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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:55 pm

Anna Verde is the most unpopular President of the last 50 years!
PND generally falls in ratings except De Felice

One year before the next elections, the PND sees a drastic decline of their approval ratings, with the two major criticisms being their "softness" and their "inability to pass their program". Especially, President Anna Verde was hit hard as hardline PND voters see her as a pushover after she has re-proposed the Cildania bill. One man who voted PND in Padagna said:
Our President is weak! I thought the PND was the only strong party but since when does the Istalian PRESIDENT apologise to anyone!?

Recently, the PND was also unable to push through their preferred cabinet of PND-ULD-PdA, once again, which forced De Felice to pass up on the privelege of the largest party in forming a cabinet. The PND approval was hit hard by this as a young Romulan university student who voted Purple, a unique sighting, has exclaimed his disapppointment:
I have voted National Democrat because I wanted to set Istalia onto a path of change. We had enough of the same politics for decades. I thought a PND with many seats would be the tsunami to shake the political scene of Istalia but not only have they been unable to form a government, but they have not proposed any substantial P.d.l which means that 3 years ago, I wasted my vote. If nothing changes, I will vote Socialist or Radical next year.

The only man of the PND whose approval ratings are soaring is the Prime Minister De Felice, who however is soon going to end his political career due to age (88 years old!). His visit to Solentia is regarded as a success, his backing of Yassen for WC presidency was positively noted by all Istalian political camps, under his leadership one terrorist organization was annihalated and the economy continues to grow. Of course, in truth, many of these things would have happened under any other Head of Government, but luck and being in the right place at the right time also plays a role in political success. His legacy will be great and De Felice will be remembered in the history books as a positive character.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:59 pm

Istalian Edition
Elezioni 4468: Nazionaldemocratici e Radicali guidano le campagne elettorali
I due partiti stanno coagulando intorno a loro il resto dello schieramento politico che sta invece risultando piuttosto apatico dopo una legislatura caratterizzata da proposte di legge presentate solo da PND ed AR

Mancano ormai solo 8 mesi alle elezioni politiche del 4468 che molti stanno già indicando come le prime vere elezioni post-anni di piombo e che vedranno i 505 seggi della Camera ed i 100 del Senato venire contesi da due grandi coalizioni, di centro-destra e centro-sinistra, entrambe costituite da 3 partiti.

Ma all'interno di entrambe le coalizioni sono due i partiti che per il momento stanno monopolizzando la campagna elettorale, ovvero il Partito Nazionale Democratico e l'Alleanza Radicale che sono stati a loro volta i due partiti che hanno dominato la vita parlamentare e politica del paese durante l'attuale legislatura.
Di fronte infatti ad certa apatia che ha attanagliato gli altri partiti del panorama politico istaliano, PND ed AR hanno monopolizzato una legislatura che non è riuscita ad esprimere una maggioranza e che ha lasciato il paese nelle mani del precedente Governo di Unità Nazionale che ha agito da lungo governo di transizione che non ha ovviamente potuto esprimere alcun programma.

Il Partito Nazionale Democratico si è messo dunque alla testa di un centro-destra che sostiene importanti riforme liberiste in ambito economico e del welfare nazionale ma anche diversi importanti grandi progetti come il tunnel Istalo-Solentiano sotto i Nayar, l'Alleanza Radicale, invece, sta condensando la sinistra intorno ad un programma che propone grandi progetti pubblici ed un incremento degli investimenti pubblici accanto a misure per favorire l'investimento privato.
L'Alleanza sembra però stia profittando della limitata attività da parte del Fronte Democratico e dei Socialisti per promuovere massicciamente delle riforme nell'ambito delle regolamentazioni che sono di stampo fortemente liberale e che esprimono appieno il "Marraismo" del leader giallo-oro.

Secondo i più recenti sondaggi, molti istaliani sembrano infatti sostenere forti riforme liberiste soprattutto nell'ambito del welfare, con percentuali ben al di sopra della media di coloro che addirittura sostengono un drastico taglio dell'intervento pubblico per lasciare spazio ad un mercato dei servizi sociali estremamente libero.
Queste opinioni sono rafforzate dall'elevata disoccupazione che sta interessando il paese da molti anni e che alcuni hanno descritto come "ormai cronica e strutturale" e che vedono nel welfare nazionale, uno dei più completi al mondo, uno dei responsabili di una realtà economica che i più estremisti definiscono come "ingolfata ed immobile".
I due schieramenti politici, chiaramente consci di tutto ciò, stanno dunque puntando su misure atte a stimolare la crescita e l'occupazione ma se a destra si propone di lasciare più spazio al mercato e ridurre il ruolo statale, a sinistra si punta ad incrementare il ruolo dello Stato come importante investitore e come mediatore e convogliatore dell'investimento privato invogliato da una serie di deregolamentazioni.

