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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Temu » Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:08 am

Liberal Nationals Leadership Spill - Conservative Faction Dealt a Humiliating Defeat

Recent rumours of a leadership spill within the Liberal National Party have been confirmed. It is understood the Leader of the Liberal National Party, Paul Myer was delivered a petition by 15MPs who called for a party meeting to determine the leadership of the party. Among those who signed, was the vocal critic of Mr Myer, Betty Cox, MP for Sunshine.

Mr Myer has formally resigned as leader of the Liberal National Party and will retire as the Member for Roselands stating "
In the past 9 years as Member for Roselands, I have represented by constituents faithfully, I am proud of putting forward the ETS bill, which looks like it will pass, which will give Hutori a real climate policy, the first in decades. I am proud of what I have achieved for this party , ushering it into a new age, away from its racist past. My time in politics however is over, family commitments have become priority, and so this ends my political career .

Upon Paul Myers resignation a party room meeting was called to determine the future leadership of the Liberal National Party. Four contenders put their name up for the leadership of the party, which are listed below:

Candidates for the Leadership of the Liberal National Party

Betty Cox (NAT)
MP for Sunshine
Trade & Industry Spokesperson (May 4437 - December 4443)
Shadow Minister for Trade & Industry (March 4438 - March 4442)

Known as a hardline conservative within the party, Mrs Cox has been the most vocal regarding her disapproval of the shift toward centre right policies within the LNP.
Faces strong support within the conservative faction, however will struggle to gain the moderate vote due to unsavoury past of supporting controversial policies regarding race.

Joshua Price (LIB)
MP for Newport (March 4434 - Present)
Defence Spokesperson (June 4437 - Present)
Shadow Minister for Defence (March 4438 - March 4442)

A moderate within the party, Joshua Price as been a strong supporter of Paul Myer throughout his leadership. However is considered relatively unknown outside of his own electorate, making him a potential liability in a national election

Julie King (LIB)
MP for Rose Bay (March 4442 - Present)

A popular newcomer within the party, Ms King is a moderate within the party who is well liked among colleagues. Known for her sharp tongue and political smarts, many have touted Ms King as a future leader of the party, the question is whether that time is now

Andrew Jones (LIB)
MP for South Roselands (March 4430 - Present)
Foreign Affairs Spokesperson (March 4437 - Present)
Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister (March 4438 - March 4442)

A strong moderate within the party, Andrew Jones has faithfully served the Liberal National Party for nearly 14 years, well liked within the electorate, many within the moderate faction consider Mr Jones the parties best candidate to go forward and continue Mr Myer's legacy.

Results of the Leadership Spill

First Round

Andrew Jones - 26 votes
Julie King - 18 votes
Joshua Price - 11 votes
Betty Cox - 9 votes

Due to no candidate having a majority, party rules dictated that Mrs Cox and Mr Price be eliminated, and a second round of voting be conducted

Second Round

Andrew Jones - 38 votes
Julie King - 26 votes

Mr Jones, has been declared the winner of the leadership spill and has been officially declared the Leader of the Liberal National Party. The spill saw a humiliating defeat for the conservative "National" faction of the party, Betty Cox failing to even reach the second round of voting, and overall polling the lowest amount of support. Many have seen this as reaffirming the shift toward centre/centre-right policies within the Liberal National Party and silencing the conservative faction for the time being. In what shocked many, a few National MP's have switched toward the Liberals faction, citing "their support for liberal policies" which has largely weakened the conservative factions power within the party. It is rumoured that Mrs Cox will not contest the next election

Mr Jones, following his successful bid for leadership, announced his new party leadership team.

Leader of the Liberal National Party & Foreign Affairs Spokesperson
Andrew Jones (LIB)

Deputy Leader of the Liberal National Party & Finance Spokesperson
Julie King (LIB)

Defence Spokesperson & Chief Party Whip
Joshua Price (LIB)

Health & Social Services Spokesperson
Terry Long (LIB)

Justice Spokesperson
Jennifer Huff (LIB)

Education & Culture Spokesperson
Ryan Jones (LIB)

Many hold high hopes for the new leader, with some predicting he could bring the party back into government, after decades of exodus.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:47 pm

Royalists Kick Off Election Campaign With Plan For The People

The coming election could be one of the most critical in centuries. With multiple parties now supporting the Republican movement, the Royalist Party faces a do or die situation. If they do not earn at least a 3rd of the seats in parliament, the monarchy could be living its last days. Currently, the New Liberals won't support abolishing the monarchy, but with many in the party supportive of a switch to a republic, the next leadership change in the party could spell the end of the monarchy as well.

