthouse for navigation in the wars conclusion and due to its significance as a historic landmark, the decision was made not to blow it up with artillery. It is said that the only reason enemy troops were able to capture this last lighthouse was that enemy bodies had stacked upon each other so high that the enemy could climb them to bypass the long staircase.


Above: The Lighthouse, Pre-War
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:21 pm

Death of Sultan Zaafir II Throws Medinese Royals into Chaos
October 4409

Sultan Zaafir II, who around 30 years ago began the Medinese conquest of southern Dovani, establishing an empire and bringing about a war that devastated Medina and eventually brought the royals into asylum in Istapali, died last night aged 68.

In the almost decade long period since, the Medinese royals have existed as honoured guests and something of a celebrity family within Istapali, getting involved in charity work and other helpful pursuits in the country. Prince Wiqar, more commonly known as former Commander of the Medinese Army, Azeez, has even helped to train the next generation of Istapalian generals with the Wiqar Academy right here in Istapali, and briefly served as caretaker Minister of Defence in the coalition crisis just a few short years ago.

Zaafir is ultimately blamed by most for the loss of the war, and for starting it; he even acknowledged it in a confessional memoir, and is generally recognised as being simultaneously one of the most important and influential Sultans in history, and yet also the one to bring about the downfall of the royal family. Zaafir was expected to immediately abdicate, but remained on the throne-in-exile in order to oversee the continuing development and presence of the royals and avoid arguments, regularly chairing family meetings while rarely taking a position himself.

In the last few years however it became clear that he was developing a terminal illness pertaining to his liver and tragically passed away last night, with a full state funeral to be expected in the coming week. His wife sadly passed away only a year ago of natural causes.

In theory, the ‘throne’ should now fall on the head of Zaafir’s eldest child, his son Prince Anura, 40, one of two children. Unfortunately for Anura, it seems that the family has other ideas: while his sister supports him fully, even in their grief the rest of the family is biting at the heels of the throne. The unpopular Raafith, 65, who failed in his Kingship of South Utembo and lost the territory, has counted himself out of any debate and publicly called for peace (thus also ruling out his only daughter, who recently married a prominent Istapalian noble at any rate and is expecting her first child); his younger brother Kaleel, however, who was immensely popular in his imperial territory of Tropica before he lost the throne and was even briefly captured by the New Endralonian forces, appears to disapprove of Anura’s coronation, saying recently that he believed the throne would be better placed on a more experienced royal, perhaps indicating a run himself — with no children, and therefore no heir, however, he seems an unlikely candidate; the most likely seems to be the daring in-law, Prince Wiqar Azeez, who has been rumoured repeatedly to disapprove of his royal extended family’s potential reigns, and rather would like the throne himself.

There is little doubt surrounding Azeez’s ambition or popularity. He’s married to Princess Namira, Zaafir’s only sister, a popular socialite with a great deal of links amongst Medina and Istapali’s high class society alike, and they’re both immensely popular. He’s one of the youngest of the older generations, at just 58, and yet himself also has a son, Aaban, aged 30. He’s long been expected to take up the mantle at some point, and will likely make a play for the throne as the most experienced, beloved royals, a military legend, and a skilled statesman — he’s even expected to want to make a return to Medina! The question is, does Medina still want him, all these years on? And will his siblings let him take the throne — or thrust the nation once again into war?
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Istapali Herald

Postby OrangeCrusader » Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:18 am

The Istapali Herald is a state owned media outlet which covers current affairs. Reports are issued everyday with one in the morning, afternoon, and early evening. Thank You!
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Re: Istapali Herald

Postby OrangeCrusader » Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:31 pm

Ethnic Groups of Istapali

The Istochniaks are a Delic ethnic group closely related to The Tokundians and The Zergonese with whom they share a common history and common culture despite professing a different religious faith. historically speaking, The Istochniaks were often identified as being Tokundians or Zergons of the Ahmadi faith as opposed to actually functioning as a separate ethnicity. Religiously, The Istochniaks tend to often be described as moderate, secular and Artanian-oriented compared to other Ahmadis groups. Istochniaks have been described as "Cultural Ahmadis" or "Progressive Ahmadis".

The Tokundian People are fused together forever by their shared ancestry. Their violent past continues to haunt them to this day. Their children are brought up with their grandparents recitations of the Tokundian national epics, the Ríša's of the Štefan, the survival of the Tokindian race through Princ Konstantin's march through the wilderness, Vasiljs creation of a new Eden, and the legends of Cišer Lazar the Majatran slayer all form the Tokundian national cult that fuels endemic racism against all non-Tokundians.

The Zergonese people related to both Istochniaks and Tokundians whom they've shared much in common with in every other respect but religion. The Zergonese belong to The Aurorian Church. Like the Tokundians they've had a violent past one that continues to haunt them to this day.
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Re: Istapali Herald

Postby OrangeCrusader » Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:44 pm

Political Parties of Istapali

The Istochniak National Party (INP) - a center right conservative nationalist party which serves the interests of the Istochniak community and advocates for their self actualization as a people as well as a return to the faith.

The Tokundian Social Democratic Party (TSDP) - a center left nationalist party which advocates for a the extermination of all non Tokundians and the partition of Istapali along ethnic lines.

The Zergonese Democratic Party (ZDP) - a center right conservative aurorian party which advocates for the conversion of Tokundians and Istochniaks to Aurorianism as well as the establishment of a greater Zergonese sphere of influence.

The Istapali Socialist Party (ISP) - far left multi ethnic party which advocates for workers self management, profit sharing, and ethnic harmony. Ruling party.
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Re: Istapali Herald

Postby OrangeCrusader » Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:56 pm

Istapali Strongman dies

This morning in the capital crowds gathered to pay homage and last minute respects in honour of former strongman Josip Brozman who had lead the nation for nearly 50 years before dying in a hospital bed last night.

For Istochniaks he was their greatest friend responsible for granting them religious freedom as well as limited political autonomy

For Tokundians he was a Zergonese tyrant who tried to suppress the collective memories of the last great war and any Tokundian nationalist sentiment wherever possible.

For Zergons he was a traitor to his own people who tried to suppress Zergonese national sentiment while supporting Tokundian objectives.

He will be missed and remembered.
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Re: Istapali Herald

Postby OrangeCrusader » Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:34 pm

First Democratic Election in Istapali to happen in 50 years begins

This morning marks the dawn of a new era in the history of Istapali as citizens gather at polling stations throughout the nation to participate in the first free and fair elections to occur in nearly 50 years. At the moment there are four different parties listed on the ballot which are as follows:

Istochniak National Party
Tokundian Social Democratic Party
Zergonese Democratic Party
Socialist Party

Voters will be required to bring their national id card and shall be allowed entry once. Voter Fraud will not be tolerated and will result in said ballot being declared invalid.

Elections will end at sundown.
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