Ovviamente sia PND che AR dovranno negoziare entrambi con altri due partiti all'interno delle loro coalizioni: il PND se può chiaramente contare sui Liberal Democratici, perfettamente allineati sui temi economici e del welfare, non potrà ignorare le posizioni sociali centriste del Partito degli Agricoltori, che ha sempre sostenuto un welfare sviluppato; a sinistra, invece, AR dovrà vedersela con le frange più ortodosse del Partito del Socialismo Istaliano come anche della minoranza più a sinistra del Fronte Democratico, che porranno probabilmente problemi per quanto riguarda le deregolamentazioni sostenute dai Radicali.

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Elections 4468: National Democrats and Radicals lead the election campaigns
The two parties are coagulating around them the rest of the political landscape that is instead rather apathetic after a legislature characterized by legislative proposals presented only by PND and AR

We are only 8 months away from the 4468 general elections that many are already pointing out as the veritable first post-years of lead elections and that will see the 505 seats in the Chamber and the 100 in the Senate being contested by two large coalitions, center-right and center-left, both made up of 3 parties.

But within both coalitions there are two parties that for the moment are monopolizing the electoral campaign, namely the National Democratic Party and the Radical Alliance which were in turn the two parties that have dominated the parliamentary and political life of the country during the current term.
In fact, faced with a certain apathy that has gripped the other parties in the istalian political landscape, PND and AR have monopolized a legislature that failed to express a majority and that left the country in the hands of the previous Government of National Unity that acted as long caretaker government that obviously could not express any program.

The National Democratic Party has therefore placed itself at the head of a center-right that supports major liberal reforms in the economic and national welfare but also several important major projects such as the Istalo-Solentian tunnel under the Nayar, the Radical Alliance, instead, is condensing the center-left around a program that proposes large public projects and an increase in public investment alongside measures to encourage private investment.
The Alliance, however, seems to be profiting from the limited activity of the Democratic Front and the Socialists to massively promote reforms in the context of the regulations that are strongly liberal and which fully express the "Marraism" of the yellow-gold leader.

According to the most recent polls, many istalians seem to support strong liberal reforms, especially in the welfare sector, with percentages well above the average of those who even support a drastic cut in public intervention to leave room for a social services market extremely free.
These opinions are strengthened by the high unemployment rate that is affecting the country for many years and that some have described as "now chronic and structural" and which see in the national welfare, one of the most complete in the world, one of the cause of an economic reality that the most extremists define as "flooded and immobile".
The two political parties, clearly aware of all this, are therefore focusing on measures to stimulate growth and employment but if on the right it is proposed to leave more space to the market and reduce the state role, on the left the aim is to increase the the role of the State as an important investor and as a mediator and conveyor of private investment encouraged by a series of deregulations.

Obviously both PND and AR will have to negotiate both with two other parties within their coalitions: if the PND can clearly count on Liberal Democrats, perfectly aligned on economic and welfare issues, it will not be able to ignore the centrist social positions of the Farmers' Party, which has always supported a developed welfare; on the left, however, AR will have to deal with the most orthodox fringes of the Party of Istalian Socialism as well as the leftmost minority of the Democratic Front, which will probably pose problems with regard to the deregulation supported by the Radicals.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:49 am

Istalian Edition
Yassen si dimette a seguito dei contrasti su Solentia: "Per quanto vogliamo ignorare le grida di aiuto dall'opposizione solentiana?"
Il Ministro degli Esteri in rottura con de Felice e la Presidenza a seguito delle ulteriori prove della grave crisi politica che sta attraversando Solentia: sempre più partiti dell'opposizione denunciano il regime militare instaurato dal partito Destra Unita

Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri Aghar Yassen si è recato questa mattina a Palazzo Quattroregni presentando le sue formali dimissioni al Presidente della Repubblica Anna Verde.
La decisione, ha dichiarato Yassen, è stata prese a causa della chiara crisi politica-istituzionale che sta attraversando Solentia con la quale il Capo del Governo Giannino de Felice ha recentemente stabilito un memorandum d'intesa.

