
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby bee777 » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:49 pm

Zardugal increases the tension
March, 4437

In Beleco, an emergency government and parliament assembly was convened today, due to the expulsion of Zardic diplomats from Cobura. All members of the government and some members of Parliament spoke at the assembly. The government has said it will strengthen the number of soldiers on the Coburan border and, in the event of a further upsurge in the situation, may lead to an armed conflict. The Minister of Defense immediately declared that the country is ready for war very well and if it happened, Zardic soldiers would murder without mercy.


Hopefully, the Zardic army will fight heroically in the event of war and free Majatra from the bourgeois dictatorship.
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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby bee777 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:17 pm

Great Red Religious Revolution
February, 4438

After a large Communist Party Congress in Maniopol, a week ago, Vilhelmo Stelara announced the beginning of the Great Red Religious Revolution, which will mark the end of religious fanatics in Zardugal. The artillery came to the religious buildings and began to fire them. Afterwards the pyrotechnic unit came to the destroyed cathedrals and their debris completely razed. Also in the villages, the Communist Action Committees have been ordered to destroy all religious buildings regardless of historical value. Many church dignitaries were killed and their homes burned. Following these events, Vilhelmo Stelara spoke to the people:

I know what's going on, but we do not regret making our decision. All the dead people were bourgeois and religious fanatics who just wanted to hurt.
Vilhelmo Stelara


According to the reporters, 28 cathedrals, 457 different churches, 85 mosques and 19 synagogues were destroyed. More than 700 different church figures were killed.
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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby EDominus » Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:41 pm

The New Empire Movement Begins Mobilizing, Nationalists Begin to Declare Independence
By Lace Kuranta
October 4438

Ever since 4432, Zardugal has been in a state of internal unrest. The rise of the Second People's Republic under the Radical Communist Party (Radikala Komunisma Partio, RKP) had feed into several resistance movements throughout the country, and as the years drag on revolution seems likely.

The Communist Reform Alliance (Komunisma Reforma Alianco, KRA), was group that split off from the RKP in 4436. The KRA wished to represent more liberal reforms such as increasing religious freedom, increasing education standards, and information freedom. But the KRA also supported increasing the state's hold on power. The KRA only lasted a couple years, before the Zardic government cracked down on the members for treason. Other leftist groups such as the Blue Communist Party (Blua Komunisma Partio), Zardic Action Party (Zardio Ago-Partio), and Socialist Republican Alliance (Socialisma Respublika Alianco) have all been either disbanded or have had there members arrested.


On the other side of the spectrum, many nationalists and republicans have called the formation of the People's Republic unconstitutional, calling back to the 4426 Constitution of the Federation ( ... lid=576255), the 4378 of the Confederation ( ... lid=564972), and the 4252 Constitution of the Republic ( ... lid=532739). Last month, a large Augustan nationalist rally occurred in Aŭgusta Justiniana, and around 15,000 came out to protest the government's actions. The rally was quickly broken up by police, but the tensions still continue to stand. The largest Augustan nationalist faction, Nova Empire, has been clashing with police for months in the state of Ingomo. The group is lead by Ksavero "August" Basiliakido, former Orderist preacher and scholar, who seeks Ingomo's independence from Zardugal. He is currently seeking asylum in neighboring Cobura, but he plans his return sometime at the end of this year.

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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby bee777 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:26 am

The Fall of Communism in Zardugal
Stelara committed suicide, Petro Johano declared the fall of the Communist Party
November, 4438

It is November 3rd, the nationalists have won the non-violent way and the communists have lost all support. All of this Vilhelmo Stelara knows and is afraid he might be executed in the new state. Shortly before seven o'clock in the morning, he shakes hands with his security guards, last sung the Zardic anthem, and at seven o'clock and ten minutes he put his gun to head. A shot is heard in three minutes. The guards enters the study, Stelara covers with the Zardic flag and goes out to the gardens of his palace in Beleco, where his body burns and ashes spreads around. This is the end of Vilhelmo Stelara.

After two days, on November 5, the Communist Party secretary Petro Johano tells the people that Communism is falling and giving power to nationalists. All Communists then leave the government building, and most of them go to the border where they travel to Jelbania. Several communist radicals, before their departure, blasted off their offices, damaging a few historic buildings. The road to democracy is already free.

Secretary Petro Johano
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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby EDominus » Fri Aug 17, 2018 7:19 pm

Zardugal Begins Construction of New Metropolitan Area

August Basiliakido's biggest wish was the establishment of a new Ingomo metropolitan area.
Ingomo is Zardugal's connection to Lake Majatra, and yet for years it has been neglected as focus has moved westward. My goal is to recreate the life that Ingomo once had in the Age of Caesar. To construct a new center of trade and development, and the center of Democratic institutions!

