23rd General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:29 pm

Leon Cormier, Leader of the National Party (Noumonde's main Canrillaise party):

The National Party welcomes Istalia's proposal to reintroduce some form of power-sharing arrangement in Noumonde between the Canrillaise and Malgy communities. Any settlement which allows one community to dominate the other will lead not only to injustice but also, more likely than not, further instability and suffering in our country.

For myself, I would accept the criticism that Noumonde's last power-sharing government was not as radical and progressive as it needed to be, and that it too often neglected the interests and the aspirations of the Malgy. To be completely frank, this was largely due to the obstructiveness and intransigence of an "Old Guard" faction within the National Party, and also King Norbert himself. Most of those people were never really reconciled to the principle of power-sharing, and they had an agenda all along to bring it down.

With a new constitutional settlement, and with our reformed National Party run along more democratic lines, and with the political power of the King strictly limited, I believe these problems would be less difficult to overcome, and that the National Party could become much more of a positive and constructive partner in a power-sharing arrangement.

If Noumonde is to succeed, Canrillaise and Malgy must work together for the common good. There is no other way.

Whilst we fully acknowledge Noumonde now needs help with peacekeeping and maintaining stability, we urge the World Congress to delegate this role to the Canrillaise Federation forces who are already here, who understand our country and our way of life, and who generally know what they are doing. With the greatest of respect, bringing in troops from non-Canrillaise countries would not go down well with significant minority elements within the Canrillaise community in Noumonde, and in our view, this would unnecessarily foster resentment and be generally unhelpful.

As soon as the security situation has sufficiently stabilised, we believe free elections should be held for a Constitutional Convention, so that elected representatives with a democratic mandate can meet together to discuss and decide Noumonde's future.

On a last note, we agree with Selucia that a series of "war crimes trials" would sow an atmosphere of vengeance and division, and would not be conducive towards bringing the two communities together. However, if any such trials are to be held, then we strongly insist they should be very limited in scope, focusing only on the most serious offenders.

OOC: I will have Noumonde's main Malgy political leader deliver his speech here later on this evening.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:43 pm

Masoandro Androkae, Chairman of the Alliance for Progress (Noumonde's main Malgy party):

It was good to hear my friend and former ministerial colleague, Leon Cormier, speaking just now. He and I served in government together under the last power-sharing agreement, with him as Education Minister, and myself as Health Minister. We shared many of the same frustrations when it came to the determination of the Canrillaise establishment to obstruct meaningful change in Noumonde. We have long been on good personal terms, and in fact, we travelled here together today, and will be travelling back together as well, with seats next together on the plane.

The Alliance shares the concern others here have expressed that all paramilitary groups in Noumonde should be disarmed, peacefully if possible. I am pleased to be able to report that as we speak, the Malgy Liberation Army (MLA) is in close communication with the Federation authorities, and that the disarmament process has already begun. It may take a little while longer for the MLA to achieve full disarmament, since the highly repressive conditions the MLA operated under during Blanchard's dictatorship meant it had to follow a "cell structure", which means the MLA leadership did not always know precisely where all of the weapons and equipment were being stored at any one time. However, I understand from my conversations with officials from both the MLA and the Federation that substantial progress is being made, and it is hoped to accomplish full disarmament within the next 3 months at the latest, although hopefully much sooner.

We are more concerned about the situation regarding paramilitaries on the Canrillaise side. During the last months, weeks and days of his regime, General Blanchard set up an organisation called Action Canrillaise International (ACI), through which we believe he funnelled significant amounts of money, equipment and weapons to ultra-conservative terror groups. Since the Blanchard regime fell from power, there have been a number of violent attacks on the Malgy community, which we believe can be traced back to the ACI. There have also been suspicious incidents abroad which we believe to be connected to this organisation, such as those in Alduria and Istalia. We must urge the Federation, and the rest of Terra, to pursue this evil and criminal movement as vigorously as possible and take every reasonable precaution to limit the risk of them committing further outrages.

Both my party and Leon's are both fully agreed that as soon as the security situation in Noumonde has stabilised, which should be soon, we should have democratic elections for a new constitutional assembly, to discuss Noumonde's future constitutional shape.

Leon and I disagree on the wisdom of going back to power-sharing. As we all know, power-sharing was not a success the last time it was tried, despite the valiant efforts of many good people who were involved. Put simply, in a situation where the minority community enjoys massive privilege and the majority community is oppressed and deprived, any scheme which gives the minority community a veto over change is always going to end up denying justice to the majority. The only positive, realistic and practical way forward for Noumonde now is for Noumonde to become a Full Democracy, with the minority no longer being able to veto the majority. Only then will we begin to see real progress in this country.

