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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:15 pm

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
April 17th 4462
NPR becomes biggest party in the Sejm and President Batco reelected, coalition unlikely
The NPR has been rewarded by the Valruzian people for their work and became the largest party in the Sejm. However a coalition seems unlikely

As the NPR, one of the main Valruzian parties, becomes the biggest party in the Sejm the political landscape will not be dominated by the party.
While it is clear the people rewarded the good work that the NPR has done for the failing economy and the descisive decision they made to intervene in Noumonde the other parties in the Sejm are refusing to work with the NPR.
As the Social Democrats voted against a NPR proposal for a grand coalition and instead decided to join the libertarian and liberal parties in creating a left wing government it seems the NPR is getting sidetracked.
NPR leader and outgoing Prime Minister Cisek has condemned the path of the Social Democrats and Razem and calls it "a dangerous step to unstability on the economic market while the economy is just recovering"
Cisek also expressed his concerns over the possibility of a return to the hyperliberalist policies that caused the crisis in the first place.

Reform and the Libertarians have clearly shown that their only intend is to create a anarchic state that rather lets all its structure collapse and die off then care for its citizens in a responsible manner. With this new government likely to come into power i will do whatever is necessary to protect the nation from the destructive policies of the past

Said Cisek during an interview.

While the NPR is likely not to enter a coalition they are still present in the executive. President Batco has been reelected for a second term winning against his Social Democratic opponent. Batco thanked the populace for voting for him and ensured that he will "keep being a check on the power of the cabinet and ensure our foreign relations are maintained"

Prime Minister Cisek just before one of his last TV interviews as Prime Minister

President Batco is the second man of the party and currently the most popular among NPR members. Most people see him as a man of integrity for both his office and his place in the party and parties from all over the political spectrum have agreed that Batco has been a good bi partisan president fulllfiling the objectivity the presidency sometimes requires. However, Batco has made one thing clear to the public:

Under no circumstances shall i back down from expressing my opinion if the integrity and safety of our state are in jeopardy because of the actions of other government officials. This office of president is and will always be meant as a check on the power of the cabinet and a face for Valruzia towards the outside world. With my reelection you once again have put your trust in my judgement and integrity to hold any cabinet that may take office accountable for their actions

Said Batco during his victory speech.
With the NPR itself rising in popularity it will be a spectacle to see the centrist party fight off the liberal proposals of the upcoming cabinet. NPR member have confidence in their leaders abilities to at least keep the status quo in terms of legislation until a centre-right cabinet can once again be established.

President Batco during the last day of his first term signing a bill into law. He can continue his job for another 4 years
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby diepotato » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:14 am

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Investments in green energy - the new major project of the new government
Nowogard, 14 December, 4462
Program for Green Growth launches next January

NOWOGARD - As much as 2.4 billion VPO - this is a yearly budget provided for the Infrastructural Fund for Green Energy, a government tool that is supposed to help with the development of less established renewable energy projects. Infrastructure Minister Piotr Skorny confirmed that the fund - a part of a broader Program for Green Growth - is going to start its activity with the beginning of year 4463. The hopes are to significantly drive down the energy costs for Valruzians consumers, provide another stimulus to economic growth and increase the rate of decarbonisation of the country. "The whole country can benefit from these new technologies that are good for consumers, the environment and the economy", said Piotr Skorny during the conference. The fund is said to create thousands of good jobs, as well as many investment opportunities, increasing business confidence in the country. It is just the first step of the PfGG program, which, as Skorny declared, "is a long-termed challenge, concerning many sectors (...) and if we take this challenge on cleverly, the benefits for our economy are permanent, and enormous".
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:06 pm

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
January 20th 4463
NPR blasts government and Prime Minister on inactivity during crisis
The NPR has blasted the current coalition on their inactivity on fixing the economy and the lack of interaction between the PM and people

With the NPR in opposition they have payed a close eye on government actions. To their suprise the government barely made any actions!
As the first year of the term comes to a close little to no interaction between the population and government has taken place. The government has even not offered a single update on the economy and figures seem stagnant.
With this inactivity from the government the people are getting anxious, the only thing the government released was a plan to setup a funds for green energy. something the NPR has also discredited.

Why would the government pour billions into renewable energy during a economic crisis? We need investment in infrastructure, restructuring of the financial system and more public works programs to give our people jobs and get the economy back running again instead of walking

Said former PM Cisek

The resentment towards the current government is growing especially on the right wing of the country. With more and more people geting frustrated with the status quo we wonder how the government will respond.

Cisek giving his speech in the Sejm
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby diepotato » Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:42 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Stormy debates in the Sejm; the coalition risks collapsing
Nowogard, 13 March, 4463
The Reformists threatened to leave the Cabinet in case of the Sejm approving laws that would make central bank dependent of the government or would drastically lower the tax-free allowance, with Celina Salko, the Leader of the Reforma, calling these laws "contradictory to standards of a modern democracy" and stating that since the government decided to restrict foreign investments in Valruzian economy, it has been going down a wrong path; Dominik Karczewski, the Minister of Industry, refused to eventually take part in a nationalisation plan announced by the Social Democrats, promising to torpedo it and make sure as a Minister that "what is private today, remains private"
Last edited by diepotato on Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:35 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Wilderberg III » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:23 pm

Our Tribune
Our Tribune is a left wing newspaper published across Valruzia
September 15th 4458
Rocky path to a recovery as PM fights for economic recovery.
With a second taxation bill in already in the docket the PM is trying his best to push for a balanced budget.

Prime Minister Andrzej Weißberg is fighting to keep the government intact.