With the election just months away, Royalist Leader Dylan Jourdain held his first campaign rally, and announced what he calls, the Plan for the People. Jourdain also made a huge announcement regarding the presidential election.


"Ladies and gentleman, tonight we embark on a journey to bring back common sense governance to Hutori. We must stop giving control of our finances, our military, and everything else to parties who are not capable of successfully running a country. They lack the competence to even propose a proper budget. The liberal elites of the Consumers Party would have you believe they are working for the everyday consumer, when all they are doing is trying to take away more of your money and give it to their rich friends. The Royalist Party is the Party for the People and our plan will turn this country around. We will eliminate the tax on essential goods, nobody should be paying a tax on goods that are essential to their everyday life. We will also stimulate the economy and bring companies back to Hutori, and with them comes jobs. We will do that by restoring a 0% corporation tax. We will do a line by line audit of the budget and cut out wasteful spending. We are confident that we can make these tax cuts without running a defict. And finally, our plan includes the preservation of the monarchy! Now, as for the presidency, our party will not be running a candidate. Instead we will endorse Chancellor Morris in her bid to become President. Chancellor Morris has been the common sense voice in a government filled with socialists and liberal elitists and will make an excellent President."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:29 pm

End of an Era as King Retires

Longtime Royalist Stalwart and Cabinet fireperson extraordinare Amanda King has retired, having ended her term as the last election was called, retiring following a 28 year career in politics. Having served in a number of veteran roles including Foreign Affairs and Defence, King was considered one of the best and most competent Cabinet Ministers in multiple cabinets, leaving behind a huge legacy, including a loving relationship between both the Hutorian Diplomatic Corps and the Hutorian Armed Forces, a rarity amongst Cabinet Ministers who are rarely able to get a handle on the stunning bureaucracies they are straddled with, with King being noted as being extremely efficient and skilled at maneuvering through the federal bureaucracy with minimal effort.

Her retirement, and the redrawing of Parliament has forced the Progressive Caucus of the Royalist Party to find new leadership in light of the much more streamlined Caucus; while their vote share hasn't changed, their seat count was cut in half during the restructuring. While many assumed Xander Woodbury, King's longtime deputy and right hand would take over the Caucus, the Progressives only capturing two seats total in Adelia, in Woodbury's home riding of Groomsbridge and fellow Adelian Rose McHale's riding of Bekenial East, along with the strengthening of the Roccato Caucus has redrawn the power to newly minted chairman, and second term Member of Parliament from Langdon, Neil MacDougall.

Member of Parliament for Langdon South and new Chair of the Progressive Royalists Neil MacDougall

MacDougall, despite his new tenure in the house, has quickly established himself as a power parliamentarian, coming from years at Sutton House in Kincardine as an MLA. He is known as highly charismatic and incredibly shrewd. In a press conference MacDougall has confirmed that should the current Cabinet Proposal before the House pass, Woodbury and Wolffang, two of the most veteran MPs in the Party, would be his picks to sit in Cabinet along with Chancellor Jourdain. Many analysts see this as a way to placate Adelia and Falristan but also give him carte blanche for running the Caucus in the House as he needs to. MacDougall is known to come from the hard left wing of the Progressive Caucus in terms on all social issues, though he is known to be a hardcore fiscal conservative and budgetary hawk.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:26 pm

Jourdain Elected Chancellor

After 41 years in parliament, Dylan Jourdain finally reached the top today as he was sworn in as Chancellor of Hutori. Jourdain has twice seeked the Presidency, having lost in both the 4434 and 4438 elections, served as Minister of Finance for a combined 23 years, was leader of the Conservative Caucus for 29 years, and has spent the last 4 years serving as leader of the Royalist Party and the Official Opposition. Jourdain ran on what he called "The Plan for the People". His plan clearly resonated with Hutorian voters as his party earned a respectable 38 seats, and he was able to convince his new coalition partners to join a government under his lesdership. Jourdain becomes the first Royalist Chancellor in 12 years and says he plans to come through on his Plan for the People.

[i]Jourdain is sworn in as the 22nd Chancellor of the Commonwealth of Hutori[i]

Jourdain issued a statement on his social media accounts shortly after being sworn in.

