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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:53 pm

Invasion of Kayal Begins
May 4436

The push on loyalist forces and Emperor Raghu III was significantly strengthened by the naval invasion this month of the coast of Kayal, the island seat of the Emperor himself. As his wife, Empress Lakshmi "the Black", continues to terrorise the Vanakalamese allies on the mainland, the Vanakalamese forces have begun their push to end the war once and for all. Their strategy is evidently to defeat the Emperor himself to force the continental forces of his wife into submission. How difficult this task is will be seen in the following months, as the island is heavily defended from coast to coast with dug-in positions and the most elite and hand-picked of the imperial guard. Raghu's most highly-trained guards, his most permanent and well-equipt army, lies on the island and is more than capable of repelling any invasion - particularly of terrain on which the Vanakalamese are not yet well tested.

Despite the uncontested beach landing, the imperial royalists are making the best they can out of their bad situation. With riots occurring daily in the cities held by princes loyal to the Emperor, men being slaughtered in the thousands by the Vanakalamese and native rebels, hatred of the royal family intensifying and more and more enemy troops flooding into their territory day by day, the situation is bleak for the loyalists. Their sole weapon of use so far has been pure violence, zeal and destruction. Empress Lakshmi has killed tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands, in her reign of terror which has seen mass-crucifixions of her enemies and the usage of deadly chemical weapons. She has continued to hold firm through fear and strength as her brother in law and loyal servant princes fall around her and the rebels turn the tide of war firmly in the favour. The "Black Empress", however, does not relent.
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Re: Voice of Kalkalistan

Postby Pragma » Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:37 pm

Prince Tarun Sweeps Through South; Kayal Proves Challenging
September 4437

The veteran prince of Vatavana, Prince Tarun, has swept through the southern half of Vanakalam and defeated the combined armies of four loyalist princes. The armies of the loyalist Rajavanshi and Anantis were obliterated at the Battle of Arvinda in Vadekar, where many thousands of the imperial troops - the largest single army of the entire loyalist armed forces - was routed by a combination of heavy guerrilla tactics and viciously effective suppression fire from machine guns and sniper-armed soldiers stations in the hills. The 70-year-old Tarun stationed all of his troops into the dense forest, and waited for the perfect opportunity to rain down fire onto the enemy. The troops of the loyalists were caught so off guard that many didn't even try to fire back, and simply ran wildly into the forest. Many were captured in the dense foliage, with a lack of preparedness costing them dearly.

Tarun's success with guerrilla tactics has inspired more rebellions against the royals across the nation. Only the central belt remains true to the Emperor, Raghu III of Kayal, and that is mainly down to the fear instilled in their hearts by the genocidal Empress Lakshmi of Bhapor. The Bhapori princess has ripped through the rebels in the countryside around the central belt through the usage of gassing and burning her opponents with chemical attacks and incendiary weaponry respectively. In Kayal, however, the seat of the Emperor himself, the fighting has been fierce. Violence and gunfire have resounded around the small island, which had yet to suffer the brunt of the Vanakalamese offensive. The Emperor's troops have thrown themselves at the invasion force, but many have fallen in the process. It seems that Kayal may yet be the toughest fight for the Vanakalamese forces since their civil war.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:00 pm

Emperor Raghu Captured As Kayal Falls
October 4438

Above: Emperor Raghu (far left)

Emperor Raghu III has been captured by Vanakalamese forces after the fall of his palace on his home territory, the island of Kayal. Kayal proved a challenge for the Vanakalamese to assault due to the fact Raghu had recalled all of his most fierce and experienced troops to protect himself. However, he and his court were eventually obtained after Vanakalamese troops worked with rebels on the island to gain a terrain advantage over a loyalist army that, due to Raghu's recall, was mostly unfamiliar with the island itself. The lack of support from the populous, even in his home island, eventually doomed the Emperor. He was captured in the early hours of this morning. Under the law of the Confederated League of Vascania, he will stand trial in Thikkonagama for treason, crimes against the state, complicity in war crimes and mass-murder. He will be executed if he is found guilty, which is extremely likely, and will be tried alongside his brother.

