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Re: Egelion News Network

Postby Metacomet » Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:14 pm

Factional Battles Must Worry UDRC Ahead Of October 4409 Election

“You are either breaking down your party through a factional battle, or you are campaigning for elections; you cannot do both at the same time.”

The leader of the UDRC, João Batlle, should be very worried. What is happening inside his party is one of the biggest risks that he is faced with. The main reason for this is that it frustrates his attempts to move the UDRC toward a different type of politics, to get the UDRC to transform itself into a modern political party. He wants the UDRC to be a party that is not trapped by conflicting ideologies and is instead able to adapt to what is demanded by the society that it leads. The party is divided between the Aurorian social democratic wing (defenders of the Caillean capitalism values) and the Metzism wing (defenders of a secular extreme left-wing vision of the society).

Those who want to resist the Aurorian social democratic wing are now able to rally together behind Roldão Câmara, Ministry of Science and Technology. On the surface, they are helping him through his defeat on the Metzism wing sponsored Abortion Act and, but in reality, they are just trying to evade their own responsibility for a series of measures and proposals that attack many of the values of the Aurorian social democratic wing. The main risk of the UDRC is an open challenge to the moral position associated with Batlle's leadership.

We have seen that there is a break-away within the governing party, with the most radical members of the Metzism wing moving to the Partido Comunista para el Pueblo, owing to the factionalism which is playing itself out right now. There are people within the UDRC who want to do their own thing for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the reason why we are seeing people stay, and engage in factionalism, is not because people are loyalists committed to the UDRC, but rather because it is still easier to access power through the UDRC than leaving, forming a new political party and staying in the opposition for a long time before being able to access resources again.

The Aurorian social democratic wing, led by the Ministry of Health and Social Services Pròsper Albó, remains the most important bloc of power within the party, and that is why they are going to battle the other power groups to control the party apparatus. They have seen that the political parties who have left the UDRC do not win representation; they remain irrelevant parties that end up self-destructing. Albó has learned from history and instead, will remain patient within the structures waiting to see what the next electoral results say about the Metzism wing policies. Albó says that factional fighting is just a waste of time, people should be stabilizing the party. There is a saying that goes: you can't be at the disco and be at the church at the same time, you are either in church or you are at the disco. So, you are either breaking down your party through a factional battle, or you are campaigning for the next elections, you cannot do both at the same time.
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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby Metacomet » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:21 pm

Egelion’s Metzists, Monarchists, and Axists Mobilize in Protest for Early Elections

Batlle worries about the future of his government

Egelion’s Metzists, Monarchists, and Axists leaders, incensed by their failed bid for power, began mobilizing for an early election. The disconnect between the Unión Demócrata Republicana Confederal (UDRC) and the other political parties underscores the widening gulf in Egelions’s fractured politics that’s unsettling many sections of society.

March against the Government

Egelion’s government popularity plummeted on Tuesday, with the spread perception that the UDRC is enforcing its political will to all other political forces. A new election could take place as soon as the UDRC’s MPs agree to pass that measure in parliament. The option to form an interim administration was refused by the most prominent figures of the UDRC. They preferred to side with an early election, even if those elections will most probably finish their hegemony in parliament. Opposition leaders fired broadsides against the president, setting the tone for a virulent campaign. Many civic leaders asked for demonstrations against the government. A prominent religious leader said: “I call on citizens to mobilize, make yourselves heard,” while other civic leaders urged supporters to do the same.

The religious leader that made those comments

Egelion stocks dragged down gauges across the world on Monday. A prominent foreign leader, keeping his anonymity due to diplomatic rules, said that “We ought to take a very close look at where we can cooperate with the government, but always remembering that we have some read lines in our nation.”

Bad day at the Stock Market

Batlle’s cabinet will require a confidence vote in parliament, where most of his supporters are ready to go for a repeat election instead. Batlle said he would plan for a general election if his government loses the confidence votes in parliament.

Batlle announcing the confidence vote in parliament
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The communist party resurrect again.

Postby MarcGM » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:41 pm

The first leader of the POME Eva Martínez

After practically 30 years of clandestine activity due to the monarchic dictatorship of Egelion, which illegalized the Communist Party, a group of veteran militants, already old but full of enthusiasm, decided to rebuild a central committee in the historic building of the party, in Demar Solad. the founder is Eva Martínez, granddaughter of the founder of the PCE, who died in exile. the new party, called the Marxist Workers Party of Egelion, aims to continue with the historical struggle of its predecessors to achieve a Socialist Republic but this time without armed violence. as the first secretary general has said in a press conference "I know perfectly well that my grandfather made mistakes that caused many deaths in our country and I can not forgive myself. That is why I make a public announcement to the current government of the republic. yes, we are communists, and yes, we are not perfect. but we have also done many good things for Egelion. Since we were born for the first time, there in the year 4296 we have dedicated ourselves to work for the working class and we will never stop doing it. Glory to the POME! "The party intends to present to the next general elections
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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby lihokan2 » Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:36 pm


July 12, 4446
Rosa Ortega Announces Creation of ORTEGA

Today, Rosa Ortega, famous entrepreneur and philanthropist, has announced the creation of a political movement in her name. ORTEGA, which advocates for economic liberalization and technological advancements will provide a voice for citizens all throughout Egelion who envisions the nation as a future powerhouse for innovation and creativity.

Rosa Ortega, Leader of ORTEGA

Rosa Ortega has also announced her bid for the presidency in the 4449 elections in the press conference. Ms. Ortega is famous for the invention of the artificial intelligence juice blender 'Fresco', which propelled her company to success within Egelion's growing IT sector. Following the introduction of a wide range of home electronics products, she has moved on to creating a charity foundation for STEM education across the nation, and now her involvement in the political circle.

