
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Oct 17, 2018 3:30 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Secretary of environment assure that Recyc-Baltusia will be completed

I should never have asked the congress for funds. I knew it was a bad idea.

This was the first phrase, Maya Darklight said to the journalist of the Johnston post this morning, when she was question about the frequent question from Senator Charles Pickens. Currently, 100 representatives and 23 senators voted agaisnt her authorization, while 163 representative and 37 senator voted in favor of it. but the secretary said it was possible that the bill would fail to pass. which would place her ministry in a though position. She still assured the Johnston post journalist she would find a solution to her problems. ¸

That's the life of the secretary of environment, you aint important in the eyes of other ministers, nor in the eyes of the presiden. I've tried to do the best job possible. its truth I could have choosed to build a single-stream system, but I did not felt okay with this choice, since it would create metarials of lessen quality, with impurity. the great avantage to the one we tried to build is that is significativly lessen the impurity, since there would no paper in cardboards deposites, nor any glasses in metals deposite. I believe the new Society will be able to get better price from other entreprises is we sell materials of higher quality. Of course the downside is that the starting cost is much higher. But I can tell you, there is no way I will not accomplish this task. I'm going to find a solution to this mess and recyc Baltusia will see the day. You probably ignore it, but we were able to successfully estimated the population of Deers, Buffalo, coyote and wolves in our forest. Maybe other parties don't see the values in environment, but one thing is certain, the PLCA will stop at nothing to protect the environment. And I will not resign

Spending likely refused by the house. but Darklight still say Recyc-Baltusia will be completed.

The news has recently fallen, it look like the socialists are going to vote agaisnt the bill, dooming it. Darklight may be unable to complete her initial plan. but she still said to our journalist that Recyc-Baltusia will be completed

I knew I could not count on waste of money Ortobbya to fufill my jobs. but it don't matter, I have a plan and I'm going to complete this project. Its quite sad to see that people like that waste of money lady exist, but I can do thing despite adversity..
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby javierzcw » Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:00 am

The New Valois Gazette is one of Baltusia's most widely circulated newspapers, headquartered in downtown New Valois. Reporting on politics, sports, entertainment, and local goings-on.

Secretary Ortobbya lands in Senate Committee "Recyc-Baltusia must be shut down immediately", as Secretary Darklight storms out

Secretary of Treasure, Cecily Ortobbya, assists Senate Committee on the controversial Recyc-Baltusia Project

A "heated inquisition", is how the members of Senate Committee of Treasury are referring to the Recyc-Baltusia Project's Spending Authorization, as the "Senator-Accountant" of New Egelion, Republican Charles Pickens will not lose sight of a single penny on the hugely controversial Recycling Strategy.
Recyc-Baltusia is -without a doubt- the dearest child of Secretary of Environment Maya Darklight, but it will not see the light of day by anytime soon, this according to Secretary of Treasury Cecily Ortobbya, who arrived 15 minutes late to the Committee with a cup of coffee.

Ortobbya, as usual for her, did not forget her characteristic manners and respect of the State's institutions, saluting the members of such committee and the Secretary present. But with Cecily Ortobbya one should never confuse her politeness with kindness, as she blatantly stated that the Government was not supporting Darklight's plan, saying that "the Secretary of Treasure has very direct orders from the Executive to study the controversial Recyc-Baltusia Project[...] the results of this study have not been conclusive and (that the) the opinion of the Executive and the Department (of Treasurty) is that it must be shut down".

Pull the Plug to Darklight's plan. Her reaction? "Since, we note that we are not going to receive the authorization, I will not answer other question. I will have to get to my plan d [...], This committee is a waste of time and money", she said as she stormed out of the room.

The conversation didn't end just because she left. Senator Green, clearly staggered by the recent situation, couldn't but try to stall, delivering the Gazette's favorite Quote of the Week "Why don't we take a pause?".

When the Gazette asked Ortobbya about her tardiness to the Committee Session, she couldn't but breach protocol and giggled "well someone has to review our next Budget Proposal around here, right?"

Why don't we take a pause?

Senator Green

Progressive Socialist Party of Aloria (PRO-SPA) [INACTIVE]
United Democratic Party of Baltusia - Socialist Progressive Caucus (SPB) [ACTIVE]
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:50 pm

Warning, THIS rp is only valid, if The secretary of environment is unable to get funds by another means. If Spending autorization : Recyc-Baltuasia is accepted or funds are gived by another party, this rp will be cancelled as there will not for such an action.