With the Emperor dethroned, his wife Lakshmi has claimed regency over the nation. Empress Lakshmi "the Black" of Bhapor proclaimed herself 'Empress Regnant', an upgrade from her former position of 'Empress Consort'. Lakshmi has gained massive notoriety in the nation for her usage of crucifixion, brutal repression and systematic chemical attacks on her own people. Acknowledging she has lost the love of the people, she now seeks to make them fear her in order to crush the rebellion. Lakshmi's forces have been effective in dealing sizeable blows to the rebel forces, in stark contrast to the success of Prince Tarun in the south and of President T. Sagana's Vanakalamese invasion forces in the north. Rebellions, which have helped the rebel forces gain ground in other areas, would never dare surface in her central belt of the country. She and the defences of the capital are the last hopes for the loyalist cause.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:05 pm

Capital Of Kalkalistan Falls
April 4439

Kamalata, the largest city in the nation of Kalkalistan and the national capital, has surrendered to the combined forces of Prince Tarun of Vatavana and the Sagana-loyal military of Vanakalam. The city was the largest remaining physical obstacle to the official unification of the continent under the Confederated League of Vascania due to its size and the extent to which its economy serves as a centrepiece of a potential peacetime Kalkalistan. The giant, economically booming and potentially vital city of Kamalata officially surrendered after light skirmishing on the outside of the city in the suburbs. The massive population of the city retreated to the metropolitan centre, but used the evacuation to also protest the mayor of the city into surrender. In the late afternoon, moving into the evening, the city council ordered the city's police to arrest its frightened military garrison and pledge allegiance to the CLV.

The CLV flag flew over city hall soon after, to much applause. With all but the few central regions of the country under the rebel-invasion coalition's control, it seems all but certain at this point that the nation will soon be officially and entirely christened into its alliance with Vanakalam. The nation will then be involved in the largest general election in Terran history, which will choose a President, VP, united legislature, two devolved lower legislatures and two-governor generals, alongside governors and local governments with devolved powers. Thousands of officials will be elected, and massive ramifications will come from the results for Vascania, Dovani and the world as a new major power is born.

The last obstacle for unification is the Empress Lakshmi, self-proclaimed Empress Regent - more commonly referred to as "Her Dark Majesty, the Black Empress" by an afraid populous. Her attacks on her people have continued at a frightening pace and even accelerated. One army battalion invading from the south under the command of an Ananti prince was bombarded with a chemical that attacks the brain and causes subjects to become violent, restless and ultimately dead. The Empress, who now wears black at all times and surrounds herself with loyalist religious figureheads, has declared it the decreed will of the gods that she exterminate all those who refuse to bow to their will. The Empress' sanity was damaged further by recent leaked new that she is pregnant with twins who have been monitored to be 'in a position not forthcoming to easy childbirth' within her womb.

Below: Lakshmi attacks rebel soldiers with neurotoxin-like gasses.
Last edited by Pragma on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Voice of Kalkalistan

Postby Pragma » Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:24 pm

Sagana: Lakshmi Has Fled, The War Is Over
October 4441

Above: President of the Confederated League of Vascania, T. Sagana.

The bitter decade-long conflict that swallowed all of Vascania whole has now ended, according to official reports from the President herself, T. Sagana. Sagana told the nation via broadcast to all regions that the Black Empress Lakshmi had gone into hiding or left the country, and that all of her troops had done the same. Her dwindling resources, support and fighters - Sagana says - left her no choice but to take 'the coward's way out and run'. With the sudden disappearance of her forces, the war is over, and peace comes again to the continent of Vascania. The sudden power vacuum will soon be filled by elections, in which the nation of Kalkalistan will be formally absorbed into the Confederated League of Vascania and pick its first Governor-General and governors in each principality.

It is likely many princes will find themselves at the end of a ballot box contest, rather than an armed struggle now the war is over. Meanwhile, the true horrors of Empress Lakshmi's regime in the centre of the country, centred around her homeland of Bhapor, are only now fully being seen. While she was known to be ruthless, the burnt bodies mounted on crosses and the green-tinted ponds of the countryside are utterly terrible. Burnt bodies not only are displayed in the desolate countryside but also in piles throughout a forest of now-charcoal trees. Words in Bhapori are scrawled across the ruins of villages that are now little more than ash and stone, warning people of the wrath of "the Black Empress". Starved and homeless villagers beg for food on the roadside.