Giorno per giorno giungono in Istalia delegazioni e messaggi dai principali partiti d'opposizione di Solentia che denunciano il regime militare guidato dall'egemonico partito Destra Unita che, secondo sempre le fonti interne, avrebbe organizzato diversi anni fa un Colpo di Stato Militare che ha posto il così detto "Primo Soldato", Supremo Leader delle Forze Armate, della Polizia e dell'Intelligence, alla testa della nazione, tutto ciò a seguito dell'abolizione di buona parte della legislazione autoritaria approvata da Destra Unita, già Partito Fascista, che starebbe tentando ogni strada per poter mettere a tacere l'opposizione, provando a rendere illegale i principali partiti che si stanno opponendo all'egemonia nera che, secondo i messaggi giunti in Istalia, avrebbe reso la democrazia solentiana un mero simulacro, un involucro vuoto senza sostanza.

Già durante passati incarichi come Ministro degli Esteri Aghar Yassen aveva intrapreso una strada per distanziare l'Istalia dal Governo Solentiano a guida fascista, notoriamente istruendo l'allora Ambasciatore Istaliano in Helion affinché protestasse veementemente a seguito di diverse misure autoritarie adottate dal Destra Unita ed invitando formalmente Solentia a ristabilire una piena democrazia.
Il Governo a guida PND, invece, ha deciso di risanare totalmente le tensioni emerse precedentemente e quindi di procedere con misure atte a stringere ancor più i legami tra l'Istalia e Solentia.

Yassen ha giusto commentato in questo modo la sua decisione:

Non posso vivere con la coscienza in ordine sapendo che potremmo essere complici del crollo di una democrazia nelle mani di una dittatura fascista. Avevo già lanciato l'allarme negli anni passati ma si è deciso di ignorare tutto ciò per degli obbiettivi egoisti dell'Istalia.
È tempo che si pretenda da Solentia rassicurazioni e quindi misure atte a ristabilire l'ordine democratico ed istituzionale totalmente sconvolto dalla crescente egemonia di Destra Unita e del gargantuesco apparato militare che sta sottomettendo il Paese.
Infine, posso assicurarvi a nome del mio partito che Alleanza Radicale porrà d'ora in poi il suo veto su qualsiasi collaborazione in Governi che siano intenzionati a sostenere ancora questa Solentia nera, autoritaria e militarista.

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Yassen resigns following the controversy on Solentia: "How much do we want to ignore the cries of help from the Solentian opposition?"
The Foreign Minister in rupture with de Felice and the Presidency following further evidence of the serious political crisis that is going through Solentia: more and more opposition parties denounce the military regime established by the party United Right

Minister of Foreign Affairs Aghar Yassen went to Quattroregni Palace this morning presenting his formal resignation to the President of the Republic Anna Verde.
The decision, said Yassen, was taken because of the clear political-institutional crisis that is going through Solentia with which the Head of Government Giannino de Felice has recently established a memorandum of understanding.

Day after day, delegations and messages from the main opposition parties of Solentia arrive in Istalia, denouncing the military regime led by the hegemonic right-wing party, which, according to the internal sources, organized a military coup several years ago which placed the so-called "First Soldier", Supreme Leader of the Armed Forces, the Police and Intelligence, at the head of the nation, all this following the abolition of most of the authoritarian legislation approved by the United Right party, yet Fascist Party, which would be trying every way to silence the opposition, trying to make illegal the main parties that are opposing the black hegemony that, according to the messages arrived in Istalia, is making the Solentian democracy a mere simulacrum, an empty shell without substance .

Already during past assignments as Foreign Minister Aghar Yassen had undertaken a way to distance Istalia from the Solentian government led by the fascist leadership, notoriously instructing the then Istalian Ambassador in Helion to protest vehemently as a result of various authoritarian measures adopted by the United Right and inviting formally Solentia to re-establish full democracy.
The PND-led Government, on the other hand, has decided to completely solve the previously emerged tensions and then proceed with measures to further tighten the ties between Istalia and Solentia.

Yassen just commented his decision in this way:

I can not live with the conscience in order knowing that we could be accomplices to the collapse of a democracy in the hands of a fascist dictatorship. I had already raised the alarm in the past years but it was decided to ignore all this for the selfish objectives of Istalia.
It is time for Solentia to demand reassurance and therefore measures to re-establish the democratic and institutional order totally upset by the growing hegemony of United Right and the gargantuan military apparatus that is subjecting the country.
Finally, I can assure you on behalf of my party that the Radical Alliance will from now on veto any cooperation in Governments that are willing to support this black, authoritarian and militaristic Solentia again.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:21 pm

RESISTENZA! | PdSI Official journal | June the 15th of 4468
A quasi vent'anni dal loro inizio, gli anni di piombo sono finiti dopo centinaia di morti e un'infinità di misteri; parole chiare del Ministro Chiave sulla Questione solentiana
At nearly twenty years from their beginning, the lead years have enden after hundreds of deaths and uncountable mysteries; clear words by Minister Chiave about the solentian question

After four years from the assassination of President Salvatore Alletta, the Internal Minister Ugo Chiave called the press to declare the dissolution of the "Corps of Revolutionary Action" (NAR) the extreme-right organization which organized the Bunogna Station attempt where 82 people found death.