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Date published : 1 Marsh 4471

Maya Darklight say the Recyc-Baltusia will see the day, despite her bill Spending autorization : Recyc-Baltuasia being defeated

It is now assured that the minister of environment will not receive the funds she asked from the congress. With many democrats joining the ranks of the republican party to say no to her demand. hoverer the minister surprised all of us this morning by announcing that she found 30 000 000 000 in fines. that would allow her to fund Recyc-Baltusia construction, the unlucky payer of these fine, the Johnston hotels immediatly pleads guilty to all charges, One of them being the intensified use of illegal pesticides.

We are just lucky to caught them right now, We were unable to funds operation, the congress refused to listen to my pleas, but i still managed to find money. Waste of Money lady should just quit. This aint a waste of money, its an important project that we were ordered to do by congress, and suddenly, the other factions tries to block. Seem like they wanted to get arrested from the beginning, well, this aint going to happen.

We questionned the owner of the Johnston times, Luke Gilliams about this matter

Well, that happened, we got caught. We though we would not get caught, We though they would never investigate us. That's all I'm going to say about this.

Luke Gilliams, owner of the johnston times.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:34 pm

The New Valois Gazette is one of Baltusia's most widely circulated newspapers, headquartered in downtown New Valois. Reporting on politics, sports, entertainment, and local goings-on.

After sitting in the shadows for several months, and facing insurmountable public pressure, UDP Party Chairperson Sidney Hanson has vowed to take action against the Communists.

UDP Chairperson Hanson breaks the silence after several months of party infighting
Johnston, D.D., March 5th, 4471

JOHNSTON - After allowing anarcho-communists and traditional communists into the ranks of the UDP prior to the 4468 Presidential election, hopeful that their entrance would solidify a conclusion to 4 years of Republican rule, the result was a success, but the victory would soon turn bitter.

The introduction of the PLCA instantly drew criticism from the Republicans, which was to be expected, but also from the dominant faction of the UDP itself—The social liberals, who currently control all three leadership positions. Senator Dave Rockwell of Ralston skewered Chairperson Hanson on both the Senate floor and social media, and allegedly began rallying for bipartisan support against both communist wings. The actions of Senator Rockwell have drawn deep divides within the party since August of last year.

With public criticism reaching the breaking point, and the Republicans gaining numerous advantages against the UDP, Hanson finally broke the silence this afternoon, stating that he had heard the concerns of Senators and members of the public, and vowed to take action against the communists, by starting a vote of no confidence.

When asked about the possibility of the vote of no confidence being a success, he stated that it would likely result in the expulsion of both communist wings from the United Democratic Party. If the vote is to fail, Hanson states that he will likely still forcibly remove the PLCA from the party, citing the ongoing public backlash over their initial entrance into the party, alongside the "reckless" behavior of Environmental Secretary Darklight, whom had recently resigned after fierce questioning by the Senate Committee.

"What was going to be four years of immense reforms under President Farnsworth has turned to nearly three years of constant bickering and division. Outrage has come from both fellow lawmakers and members of the public. This has no doubt left a stain on our presidential track record, but we promise that in the years forward we will rise more united than before, and that starts with taking action against these communists. They seek to dismantle the carefully constructed system that we fought hard for over three decades ago. Since then, Baltusia has become a federal republic, with immense rights given to both the individual and the states, a stark contrast to those socialist-dominated years. That's not to call offense to our socialist colleagues, whom we've developed a strong relationship with, and were the co-founder of the UDP, but we've been freer than we ever have before. And we will not let that be taken away from us."
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:16 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Senator Yugi demand Unity

Westbrook : 12 April 4471

Senator Yugi, of Westbrooks, demanded that the Social liberal stop crying a fictional communist menace and look over the most immediate menace, the republican party.

You can just look at this bill, ... lid=584455
the republican conservative caucus are trying to remove any control we might over the fishes population, they want to allow the hunting of endangered animals. they want to deregulated the waste disponsal sectors and they want to clear all our forest in the name of freedom. That's capitalism and that's why the capitalist hegemony must go away. In the long term, these reforms may endanger our future and the future of our planet. And sadly, it is impossible to buy a 2nd Terra on the free market.

I got a lot of question, people asked me what's capitalism for me and if I wanted to abolish the free market. I'm going to say, the capitalist is a system of value who prioritize accumulation of capital. Its a system of value that is ready to sacrifice public health, public security, worker's right and the environment so that few may accumulate as much money as possible. I'm not here to abolish the free-market, because there would not problems if the diverses entreprises that compose this market, would not give in to the capitalists values. And the best news I can give you, is that there are everyone can change. Every can abandon capitalists values. Today, I am simply asking our president, Mr. Oliver Farnsworth, to not give in to the capitalists values. Surely there is something you value more then the freedom to accumulate money.

