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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Nasania » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:38 am

Tax Reform sweeps Dankuk
April 3, 4447 Taeyangsudo, Myeoggi

DRA, called Won by Kyo.

In recent years, the Honourable Yeonguijeong and her cabinet have undertaken a major project in overhauling the tax and expenditure of Dankuk that is expected to leas to a much renewed strength of Dankuk. Among the reforma included a slashing of Corporate Income tax and and general income taxes on the Upper and Middle ranks of the Empire. It is believed by Imperial Tradition Party and Conservatives that this will give the nation a much needed edge in economic affairs, allowing more citizens to save up their money and invest in grander projects in years to come.

Imperial Government Gives Greenlight to Massive Highway Project sponsored by Lourenne
June 1, 4447 Wolgwangsudo, Eljang

Section of Highway

In an interesting turn of affairs, Dankuk and Lourenne have reached an agreement to begin construction of a new international highway system that spans all of Dovani. The Ministry of Trade and Infrastructure and Minister of Transportation both are ecstatic about this deal as it is expected that this will further trade within Dovani and power forward the new "Dovani Tiger" initiative, in which it is expected that, due to Dankuk's easy access to the sea and major trade links with giants in Majatra that the Empire will become a powerhouse economy and its standard of living shoot through the roof.

Dankuk orders in new Fighter Jets from Vanuku
September 1, 4447 Dangmyo, Reunni

Concept art for Joint Stealth Fighter Program

In a great show of the growing economic strength of the new "Dovani Tiger" economy, the Ministry of Defense is proud to announce the purchase of some new hardware for its air force. With an initial projected import of 30 z-35 fighters and 8 S-10 Tanhri Stealth Fighters in six months, this project is expected to cost multi-billion DRA that will supply fighters and training to Dankuk in years to come.

Changing of the guard among Dankuk Leadership as new election is heralded
April 1, 4449 Taeyangsudo, Myeoggi

Artistic portrait of the Imperial Senate of Dankuk

Christina Lambeth, long serving Yeonguijeong, has recently announced her retirement from public affairs, feeling that she has left an enduring legacy in the form of sweeping tax and budget reform in Dankuk.

Princess Katsura Eun-kyung with her new Husband Ishida no Yasutoru

Princess Katsura Eun-kyung, meanwhile seems to have found love and married Ishida no Yasutoru, a 25 year old from the Yasutoru side branch of the Ishida family. This is receiving quite some media attention within Celestial Empire of Sekowo and is expected the couple will honeymoon in the mountains of Sekowo.

In more somber affairs, the long-serving Chairman of ITP, Lady Hwangje Min-ah has passed on to the realm of the Kami, joining her relatives in the great Harmony of a Heaven. A state Funeral will be held in her honour for her long time service in assisting the Empress and the Yeonguijeong.

4348 election in which Conservatives lead the Imperial Senate
Image 4349 Election

As a final note, discussion turns to the election as another Gonggeugdang faction has formed and dissolved. The most recent incarnation seems to have had no connections with the one from half a century ago and seems to have started out as a communist party. After several failed attempts to radically alter the system of government, and a disastrous tax plan that imposed a 60% income tax on the rich, the party started losing popular support and soon dissolved.

Clear majority for the Conservatives. Note Ulbrach voted for Gonggeugdang

It is expected for the Conservative parties to win big in the upcoming election, which has been called by the new Yeonguijeong, Andrew Kong, the great Grandson of Lady Elizabeth Kong, due to overturning the punitive and harmful taxation.

Ulbrach voted ITP, clear majority for Yeonguijeong Kong's cabinet
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Nasania » Sat Sep 08, 2018 8:05 pm

Peace established between Dankuk and Kazulia
September 3, 4450 Asvald, Kelvon, Federal Republic of Kazulia

Andrew Kong arrives in Asvald.

In a monumentual achievement by the Honourable Yeonguijeong Andrew Kong and the Great StatsMinister Emilie Martinsen of Kazulia, both sides have finally settled their differences. In a highly televised ceremony at the Mikaelsen Hotel in Asvald, the two sides pledged that they will "develop good neighborly relations of co-operation between them to ensure lasting security, will refrain from the threat or use of force against each other and will settle all disputes between them by peaceful means." Thus ended the decades long cold war that had been ongoing since 4375 and ending the sanctions that both nations had placed on each other.

For decades the two nations had been bitter neighbors in the Dovani region, engaging in many subversive acts of diplomatic sabotage during the cold war and occasional televised criticisms by members of both governments each blaming the other for the cause of the hostile relations. Today all such troubles have ended. The treaty formally ended all claims on each other's Sovereign Territory and setting the current borders as the established borders between the two nations. For years Kazulia had claimed Eljang and Reunni as "Sorvestland" and Dankuk had claims on Kazulia "Jjeokuk" which last had been asserted during the Ryeo Dynasty. Today such claims are null and voided.

"It was not easy to get here. The past worked as fetters on our limbs, and the old prejudices and practices worked as obstacles on our way forward. But we overcame all of them, and we are here today." said Mr. Kong on the meeting.

Summit between Kazulia and Dankuk leaders

After the formal Treaty Signing, both sides were treated with a Banquet and many locals took pictures of the visiting leader from Dankuk. Many were happy as it means that the constant threat of a major war breaking out is a thing of the dark past.

The historic signing isn't without it's critics as some extreme factions continue to see Dankuk as an "evil Empire". Such extremists have long been the cause of much trouble and thankfully for the peace and harmony of the world are no longer the dominant faction within Kazulia.

