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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:14 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

13 november 4473

Mireille Thunder Assure that former Secretary Darklight is innoncent.

Mireille Thunder, Maya Darklight's lawyer spoke to the medias concerning the former Secretary Darklight's arrestation. She was recently Charged with breach of trust, obstruction of justice and first degree murders.

The last charge is a load of Balloney, I can assure that Miss Darklight did not murder her daughter, and the accusation does not have any proof about it. They did not show us any proof that directly link her to the murder, the only thing they have is that her daughter was buried in her garden, and that is not sufficient to accuse someone of first degree murder. We are currently reviewing our options. But I'm pretty certain that Miss Darklight did not such thing as killing her own children.

Other members of the PLCA said they were shocked by this new

We knew this was coming. Said Senator Yugi Green. We still don't have any information, I mean we knew she was going to charged for obstruction of justice, but murder. That I can't understand. I know she said she committed an unforgivable crimes, but I can't imagine her killing someone. Surely there is more to discover to this story.
Senator Yugi Green

Woman say She saw Patrick Longfield in San Luis

A woman, who did not want to be identified, reported to our medias that she spotted Patrick Longfield, a man implicated in the scandal surrounding the secretary of environment, in a bar of San Luis.

what does this guy is doing here, free as bird, I still remember he's a convicted rapist. How did the hell did he got of prison ? Our country was clearly too soft with him, he should be imprisonned for life or have been executed at the first occasion we had. That's guy is just a monster. Its unacceptable that he is able to breath the same air as the decent folks. All our country, should be ashamed. Don't take me for an idiot, I know its him.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:44 am

The New Valois Gazette is one of Baltusia's most widely circulated newspapers, headquartered in downtown New Valois. Reporting on politics, sports, entertainment, and local goings-on.

"After pressure amongst the various factions of the UDP, we have decided to open up leadership elections, but without the communists."

With an FIB investigation ongoing, the UDP opens up leadership elections, but bars the PLCA from participating
Johnston, D.D., December 6th, 4473

JOHNSTON - After hearing greater desires to hold a leadership election, Party Chairperson Hanson was reluctant to do so, stating that he'd rather commence elections after the close of the Senate's Government Oversight Committee, which had grilled the PLCA's former Secretary of Environment, Maya Darklight for nearly three hours.

With the committee long been over and the case formally being handed to the FIB, internal pressure to hold a leadership election grew larger, with Chairperson Hanson finally accepting the calls for election, but with a catch—The communists would be barred from participating. Such a move has obviously frustrated the PLCA, but Hanson states he acted within reason.

"A faction that stirs up trouble and has had one of their former secretaries under criminal investigation is certainly not worthy of participating in the elections this year. Their actions gave the Republicans constant fuel to set us ablaze with during the Farnsworth Adminisration, and since our massive electoral losses in last year's election, we've been trying to repair the damage ever since. Whilst our actions have certainly angered them, we believe it is the first step in rebuilding our reputation and public image."

Hanson has also gone across party lines, speaking highly of Senator Wainwright's actions as Chairman of the Government Oversight Committee, and commended his professionalism in the matter. While leadership elections for the UDP are currently in the early stages, insider reports indicate that the election could be a close one.

Leadership runner ups are the Social Liberals for re-election, the Socialists, and the very recently formed Moderates. It is unknown whether the Liberal faction will run in these elections, or back another candidate.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:51 am

Darklight Trial Set to Begin in May

Former Secretary of the Environment Maya Darklight's trial if set to begin later this month in Johnston DD. FIB Director Winston Danforth has confirmed the Bureau had handed over their evidence to the prosecution and were ready to support in anyway they could to find justice in the trial.

Former Secretary Darklight stands charged with Obstruction of Justice and Murder of her five year old daughter, Caia Darklight. Caia was apparently a secret child that no one aside from her knew about for five years, keeping the child exclusively in the home during those five years with no one, not even her family.

Attorney General Charles Pickens has confirmed that Deputy Attorney General Sheila Reid will be handling the prosecution against the former Secretary, who is defended by attorney Mireille Thunder.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby javierzcw » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:19 am

The New Valois Gazette is one of Baltusia's most widely circulated newspapers, headquartered in downtown New Valois. Reporting on politics, sports, entertainment, and local goings-on.

"Former Secretary and current Socialist Nominee at the UDP Leadership Election"

Ortobbya concerned: Socialist faction may not get votes to become the next Deputy Chairperson of the UDP
Johnston, D.D., May 6th, 4474

After a very troubled scene for the United Democratic Party, after losing the elections and having a former secretary sitting on a Criminal Court, the current leadership of the UDP -commanded by the Social Liberal faction- made the smart decision of trying to divert the attention to a more joyous and democratic occasion: The UDP Leadership Elections of 4474.

The Leaders of almost every faction of the UDP casted their votes yesterday, and it's clear to say the Social Liberals will continue their work leading the Party, but the actual competition is at the Deputy Chairperson position, as the Socialists have only one vote and the Moderates two.
"We were surprised with the social liberal vote, I have been very loyal to the Farnsworth Administration and I will always be, I think we deserved at least a heads up about this" Cecily Ortobbya said. Ortobbya didn't look very happy seeing that her possibilities of being Deputy Chairperson were rapidly declined. The only hope for the Socialists are the Liberals, which have not yet decided and haven't even touched foot on the UDP Meeting Room.

