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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:54 pm

5 April 4454
Revived Federalist Party Sweeps Elections
Having once achieved democratic reforms, the party has returned again to champion freedom and democracy.

President of the Federalist Party, Hana Pastora de Santiago

GONGMANGDO: Nearly 150 years since the Federalist Party was forced out of government and many of its supporters killed or disappeared, the pro-democracy party has returned under the leadership of Hana Pastora de Santiago. Holding on to the vision of the historic founder and former national president Alfredo de la Cruz, the new Federalists are once again running a platform of greater freedom and democracy for the people of Dankuk. Party President de Santiago has called the Federalist revival "long over do" and expressed concerned over the normalization of authoritarian attitudes in government and the suppression of thinking that is deemed incorrect by those in power.

Now sitting as the largest party in the Imperial Senate, the Federalist Party has reached out to the People's Socialist Party, once the sole opposition to the long-standing Conservative and Imperial Tradition coalition. The Federalists hope that they will be able to find common ground with the leftist party with a specific governmental focus on expanding civil liberties and restoring basic freedoms. It is also the party's desire to renew economic interest in Dankuk and to restore once-prosperous industries that collapsed in the early 4300s following the series of coups, corporate closures, and foreign wars.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:49 am

1 December 4454
Hana Pastora de Santiago Elected Prime Minister
The Federalist leader has brought an end to decades of Conservative/Imperial control over government.


GONGMANGDO: An enormous victory for the democratic reformist movement, Federalist Hana Pastora de Santiago has been elected Prime Minister in a coalition with the People's Socialist Party. The coalition has also won support of the growing Draddwyr political movement organized around 'Wele goelcerth wen yn fflamio'. The new government is now posturing for monumental reforms to restore true democracy and to eliminate the cult of personality that has dominated society for decades. Prime Minister de Santiago has openly criticized the Hwangje monarchy and their overbearing influence over political affairs. Part of the government's sought reforms includes the dismantling of the controversial monarchy, which has had a historic role in enabling, and even leading, violent suppression of opposition. Borrowing inspiration from the Federalist Party's original founder, President Alfredo de la Cruz, there is interest in potentially reviving a so-called Dranian Federation, a decentralized democratic republic. However, this is a long-term vision and for now the Federalists have only proposed a tentative return of the capital to Gongmangdo, abandoning the current capital that was built around the Hwangje identity.

Meanwhile, the new government has also inherited foreign challenges as Dankuk finalizes in plans to meet in peace talks with Indrala at the Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines. Once the closest ally of Dankuk, Indrala has remained cut off due to the continuing embargo that emerged as a result of the Hwangje dictatorship. Public opinion on Indrala has also suffered over the years due to state propaganda perpetuating a false narrative about the nation and the exiled House of Ryeo. Prime Minister de Santiago and Foreign Minister Nicolas Yulin intend to take over the Dranian role at the Lourenne peace summit with de Santiago hoping to restart the ancient Indralan alliance. Nonetheless, the peace talks will not be so simple and numerous barriers remain in restoring the relationship of Dankuk and Indrala.
2 December 4454
Prime Minister Outlaws Nine Tail Operations
With origins as a secret police for the Hwangje, the agency has since served as the state intelligence agency.

GONGMANGDO: Beginning her second day as Prime Minister, Hana Pastora de Santiago, joined by Defense Minister Alejandro Chung and Justice Minister Kim Jongyun, issued a government order declaring that the Nine Tail Agency would be barred from operating as a state intelligence agency and that the organization is cut off from budgetary funding. The order also strips the agency of all levels of security clearance within the government.

An acting department has been established under the Ministry of Defense to oversee intelligence matters until an official replacement agency is established. Prime Minister de Santiago has called defended this move as an act to create an intelligence agency that is committed to the state as a whole and not to the special interests of specific groups, organizations, or ideologies.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Nasania » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:13 am

BREAKING NEWS: Chaos in Dankuk! Economic Crash hits Dankuk.
December 4th 4454, Taeyangsudo, Myeoggi


Markets are in a panic as the Federalist and People's Socialist Parties have taken the Imperial Senate and begun radical changes in the government and started spinning anti-government propaganda. Many calling the Federalists a bunch of Ryeo backed Traitors who stole the election via trickery.