Internal Minister and Presidential candidate Ugo Chiave (52)

Now that red terrorism has disappeared, even the neo-fascist organizations have found their end. The new intelligence asset proposed by President Alletta just before his death, and approved unanimously from the chambers, had great success. During the four years of the Verde presidency, we assisted to none major terrorist actions, but instead an always lower rate of political crimes, just while hundreds of former terrorists were assured to justice, bringing back order inside our country.

Our country, now, can finally return to a normal political life and see the born of true political governments. Intelligence, of course, will still survey and won't disappear; the imperative for everyone is just one: every political force, from the right to the left, applying whatsoever political program, will have the obligation to assure that new "Lead years" will never come back. Many are the mysteries behind the massacres occourred in the last twenty years, and many are still the answers we have to give to the people, but everyone must know that those times have ended: if there were, and of course there were, groups of power which wanted chaos for Istalia, now they have no chances: our intelligence organization, the great dialogue that the De Felice government started with the people, have beaten the enemies of freedom. Democracy won: the future has just began!

After this declaration, Minister Chiave renewed his congratulations to all the forces which substained the long lasting De Felice executive, but then, observed that the Solentian issue is one of the first grounds of fight between the right and the left. Making good wishes to the other Popular Front candidate of Radical Alliance, Chiave closed his speech observing how the Popular Front is cohesive about a strong condemnation against the solentian regime, an issue which, in the case of a new leftist government, will be addressed firmly and without ambiguity,
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Lionking » Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:49 am

PdA not entering in center-right coaltion

Romula After hours of deliberation between all elected PdA members in congress it was Dante Logatto who came out with a short statement that shocked Istalian political analysts and could reshape Istalian politics for decades to come.

Picture: Dante Logatto at the press conference.

PdA leader Dante Logatto:
We have decided not to enter in to a center-right cabinet, the last few years we've seen tremendous attacks on workers rights and on Istalia's institutions, with much pain in our heart. As the biggest winner together with AR we think it's the will of the people to form PdA-AR tandem in the next government, logical as you think we have gained 11% together. This decision was unanimous amongst all PdA members of Congress. We have decided to form a center-left cabinet that will restore worker's rights and the neo-liberal shift of the past decades. We must re-balance Istalia. In the past we've always given external support of the leftist governments, but now it's time to enter in a true coalition with the left for the first time in decades.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:58 am

Prime Minister Giannino De Felice's most likely final words as Prime Minister: "Regarding Solentia, Istalia has to take a neutral role!"

After the recent elections which saw the Centrist PdA skyrocket in votes, representing the desire of the people of a moderate government as the proposals of the PND seemed too radical for the majority of voters, the PdA has declared its unwillingness to work with the Right. Consequently, Prime Minister De Felice will highly unlikely lead the nation for much longer. This will see the first Left President with a Left Cabinet in decades. However, De Felice in his speech where he gave up on the PND's privelege as largest party to try and form a cabinet first, has also commented on the situation in Solentia, for which he in fact is partly responsible as according to analysts, his visit has strengthened the First Soldier's militaristic government. Prime Minister De Felice:
Istalia needs strong and most importantly healthy neighbours especially in times of anti-Istalian forces such as the Consortium Alliance gathering. I believe, my trip to Solentia was a complete success. Our delivery of military equipment to them may not replace the Zardic exports but it mitigates the damage done by the embargo. Moreover, I believe the First Soldier is a competent talking partner, whose words are equally legitimate as the opposition. After all, not all opposition parties have voted in favor of the friendship memorandum.

The bill of the VR preventing the access of government information to potentially future government forces is of course unacceptable and Istalia has its right to interfere specifically because the Solentian president has asked
us to do so, so there is no problem of sovereignty infringement. However, I strongly advise the future Istalian government and President Morandi to not take any sides! This would undo all of the approachment of the recent years. We need to be the side of democracy and freedom and engage in dialogue with both sides. We have seen that the VR is approachable, and so is the opposition. We should not sanction them yet as there is no ban per say and we should still hope for friendly cohabitation, even though I still as Prime Minister will put the tunnel planning on halt.