Some in Dankuk also have skeptical opinion on the treaty, many having lost family members during Kazulia's attempt to "Kazulianize" the regions they occupied during the War, but the general opinion in Dankuk is supportive of the Yeonguijeong in his efforts to resolve disputes between the nations, seeing it as carrying out the divine mission to establish peace and tranquility on Terra.

At 3 PM both leaders formally shook hands, and with much anticipation both leaders sat down and signed their names to the Treaty, establishing the two as peaceful neighbors in the future. "I have confidence that the Great Leader of Kazulia will uphold this historic peace we have made today and look forward to great potential between our nations. Great leader of Kazulia Manse!"

Signing of treaty

]Scientific Team travels to Vanuku as part of Scientific Exchange Program
October 4 4350, Wiel, Vernhmel, Kingdom of Vanuku

Dr. Lee arrives in Wiel

Scientific Team travels to Vanuku as part of a major scientific exchange program between the two allies in which Dankuk's Taeyang Electric Power Company seeks to partner with Havendam Corporation to manufacture the cyclic compression Engine so they can be installed on Vanukean submarines. Dr. Lee himself is travelling to help in the venture and is subject of much curiosity as the Scientist is known for his "out-there" theories about weaponizing Natural phenomena, such as Supervolcanoes and Weather modification. Many Vanukean media personnel trying to catch an interview with "Dr. Volcano". It is believed that Dankuk will be exporting much resources to Vanuku to help in their efforts to refit their navy.

Members of the Hwangje clan heads to Vanuku to establish a branch office of Dankuk National Bank.
December 2, 4450 Wiel, Vernhmel, Kingdom of Vanuku

Hwangje Jeong-shin

Dankuk National Bank has announced that is opening a branch office in Vanuku in order to handle the growing trade between the two nations as it recently came to light that the Won is in demand in the country and necessary facilities for currency exchange were lacking. In order to rectify this, Hwangje Jeong-Shin, a senior member of a cadet branch of the Hwangje Clan has been sent with his family to head the DNB branch office in Wiel.

Many investors are eager to make deals with
the bank as news of the cyclic compression engine and other scientific breakthroughs from Dankuk have captured world headlines, with many scientific institutions seeking to learn as much as they can from the Dovani government.

Dankuk declares Neutrality in the Deltaria dispute. MUN base transferred to Vanukuean Stewardship.
February 10th 4451, Taeyangsudo, Myeoggi

Warships sail towards crisis

Recently a world war just nearly broke out as several nations, including Kazulia, have become involved in Deltaria's recent government transition with many nations decrying the "socialist dictatorship" and others rushing to defend the new government. Due to these recent affairs, many have turned their eyes to Dankuk to see their reaction to these affairs. In an official statement by the Government, Dankuk has declared its intention to remain neutral in the dispute, seeing it as "Sovereign affairs of another nation, it is sad though that these disputes have occurred within MUN though". Dankuk has seen fit to transfer the MUN base's operators to Vanuku, seeing it as a natural consequence of the two nations ever growing friendship. It is uncertain how the new Deltarian government will respond as the previous government had existing trade negotiations with Dankuk that were soon to be realized before the coup. Now the trade negotiations are on perpetual hold as the former government is now in exile.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Nasania » Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:39 pm

Princess Eun-Kyung travels to Vanuku
June 12th 4453, Taeyangsudo, Myeoggi

Princess Katsura Eun-kyung in Traditional Gao-Showan Outfit

Princess Katsura Eun-kyung, in a bid to increase exposure to Dankukin Culture, is traveling to Vanuku to tour the sights of the Long-standing Kingdom.

Among some of the sites the Princess will be touring are the Grand Canal, the Botanical Gardens in Wiel, and a visit to the Kingdom's largest shopping mall.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Nasania » Thu Sep 13, 2018 1:59 am

BREAKING NEWS: Dankuk asks for an end to the Yingdala-Dankuk Feud and asks Lourenne to Mediate
February 10th 4451, Taeyangsudo, Myeoggi

Foreign Minister of Dankukuitaejeguk speaks before the public

For years, the nations of Yingdala and Dankuk have had an ongoing dispute between Royal House, however it seems that Dankuk wishes to end this centuries long feud in an effort to restore the Great Harmony of the Ancestors, who must be honored according to the teachings of the sages, including Ji Enzi. In a public announcement from the foreign ministry, Seol Dae-kwan made clear his position

It is time to cease this dispute. For too many years both nations have traded propaganda swipes and both have been wallowing in the lack of propriety. It is contrary to the Gao-showan heritage to hold to these fights stubbornly over actions of persons long gone. How childish this entire mess is! What would Ji Enzi think of this situation? What would the Ancestors and Shen think of this? Not only that, other nations have been dragged into this otherwise domestic dispute. Is keeping this dispute going the trait of a lord's son(Junzi)? Now a Xiaoren would keep the disputes going. Are the Yingdalans Xiaoren? I think not and I hope not and will operate under the assumption their Government have fundamentally virtuous men rather than the childishly petty. All the way back to Ji Enzi it is their Heritage to reciprocate this. For past offenses we humbly apologize for any offense caused to Yingdala and its people. It is time to seek reconciliation. In the spirit of the Great Sages of the past and the most ancient of ancestors, we ask that Yingdalan Government and its people be receptive to this message, and for the great nation of Lourenne to help mediate between us as they are friends to us both. May Hananim(Shangti in YingHua, God Most High) sanction this great and seemingly impossible task of reconciliation and aid in the efforts of peace and harmony.

Dankuk Manse! And soon.. maybe...Yingdala Manse!
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Wu Han » Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:29 am

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Luis1p » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:19 am

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