In recent months it seems that this wish is coming to pass, as construction increased in the city of Aŭgusta Justiniana. New parks, restaurants, and apartments have seen a boom, as well as jobs. The three most popular occupations being: entertainment, architecture, and most surprising aerospace engineering. Also, according to SunKing News, this trend is only increasing as families move away from the militarized northwestern states.
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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby EDominus » Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:22 pm

August Basiliakido, First Major of the Empire, dies at 54
SunKing Breaking News
March 3rd, 4444

Imperial Major Ksavero "August" Basiliakido, has died at the age of 54 from a deadly form of influenza.
His death was announced in a statement by the Basiliakido noble family. His wife, Gloria Basiliakido, has stated "He was fighting and fighting, but he could not defeat it."

The House of Basiliakido will hold a private funeral on April 13th, but after the public will be free to enter for a visitation service. Where the service will be held has not been disclosed yet, but the body will be buried in the city of Aŭgusta Justiniana.

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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby EDominus » Sat Aug 25, 2018 7:23 pm

Nationalists become split as Augustine begins adopting Expansionism

Debate in the Assembly has grown fierce as Holy Party begins to split into two camps: Expansionists v. Civic Nationalists.

After a recent bill that supported a stronger national military, various assembly members began to support increasing the territory of the Empire. The most vocal of these members has been Representative Grozdano Theodorido.

Theodorido believes in the idea of "Pax Augustina" or the aggressive expansion of the Empire.

Zardugal was just the beginning. The nature of a strong government is not the happiness of its citizens or how democratic it is, THAT'S THE BULLSHIT ISTALIA WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE! The truth is that the nature of a strong government, a strong nation is how much it influences other governments. That means it's Augustine's sole purpose to expand and restore Augustan Empire.

Dražen Petrovic, a Tokundian-Augustine National Socialist, has also agreed with Theodorido's statements. "He is stating the truth. Certain lands should, without a doubt, be a part of the Empire. Augustina needs to adopt this foreign policy before other nations start destroying our own culture."


On the other side of the spectrum, many nationalists have gone against this "national selection" type of foreign policy. "If we cannot cooperate with our neighbors, we become enemies with our neighbors. Do you want our nation go start a International War??"

This was from Representative Luksa Kalivazo, when addressing the Imperial Assembly last Wednesday. Many other representatives like Kalivazo, wish to adopt a more civic national government. But only time will tell which side the Imperial Assembly will ultimately choose.

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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby EDominus » Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:03 am

Breaking News:
The Augustine Empire Launches Deadly Offensive In Southern Mallan Communities
January 7th, 4445

According to recent reports, the Augustine Empire launched a military offensive against majority Mallan communities within the Province of Kalvario. Around 36 people have been reported dead, and over hundred have been injured.

Military strike in the Mallan community of Tijira.

The Augustine National Armed Forces (ANAF) have been seen rounding up Mallans and placing them in large, metal "canteen" vans. Reports are also suggesting that this is was direct order from Imperial Major Zoranido.

ANAF Soldiers entering Kalvario.

Whatever the case, we will keep you posted. Reporting live from MajatraUncovered, this is Kasta Delevarido.
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Re: Ruĝa ĵurnalo de Zardugal

Postby EDominus » Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:03 am

Mallan ethnic cleansing continues.
Operation Sodom enters its seventh month.
July 18th, 4445


Over 10,000 Mallans have been confirmed dead since the start of year. Seventy percent of those dead have been confirmed to have been citizens of the Empire. Over 34,000 Mallans have been reported missing as the Augustine military has abducted "cooperative" members of the Mallan communities.

As this continues, the heads of Kostandia turn a blind eye to the massacre of its own citizens. And according to Rep. Grozdabo Theodorido,
Mallans have been a thorn in the side of the Augustan Empire since its inseption. And if there is one thing we in the Holy Party can agree on, it's that Mallans need to go! I'm surprised this didn't happen earlier!

If Theodorido's statements are to be believed, then Augustine government is not just allowing these attacks to happen, but actively encouraging them.
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby EDominus » Fri Aug 31, 2018 12:46 pm

Luthori Edition:
Augustine National Tribune
July 9th, 4447

Esinsundu Empire of Cobura Falls To Communist Revolutionaries

Communist revolutionaries, mainly refugees, from the northern territories of Cobura seize control of the Coburan central government. This has sparked debate in the Imperial Assembly as Expansionists wish to extend Operation Sodom to the nation of Cobura but Civic Nationalists wish the conflict to remain in Augustine territory.

We cannot wait! The communists are on our doorstep, and if we do not act with agency, our nation is next! Members of the Assembly, do you not remember the Stelara dictatorship? We need to mobilize against this threat before they come into our nation and wipe us out!

This was from Emissary of National Defense Grozdano Theodorido to the Assembly last Thursday. Many agree with Theodorido's plan of victory, but various fringe groups on the Civic Nationalist side of the party do not agree.

How can we expect to fight another country, when our own is faltering. We need to increase education and organize our own state before we interfere with another! We defeat the communists through economic might, not military might!

This was from Representative Kaeto Martinianido, the biggest critic of Operation Sodom and leader of the Civic Nationalist faction. Martinianido also has pushed for various more left wing policies, and including higher minimum wages and increased education funding. Many suspect Martinianido of being a communist, but edvidence has not surfaced at the moment.
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