Meanwhile, the new Yeonguijeong has ordered for Nine Tail Agency to be disbanded, the agency has responded by stating that this can only be truly finalized by signing of the Empress. The Nine Tail Agency has begun burning all records of its activities through the years and withdrawn all money within the government. In addition the CEO of Dankuk National Bank-President Silla has frozen assets of Federalist and People's Socialist Parties until further notice and the dominant Taeyang Electric Power Company, which has enjoyed a virtual monopoly over all Internet service, manufacturing, and utilities sectors, have withdrawn investments from Dankuk depositing such in Vanukean and Sekowan banks. All of this is causing the collapse of the Economic Infrastructure of Dankuk.

John Sung, an Investment Banker who appears on Financial Times TV has asked that all foreign investors(including foreign Governments) with trade in Dankuk should secure their holdings and withdraw all their money for now until the situation stabilizes

In response to the developing chaos, General Wu Hong has stated that the Imperial Armed Forces are prepared to act upon the Empress' orders if the situation develops into an emergency. Meanwhile Imperial Security services have already begun evacuating certain personnel(including members of the royal family) out of the country to insure their safety.

Awaiting further updates...
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Sat Sep 15, 2018 12:26 pm

5 December 4454
Prime Minister Dispels Claim of Sudden Economic Crash
Gives warning of long-term economic sabotage by angry Hwangje supporters.

GONGMANGDO: Only four days in office, a headline was published by another media outlet claiming a major market crash occurred because of Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago and her implementation of radical changes. Oddly, nothing all that extreme has actually occurred within government or the legislature.

The Prime Minister dismissed the so-called crash stating, "this isn't how economics work. However, if there really is the any beginning of an economic decline in the coming months, it's only because of deliberate manipulation by forces aligned with the Hwangje that have shut down vital industries."
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:25 pm

2 January 4455
Dranian-Owned Companies Finding New Opportunities
As Hwangje-aligned industry flake on national loyalty, native companies are rallying in their place.

GONGMANGDO: Independent corporations are banding together to seize upon the new opportunities for growth that have come as a result of the Taeyang Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) abandonment of all operations in Dankuk. This political move by TEPCO has followed the ouster of the government that was closely aligned to the Hwangje Family and it has represented the larger effort by the Hwangje to deliberately destabilize Dankuk. As TEPCO flees, other companies of Dankuk have quickly moved to capture new customers and investments.

Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago has applauded this economic activity, praising the commitment of these other companies in serving the people and has promised to do all she can to help facilitate various transitions that may affect citizens. This is especially true of internet and telecommunication service in the areas of the country where TEPCO maintained a monopoly. Once economic heavyweights, Muhandae Telecom and Haedodi Telecom have each assembled emergency task forces with help from the Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport and the Ministry of Trade & Industry. Other subsidiaries under the umbrella of the two chaebol have also mobilized to lead efforts to fill any voids left by Hwangje-aligned companies.

The government has encouraged citizens to end any patronage to the Dankuk National Bank, publishing a comprehensive list of reputable Dranian-owned financial institutions. Officials are also encouraging new investment from foreign companies and nations that can provide reliable services to the nation, free of political manipulation. Prime Minister de Santiago additionally hopes to find progress in upcoming peace talks with Indrala, potentially leading towards an end to the long-standing embargo and opening up yet another channel for economic growth in Dankuk.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:00 pm

28 August 4456
First Flights to Indrala in a Century
With the Indralan Dankuk Act repealed, international flights are reopening between the two nations.


SEONGTAEK: As tensions ease between Dankuk and Indrala, the first readily noticeable changes is the availability of direct flights between the nations. Today the two largest Dranian airlines officially re-launched their Indralan routes for the first time in over a hundred years. Freed from the restrictions of the Indralan embargo, outlined by the Dankuk Act, Air Dankuk and Northern Dovani Airlines are once again able to operate what was once among their busiest air travel routes.
30 August 4456
Kyuma Industries Seeking Return to Dankuk
Ceasing operations in the midst of war and unrest, the Tukarese conglomerate seeks to revive its Dranian industry.


KAIZHOU, Jiaozhi Province: Having once called Seongtaek home for its Dovani headquarters, Kyuma Industries hopes to bring life back into its operations in Northern Dovani. With its Dovanian headquarters relocated to Kaizhou, Indrala after the anti-Ryeo coup and the wars that followed, the company was long barred from engaging in economic activities in Dankuk due to Indrala's embargo. The Tukarese-based conglomerate once operated many large factories in Dankuk, producing automobiles, consumer electronics, and food goods through its various subsidiary companies. Now itself a subsidiary of the Indralan FangCaiRyeo Group, Kyuma Industries has only grown larger since its departure from Dankuk.