Many left political analysts say that De Felice simply does not want to lose the credit he gained for his visit to Solentia, which after all bolstered his popularity on the Istalian political scene. He is holding on to an agreement which one side is "unwilling to keep". Some more radically orientated commentators even believe that De Felice "got played" as the Istalian military equipment will not only "suppress the opposition of the militaristic regime" but also "be undoubtebly sooner or later be pointed towards Istalia".
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:56 pm

Istalian Edition
Morandi Presidente ma in parlamento è il Partito degli Agricoltori il vero vincitore
Il Presidente della Repubblica si è presentato ai giornalisti annunciando che molto probabilmente nominerà il leader PdA alla testa di una coalizione di centro e centro-sinistra, inoltre si è esposto su Solentia: "pronti a collaborare con tutti, ma vogliamo segni concreti da parte del Governo Militare"
President Alessandro Morandi

ROMULA - Alessandro Morandi, leader di Alleanza Radicale, è il nuovo Presidente della Repubblica Istaliana riuscendo a spuntarla per soli 500 mila voti sull'uscente Anna Verde ma il suo partito, nonostante l'attività parlamentare della scorsa legislatura e la massiccia campagna elettorale, si è piazzato solo terzo superato a sorpresa dal Partito degli Agricoltori che con queste elezioni ha probabilmente superato ogni record fin dalla sua fondazione.

Molti analisti, infatti, attribuiscono il successo del partito centrista alla volontà di moltissimi istaliani di vedere un governo prima di tutto moderato e centrista ma che intervenga a tamponare le misure iper-liberali proposte dai Nazionaldemocratici e passate in parlamento per un solo voto di differenza. Il PdA, infatti, secondo gli ultimi sondaggi è risultato tra i più visibili in fatto di regolamentazioni in campo economico mentre i Radicali, guidati dall'ala "Marrana", sono stati forse penalizzati per altre recenti deregolamentazioni da loro proposte in parlamento.

Il Presidente della Repubblica ha annunciato stamattina che a breve nominerà il prossimo Capo del Governo e relativo Consiglio dei Ministri, ovvero un Governo che vedrà il centro-sinistra coalizzato con il PdA il cui leader sarà alla testa del Consiglio. Queste le sue parole:

A seguito delle dichiarazioni da parte del Partito degli Agricoltori ed alla luce dunque dell'impossibilità per il centro-destra di formare un governo, sono prossimo a nominare Dante Logatto alla testa di un Governo formato da PdA, Radicali, Socialisti e Democratici.
Con soddisfazione il Fronte Popolare ha già individuato moltissimi punti sui quali il Partito degli Agricoltori è pronto a lavorare insieme e sicuramente tra i più urgenti da affrontare vi sono le estese deregolamentazioni introdotte alla fine della scorsa legislatura e che hanno messo in serio pericolo, come anche dichiarato dal leader PdA, sia il welfare nazionale che una sostanziosa parte delle misure a tutela dei lavoratori.
Sono fiducioso che il prossimo Governo possa fare una grande lavoro ed anche che riuscirà a portare avanti numerose importanti riforme e progetti.

Interpellato sulla questione Solentiana, il Presidente ha così risposto:

Condivido le parole del Presidente del Consiglio uscente de Felice, ovvero, dobbiamo aiutare i Solentiani, tutti i Solentiani, a trovare una soluzione all'attuale crisi politica ed istituzionale che sta attraversando il Paese.
E' mia intenzione proporre sia al partito Destra Unita che ai partiti di opposizione di stabilire qui in Istalia una tavola rotonda affinché possano essere affrontati le molte questioni che hanno portato alla crisi.
Ovviamente, non posso esimermi, come Capo dello Stato di una nazione democratica e quindi per le mie convinzioni personali, ad invitare l'attuale Amministrazione Militare a prendere provvedimenti per porre fine a questa situazione e quindi permettere alle istituzioni di riprendere il loro normale funzionamento, ma anche vorrei invitare il partito attualmente egemonico, appunto Destra Unita, ed assumere posizioni meno estreme e più conciliatore e soprattutto aprirsi maggiormente al compromesso con il resto delle forze politiche della nazione.
Per il momento, però, di fronte al terzo colpo di stato perpetuato dalle Forze Armate in sostegno di Destra Unita, è mia intenzione congelare temporaneamente i rapporti tra i nostri due Paesi e soprattutto porrò il mio veto sull'ulteriore vendita di armi, soprattutto d'artiglieria, per evitare che possano essere utilizzate contro civili ed oppositori politici.
Inoltre, facendo fede alle parole del "Primo Soldato", chiedo che proceda con l'annunciata amnistia generale e quindi all'elaborazione di una carta dei diritti per i cittadini solentiani.
Mi auguro che questo invito venga accolto per il bene dei Solentiani e delle relazioni Istalo-Solentiane che, mi auguro, possano continuare a crescere seguendo una naturale strada all'insegna della cooperazione e dell'amicizia che però, senza segni concreti da parte dell'attuale amministrazione militare, non potranno avere ulteriori sviluppi.