Where the tyrant of Bhapor has gone remains a mystery. Some say she has retreated with her loyal followers into the mountains, some say she's smuggled herself abroad somehow - to where is unknown, some say Rapa Pile perhaps. Wherever she's gone, her dynasty is in ruins and she will be hunted for the rest of her days. Now, however, is a time for democracy to be born in a country that has lacked it for all of its history. Sagana has ruled herself out of running again due to being 76 now, and is devoting more time to her grandchildren, of whom she now has 5. With her former VP Tambethra Dyshini heading the GA, her successor seems unclear at this stage.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Pragma » Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:35 pm

Election 4443 Preview
October 4442

Above: B. Vermikesh (left) and Lavanya Tamhanakar (right).

With Takarana Sagana stepping down and her protegee Tambethra Dyshini running the GA, the race to fill the power vacuum and become the first truly peacetime leader of the Confederated League of Vascania is on. After the formation of the new nation being finalised with the end of the Kalkalistani War, five parties have emerged. They are: far-right National Democracy Party; centre-right Republican Alliance; centrist Social Moderate Party; centre-left United Conviction Party; far-left Commitment Party. The centre and far branches of each political wing have formed an alliance with each other, and have chosen their candidates internally. The right fronts B. Vermikesh for President and Prisa Kotecha for Prime Minister, the left fronts Lavanya Tamhanakar for President and Som Shekhar for Prime Minister. The Centre runs T. Kuchibh for Prime Minister, but is endorsing Lavanya Tamhanakar for President this time.

Why is the centre throwing their weight behind the left's candidate instead of running their own? The answer is simply: B. Vermikesh is an extremist politician from the National Democracy Party. He called for the usage of more stringent military power against the loyalists and the communists in the Kalkalistani and Vanakalamese wars respectively, and was personally in charge of the main manufacturing plant for the bombs and explosives that the Vascanian army used in its battles. Even Prisa Kotecha, a friend of Sagana and a centre-right politician from the Republican Alliance, was very reluctant to support him. His aggressive belief in fighting dirty in wars and his conviction that communists should be jailed are controversial enough, but that he mixes it with a very strong brand of nationalist populism (he believes there should be a quota on the number of foreigners in the nation) is at odds with Sagana's popular internationalist dreams.

Sagana has withheld her endorsement of him but is fully behind Prisa Kotecha for PM. She's also endorsed a litany of governors and regional officials, but nobody at the top of the ticket. Vermikesh doesn't seem to care, because he's been going on a tour of every single region in country and every city with over 10,000 inhabitants and several with smaller populations. He has't taken a day of campaigning for 109 days, and everywhere he goes he gets applause as much as he gets heckles. Tamhanakar, on the other hand, has called him a danger to peace and to progress in the developing nation. She is running a campaign based on investing in infrastructure and university education to bring the nation into the future, though many on the left think she doesn't go far enough and should ask for free university for all and a doubling of the national minimum wage, rather than her 50% increase promise. Vermikesh instead believes in a cashless society and abolishing small business tax. The polls show a small lead for Tamhanakar, but within the margin of error.
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Vascanian Empire

Postby Pragma » Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:19 pm

CLV Elections Inconclusive; Dyshini Making Key Visits

Above: Prisa Kotecha leads the largest section in the national Senate.

The elections in the Confederated League of Vascania have led to a totally inconclusive result. The parliaments of Vanakalam and Kalkalistan have both failed to produce majorities, with the centrists having the balance of power in both houses. The national senate also failed to produce a majority, with 79 of its seats to the right, 65 to the left and 56 to the centre. This very split, three-way situation has led to total disarray in the nation, with all three factions now entering talks with each other in hope of creating a first official government of the Confederated League of Vascania. Prisa Kotecha of the right and Som Shekhar of the left, who both went to the same schools as children, have became bitter enemies in a dirty backroom battle for support. The centre is threatened to split apart as different members announce their intent. 89 seats are pledged to P. Kotecha, 88 to S. Shekhar so far.

The Presidential results may yet be even less conclusive. B. Vermikesh of the far-right, who caused much controversy with his really populist and anti-elitist, has 50.01% of the votes and liberal candidate Lavanya Tamhanakar has 49.99% of the votes. This means they are separated by a margin so small a recount is absolutely certain, which could take months. Supporters of both sides took to the streets in parades supporting their candidate. That the controversial Vermikesh is ahead is particularly concerning to supporters of the left, who were certain that on the day people would vote for some continuity. Tamhanakar was ahead in the polls, but Vermikesh got a last-minute boost when T. Sagana endorsed him. That an internationalist leader supports this xenophobic candidate is pretty stunning, but it seems Sagana's crude political move bore some pretty serious fruits. A recount will be held over the next few months, Sagana will remain in charge for the meantime.