"This past March, we promised Hutorians that help was coming. We promised you that we would bring back common sense governance, simplify our tax code, eliminate corporate tax, and eliminate the tax on essential goods. The Hutorian people gave us a mandate, a mandate that we will live up to, and I must thank the leaders of the New Liberals, Liberal Nationalists and Free Democrats for joining us in our government for the people. Now its time to get to work!"
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President Morris Announces Intention to End Presidency

Postby Sovak111 » Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:49 pm

President Sophia Morris today sent a letter to Parliament announcing her intention to combine the roles of Chancellor and President into one position - "First Minister." The first minister would carry the powers of both roles and serve as the sole Head of State and Government for the nation. Said Morris in her letter:

It is time for the Commonwealth to do away with the role I currently hold, and combine the roles of Chancellor and President. Doing so will streamline operations of the nation and make it clear to our partners and friends abroad who is actually in charge at any given time. Just today I received a message from our neighbors in Davostan that should have been received by the Chancellor and Foreign Minister...

President Morris, wearing New Liberal yellow, is a known monarchist and once considered joining the Royalist Party.

Morris, a known Monarchist, made it clear that the new "First Minister" position would serve in the name of the Royal Family of Hutori.

I want to stress that I do not believe that this a Monarchist-Republican issue. It is a good governance issue. Therefore, I propose that the First Minister - the name I believe best fits the combination of the Chancellor and President - carry the honorifics related to the Presidency until such a time in which we resolve the Republican/Royalist issue.

Sources suggest that Morris has struck a deal with Republican members of her party that would enable them to put forth a pro-Republican bill only after the vote on the status of the Head of State/Head of Government occurs. "I hope Parliament will vote for this Constitutional Amendment without haste," said Morris to media while welcoming the Consul General of Davostan to Sutton to a state dinner, "We have many issues to attend to, so sorting the role of the First Minister is of imperative importance."

The text of the bill to consolidate both offices can be found here:
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:19 pm

Jourdain to Run For First Minister

Chancellor Dylan Jourdain announces his intention to run for the new position of First Minister in the next election.

Chancellor, and leader of the Royalist Party, Dylan Jourdain, held a press conference today where he announced he would run for the new role of First Minister in the next election. Jourdain is the first candidate to officially announce their intention to run, and it comes as no shock that the Royalists would seek the office with the future of the monarchy in serious jeopardy. The Royalists have grown increasingly frustrated with their coalition partners, who are not supporting their tax changes, and are in favour of republican reform.

"We founded this party in 4386, more than 60 years ago, to ensure the preservation of the monarchy. We were 2 separate parties who agreed on very little, except that a constitutional monarchy was the best form of government for this nation. But in those 60 plus years, the Royalist Party has become more than just that, we have become a family, we agree more and more everyday on policy, we realized that if we wanted to continue to lead Hutori, and hold enough of the house to preserve the monarchy, we would have to work as 1, not 2. Hutorians heard our plan 2 years ago and elected us, expecting real change. Unfortunately, the other parties in our coalition will not support us in making these changes and coming through on the promises we were elected on. We will serve out this term with our partners, but after this term, any party who supports a republican amendment, need not come knock on my door anymore, they need not call and ask for our partnership in a coalition, they will all be dead to us. We will not work with any party who does not support the form of government which has proven itself over the centuries to be the most politically stable."
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President Morris Declines to Run for First Minister

Postby Sovak111 » Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:42 pm

President Morris has declined to run for First Minister, meaning the New Liberals will neither run nor endorse candidates in that election. Said Morris:

After several years at the top of Hutorian politics, it is time for new blood and new ideas.

Jim O'Neill, MP for Acton Gardens and leader of the New Liberal Party will serve as the party's electoral leader moving forward. Said O'Neill:

We've declined to run candidates for First Minister and focus entirely on regional elections. We hope to make gains, especially in Kenai and Adelia - two places that have been mainstays for the party in the past.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:11 pm

Hutorians Say Final Goodbyes to Beloved Chancellor Martin

Thousands pay final respects to Rt. Hon. Brett Martin in Bekenial

Earlier this week, former Chancellor, the Rt. Hon. Brett Martin passed away at the age of 81. Thousands flocked to Bekenial for a state funeral and millions viewed it on TV. Martin was one of the most popular politicians in Hutori in the last century. He was also the longest serving leader in the Royalist Party's history having served for nearly 17 years.

Martin defends his Opening Hutori For Business Act

Martin served as Chancellor for 8 years from 4410-4418 and is credited with revitalizing the Hutorian economy. Under his government, Bills R-8: Opening Hutori For Business Act ( ... lid=573081), F-142: Private Industry Act ( ... lid=573883), and F-143: Denationalization & Economic Freedom Act ( ... lid=573884) were all passed. Those bills were credited with kick starting job growth and giving a much needed boost to the Hutorian economy. Before becoming Chancellor, Martin served as Minister of Finance under Chancellor Pascale Rousseau from 4393 until 4401. During that time, he passed a budget which finally addressed an auditor general's report which had been ignored for 9 years, lowered corporate taxes, and implemented a simplified tax code that lowered taxes on Hutorians.