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Morandi President, but in Parliament, the Farmers' Party is the veritable winner
The President of the Republic introduced himself to journalists announcing that he will most likely appoint the leader of the PdA at the head of a center and center-left coalition, he also exposed himself on Solentia: "ready to collaborate with everyone, but we want concrete signs by part of the Military Government"

ROMULA - Alessandro Morandi, leader of the Radical Alliance, is the new President of the Istalian Republic succeeding in obtaining it for only 500 thousand votes on the outgoing Anna Verde but his party, despite the parliamentary activity of the last term and the massive electoral campaign, came only third surpassed with surprise by the Farmers' Party that with this election has probably exceeded every record since its foundation.

Many analysts, in fact, attribute the success of the center party to the desire of many instalians to see a government that is moderate and central, but which also intervenes to buffer the hyper-liberal measures proposed by the National Democrats and passed into parliament for a single vote. The PDA, in fact, according to the latest polls was among the most visible in terms of regulations in the economic field while the Radicals, led by the "Marrana" wing, were perhaps penalized for other recent deregulation after their proposals in Parliament.

The President of the Republic announced this morning that soon will appoint the next Head of Government and its Council of Ministers, namely a government that will see the center-left coalized with the PdA whose leader will be at the head of the Council. These are his words:

Following the declarations by the Farmers' Party and in the light of the impossibility for the center-right to form a government, I am close to appointing Dante Logatto to the head of a Government formed by PdA, Radicals, Socialists and Democrats.
With satisfaction, the Popular Front has already identified many points on which the Farmers' Party is ready to work together and certainly among the most urgent to deal with are the extensive deregulations introduced at the end of the last parliamentary term and which have put in serious danger, as well declared by the PdA leader, both the national welfare and a substantial part of the measures to protect workers.
I am confident that the next government can do a great job and also that it will succeed in carrying out many important reforms and projects.

Asked about the Solentian issue, the President replied:

I agree with the words of the outgoing Prime Minister de Felice: we must help the Solentians, all the Solentians, to find a solution to the current political and institutional crisis that is going through the country.
It is my intention to propose both the United Right party and the opposition parties to establish a round table here in Istalia so that the many issues that led to the crisis can be addressed.
Obviously, I can not fail, as Head of State of a democratic nation and therefore for my personal convictions, to invite the current Military Administration to take steps to end this situation and thus allow the institutions to resume their normal operation, but I would also like to invite the current hegemonic party, the United Right, to take on less extreme and more conciliatory positions and above all open up more to compromise with the rest of the nation's political forces.
For the moment, however, faced with the third coup perpetuated by the Armed Forces in support of United Right, it is my intention to temporarily freeze relations between our two countries and above all I will put my veto on the further sale of arms, especially artillery, to prevent them from being used against civilians and political opponents.
Furthermore, following the words of the "First Soldier", I ask that he proceed with the announced general amnesty and then to the drawing up of a charter of the rights for the Solentian citizens.
I hope that this invitation will be accepted for the good of the Solentians and of the Istalo-Solentian relations which, I hope, can continue to grow following a natural path in the name of cooperation and friendship, but without concrete signs from the current military administration, they will not be able to develop further.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:56 pm

Prime Minister Giannino De Felice passes away in office aged 90!
Before the new Cabinet could be instated, the outgoing Prime Minister has passed away in his sleep in the office

Yesterday was a dark day for the National Democrats and essentially for the whole of Istalia as the second-last statesperson of the previous generation - the generation of Juliana Vespa-Baldassare and of Aghar Yassen has passed away. With the aforementioned Yassen (AR) being the last man standing. Aged 90, the President of the Council of Ministers of Istalia, the Prime Minister for short, Giannino De Felice has passed away in his sleep in his office. His family was alarmed as he did not come home that night, which was suspicious as due to being the outgoing Prime Minister, the work load has been smaller. Hence, his son has come to the office only to find the Prime Minister already passed away in his sleep. According to him, his "father had a content, satisfied facial expression. No signs of pain. His time has come and god took him". The son held back the tears.