Tambethra Dyshini, the incumbent Vascanian President of the GA, is planning to make key visits to Noumonde to discuss a deal to satisfy both sides of the crisis' divide, and to a visit Dankuk for a visit of strengthening bonds. Crown Princess Katsura Eun Kyung of Dankuk will be one of the key hosts of Dyshini when she goes to visit the nation, the Taeyang Light Palace, the Hananim Cathedral in Sinsudo, old Ryeo Palace in Wolgwangsudo, the Great Wall of Dankuk are all scheduled for potential sight-seeing too as the GA President tries to build ties between the World Council and Dovani nations. On the other hand, a meeting in Noumonde between key figures on both sides of the crisis unfolding there could lead to a key stabilisation which would set a strong precedent for rooting out unrest before a war starts. This could be a key step in starting a trend of ending conflict before it really begins, beginning a period of greater peace.
Last edited by Pragma on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:39 pm

Power Split In Vascania With Liberal President And Conservative PM

Above: President Lavanya Tamhanakar (left) and Prime Minister Prisa Kotecha (right)

Elections in the Confederated League of Vascania have officially produced a fully conclusive result after several months of negotiation and recounts in key areas. After several recounts across the nation, the 0.02% lead held by far-right presidential candidate B. Vermikesh was erased as many thousands of provisional ballots were added in to give the left's Lavanya Tamhanakar a lead of 0.03% which grew with each recount. With the results against him, Vermikesh was forced to concede but announced that he would not relent in achieving his political aims of strict immigration control and small government. While 80-year-old incumbent President T. Sagana had reluctantly endorsed Vermikesh, it is believed that she and fellow reluctant endorser PM Prisa Kotecha were secretly happy to not have to deal with the antics of the antagonistic, anti-establishment figure.

This election result means that both PM and President of Vascania will be women, though the Governor-Generals and First Ministers of both constituent regions and the Governors of all but 5 of the dozens of provinces will be men. The result also means that Prisa Kotecha and her thin majority-coalition in parliament will have to strike compromises with the left-wing and avowedly progressive internationalist President Tamhanakar. Kotecha's hopes of continuing the authoritarian governing style of Sagana may be cast to the winds, though Sagana continues in her old age to hold tremendous sway over the politics of the population. Tamhanakar hopes to create a national health service and free education and adult education up until the age of 25 for all citizens. Kotecha wants to make the CLV the main leader of the Dovani Union and a military power with a strong navy. How they reconcile their wants and hopes will have to unfold.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:08 pm

Lakshmi The Black Returns To Vascania To Claim The Throne

Above: Lakshmi the Black, pretender to the Vascanian throne, in the last picture of her taken in Vascania.

18 years after the official, uncontested establishment of the Confederated League of Vascania, and 15 years after the first unitary election, the President of Vascania - leftist Karam Vaknis, elected 3 years ago to his first time after two-term incumbent of the same party Lavanya Tamhanakar stepped down - has confirmed that a boat carrying the dreaded pretender "Empress Lakshmi the Black" has docked itself secretly onto the shores of the CLV and disembarked the frightful ex-consort onto the CLV's territory. Aided by a gang of aging loyalists, the 50-year-old pretender to the title of "Empress of the Vascanian Empire" - a title never previously held in the history of the officially republican nation - has sought refuge and is now plotting her next move to insight war and conflict in the massive nation. Loved by none, feared by all, this is a shocking turn in the recent history of what had become a sleepy country.

After nearly two decades of peace and tranquillity, the nation has developed to a point that leaves it not far behind the first world in terms of economy and technology. It is universally considered a Newly Emerging Economy (NEE) by all serious economists, and it has a rate of GDP growth that is putting even powerhouses like Indrala, Dorvik and Vanuku to shame. It has, however, tried to distance itself from the decades of violence that ensued within it - even if the war-time President, T. Sagana, lives on in her late 90s. The progress of Vascania, however, has left it crowded and diverse: there are many, many barrels of gunpowder that only need ignition before one ethnic or economic tension explodes into violence. How a deeply despised figure can possibly convince a nation to back her is hard to picture, but a motion to start as inquest on how she got to Vascania has passed unanimously in the nation's unitary upper chamber and the two devolved, dual-lower-chambers.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:27 am

Takarana Sagana Dies Aged 95

Above: Takarana Sagana, April 5th 4365 - December 28th 4460

After a double-hip replacement surgery on November 23rd, former President of the Confederated League of Vasakana - Takarana Sagana - has died of natural causes at the age of 95 surrounded by her family at home in Sangora, Vanakalam, Vascania. She was with her son T. Darethan and daughter S. Venegahama when she died, and three of her eight grandchildren and five of her thirty-one great-grandchildren. She leaves behind dozens of descendants and even a great-great-granddaughter named in her honour.