With the success of the peace summit in Lourenne, which led directly to Indrala's repeal of the Dankuk Act, Kyuma Industries is in talks to officially make its return, opening up new factories for Fusion Foods, Prospero, Sangon Drinks, and the Tsai-Hwai Company. Each of these subsidiaries, once listed on the Dankuk Exchange through Dranian depository receipts, are also seeking to return to the exchange. There are also rumors that the conglomerate could bring its recently founded defense company to Dankuk pending internal company discussions and a review of legal regulations surrounding their involvement with the Imperial Armed Forces of Indrala.
1 September 4456
Prime Minister Calls for a New Federation
Coming as no surprise, Prime Minister de Santiago has officially declared her intention to form a republican federation.

IGLESIA MAYOR: It has been no secret that the Federalist Party draws its core inspiration from the Dranian Federation of President Alfredo de la Cruz and Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago has not hid her republican aspirations for the nation. However, today her government made an official declaration outright stating that it is the intention of the Prime Minister and her Government to re-establish the Dranian Federation.

This second attempt at republican federalism for Dankuk is to have a specific focus on establishing a unitary and ceremonial head of state that possesses minimal to no political power and absolutely no military authority. This particular aspect is a reflection of many centuries of Dranian history and abuses of power by elected heads of state, such as by Taeyang presidents, Hong Seon Ki, and Joel Cubrero. Under the federation, the head of state will be nonpartisan and primarily tasked with representative national unity. Meanwhile, most power will rest with the elected parliamentary system and its chosen head of government, while provincial and city governments will also be provided a much more substantial governing role. Plans for the federation are also exploring the idea of identifying recognized cultural zones to provide ceremonial representation of Dankuk's three major ethnic groups, the Dranianos, Kyo, and Draddwyr. This may also be integrated with a broader plan for a national unity committee that would be populated by the head of state, the head of government, provincial/municipal leaders, and cultural representatives. Much remains in the works and official legislation is not expected to yet be possible.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:14 am

15 October 4456
Kazulian Border Wall to be Demolished
A remnant of the war with Kazulia, the militarized border wall will soon be no more.


GONGMANGDO: Built in the 4370s following the war with Kazulia, the wall on Dankuk's southern border has continued to contribute to an environment of hostility in the region. While relations have continued to cool with Kazulia and Dankuk prepares for greater involvement in pan-Dovani projects, such as the Lourenne-proposed highway, the border wall stands contrary to talk of peace and stability. Lauded by the past governments led by the political forces aligned with the monarchy, a strong military presence has been maintained along the border wall, with limited tourist sections that outright encourage visitors to report Kazulian movements to the military for a reward.

Since last month, all tourist operations have been shut down at the wall by the request of Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago. This request came in tandem with the announcement that Prime Minister de Santiago would be pursuing a complete demolition of the militarized border wall, with deconstruction beginning in December. The Prime Minister hopes to use this move as a first step to drastically improve foreign relations with Kazulia and to invite further cordial dialogue between the two nations.

Only a half-mile segment of the border wall will be preserved, gaining a new role as a war memorial to commemorate the lives lost on both sides during the war. The site will also serve as a reminder of the consequences of war and the necessity of international cooperation in Dovani.
21 October 4456
Federalists Propose Rosi Kwon Act
Named in memory of disappeared/murdered former vice president, the act seeks to promote human rights in Dankuk.


SEONGTAEK: Vice President Rosi Kwon, first serving with President Alfredo de la Cruz under the first Dranian Federation and later leading the cabinet government that stood opposed to dictator Hong Seon Ki, was a vocal proponent of democracy in the past century. Her passionate support for the House of Ryeo also put her at the top of the hit list for the Hwangje-aligned forces organized around the party that is today known as the Imperial Tradition Party. Under Hong Seon Ki's presidency, the nation was effectively victim to a coup by Hong, who immediately targeted members of the Federalist Party and House of Ryeo. Setting off the first wave of refugees to flee Dankuk, not everyone escaped the grasp of totalitarianism and they were disappeared or outright killed.