The National Democrats mourn, as De Felice was a sign of unity, consistency and very good humor in the party and no successor was in sight. The leadership election will be at the end of this year. Giannino De Felice never filtered his words and had many friends in the party and outside. For example, even after Yassen's resignation the two were often spotted drinking beer and arguing together as the two know each other for very long.

Prime Minister De Felice has led this country through a very difficult time with cabinet of national unities and dying in office together with the cabinet of national unity which will be absolved by a center-left cabinet is tragic, yet very fitting. The nation will have split opinions about him, especially regarding his stance on Solentia, but the service he has given this country his whole life as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Interior and Environment & Tourism besides the Prime Ministership will not be forgotten and his name will always be in strong connection with President Alletta as one of the two men who spearheaded the anti-terrorism campaign.

Rest in Peace Prime Minister Giannino De Felice.
Your service to the Country and the National Democratic Party will be remembered.

God save Istalia.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:12 am

Istalian Edition
Politica Estera: Morandi pronto a visitare Cildania e Dolgava mentre prende posizione precisa su Solentia
Il Presidente della Repubblica ha espresso tutta la sua delusione nel vedere gli appelli istaliani ignorati e quindi il regime militare di Destra Unita ristabilire tutte le misure adottate per garantirsi il totale controllo sulla nazione

ROMULA - Con il governo installato e pronto a procedere con le riforme che la Grande Coalizione vuole proporre per il Paese, il Presidente della Repubblica ha rivolto la sua attenzione alla Politica Estera.

La Presidenza ha infatti annunciato che a breve il Presidente Morandi partirà in visita ufficiale alla volta di Cildania e di Dolgava. Con il paese insulare Majatrano l'Istalia da decenni sta stringendo i legami, soprattutto a seguito della ripresa dell'Alleanza Majatrana che ha visto Cildania ri-parteciparvi con entusiasmo.
Riguardo Dolgava, invece, diversi messaggi diplomatici sono giunti a Romula da Aikums in favore di maggiori relazioni diplomatiche come anche economiche tra i due paesi. Dolgava, uscendo da un regime comunista, si trova oggi infatti in cerca di partner per ridare slancio all'economia nazionale, una buona opportunità per molte aziende istaliane che potrebbero trovare un mercato tutto nuovo dove espandersi.
C'è da dire, però, che la volontà Dolgaviana di accrescere le relazioni con l'Istalia dipende anche dal fatto che proprio Dolgava è divenuta un rifugio per buona parte dei membri dell'opposizione Solentiana recentemente fuggiti a seguito del terzo colpo di stato militare guidato dal partito Destra Unita.

Proprio riguardo Solentia Alessandro Morandi ha infine preso una decisione riguardo le relazioni tra l'Istalia ed il suo vicino, queste le sue Parole:

Nonostante l'Istalia abbia offerto la sua assistenza ed una posizione il più neutrale possibile per risolvere la crisi politica ed istituzionale nel paese, i nostri appelli sono stati ignorati. Inoltre, nonostante la fiducia riposta nel vedere approvati una Carta dei Diritti per i Solentiani ed un'amnistia generale, per il momento tutto ciò è rimasta lettera morta ed anzi abbiamo visto il partito egemonico Destra Unita reintrodurre tutte quelle misure legislative che avevano forzato la reazione dei partiti d'opposizione, ovvero una serie di misure legali e costituzionali che assicurano un totale controllo da parte di Destra Unita e delle Forze Armate di tutto l'apparato statale.

Come Capo di Stato di una nazione pronta a contrastare regimi autoritari e dittatoriali anche a migliaia di chilometri di distanza, non credo l'Istalia possa ancora continuare ad ignorare una tale situazione giusto al di là dei nostri confini. Per coerenza ed anche perché spinto dalla mia coscienza, eticamente non possiamo più permetterci di assistere un Governo il cui unico obbiettivo è garantirsi il controllo totale della sua nazione. Progressi sono stati fatti da parte Solentiana e vogliamo riconoscerlo, ma negli ultimi mesi abbiamo assistito anche a passi indietro che per noi sono inaccettabili.

