
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:46 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 9th 4450
Automobile company Prime reaches deal with new Válek government
The new socialist government has stated it wants to talk to the important companies in Deltaria, Prime has managed to reach a deal with the Válek government

While the new socialist government of Válek has not yet officially signed the new constitution it has already made it clear that the mostly private economy of the Grand Republic had to change under their new rule. Therefor Válek had requested private companies of every sector to meet with him and his government into establishing deals that "would benefit both the Deltarian people and the economy as a whole"

Válek reportedly recognized the fact that nationalizing every part of the economy would cripple it. However he also underlined that the government needs to have "sufficient control" over sectors in the economy to influence things like the minimum wage, proper employment and the way workers get handled by the companies.

Today the Válek government announced a deal with one of the biggest companies in Deltaria, Prime, which has seen plenty of succes in recent years. In a public statement Prime and the government announced that the government would legally buy 15% of the Prime share and that this share could not be bought back by either Prime itself or any other entity. This deal gives the government enough share to influence some aspects of the company while not getting so much share that the company is basically state owned.

According to insiders of the new Válek administration the government is likely to sign more of these deals with other automobile companies and also companies coming from other sectors.

The government wants to have a hand in every sector so it can influence the treatment of workers. However Válek has made it clear that he does not want to endanger the health of the companies and that he would still like to keep most of them in private hands

said a analist of The Deltarian.

The government has also announced that it will nationalize the entire health and education systems as to ensure "equall care and education for all"

It seems that the government is trying to find a fine balance between public and private as to ensure its economy stays stable and growing in the wake of the recent coup.

One of the new Prime models. A model that has sold particularly well on the Deltarian market
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:10 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

February 10th 4450
Válek meets with Vanukan prefect to discuss relations and Jelbania
The Deltarian government wants an end to the current situation of Jelbania

Immediately after the coup the government of Válek contacted vanukan authorities to set up a meeting between the two leaders of the countries. The new socialist government of Deltaria wants an end to their presence in Jelbania as it sees "no benefit for the Deltarian people to stay in the country"
Válek's government would prefer a completely independent and unified Jelbanian state with a socialist government at its helm.

In the meeting between the two leaders they discussed current relations between the former enemies and reassured eachother of their peacefull intentions.

The meeting between me and the Vanukan Prefect was fruitfull and i can hereby announce that the Deltarian and Vanukan authorities have opened negotiations on a possible retreat from Jelbania and a unified central government for that country. Deltaria should not be responsible for maintaining order in Jelbania and neither should Vanuku be. We would prefer a strong, socialist government in Jelbania that can have cordial relations with both Deltaria and Vanuku

Said Válek

With negotiations over the Jelbanian question once again opened we wonder what it will result in and if Jelbania actually gets to be fully independent from foreign influence

Leader Válek (future Federal President) during the announcement of the beginning of negotiations
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:58 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

March 11th 4450
Deltarian economy slows down as Istalian assets are pulled out of the country
Growthrate plummeted from 4.2% earlier this year to only 1.6% now, unemployment rises as istalian companies pull out

With Istalian assets leaving Deltaria in a rapid pace the government is finding itself in its first difficult position, faced with a possible exodus of even more private bussiness the government has released a public statement that said "The new Deltarian government shall in no way infringe on the private ownership of companies, only if mutual consent is given the government will legally buy shares from private companies in diverse sectors"

The Deltarian leader Miroslav Válek has also lashed out to the Istalian government for "taking advantage of the new situation in Deltaria and deliberately pulling its assets out of our country"
The government also announced that Deltaria itself has kindly requested Deltarian bussinesses and funds to leave Istalia, according to analists many of these companies have done so and have actually left Istalia in an attempt to expand in Deltaria itself to fill the gap left behind by Istalian companies leaving.
The Istalian stock market is also reporting slight losses thanks to the exodus of Deltarian companies and development funds present in the country.

The MEAB has issued a warning to both Deltaria and Istalia not to continue "the dangerous behaviour that threatens the free trade our organisation stands for"
They threaten with sanctions if the situation persists.

Válek also announced a investment package of over 2 billion DTE will be created to subsidize deltarian industry that is facing difficulty. This is most likely an attempt to increase industrial output and efficiency, which is one of the major goals of the new socialist government.

Válek moments before his statement on the economic situation was released
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:22 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

April 5th 4450
PRIME International created as PRIME expands into lourenne
Automobile company PRIME has created a parent company called "PRIME International" to launch its new adventure abroad

The succesfull deltarian automobile company PRIME has created a parent company called PRIME International which in its turn created the company PRIME Lourenne.
This marks the first time that the automobile company expands abroad after its failed attempts in Valruzia decades ago. According to a spokesperson of PRIME "Our company has learned from its mistakes and therefor we have created this structure for our adventure in lourenne, PRIME Lourenne will fully focus on the country it is based in while PRIME itself will keep focussing on the deltarian market, this is all managed by our new parent company PRIME International"

According to reports the first PRIME factory has already begun producing in Lourenne and PRIME Lourenne is looking for locations to open their first guest center where customers can look at and order their cars.

In addition to this the Deltarian government has also announced that it has had "positive" contact with the government in Lourenne concerning the expansion of bussiness and said that "both the Deltarian authorities and Lourenne authorities are positive about the recent economic activity between our countries and will keep looking for ways to cooperate so to ensure a thriving environment for both economies"

The first PRIME Lourenne factory already running in the country
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Luis1p » Thu Sep 06, 2018 12:26 am

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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:45 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 11th 4450
As private bussiness is reassured new companies start to emerge
A security software company called "RedLock" has gained traction in recent months as the government updates its systems

In the environment of evergrowing concern for privacy and security a company called RedLock has gained traction in recent months, the company located in Darali designs security software and government computer programs on demand and has gained a lot more customers recently. They made a deal with PRIME to implement their ID3 programs in all PRIME stores and factories, the ID3 is a security system specifically designed to make a burglars job impossible, first a layer of strong metal covers that protect the doors and windows need to be penetrated, and if the burglar manages to do that a series of smoke producers get activated causing the entire building to be filled with smoke within a minute and ensuring the burglar cant see a thing.

The RedLock Logo

With this massive contract for PRIME however the software company isnt done, they have also made a deal with the government of deltaria to develop upgraded computer software with special protections build in. They will also supply the government with special hard case computers for the military to ensure that military officials can use their pc's without having to fear for a hack to steal their sensitive work.

RedLock seems to grow at a firm pace and with the new government policy of keeping a large part of the economy private it seems that it is ready to grow even further.

The Hardcase laptop being developed for the military with special software build in as well
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