NOWOGARD - Two years since it's inception the governing coalition might be facing it's first big crisis.
Lead by the passionate, yet inexperienced Andrzej Weißberg the SDW might have damaged the trust between them and their coalition partners.
The Weißberg cabinet is trying to push a set of progressive economic reforms through the Parliament, to little enthusiasm from it's centre-right partners.
Both the recently proposed Taxation Proposal and Central Bank Reform bill were criticized by Razem and Reforma for it's too far-reaching nature.
This has lead the leading cabinet party to withdraw support from it's own bills, abandoning the latter and submitting the former for more thorough analysis.
The now abandoned taxation bill has been met with scepticism even from left-wing political commentators who were unhappy with a new tax on lower income brackets,
criticism repeated by Reforma leader Celina Salko.
As the Prime Minister tries to recover the question remains - will the young leader be able to keep his cabinet together?
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby diepotato » Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:51 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Nowogard, March 20, 4463
BREAKING NEWS: The Social Democrats draw back their proposals on lower tax-free allowance, dependence of the central bank; the Reforma announces to continue its support for the coalition
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:11 am

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
June 11th 4463
BREAKING NEWS: During a visit to university campus in Nowogard President Batco calls the coalition "the most paralyzed coalition i have ever seen"
The President expresses his views on the current coalition

During a visit to a university campus in Nowogard President Batco unofficially answered a question from one of the students on the campus grounds.
The student asked the 2nd term president what his opinion was on the recent unstability concerning the coalition.

President Batco responded with a unexpected answer

This coalition is disfunctional

he said

In all my days of public office i have never experienced a coalition that is this paralyzed and innefficient. Not one significant bill has been passed and on every single proposal the coalition argues amongst itself. This is a disaster for a country gripped by economic crisis and even i as president cannot get this country on track with such a cabinet working with me

These statements are a blow to the coalition which has seen extreme instability for its short time in office. These statements only add to the uncertainty and according to the latest polls even voters from coalition parties want the coalition to fall as they see it as hurtfull to the country.

President Batco at the Campus answering student questions
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:00 pm

OOC: Just a reminder, newspapers titles The Valruzian Economist, Valruzia Daily, Seleya Daily and Valruzian Insider were created by me and I do not wish that anyone use those titles (including the layout of the newspaper) without my permission. Thank You and cheers.

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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:21 pm


Nowogard, September 4463

CEO of the Bonning Group Kamil Braun presents the refreshed B7 model with the new Eco-Diesel engine.

NOWOGARD - It seems as if the economic crisis has spared the automotive industry in Valruzia despite the concerns of major economists in the country. Bonning itself has acknowledged that sales of its cars dropped only by 1.5% compared with the same quarter in the previous year. CEO of the Group Kamil Braun tried to convince the public that the state of the automotive industry in Valruzia is superb and that Valruzia remains the world leader in the automotive sector. Braun mentioned that during the crisis which mostly affected the housing market and some minor industries Bonning managed to develop and start production of an entirely new range of Continental Vehicles, refresh its models and that surprisingly the sales of Avignon increased by two digits number.

According to the new prognosis of the Valruzian Economist, shares of the Bonning Group are now worth VPO 398 per share compared with VPO 330 just two months earlier. The company managed to keep the position of the largest private enterprise in Valruzia with more than 400 thousand employees. During the same event, Kamil Braun heavily criticized the recent decision of the Sejm to nationalize some of the industries in Valruzia. At the same time, he reassured the shareholders that in case of any interference from the State (Government of Valruzia owns only 3.5% of the Bonning Group) the Group is ready to enter the legal path to secure the safety of the company and investors. Braun expressed his doubts about the possible capability of the Valruzian government in terms of buying out Bonning and underlined that it would be a suicidal mission of the current government to try and nationalize the largest and the most expensive company in the country.

During the second day of the event, Braun together with the head designer of Bonning Katarzyna Miller-Banach, unveiled the new strategy of the company for upcoming years. From 4465 more than half of the cars produced by Bonning Group will have all-electric powertrain and the remaining part of vehicles powered by combustion engines will be even more eco-friendly. According to Braun the Group will resign from using the large engines and replace them with smaller, yet powerful, but more economic 2 and 3-liter units. Braun unveiled the first model manufactured under the new strategy, it was the refresher B7 with 3-liter diesel engine producing 510 BHP.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:05 pm

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
January 16th 4464
New government takes office, defense minister announces plans, foreign policy determined
As a new centrist government between the SDW, Razem and NPR takes office the stock markets report slight improvement and the ministries announce their plans

It came as a major turning point. 3 years into the current coalitions terms the government fell and a new coalition between the left leaning Razem and SDW parties and right leaning NPR was created. Almost immediately the new cabinet announced the continuation of the promising investments made by the former NPR-CP coalition to revitalize the economy.

The defense ministry also announced the continuation of the search for advanced technology for the army.
They also plan on calling back both aircraft carriers following several mechanic reports of outdated equipment and poor maintenance following the mission in Noumonde. Both AC's will likely receive a complete modernization job as well as significant repairs. This will take around 3 years to complete in total.

The Foreign Ministry also presented its new "Free Reign" strategy. This strategy underlines the importance of a good functioning democracy and tries to work as openly as possible with international partners. But this strategy also allows the Foreign Ministry to put pressure on opressive regime's and defend the Valruzian sphere of influence in the Seleyan region.

While Reforma and the Libertarians are still overwhelmed by their sudden loss of government it seems that the new government is once again on the right track.

President Batco shaking the hand of the new Defense minister Dušan Swiatkowski during a meeting with the new cabinet
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