We had 1 major problem in our term, with the secretary of environment, she's a very young woman and probably impatient. But there is no need to break the UDP because of this. I am currently trying to find a solution to this crisi. It would better if we all work tegether because we are way stronger when we speak as one, then when we speak as 3

Yugi Green. Senator of Westbrook

Apparently, the Senator of Westbrook, present a new demand to give extra funds to the department of environment. but unlike Darklight who asked for 25 Billions in a single years, the senators is going for 25 billions over 10 years, which bring down the cost of his demande to 2.5 billion per years.
it is unknown if the congress will agree to the senator requests. But one thing is certain, it seem Maya Darklight is determined to finish her project.
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Former VP Howell: Enough is Enough

Postby baltusiafirst » Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:23 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.


Johnston, D.D. May 25, 4471

In a press conference today, former Vice President and Republican presidential candidate Wallace Howell made his feelings about the instability of the current UDP government known.

"Say what you will about how the years 4464-4468 have gone, but we were a force for unity. We drew Republicans and Democrats together to get the government off of the ordinary Baltusian's back and instead give them the tools to succeed. We do not always agree with our colleagues across the aisle, but I thought we shared a commitment to stability. Unfortunately, the communists in their ranks have decided to run amok with power in their caucus. We invite our colleagues to dispel with left-wing extremism and nevermore include them in the halls of power."

Wallace added that if elected, his administration would pursue solutions that bring power and safety back to the people of Baltusia.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:41 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Date published : 1 June 4471

Aloy-Sophie Darklight say the PLCA has not divide the UDP

our values are not tested in easy time. they are tested and proven in difficults times.
Senator Yugi Green to his partisan

this morning, Aloy-Sophie Darklight, leader of PLCA and Senator of Santiago was with us, to speak about the adoption of a recent budget resolution and the crisis surrounding Recyc-Baltusia, the Great recycle plan that the minister of environment tried to construct as well as the adoption of several laws by congress. He qualified the PLCA plan as a success, on nearly all aspects. He also had good work for the Senator of Westbrooks Yugi Green.

If you tell me the PLCA make our system work, 3 years, I would tell you that you are joking. Yes we still have opposants, hard-core capitalists who believe the most important value of human is the right to accumulate money. we believe the humans can do better, that they can seek something more valuable then money.

Yugi was great, he was to able to secure the development of recyc-Baltusia, he was able to convice the secretary of treasure to give more funds to department of environment. And more importantly, he prevented my sister from making a terrible mistake. I really want to thanks Yugi Green for his hard work.

Another victory for us is that we are to propose bill that will change the laws of Baltusia. Democratic Worker's council act of August 4470, Red Menace Bill 1 : Drugs reforms, Red menace Bill 2 : Education reforms, Red Menace Bill 4 : Organ donation reforms, Red Menace bill 5 : Legalisation of public nudity, Red Menace Final : Employ reform and Sexual education reforms have all good chance to adopted by the congress. Meanwhile the president was unable to pass his reforms.

but to me, this is a proof that the PLCA has their place in this congress and that we can really work with other parties to change Baltusia. When you want, its possible.

Maya Darklight appeared to present her to build recyc-Baltusia

today, I annonce that everyone in Baltusia will have their own Bins, sooner or laters, some may have it before, but that is life.

For a first time in while, the Secretary of environment appeared perfectly calm in front of Media, announcing that its going to take 10 years to build Recyc-Baltusia. The department would invest 2.5 billions BLD in 10 years for a total of 25 billions BLD. The minister said that her ministry will concentrate on particular cities eacg years.

We have a security of .5 billions, we are going to use it, to make the development goes smootly.

According to her plan, the Recyc-Baltusia will be develop in the cites of Santiago first because it is closest to the sea. Here is the plan of department of environment

Year 1 : Aguasfrías and Puerto Vallejo
Year 2 : Ciudad Juárez and Ciudad Juárez
Year 3 : Clifton and Harriston
Year 4 : Johnston and San Fierro
Year 5 : Fremont and Rutledge
Year 6 : Hallsboro and Northchase
Year 7 : Castle Rock and Derry
Year 8 : Moorstown and BlackWood
Year 9 : New Valois and Robinson
Year 10 : Culverstown and Oudmonde

We Also questioned the secretary about fine imposed to the Johnston Hotels

We will not fine the Johnston, Although it is clear now that the Johnston are linked with the Mafia and so they are going to answer that. I will transmit the information to the department of justice, hoping that they will begin investigation. Yes, i had a reunion with Anthonio Reina, but the deal was cancelled, and right now, I bet Reina want me dead, because I saw him and I know things I should not know.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:13 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

23 december 4471

PLCA face possible expulsion, Aloy-Sophie Darklight ask Social Liberals to reconsider their idea.