Her husband, T. Janasapan, died five years prior, and she will be buried next to him in Sangora's Hosian cemetery. The 95-year-old had shown several signs of her health weakening over the last year, culminating in multiple surgeries and several long stays at the hospital, but it was not until early December she was informed by her doctors she hadn't long left to live.

Sagana was born Tarabai Sagana on April 5th 4365 in Sangora to two rice farmers, growing up in poverty. She was lucky enough to get an education at a small school two miles from where she lived, to which she walked with her ten older brothers and one younger sister every day. While all twelve of the siblings attended the free primary education, only Sagana was granted a government subsidy for gifted children to attend secondary education - making her the first person in the family to still be in education by the time she reached 16. From there, she received yet another subsidy due to outstanding academic success, but delayed going to college after the death of both of her parents so as to look after her younger sister. After working to help her sister, she was finally able to raise enough money to send her sister to a nun-led boarding school - the cheapest way to keep her well looked after.

Sagana went to the only university in the Sangora region when she was 20, and studied Medicine in the hopes of becoming a doctor. However, she met her future husband Janasapan and married him as soon as she left university. She put aside her ambitions to have a twin son and daughter, but was discouraged from having any more children after a miscarriage. During her time as a parent, Sagana developed a keen interest in politics - particularly in keeping it fair and uncorrupted. After living as a full-time mother until the age of 38, Sagana entered the world of work as a electoral overseer. She eventually was able to work her way up from that position to the position of Electoral Committee Chairwoman due to her firm standards of electoral overseeing which had seen Sangora deliver the most accurate, traceable and unquestioned results in all of Vanakalam's elections.

Her push for free and fair elections brought her directly into conflict with the plan of communist leader Chairwoman Amishana Suhanthra in April 4411, when the nation's communist government refused to call an election. As IEC chairwoman, Sagana pressured the communist government but to no avail. Upon turning to the military for help in conducting a free and fair election, and having her compromises rejected by Chairwoman Suhanthra, Sagana and her allies were besieged by the forces of the communists.

What followed was a bloody conflict that took years and years to resolve. Sagana was a key player on the side of the anti-communist forces, forming the Forum for Democracy and helping to organise the armed struggle that went up against urban and chemical warfare while facing a massive number of conscripted enemy troops. The Vanakalamese civil war raged on, taking millions of lives, until April 4424. Sagana became the Vice-President, but became President after the assassination of her predecessor.

The time for peace did not come yet, however, as the brutal oppression of the Kalkalistanis by Emperor Raghu led to another war, the Vascanian War, which saw a complex web of princely alliance form along ethnic and religious divides against the Emperor. Massive-scale war raged across the continent, with thousands of miles of battle-lines sprawling across the map. Millions died and millions more were injured during the heavy fighting which culminated in the usage of crucifixion and chemical gas attacks by the Emperor's wife. The brutal usage of princely levies, naval assaults, guerrilla warfare and last stands created a spider's web of conflict which may well go down as the largest single war geographically and in terms of population effected in the last few centuries. The conflict became the largest single theatre of the Dovani War. Vascania was ultimately united, and Sagana became the first President of the united nation, the Confederated League of Vascania.

Sagana was a figure that was, and still is, beloved and idolised in the nation she ruled and the nation she united. A towering figure in the politics of the region for half a century, Sagana came up against some of the most violent and cruel warmongers in the history of Terra and stood triumphant. Her legacy is a rapidly growing economy, a rapidly advancing nation and a union of many different ethnic and linguistic groups to create a continent that is united and at peace. 93% of Vascanians have a positive view of the former President, compared to just 2% who don't. Her death has led to public mourning in the streets, and services being held in temples and churches across the nation. With an election coming up in just a few months, the question of whether nostalgia for the late politician will help her Republican Alliance party is still up in the air. Whatever the case, no person has left as great an influence on the continent as her, and she may well go down as the most influential woman of the century, if not the millennium.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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