Join Ortega in her revolution and create a new and brighter future for Egelion!

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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby dannypk » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:23 pm

Several protests in Caille
8th February 4453 - Several protests against the current government in Caille


"We need a government able to support, not only their own interests, but also our own interests" - Claims a protester in the Caillean capital, Nordland. Around half of the population in Nordland raised his voice days ago, claiming that they need a new government who attends to the people's needs. "The Falangists are the largest party in the Parliament and the Liberal Democrats are governing, alongside the Falangists, the nation. Centuries of capitalists, oppressors and fascists and none of them fixed the nation.". More than a half of the protesters claim for a socialist nation, and certain protesters stated that they needed a socialist dictatorship in order to grow up as a nation.

However, protests are not only being held in Nordland. The entire territory of Caille has been full of protesters, mainly peaceful protests. They have been crowded by the police in several locations and were able to control the situation. We asked some Caillean people about the protests still being held in some locations. Most of the people stated that if the government were strong, it'd be able to control this situation without police or international help, and that it would listen to its people. However, most of them were distrustful about the government.

"The people are demanding it, even if we're only a minority, the government must listen to us. You know what happens when you don't listen to the people's demands? You've only got one option left: starting a genocide. The question now is, what will the government do? Starting a civil war isn't the best way to make sure the government isn't going to fall. I personally think the Caillean people are doing it right, and I'm disappointed by how the rest of Egelion are watching it and not doing anything. - States David Arnal, candidate for President and leader of the Republican Left (Izquierda Republicana). Now it's time to see how the government reacts to this.
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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby lihokan2 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:57 pm


February 25, 4453
Rosa Ortega Announces New Presidential Bid

In a press conference today, Rosa Ortega announced that she will be again running for president of Egelion. Her slogan for the 4453 election is 'Adelante Todos' (Forward Together), saying that the Falangists and Liberal Democrats has been ruling the nation for too long, strangling the nation's progress in technology, education and the economy. She has also proposed new reforms following the innovative and groundbreaking 'Red Nacional de Egelion' that was passed years ago to provide free Internet access to all citizens across the nation. They include the outsourcing and privitization of infrastructure development. With further economic liberalization, it is believed that Egelion's economy can rebound and thrive for generations to come.

Rosa Ortega's campaign logo

On the recent protests in Caille and calls for a socialist state there, Ortega has said that the party would prefer a democratic and capitalistic Egelion, and would stand firmly against any violent pushes for political change. However, she remains open to the proposal for a referendum, and says that 'if the people of Caille have discussed thoroughly and voted peacefully, my party and I would absolutely recognize its result,' However, given the fact that ORTEGA has only gained less than 1% of votes in the province in the last election, the party also stresses that they will not play any major role in the resolution of the conflict in an attempt to 'represent' the people of Caille, and strive to remain unbiased to respect the democratic will of the people.

Join Ortega in her revolution and create a new and brighter future for Egelion!

Led by Rosa Ortega
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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 11, 2018 6:31 pm

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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby dannypk » Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:22 pm

Separatists keep demanding independence for Caille
25th August 4454 - Protests for the independence of Caille continues

One year after starting several protests all around Caille to change the current government and to make Caille an independent nation, the protests come back. Most of these protests are lead by Izquierda Republicana, that stated months ago that they'll support the independence of Caille. As not everyone thinks the same, several conflicts happened in Caille during these protests.


It was the last year when elections happened. The two leading parties in the Caillean parliament are Izquierda Republicana (10 seats), which is separatist, and Movimiento por un Nuevo Egelion (11 seats), which is neutral-separatist. They are actually a majority in the Caillean parliament with a 52,5% of seats. In case thet MOVNE wanted to vote for the independence of Caille, alongside IR, there are high chances of reaching the independence. The Nuevo Partido Republicano Popular (NPRP) stated that it won't support the independence and will oppose it, saying that "Caille belongs to Egelion".
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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby Metacomet » Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:38 pm

UDRC tours Caille

The Unión Demócrata Republicana Confederal’s leader, shaken by polls showing a small momentum shifting toward independence for Caille, will strart a tour in the region, with their leader João Batlle i Rodríguez making most of the appareances, to offer proposals for greater political and fiscal autonomy for the region to influence the people of Caille to remain within Egelion, Iolanda Abreu Galán, the Ministry of Education and Culture, said on Sunday.

Abreu answering questions from the press

The unrest and conflicts in the region have caused considerable anxiety among politicians and business leaders, driving down the value of the national coin and raising questions among investors about the stability of the economy and the fate of the current government.

The tour is also regarded as important to the future of the party leader, João Batlle i Rodríguez. As the leader, he is already facing internal divisions over this and many other questions and he may not survive politically if he does not raise his political stature with this question.

Batlle working on his speeches for the tour
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Re: República Federal de Egelion Daily

Postby Artrod » Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:48 pm

New budget and Income Tax proposal presented by the Minister of Finance

Francisco Curbelo, the Finance minister announced today in front of the building of the Ministry of Finance, that with talks with the Prime Minister they have decided to increase the spending on the areas of Education and Science alongside a proposal to low the income tax on the high class of the society, confronted with this he said:

"This two proposals are linked because they will improve the life of our people, investing in education and science should be our top priority alongside Health, and in regard of the income tax, we are studying and we will propose next year(4460) to reduce even more the taxes on the low and medium classes of our society to increase the consumption and quality of life"

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