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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:10 pm

DAF names permanent NC cadre
October, 4438

Haldor, Kordusia - Acting State Chancellor Jost Papas and President Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss agreed with the proposal by the Ministry of Defense and Supreme General Staff. Composed by Minister of Defense and Inspector-General Florian Maria zu Völksau-Heusmann the new directive forms a cadre of officers focused on Northern Council joint operations. The new department of the Supreme General Staff will be focused entirely on the Northern Council and the Northern Council Battlegroup and will function almost as a mini Supreme General Staff within itself.

The first slated Chief of the Northern Defense Department will be Admiral Klaus Wilhelm von Motha-Elser who will take over as the leading officer of the new department. His immediate deputy will be Major General (Air Force) Ekkehard Marre. Operationally the units in the Battlegroup will be commanded by Lieutenant General August Kessler.

The permanent attachment to the Northern Council will further enhance Dorvish cooperation with the Northern Council; it’s also likely that Admiral Klaus Wilhelm von Motha-Elser will be named as the NCs chief of joint defense staff which will provide Dorvik with some much needed experience in strategic and tactical leadership in the multinational field. The new cadre of officers also includes operational expert Admiral Reineke von Rotemburg who serves as an officer currently attached to the Marine Warfare Department; the primary operational branch of the Dorvish Navy.

In a surprising turn, the Alorian government has offered a repeal of state-sponsored genocide and has offered an apology for a radical, illegal governments actions. President von Rohr-Mauss has offered his cooperation with Aloria to root out those criminals who conduct this genocide. “We will watch these events closely.”

In perhaps his most strongly worded statement was the condemnation of Vanuku planning to deploy nuclear capable bombers in Dankuk. The President dismissed the sabre rattling of Vanuku and stated that “These recent developments are incredibly detrimental to world peace. If the Vanukuese government deployed nuclear capable bombers in Dankuk it presents a series of problems. While the Majatran Union of Nations has opposed or not even entertained the Northern Council in realm of face-to-face meetings, it’s not off the table. We know very clearly that Vanuku has no qualms about using nuclear weapons and any peace loving nation, NC or not should be worried about their instability when it comes to using nuclear arms. The deployment of conventional weapons is regardless worrying but the deployment of nuclear weapons is even more troubling and could run contrary to world peace efforts.”

The President however offered Haldor as an intermediate between the Northern Council and Vanuku, not necessarily the MUN itself. “Vanuku and Dorvik do have a special relationship that has dwindled for sometime. Whenever Vanuku wants to have a discussion the Dorvish government will facilitate in the efforts of peace and security.” The President ended his press conference shorty after a question and answer period.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:53 am

Non-Aligned Movement...aligning?
November, 4438

Haldor, Kordusia - Dorvish Foreign Minister at a ceremony for newly elected World Congress Security Council Thilo Hombitzer spoke to reporters outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headquarters briefly before departing. The Dorvish Foreign Minister questioned the integrity of the Non-Aligned Movement when Kalistan, a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement has "unilaterally" invited Vanuku to establish a presence in Kalistan. "Quite frankly, if I was a fellow Non-Aligned Movement member...I would be questioning the hell out of Kalistan and their actions. It seem as if they're directly going against the organization that they founded. It's hypocritical and it sets a bad precedent for other Non-Aligned Movement members." When questioned if he would reach out to NAM members to see if they had planned any sanctions against Kalistan, the Dorvish FM simply shrugged. "We'll keep our options open, consult our allies and see what happens." The Foreign Minister went on to comment regarding the increasing tensions and it was something that the Dorvish FM wanted to make a statement on. "President von Rohr-Mauss did a great job summing it up; we're willing to talk...we can see where it goes from there. Diplomacy first and then we'll go from there if that entirely fails." The Dorvish FM also praised the establishment of the Majatran Free Trade Association as a means to counter the psuedo-military alliance that the Majatran Union of Nations was forming into.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:13 am

Dorvish State Railways to see massive investment
May, 4439

Haldor, Kordusia - Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Reinhard Merk spoke at a press conference today with Dorvish State Railways General-Director Clemens Hensel regarding a massive investment into the Dorvish State Railway program, which is responsible for all railways in Dorvik regardless of their user. Minister Merk noted that the project was funded for several years and would break up renovations into "Five Year Plans" which worked very well in Westmark and Miktar underneath the All-Dorvish League. Despite the updates and additions to the railway systems throughout the decades, many have felt that the stations and existing railways were neglected; that is something that Minister Merk seeks to end. Speaking to a gathered crowd of Dorvish railway workers, construction workers and senior staff from the Dorvish State Railways, the massive project's first Five Year Plan is expected to take place in Kordusia, move to Largonia, Miktar, Dorvan and eventually end with the most recently updated railways in Westmark. The final, fifth year of the plan expected to end in 4444, will be to ensure quality control and observed what is needed for the next Five Year Plan. The project will break ground in June, 4439 and will end in June, 4444 baring any setbacks. Dorvish State Railways General-Director Clemens Hensel also noted that the Dorvish State Railways would be introducing high speed railways throughout Dorvik, mostly connecting main cities and major cities.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:01 pm

