Hartvig Prize

Events and organizations whose focus is in the cultural, entertainment, sporting or academic spheres.

Hartvig Prize

Postby Alexak1209 » Sun Oct 07, 2018 2:27 pm

Today the Hartvig Prize was offical announced.

The Hartvig prize was created by scientist and one of Kazulias richest men before he died 03.11.4465 at his residence in Steinhelle. He created the prize to celbreate persons in each categories.

The Hartvig Prize will be awarded to different persons/organizations in each category of the prize.

Here are the categories

-Computer science
-Energy field
-Political Science
-Social Science

The prizes will be handed out in Skalm every year in November.

The Hartvig comitee is made out of 5 peopel selcted by Stortinget in Kazulia after what Mr. Hartvig worte in his will. The peopel serving on the comitee can not be politcal active when serving on the comitee. The members serve for life unless they want to retire earlier or are impeached.

The persons Stortinget has decide on now is:

-Silje Egland(Chairwoman): Former PM of Kazulia and former Party Leader of Folkepartiet
-Jan Ottesen(Deputy Chair): Sicentist and Proffesor of History at University of Skalm
- Emilie Martinsen: Former Party Leader and MP for De Liberale Konservative
- Anne Berit Frogstad: Doctor and a Neuroseurgon
- Kjartan Helgelsen; Former MP for Kazulmark Demokraterna.

The winners recive a diploma, medal and 1 million KKR

To nominate a person/Organization for one of the prizes the nominator mus be either a professor, Member of a national parlament, cabinet or Head of State or a previous reciver of the prize.

You can start nomitaing for the 4466 prizes NOW!!

OOC: The prize is a equivalent of the Nobel Prize. The winners are decided by the players of Kazulia. every party that wants can nominate wich candidate they want.
To nominate please fill out this form:

Application for the Hartvig Prize in FIELD
Nation Name:
Laureate Candidates: (max 3, alternatively an organization can be omitted)
Reasoning for Candidature: (please, be precise)

You can nominate in every category

The daedline is October 4467

You can either post it under this topic or send it to me either as a Persnoal Message here or at at my party account on the websitehttp://classic.particracy.net/viewparty.php?partyid=32446
Last edited by Alexak1209 on Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby Aquinas » Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:53 pm

Nation name: Alduria
Laureate candidate: Renaud Baillieu
Laureate category: Computer science
Nominated by: Aldurian Society of Technology
Reasoning for candidature: Renaud Baillieu is the founder and Chief Executive of the Feely Finger Mobile Phone Company (FFMPC) and was responsible for designing the revolutionary Feely Finger Mobile Phone.

Nation name: Kazulia
Laureate candidates: Karl Bortnem and Chris Pomerleau
Laureate category: Economics
Nominated by: Terran Poverty Relief Association
Reasoning for candidature: Karl Bortnem and Chris Pomereau developed Kazulia's innovative and far-reaching "Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative" to help develop the economies of third world nations in Dovani.

Nation name: Mordusia
Laureate candidate: Emmanuelle Chaufourier
Laureate category: Environmental conservation (category is being proposed, doesn't currently exist)
Nominated by: Friends of the Dodo
Reasoning for candidature: Emmanuelle Chaufourier is a scientist, life-long conservationist and chief executive of Dodo World. She has done a great deal of research about dodos and has done much to raise public awareness about the issues surrounding them. She has also successfully reintroduced Dodos back into the wild in Mordusia - something which took a great deal of difficult work, and involved several frustrating failed attempts.

Nation name: Saridan
Laureate candidate: Dr. Emiel Amstel
Laureate category: Anthropology
Nominated by: Action Canrillaise International
Reasoning for candidature: Dr. Emiel Amstel is the chairman of Saridan's highly controversial Committee on Iftgoerroon (OOC: Aborigine) Racial Characteristics, which has a reputation for racist pseudo-scientific theories.

Nation name: Noumonde
Laureate candidate: "Topsy"
Laureate category: Art (category is being proposed, doesn't currently exist)
Nominated by: Noumon Society of Modern Art
Reasoning for candidature: "Topsy" (OOC: loosely based on the UK's "Banksy") is an elusive street artist who has achieved fame and respect for his unusual artistic creations.

Nation name: Kazulia
Laureate candidate: Amanda Ostenson
Laureate category: Medicine
Nominated by: Marie Mahefarinoro, Noumonde's Health Minister during the Wolfsheim Plague outbreak
Reasoning for candidature: Amanda Ostenson, as Director-General of Operations for the United Developmental Assistance Programme, played a key role in helping Noumonde to eradicate a deadly outbreak of Wolfsheim Plague.

Nation name: Pontesi
Laureate candidate: Professor Viraj Choudhary
Laureate category: Energy field
Nominated by: University of Bovine Science, based in Graksmorfluz, Pontesi
Reasoning for candidature: As well as being Dean of the University of Bovine Science, Professor Choudhary is also Chief Engineer for Bovine Power. a power station fuelled by cow manure, which provides the entire electricity supply for a small neighbouring village. Under his stewardship, Bovine Power has become much more efficient and innovative, and there are high hopes that the techniques he has pioneered could achieve great things in the future. However, the power station has not yet been able to report a profit for any year since it was founded over 300 years ago.