That said, I am just as passionate as Leon about Malgy and Canrillaise needing to work together for the common good, and about the importance of one community not being able to oppress the other. For this reason, my party is committed to the principle that the country should be governed in a fair and consensual way, and that we should have a strong legal system, with a Bill of Rights to make sure every Noumon, whatever their background, has their civil rights protected.

We agree that for a period, perhaps some years, troops will need to remain in Noumonde, in order to ensure stability. However, we do not feel it is sensible or sensitive for a majority black Esinsindu (OOC: African) country to be occupied by troops who are all white and all Canrillaise - especially given the history of racial discrimination and imperialism in this country. To be clear, we do not object to Federation troops playing a role, but we would prefer them to be part of a wider, World Congress-led peacekeeping force, including troops from a number of different nations. In particular, we would like to see at least one of the occupation zones administered by an Esinsindu country, such as Talmoria, Hawu Mumenhes or Cobura.

Turning to Leon's last point, we disagree that a war crimes trial would be a bad thing; in fact, we feel this is essential if the Noumon people are to be convinced that justice has been done and they can look forward to a fairer future. Many atrocities were committed during the years of dictatorship, and those who were involved in those must be held to account. If we fail to do this, then we will deliver the lesson that the world does not care about crimes against humanity - at least not when they take place in a black, third world country like Noumonde.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:32 pm

Masoandro Androkae, Chairman of the Alliance for Progress (Noumonde's main Malgy party):

Fellow delegates,

I am delighted to inform the General Assembly that Talmoria has most generously offered to contribute its troops to the peacekeeping mission in Noumonde. For the reasons I stated in my previous speech, I strongly urge both the Federation and the World Congress to consider this offer sympathetically.

Leon Cormier, Leader of the National Party (Noumonde's main Canrillaise party):

Fellow delegates,

Whilst I have no doubt both Mr. Androkae and the Talmorians mean well, I must caution against this proposal in the strongest terms. The presence of Talmorian troops in Noumonde would be guaranteed to alienate and antagonise many within the Canrillaise community, just at the time when what we really need is calmness, stability and unity.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:42 pm

Jacque St. Pierre
New Aldurian Ambassador to the World Congress

If I may, Mr. Androkae, Monsieur Comrier, New Alduria will offer a compromise here.

Clearly the tensions between the Esinsindu and Canrillaise populations are still at a critical level. What if we can bridge the gap? New Aldurian Defence Force contain both white and black soldiers, that are fluent in both Malagy and Canrillaise, and can serve to both keep the peace between them all, and serve as a true third party. As the Wolfsheim disease is now contained, the border is open once more between our nations, and we will gladly offer any assistance that we can. This way, it is Temania taking care of Temania, and lessening the need for international troops from the western world.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:26 pm

Leon Cormier, Leader of the National Party (Noumonde's main Canrillaise party):

New Alduria's willingness to assist Noumonde is to be welcomed, and I think all of us in this country - Canrillaise and Malgy - see our New Aldurian friends as vital partners.

Nevertheless, as I explained previously, the Federation troops are already doing a fantastic, brilliant job in what they are doing, and with all due respect to the soldiers of other countries, I find it very, very difficult to believe they could do as good a job as what the Federation are doing. The Federation people already know what they are doing, so please let's let them get on with the job. Bringing in troop contingents from other countries will only introduce confusion into the picture. There is also, as I stated before, a risk that there will be a backlash at the introduction of non-Canrillaise troops into this country.

Masoandro Androkae, Chairman of the Alliance for Progress (Noumonde's main Malgy party):

Fellow delegates,

What my friend Leon means, but will not say, is that the people in his political movement do not want non-white, non-Canrillaise troops coming to Noumonde, even though this is a majority black and Esinsindu country. He himself is not racist; I am quite sure of that. However, most of the people he relies on for support are.

Please consider how all of this looks from the Malgy perspective. For years, we have been under white Canrillaise domination. Finally, we are supposedly liberated...only to find that the soldiers now in charge of our country are almost entirely white, and almost entirely Canrillaise.

To be clear, like Leon, I support the work the Federation are doing in Noumonde, and I am by no means belittling the soldiers - I value them, and I value the work they do. However, if we are to convince the majority of ordinary people that the Federation's intentions are good, then it would help enormously if they could see a visible presence of non-white, non-Canrillaise troops on the ground.

For this reason, I strongly urge the Federation and the World Congress to consider the offers from Talmoria and New Alduria very seriously and very sympathetically indeed.

My own proposal, as a compromise, is that troops from Talmoria and New Alduria should be accepted, but that they should be under the command of General Fabien Leroux, the Federation-appointed Governor of Noumonde.

Leon Cormier, Leader of the National Party (Noumonde's main Canrillaise party):

Having Talmorian and New Aldurian troops under the command of the Federation would be a significant improvement upon the original proposal, but it would still, in my view, be unnecessary, and carry a significant risk of unnecessarily alarming and inciting the Canrillaise population.
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