ADV storms to electoral success
April, 4440

The All-Dorvish League has captured all 599 seats in the Dorvish State Council elections after the collapse of the Center Party. The ADV headquarters was alive with celebration as Haldor erupted into a massive rally for the ADV; the fans of triumph promptly fanned by The VDKV which joined in the celebration. It is the first time that the ADV has held near sole power in Dorvik; sharing only a sliver with the Dorvish Blue Party which has shown limited success in Dorvish elections.

President Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss announced that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would head the rebuilding efforts in Dovani. The establishment of “State Commissariat Dovani” which will oversee all operations and units posted within Dovani. Leadership will be determined at a later time. It is expected that the Dorvish Army will draw on local Dundorfians to bolster their forces, namely from Ostland and Dundorfic peoples such as Hulstrians. The Foreign Economic Council has also setup the “Office of Dovani Reconstruction” and will oversee direct Dorvish investment into Dovani.

President von Rohr-Mauss announced a temporary restriction on Jelbanian immigration due to the outbreak. The Ministry of Health and Social Services has also dispatched teams to test any Jelbanians currently in the country who entered prior to the travel restrictions.

State Chancellor Jost Papas will be focusing on domestic policies. A wave of protests have clashed with local police in socialist and communist enclaves. The importance of rooting out these groups prompted the President to issue a public order decree with the Main State Security Office issuing orders to its branches. The Alliance of Red Front Fighters, a collection of illegal socialist and communist fighters. The State Chancellor was openly critical of the illegal paramilitary organization that was emboldened by the two socialist and communist parties that had appeared and crushed Dorvik. The VDKV’s Security Service which has special status in Dorvik as an armed forces auxiliary was also called into help.

Deputy State Chancellor Wilhelm von Pölzl announces that he’d be headed with a cadre of the Foreign Economic Council to Aldegar; rumors abound that the the Dorvish Armed Forces are included in that cadre to stem the tide of nations collapsing in Seleya. Deputy State Chancellor von Pölzl is a member of the Dorvish Democratic Party, a liberal conservative nationalist component party of the ADV. von Pölzl’s has announced he’s working hard to ensure that the “...economic situation in the world is maintained and the economic situation in Dorvik is more than stable.” Von Pölzl is favored to succeed Jost Papas in the event Papas, currently 47, decides to retire.

When Deputy State Chancellor von Pölzl was questioned about Kalistan, the Deputy State Chancellor noted that Kalistan was digging its own grave despite the fact countries had offered investment. The situation would be very tough for Kalistan to dig themselves out of; especially if fellow Northern Council allies do not provide aid or investment.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Reddy » Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:25 am

To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:47 pm

Dorvish visit to Aldegar pays off
August, 4440

Aldegar - Deputy State Chancellor Wilhelm von Pölzl has worked extensively in Aldegar; securing a large grant for the Aldegarian Defense Industries Organization (ADIO) to produce localized military equipment. The Deputy State Chancellor stayed in Aldegar for a few days longer than was expected; plans were announced to sell Aldegar the latest bloc of ADG Unionfighters, a fourth generation fighter jet that has withstood the test of time. The Dorvish defense industry officials that accompanied the Deputy State Chancellor announced plans for domestic arms cooperation and mutual assistance where possible.

It is also possible that the Dorvish Navy will also assist in naval production of domestic vessels. The Dorvish FEC also announced an initial 2.5b LOD investment with 2.5b further in investment for a series of industries. The Dorvish also announced that the Dorvish Armed Forces will take up residence in the Babor Naval Base where it will be expanded in a multi-million dollar LOD upgrade to include an airfield and ability to support the Dorvish Kaiser-class aircraft carrier. Joint Operations Base “Vithmiris” will be hosted and will be responsible for a large scale training program for the Aldegarian Armed Forces.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:35 pm

Dorvish state building efforts in Dovani go a long way
July, 4440 (Backdated)