Nation name: Vascania
Laureate candidate: Tambethra Dyshini
Laureate category: Peace
Nominated by: Leon Cormier, leader of Noumonde's National Party
Reasoning for candidature: As General Assembly of the World Congress, Dyshini did much to calm tensions and tackle difficult situations during her term of office, most notably with the peace deal she helped negotiate in Noumonde. The peace deal later unravelled, but now renewed attempts are being made to build a lasting peace, and in retrospect, many now see Dyshini's achievements as a key stepping stone on that journey.

Nation name: Selucia
Laureate candidate: Naenia Concordia
Laureate category: Peace
Nominated by: Florent Halphen, a senior figure in Noumonde's Canrillaise Front
Reasoning for candidature: Naenia Concordia attracted attention and sparked controversy for resisting calls for war against Noumonde during the darkest days of the Blanchard regime. Some admire her for what they see as a brave and principled performance, although others criticise her for playing such a prominent role in trying to get a cruel dictator off the hook.

Nation name: Dorvik
Laureate candidate: Christoph Buchheim
Laureate category: Mathematics
Nominated by: International Committee for the Estimation of the End Date of Capitalism (ICEEDC)
Reasoning for candidature: Christoph Buchheim is currently the Chief Statistician for the International Committee for the Estimation of the End Date of Capitalism (ICEEDC). He recently authored a study predicting capitalism will self-destruct Terra-wide on 19th April 4527. Whilst his methods have been widely questioned, he has won prestige and respect for the clear and forthright way he grappled with complex mathematical problems and presented highly complicated technical mathematical concepts in an unusually innovative and easy-to-follow way.

Nation name: Deltaria
Laureate name: Harlan Jakub
Laureate category: Literature
Nominated by: King Tristan of Noumonde, a keen Jakub fan
Reasoning for candidature: Harian Jakub is the author of the popular World of Mundus novel, a piece of literature with many interesting political themes.

Nation name: Deltaria
Laureate name: Norbert Von Thaller
Laureate category: Geography
Nominated by: Flat Terra Society
Reasoning for candidature: Norbert Von Thaller discovered that Dalibor is a country which does not geographically exist and is in fact just a mental construct rooted in mythology and fiction.

Nation name: Indrala
Laureate name: Zhijia (an agricultural corporation)
Laureate category: Agriculture
Nominated by: Terran Agricultural Society
Reasoning for candidature: Zhija are developing an innovative "vertical farming" project.
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby jamescfm » Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:08 pm

Nation name: New Endralon
Laureate candidate: Vörös Bálint and the Convex Four
Laureate category: Music
Nominated by: Confederation Music Group
Reasoning for candidature: Vörös Bálint and the Convex Four have been the leading group in the "scientific jazz" movement which has been incredibly influential on underground and jazz music. Through a methodical approach to composition, they have developed unique sounds.

Nation name: Kalistan
Laureate candidate: Mía Martínez
Laureate category: Political science
Nominated by: Sulari Institute of Social Sciences
Reasoning for candidature: Mía Martínez for promoting a deeper awareness of the impact of cultural norms surrounding gender and sexual orientation and how democracies can adapt to include all.

Nation name: Egelion
Laureate candidate: Alexis Obregón
Laureate category: Economics
Nominated by: Egelian School of Economics
Reasoning for candidature: Alexis Obregón has developed and promoted an understanding of behavioural economics and the effect it should have on policy-making decisions which far exceeds any previous work in the area.

Nation name: Suyu Llaqta
Laureate candidate: Quri Arotinco Olaya
Laureate category: Art
Nominated by: Kaliburg School of Art
Reasoning for candidature: Quri Arotinco Olaya has created art which highlights tragedy and suffering in a way which makes it impossible to ignore.

Nation name: Kanjor
Laureate candidate: Cécile Donnet
Laureate category: Literature
Nominated by: University of Kanjor
Reasoning for candidature: Cécile Donnet has crafted epic novels in which the real and the imagined blend into one beautiful image.
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby Edmund » Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:31 pm

Nation name: Noumonde
Laureate candidate: His Royal Highness The Illustrious King Julien XIII
Laureate category: Social Science
Nominated by: University of Fort William
Reasoning for candidature: His Royal Highness The Illustrious King Julien XIII's work on studying the Malgy people and culture in person is second to none.