In politics, it is very easy to divide people, to create enemies, but to unite people, with different values, differents idea is a lot harder

The leader of the PLCA, was reacting to a rumor, which imply that the important members of the social libertals are trying to remove the communists factions from the UDP, namely the RACP and the PLCA. In other interview, the chairperson of the UDP said he take action agaisnt the communists. No action was taken so far by the UDP, but there remain a strongly possibility. Multiple citizen criticized the action of Secretary Maya Darklight

It is truth that we share differents values, that we support differents policies and that in multiple occasion, our faction does not vote in the same way. And one thing I cannot recognize, is that our secretary of environment made a grave mistake that will affect the reputation of our party. That is truth. but that is not a valid reason to divide the United Democratic Party. When we wanted to work together, we were able to bring change to Baltusia. Around 7 months ago, it was said that Baltusia has become federal taht has given rights to individuals, our party recognize their rights, We defended the right of people to choose their sexual partner, We have defended the freedom of speach, we have defended to right to education, and more important, our party recognize the rights of people to innovate. We want to improve the lives of Baltusians and to defend humans rights, and i believe that's what you also want. The republican party also bear multiple ideologies in their ranks, so of which are not very compatible, yet they are able to stay united agaisnt us. We are not differents, we share multiple ideologies, but they are not compatible and it would be very important that we stay united if we repair our party reputation. So, let's work together.

According to Aloy-Sophie Darklight, the expulsion of the Communists faction, could be a gift to the republican party, and would lead the country to political unstability.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby OrangeCrusader » Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:35 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

13th Febuaray 4472

Richard Coolidge, Libertarian Politician, Dead at 70

This morning at 2:30 Eastern Standard Time, former Libertarian president and long time politician Richard William Coolidge died in his sleep at the ripe old age of 70 while at his modest home in Derry, State of Westbrook. He was survived by his wife Mildred (68). The Libertarian wing of The Republican Party has decided to closes its offices for four days. Services will be held at the 1st Congregational Church of Derry.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:03 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

23 Septembre 4472

Senator Yugi Green, Confirm Maya Darklight Resignation

Recently this morning, Senator Yugi Green, (UDP_ Westbrooke), confirmed the resignation of Secretary of environment Maya Darklight, her Assistant Secretary, Oliver Daniels, has currently taken over control of the secretary, until a new secretary of environment is nomminated by the president Oliver Fansworth or the next president

I really don't understand how my little sister department went so badly, my own secretary was just boring, I saw so many project. there was many Attempt to create Plant Milk, with almond, rich, coconuts, and even cannabis, like they knew the PLCA don't take any dairy products, so I was flooded by dairy-free food projects. There where also, Mushroom cultivation projects, rural agriculture project and many more. I'm just like everyone, I want to know what happened with my little sister, but she was quite distant, in the last years, especially after her nomination as secretary of environment.
Secretary of Food and Agriculture. Sarah Rafaelle Darklight

Recently, it came to the hears of the media, that the secretary of environment had a reunion with a member of a criminal organisation. Senator Yugi Green was the one who reported the fact to the police officers. The Secretary of environment was mostly knew for throwing a Tentrum in front of the senate, and trying to fund a big project, name recyc-Baltusia.

Senator Yugi Green said He did what he had to do, and said that he hired Mireille Thunder, to act an as a private inspector, and Miss Maya Darklight's lawyer on this case.

Look, I want to know what happened, we all want to know what happened, I was able to convince her to talk a bit, but I don't think she told me everything, I feel like she's hiding something and that's why we hired Miss Thunder. I want to know what really happened and why did the secretary never talked about this before. The only thing i know right now, it that it was the suggestion of a certain Patrick longfield, And I never about that name before. So I did what I could, I reported what I know. I think our first priority should to learn to truth about the events.

Senator Yugi Green, united democratic Party, West Brook

currently, it is unknown what is going to be fate of former Secretary Maya Darklight. And how this could have effect on the campaign
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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