Among the most notable victims was Rosi Kwon, who, after assisting the House of Ryeo in their escape and in covering up former President de la Cruz's involvement, went missing. She would never be seen again and even after the brief restoration of democracy after Hong's demise, Kwon would not resurface. When Dankuk would again face a coup, next by the Hwangje, all efforts to locate Kwon would be abandoned and forgotten.

With the Rosi Kwon Act, the new Federalists are bringing new light to the victims of this nation's recent history of totalitarianism and the legislation seeks to bring about laws which prevent the government from engaging in the same kinds of acts perpetrated by both Hong Seon Ki and the Hwangje-aligned presidents. Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago declared that Dankuk must embrace human rights for all people and never again allow for such horrific abuses to occur within its borders.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby pandowlpaws » Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:48 am

御國人国党(Gao-Showa National Party) - Hulstria-Mikuni,
formerly the 竹左联盟(Bamboo-Left Coalition) and the 社會民主黨(Social Democratic Party) of Indrala

Former Controller of the Kingdom of Hanzen
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:36 am

2 May 4457
Haejo University to Reopen
Shuttered during the early years of the dictatorship, the university is planning a revival.


GONGMANGDO: With the assistance of a group of aging alumni and renewed support from the Ryeo Foundation, now headquartered in Indrala, there are plans to reopen Haejo University in Gongmangdo. The once prestigious institution, named for the founder of the modern Kyo monarchy, was forced out of operation during the early years of the dictatorship after losing access its large Ryeo endowment. Alumni groups continued to support the university for nearly a decade before it finally cease operations due to continued government pressure.

Following outreach from the Ryeo Foundation, the Ministry of Education & Culture has officially announced that Haejo University will be reopened with support of a major endowment from the philanthropic organization. It is rumored that one of the Ryeo twins will come to Dankuk to officially represent the foundation and chair the university's re-founding committee. Reclaiming its old campus, renovations are planned to occur through the remainder of the year with students being accepted to start in the fall of next year.

Other Happenings in the Nation, May 4457

GONGMANGDO: Stock values in the financial sector have continued to rise as independent banks expand their customer base as a result of the politicized actions of the Dankuk National Bank (DNB). Having shown to act on the behalf of special interests, many citizens have chosen to shift their patronage to other banks so to avoid the fickle and partisan attitudes of those leading the DNB. Increased competition to win over new customers has helped create this rally among the banking stocks.

IGLESIA MAYOR: Bishops of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church gathered in the capital of the Ulbrach Province to promote a national commitment to protecting human rights and finding justice for all the citizens that have been victims of ethnic and political repression.

SEONGTAEK: Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago has demanded an end to the use of imperial titles in Dankuk declaring that all basis for such naming and symbolism is based in lies and propaganda, representing nothing more than an attempt by those in power to expand control and legitimize authoritarian policies. The Prime Minister also linked the issue to international tensions, such as the false claims that once existed over Kazulia.

YONSEO: The Muhandae Group has opened a brand new state of the art production facility for its automotive division with a specific focus on manufacture of electric passenger vehicles and commuter trams. Beyond this factory, Muhandae has broader plans to expand its international presence, potentially entry to the Indralan market.
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Zongxian » Thu Sep 20, 2018 7:21 pm

5 September 4457
The Conference of Belo Mounasterio
Republicans, democrats, and human rights activists gathered at the northern city to formalize plans for a new federation.

Thousands gathered in the streets to show their support for a democratic Dranian Federation.

BELO MOUNASTERIO, Ulbrach Province: Organized by Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago, Federalist leaders and community representatives from all across the nation gathered at the Conference of Belo Mounaterio to officially launch in-depth discussions on the creation of a new Dranian Federation. A draft document, titled "A New Age for Drania," continues to be worked on by the Prime Minister and today's conference was a step towards finalization of what will eventually become legislation to dismantle the monarchy and establish a new constitution.

This conference is also a first step in the creation of what is tentatively being called the Federal Council for Unity, a proposed national advisory board that would be composed of the head of state, head of government, regional leaders, and cultural community representatives. The Federal Council would play a vital role in advocating for democracy, equality, and stability in a multicultural federation and it would serve as a permanent connection between the national government and representatives of all of the diverse communities of Dankuk.

As the conference occurred, thousands of citizens gathered in the streets of Belo Mounasterio to show their public support for the establishment of a democratic republic. Exiting the conference site, Prime Minister de Santiago joined the crowd in pro-democracy chants and declared that she will not rest until she achieves victory for the people of Dankuk.
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