Nation name: Noumonde
Laureate candidate: His Royal Highness The Illustrious King Julien XIII
Laureate category: Anthropology
Nominated by: University of Fort William
Reasoning for candidature: His Royal Highness The Illustrious King Julien XIII's work on studying the Malgy people and culture in person is second to none.
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:49 am

Nation name: Kazulia & Hutori
Laureate candidates: Karl Bortnem (Kazullia) and Chris Pomerleau (Hutori)
Laureate category: Economics
Nominated by: Terran Poverty Relief Association
Reasoning for candidature: Karl Bortnem and Chris Pomereau developed Kazulia's innovative and far-reaching "Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative" to help develop the economies of third world nations in Dovani
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby Doc » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:32 am

Application for the Hartvig Prize in Philosophy
Nation Name: United Republic of Kalistan
Laureate Candidate: Drs. Sandra K. West and Julianne Lochard-Bennots
Laureate Category: Philosophy
Nominated by: Kalistan National University, Kaliburg
Reasoning for Candidature: These academics lead the way in the development of moral theory in Kalistan. They build on a simple definition of morality as "those acts and attitudes which form the social glue which holds society together, and which form the basis of norms, mores, and laws."

This definition is important because it makes removes the question of spirituality from the topic of moral consideration all together, and makes morality an entirely and uniquely human activity. Their secular definition of morality allows a person to be entirely non-religious or even atheist and still be moral. This groundbreaking work in moral theory sidesteps the question of God all together, and leaves the individual to decide if there is a God or not, and what God demands from them, and sets up a universal standard definition of moral behavior against which all value-laden action may be judged as an act of agency of the individual, rather than being claimed to be the dictates of a God which may or may not exist. From this, a new definition of justice may also be derived: Justice, according to West and Lochard, is that which is in the interest of most of the people most of the time, given morality.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Hartvig Prize

Postby Maxington » Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:38 pm

Nominations for the Hartvig Prize (Period 4473 to 4493)
Nomination Period: OPEN

Nation/Organisation name(s): Vanuku / Deltaria
Laureate candidate(s): Jebr Ksparsrmko Zhtál and Metod Dobrovodský
Laureate category: Diplomacy and Global Peace
Nominated by: Trond Heinrichsen Institute for International Affairs
Reasoning for candidature: In recognition of the geopolitical act which called for great maturity, responsibility and mutual respect on both sides, and which has opened up opportunities for a more unified Jelbania and the wider Majatran region.

Nation/Organisation name(s): World Congress
Laureate candidate(s): World Congress
Laureate category: Diplomacy and Global Peace
Nominated by: Trond Heinrichsen Institute for International Affairs
Reasoning for candidature: For its work in creating a safer, peaceful and more unified world.

Nation/Organisation name(s): Human Rights Foundation
Laureate candidate(s): Human Rights Foundation
Laureate category: Diplomacy and Global Peace
Nominated by: Trond Heinrichsen Institute for International Affairs
Reasoning for candidature: For their work in the protection and promotion of human rights for the past four centuries.

Nation/Organisation name(s): United Republic of Kalistan
Laureate Candidate(s): Drs. Sandra K. West and Julianne Lochard-Bennots
Laureate Category: Philosophy
Nominated by: Kalistan National University, Kaliburg
Reasoning for Candidature: These academics lead the way in the development of moral theory in Kalistan. They build on a simple definition of morality as "those acts and attitudes which form the social glue which holds society together, and which form the basis of norms, mores, and laws."

This definition is important because it makes removes the question of spirituality from the topic of moral consideration all together, and makes morality an entirely and uniquely human activity. Their secular definition of morality allows a person to be entirely non-religious or even atheist and still be moral. This groundbreaking work in moral theory sidesteps the question of God all together, and leaves the individual to decide if there is a God or not, and what God demands from them, and sets up a universal standard definition of moral behaviour against which all value-laden action may be judged as an act of agency of the individual, rather than being claimed to be the dictates of a God which may or may not exist. From this, a new definition of justice may also be derived: Justice, according to West and Lochard, is that which is in the interest of most of the people most of the time, given morality.
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby Wu Han » Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:52 pm

Nation/Organisation name(s): Indrala
Laureate candidate(s): The International Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (IESCO)
Laureate category: Anthropology
Nominated by: Dr. Zhang Xiaochen, Minister of Education and Culture, State of Indrala
Reasoning for candidature: In recognition of the profound and important work the International Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization does to protect, preserve and study artifacts and historical sites integral to human history, culture and society.
Current: Cildania
Former: Listed Here
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:01 pm

Nation/Organisation name(s): Lourenne
Laureate candidate(s): Didier Pichard
Laureate category: International relations/political science
Nominated by: University of Delaune, Lourenne
Reasoning for candidature: In recognition of his role and influence in developing a more rounded and useful understanding of the concept of sovereignty and how it relates to economic and military interference in domestic affairs by outside states.
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Re: Hartvig Prize

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:01 pm

Nation/Organisation name(s): Keymon
Laureate candidate(s): President Nerita Apostolou
Laureate category: Diplomacy and Global Peace
Nominated by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Reasoning for candidature: In recognition of Keymon for stoking peace in the Mad Dog Ocean and Terra by creating the Keymon Neutrality Treaty and urging nations to ratify it
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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