After retiring from politics, Martin would go on to serve as Royalist Party Chairman from 4422 until his death, he also became CFO of Gold Lion Capital, Hutori's largest private equity firm. He also ran for president of the World Congress General Assembly, the first Hutorian to do so.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:28 pm

Royalists Threaten to Call for Early Election

It has now been 2 years since the last election. In that time, there have been 2 failed Cabinet proposals, with 1 more having now sat on the docket for 3 months, which still hasn't passed, as well as 3 constitutional amendments which would reform Hutori into a republic, 1 of which failed, 1 is currently in the voting process and is expected to fail as well, and a third is in the debate phase. The Royalists feel Hutorian voters are not getting what they voted for and are threating to call for an election if a cabinet is not formed soon. It is also rumoured that Emperor William himself wrote to First Minister Ultrackius telling him to form a cabinet or have an election called. No representative of the House of Steuart-Charmichael was available for a statement on the issue but we did sit down with Royalist Party leader Dylan Jourdain.

Royalist Leader, and former Chancellor, Dylan Jourdain sits down for an interview with the Bekenial Dispatch

Q: Your party came out of the last election in a position where you had to have felt the Royalist cause had been defeated and that the Monarchy was dead. With what has transpired over the 2 years since, are you feeling more optimistic?

"Well, we have always believed that this cause is worth fighting for no matter how bad things look for us. While there were definitely avid Royalists who believed the Monarchy was dead when the election results came in, our caucus kept hope. Now, am I more optimistic now than I was 2 years ago, certainly. The republican parties cannot seem to agree on anything, even something as simple as forming a cabinet, so we are definitely optimistic that they will not be able to agree on the terms of any republican amendment."

Q: By now everyone has heard the rumours that Emperor William has threatened to call an election if First Minister Ultrackius does not soon form a cabinet. If these rumours are not in fact true, will your party be bringing forward a motion for an early election?

"Definitely, while we may not like it, Hutorians voted overwhelmingly in favour of republican parties forming the next government. These parties are not coming through on the mandate given to them by the people. If a cabinet is not formed in the coming months, the Royalist Party will table a motion to call for an early election."

Q: One last question. Should the monarchy fall, what does the future look like for your party? Do the Progressive and Conservative Caucuses split or will you remain as one?

"Well we are trying not to think about that right now. At the moment we are solely focused on preserving the monarchy. We are united in our loyalty to the crown."
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O'Neill Announces the End of the New Liberal Party

Postby Sovak111 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:03 am

Today Jim O'Neill, Leader of the New Liberal Party, announced that party's disbandment. "The New Liberal Party is no more," stated O'Neill, "at least at the National level."

Many candidates for local and provincial office vowed to continue campaigning under the party banner, but the New Liberal Campaign committee has filed for bankruptcy and is unable to financially support any candidates this term. Said O'Neill:
"We spent all of our money campaigning for the Republic. A lot of good that did us. The Royalists attacked us from the right, the Liberal Nationals stabbed us in the back and the USPH can't govern. I'm ashamed it is all crumbling down on my watch. But I don't know what else I could have done!

The New Liberal Party was formed by Pavel Jucewicz, Constance Okafor, and Russell Selwyn several decades ago. Each went on to play important roles in the history of the Country. Okafor served 5 terms as President, and Selwyn served as Deputy Chancellor, NOCTO General Secretary, and Ambassador to Davoston. When the first generation of the party retired, a second generation led by Rebecca Doyle and Peter Knox took charge of the party. Doyle caused the greatest constitutional crisis in recent memory, it was Selwyn who mediated the dispute. His protege, Knox, would go on to be the Party's second President. Jack Hill, the party's beloved, youngest, and most effective Chancellor succeeded Knox as party leader. He was undoubtedly destined for greater things but was brutally murdered by the terrorist organization Article 17. His deputy, Sophia Morris, would go on to serve as Chancellor and then as the last President of Hutori. With the exception of Doyle, most of the Party's leaders were Royalists. Selwyn and Hill had a history of working very well with Royalist leaders, Brett Martin and Dylan Jourdain, respectively. Morris once considered running for office as a Royalist. It was only after the Republican Jim O'Neill became leader that the party splintered. As a Republican party it began to lose previously safe seats and never regained the electoral or financial support it once had. The party was known for straddling the line between the right and the left and attempting to create pragmatic public policy, but towards its end became wholly focused on establishing a Republic. History will show that Quixotic enterprise led to the end of the party.
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