Per questi motivi ho deciso di abrogare il Memorandum d'amicizia tra Istalia e Solentia. L'Istalia resterà comunque sempre disponibile a dialogare nel modo più pacifico possibile con Solentia ma non possiamo continuare ad ignorare quel che sta succedendo nel Paese. Ci auguriamo che il regime militarista di Destra Unita si ravveda garantendo una democrazia meno armata e meno pilotata.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Foreign Policy: Morandi ready to visit Cildania and Dolgava while taking a precise position on Solentia
The President of the Republic expressed all his disappointment in seeing the ignored istalian appeals and therefore the United Right's military regime re-establishing all the measures taken to guarantee total control over the nation

ROMULA - With the government installed and ready to proceed with the reforms that the Grand Coalition wants to propose for the country, the President of the Republic has turned his attention to Foreign Policy.

The Presidency has indeed announced that soon President Morandi will leave on an official visit to Cildania and Dolgava. With the Majatran island nation, Istalia has for decades been tightening ties, especially following the resumption of the Majatran Alliance which saw Cildania re-participate enthusiastically.
Regarding Dolgava, instead, several diplomatic messages have come to Romula from Aikums in favor of greater diplomatic as well as economic relations between the two countries. Dolgava, emerging from a communist regime, is today in fact looking for partners to give new impetus to the national economy, a good opportunity for many Istalian companies that could find a whole new market to expand.
It must be said, however, that the Dolgavian will to increase relations with Istalia also depends on the fact that Dolgava has become a refuge for most of the Solentian opposition members who recently fled as a result of the third military coup led by the United Right party.

Just about Solentia Alessandro Morandi has finally made a decision about the relationship between Istalia and its neighbor, these are his words:

Although Istalia has offered its assistance and a position as neutral as possible to resolve the political and institutional crisis in the country, our appeals have been ignored. Moreover, despite the confidence in seeing approved a Solentian Chart of Rights and a general amnesty, for the moment this has remained a dead letter and indeed we have seen the right-wing hegemonic party reintroduce all the legislative measures that had forced the reaction of the opposition parties, namely a series of legal and constitutional measures that ensure total control by the United Right and the Armed Forces of the entire state apparatus.

As Head of State of a nation ready to oppose authoritarian and dictatorial regimes even thousands of miles away, I do not believe that Istalia can still continue to ignore such a situation just beyond our borders. For consistency and also because pushed by my conscience, ethically we can no longer afford to assist a government whose sole objective is to guarantee total control of its nation. Progress has been made by part of Solentia and we want to recognize it, but in the last few months we have also seen backward steps that are unacceptable to us.

For these reasons I decided to repeal the Memorandum of Friendship between Istalia and Solentia. However, Istalia will always remain open to dialogue in the most peaceful way possible with Solentia, but we can not continue to ignore what is happening in the country. We hope that the United Right's militarist regime will come around by guaranteeing a less armed and less driven democracy.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:46 pm

Ex-President Anna Verde (PND): "The new Govt. Is making as many mistakes as right things
Verde on Solentian Friendship treaty withdrawal: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions!"

After the passing of De Felice, the PND has lost a piece of its identity, a piece of its soul so to speek hence no new proposals have been yet made, despite the chains of responsibilities being absent with PND's Position as the leader of the opposition. After all, now the PND does not need to compromise with anyone and many have been expecting a fired up National Democratic emergence... which never came. The absence of De Felice has been noticeable on all fronts, from PR and campaigning, to organization and bill pushing. People are afraid of a party split again as since De Felice's passing, the conservative-grass roots wing is not so dominant anymore. The opportunist wing has started to let their voice be heard and it is a voice of appeasing the left in order to return to government and work closer with the PdA again, as was the case under previous Opportunist leadership under Bencivenni (whose son is in the party leadership).

Even the conservative camp believes it to be a waste that despite being the largest party, they were forced into the oppostion making the passing of anything more difficult. Ex-President Anna Verde has even noted:
Despite many mistakes, the curent government is making as many correct things which actually help the people. The sales tax readjustment, the Treaty with Dolgavia and even the promotion of start-ups is all in our common interest and we will support and constructively advise the government regarding these proposals, despite being the leaders of the opposition, as they are truly good things, mostly. However, the Solentian question is where we digress. Greatly. We believe an arguably undemocratic Solentia on Istalia's side is much better than a resentful and then definitely undemocratic Solentia on the side of the Consortium Alliance. All the work that De Felice accomplished will go to waste easily if the current government continues to move in that direction. Let me remind President Morandi that Solentia is not on the other side of the continent: they are our neighbours. Their weapons being pointed at us will have a disastrous effect on Istalian citizens. Moreover, our weapons exports to Solentia help balance the budget since the Zardic embargo.

Please do not make this mistake. We want to work with you, but on this we will work against you at all costs for the good of our great nation.

Thank you
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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