Dovani - The Dorvish arrival in Dovani signaled a change, while the Dorvish way of war has won countless victories for Sacred Dorvik, there is something to be said about the Dorvish state building efforts throughout the world; notably in Dovani. The establishment of the State Commissariat "Dovani" signaled the Dorvish change from a conduct of war to a conduct of state building. The State Commissariat has been in place for two months and has already poured hundreds of thousands of Lodamese Dollars into state building efforts. Representatives from the State Administration Service have worked fiercely across several Dovani nations to establish Dorvish-style civil service which will protect against political favoritism and ensure that post war Dovani governments have an effective bureaucratic corps at it's heart to ensure proper survival. Not only has the Dorvish Ministry of the Interior provided dedicated civil servants from the State Administration Service, swathes of Dorvish Police alongside the State Security Main Office have done several weeks at a clip helping re-build civilian oversight of police and police investigative forces.

Various ministries such as Health and Social Services, Science and Technology have sent various teams as a part of the State Commissariat "Dovani" to ensure that all facets of state-building are covered. One thing can be said, with the influx of capital and Dorvish bureaucratic mastery, the post war Dovani states will be in a strong political position with a dedicated bureaucratic corps to back them.

Dovani re-building brings economic benefits to Dorvik
December, 4441 (Backdated)

Dovani - The State Commissariat "Dovani" is nearing it's first full year in service and the Dorvish have seen large increases in growth throughout the economies of the nations that were impacted by the Dovani War. The first and foremost establishment of the State Commissariat was the building of infrastructure; namely railroads which has historically been the mode of transportation for the Dorvish and has continued to serve as a means of travel for the Dorvish economy. The Dorvish State Railways has dedicated massive amounts of resources alongside the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to build a basic infrastructure in Dovani. The establishment of the Eastern State Railways as a subsidiary has provided Dorvik was a stable basis to funnel money and equipment through. The ambitious plan is to construct, over five years, a sprawling railway system across Dovani and connect most major cities, an ambitious plan that has several Dorvish banks and companies working to build, including private companies.

Dorvish banks are working to re-establish banking and financial sectors. Banks such as the State Commercial Bank, the Dorvish Development Bank, the Majatran-Dorvish Bank, the Artanian Bank and several dozen other banks. Officials from the Dorvish Stock Exchange and the Wasse am Kas Mercantile Exchange have provided support for the establishment of a unified stock exchange known as the "Dovani 100" which takes the top 100 businesses in Dovani and trades them as a bloc through various trade markets, including being provided a financial stock on the powerful Northern Council's stock exchange international list. Not only has the transportation/infrastructure and banking industries received a boost, companies such as Ebner AG, FärberKiesel AG and others have benefited tremendously from contracts. An interesting note is that the State Commissariat "Dovani" has provided specific contracts for medium to small size businesses from Northern Council nations and has provided support in growing those businesses to ensure that the top tier corporations are not privy to sheer dominance.

Dorvish Navy conducts war games in Aldegar
April 4442

Aldegar - Inspector of the Dorvish Navy Generaladmiral Sven Domenikus von Lÿndow-Sennhein has been at Babor Naval Base, the newest Dorvish base overseas, conducting a series of war games with the Aldegarian Navy. At a speech kicking off the war games the Inspector of the Dorvish Navy noted that a "...series of reforms..." was coming to the Dorvish Navy to make it more mobile, agile and hostile. What has already been coined as the "Lÿndow-Sennhein Doctrine" is making its way through the upper echelon of the Dorvish Armed Forces and is rumored to already have the approval of the President, whose ultimately the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Dorvish Armed Forces. Dorvische Werft, a major Dorvish shipbuilding corporation has announced that the Dorvish Navy in cooperation with Aldegarian Defense Industries Organization and the Aldegarian Navy has laid the first of 10 Moudge-class frigate's. The Moudge was originally planned decades prior but was stalled and only 5 ships were ever produced; this will add an additional 10 to the Aldegarian Navy's growing sea power. Despite the presence of Dorvish naval engineering the ship is largely of Aldegarian design and technology, only limited technical knowledge has come from Dorvik.

A cadre of Dorvish military and security officers has been seen at Babor Naval Base and rumors are that a permanent detachment of Dorvish Naval Infantry will be posted at the base to provide training and support.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:48 pm

Destina Ruhr and the Workers Socialist Party, after being exiled for 20 years and persecuted under the iron-fist rule of the All-Dorvischer Verband, have made an unexpected return to Dorvik
March 4453

The unexpected has happened today as Destina Ruhr, President of the Syndicates and Representative of the Workers Socialist Party has declared the reformation of the old socialist party and has returned to Dorvik's political stage. After being persecuted and later exiled, many of the members of the old party had to find home or refuge in other countries, but a big portion stayed back home, resisting the ultra-conservative party, the All-Dorvischer Verband. Today, after many considerations, Ruhr and her followers entered the once abandoned Congress of the Syndicates and mimicking Reinhardt Frei, founder of the Workers Anarchist Federation (a precursor to the ASP), declared the Workers Socialist Party was back once more to defend the rights of the working class and fight for social justice. Party members have already begun projects to bring back socialist and progressive ideas back into Dorvish society, and are quickly gaining back their old followers, however, the party is yet to be declared legal by the State Council.

Destina Ruhr, Second President of the Syndicates, gave a thunderous speech to over a million spectators in Haldor:

Dorvish workers! Dorvish mothers and fathers! Dorvish citizens! At long last, we see a real progress towards true democracy, and I hereby declare the reformation of the Workers Socialist Party! After being exiled from our own home, we wept and suffered for Dorvish liberty and for the monster that the All-Dorvischer Verband had created. But never again will we be taken down by ruthless rulers who wish to keep us, the proletarians, docile and servile. Our overwhelming support will surely regain us our place in our Congress, now the State Council, and there we will fight for liberty and equality between all members of Dorvik! I hope that all of us, Right, Centre and Left, can reconcile but most importantly, I hope for a bright and red future for Dorvik! Break the Chains!

Of course, this return was met differently by the left and the right in Dorvik. To some, these marks an enormous step towards the establishment of a true democracy and ridding Dorvik of fascist-like laws, while to others a reminder that the left always returns, even when kicked around somewhat, to fight for justice and equality. What will this mean for Dorvik's future?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:44 pm

Destina Ruhr and Karl Liebknecht have announced today that new coalition for all leftist parties in Dorvik has been formed!
October 4453

Above: Flag of the Volkseinheit

Surprising news came today as the Arbeiter Sozialistisch Partei and the Neue Grüne Kommunistische Partei have announced the creation of the Volkseinheit (Popular Unity), a political coalition intended to solidify and unify all leftist parties in Dorvik. Both parties met in the Trade Union Congress, the historical place where libertarian socialism entered Dorvik and decided that in order to secure a leftist government in the upcoming elections, the new coalition should be formed. Although the ASP and the NGKP are the only parties in this alliance as of now, they assure that any other leftist-leaning party will be welcome if they wish to join.

Although there is not much information on the Volkseinheit yet, some of the goals of this alliance are:

-Eliminating the All-Dorvischer Verband's influence in Dorvik's society, economy, military and politics
-A complete reformation of Dorvik's constitution and political bodies
-Nationalization of many industries and services

Once more, this decision was met with cheers by some and hatred by others and it is yet to be seen if the new alliance will be able to secure a swift victory in the upcoming elections.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:40 pm

Karl Joachim Biggelswerd, DBKP's presidential candidate was re-elected once again, while Destina Ruhr, the Volkseinheit's candidate, came a close second
February 4454
With the return of the Arbeiter Sozialistisch Partei to the political stage, tensions once again grew in Dorvik and, given the still illegal status of the leftist organization, early elections were called by the Dorvische Blaue Kalifat Partei, the leading political party in Dorvik, in order to restructure Dorvik's political climate. Elections results came today and it turns out Karl Joachim Biggelswerd, DBKP's presidential candidate, was re-elected with 32,130,013 or 52.37% of the votes, while Destina Ruhr, the Volkseinheit's candidate, came a close second with 29,128,614 or 47.48% of the votes. The Freie Demokratische Partei, a small liberal party that appeared after the All-Dorvischer Verband's rule decided to present Jan Glockner as presidential candidates, but only obtained 53,277 votes or 0.09% of the total. This meant that only in the first round it was decided that the DBKP would continue leading, considering the party obtained more than half of the votes. However, does this mean the left will once more act as opposition to the government?

According to Niko Wach, Vice-President of the Syndicates and candidate to the position of State Chancellor of the Dorvish Republic, negotiations between the DBKP and the ASP have begun in order to elect a combined State Council in order to secure stability between both political sides in Dorvik. Nevertheless, some criticize the Blue Party as being nothing more than a "better choice" than the Socialist Party for the Right, and that this re-election only proves the status quo and, by extension, archaic laws implemented during the All-Dorvischer Verband's regime will be maintained.

After all, a general sense of accomplishment permeates the Volkseinheit and its followers, and the Workers Socialist Party assures that the fight for change is still not over.
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