This election has not been exempt of controversy, as the current leadership officially casted out the PLCA, taking away its vote rights and nomination rights, as the Leadership Guideline is clear to disallow the vote of "Faction (that) has been convicted/soon to be convicted of a crime, if their faction has/had positions within the cabinet". Which was clearly a way to say Everyone may vote but the PLCA. There was almost no discordance inside the UDP with this being added to the Guideline, as the Darklight Trial is being closely followed by the Party, and it's clear that most leaders are not very happy with it. The Socialists officially asked the PLCA to "reform their party immediately if they don't want to face worse consequences".
The PLCA leadership refused to comment on this as they're apparently only concerned on how Maya Darklight will prove her -nationally doubted- innocence.

Progressive Socialist Party of Aloria (PRO-SPA) [INACTIVE]
United Democratic Party of Baltusia - Socialist Progressive Caucus (SPB) [ACTIVE]
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:21 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

25 May 4474

Former Secretary Maya Darlight plead non-guilty

The annonce was made by the attorney Mireille Thunder, Former Secretary Maya Darklight's Lawyer, She said her client will plead non-guilty to both charge that are presented before her. But may plead guilty to charges of Failure to report a crime.

My Client has not killed her daughter and did not tried to interfere with the administration of the justice, She also did not take a bride. What she did, is that she failed to report a bride attempt and the death of her daughther to the autorities, but there a difference between failing to report a crime and committing a crime. I said it in court today and I will say it again, Miss Darklight is not guilty of these crimes, she is not a criminal, she's just another rape victim, who did not speak agaisnt her agressor and let the affair bloom to an otherworldly propertion. She is not asking for pity, she is simply asking people to not condemn for things she did not do.

Sl rumored to keep leadership. Discussion for a communist candidacy

Elisabeth Jennings told the media this morning that members of other faction of the UDP approach her to discuss the possibility about running a communist candidate for the presidentals elections of 4476. Miss Jenning refused to confirm what was the decisions of the PLCA or who suggested the idea of running a communist candidacy.

I am not going to confirm anything. We did not took a decision, our faction is going to discuss the idea, and we are going to vote on it. The PLCA is a democratic faction, which mean the leaders can't impose their will upon the rest of the members. All decision must be submitted to a vote. And the person who suggested me that we should run a communist candidate agaisnt Farnsworth did not told if he agreed to be identified. So we are going to respect their privacy. I'm not going to say who's suggested us that idea.

Right now. the UDP leadership election is comming to a close and it is nearly confirmed that the Social Liberal will maintaint leadership of the Party, and that the moderate, a new faction will gain the position of Deputy Chairperson of the party, the PLCA was forbidden from participating in the election, and the RCAP, was not recognized as a faction of the UDP.

It look like we are just UDP votes. Criticized Yugi Green, Senator of WestBrooks. when comes the important decision, we are ignored, but when come the election, ah come on, Keep the unity and don't divide the votes.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:20 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

24 October 4474

Former Secretary Maya Darklight convicted of Murder, Justice is a failure say her Lawyer.

Image ; thousand of people protesting in front of the Johnston District Court, To find Maya Guilty to have killed her own Daughter

This is the same thing that happened with my Son. they say he killed his friend, because they where unable to find the culprit. And now my son is prison for the real of his life, when the real killer walk free. This is Shamefull, we are not a free lang, we are a land full of criminals and crooks.
one of the protestor outside the Johnston District.

Attorney Mireille was extremely angry this Morning, when our journalist try to talk to her, about the conviction of former secretary Mary Darklight for 2nd Degree murder and for misprison of fellony.

Excuse, but this is complete bullshit. I though we were in a land of individuals rights. Said Mireille Thunder Attorney of Maya Darklight
But no, we have to see the reality of the situation. Baltusia is a state where victims of rape are condemned for their actions. we have discovered that Maya Darklight was the victim of rape, during 5 years. She was wrongly convicted of killing her own child. I Don't understand, if she did not care about her child, why she never reported the bride offered by Anthonio Reina, why she never spoke about Patrick Longfield to her collegues. The only reason she did theses actions, was become she really care about the security of her child. Of course we are going to appel. the judge Harvey Potts, made mistake in rights. He did not correctly the charges of 2nd degree murder and misprison of fellony to the jury. There was multiple critical flaw in the accusation. The only thing they proven, is that there is no trace of Patrick Longfield or anyone else in the residence of Maya Darklight. but that does not prove a murder. People can a enter, people can erase their trace. There was reasonable doubt that Maya Darklight did not commit the crime. The prosecution never show that Maya Darklight had the intention to kill her daughter and they never prove that fact etheir. Yet she was convicted. That is wrong, the judge Harvey Potts showed no respect for presumption of innocence. There is no way, I'm going to abandon this fight.

The PLCA leader, Elisabeth Jennings said that the PLCA, will refuse to be of any government coalition, as long as Maya Darklight is convicted of Murder. Maya's brother, the Senator of Santiago tweeted in reaction to his sister conviction

Meanwhile, The Senator of Santiago told us he would not stop unless Maya Darklight is pardonned and that he get all person who were wrongfully convicted of crimes pardonned
This is a more then a campaign to free Maya darklight, this is a campaign to fight the corruption that has been spreading in the halls of justice for too longs. Of course we will stop until Maya is Pardonned, but we will not stop until people who were wrongly convicted of crimes are released and have their criminals files wiped clean. You can bet, that our party is going to investigate and list all wrongs jugdments cases, and that we are going to put the light on them.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:37 am


The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

UDP concludes leadership elections, Moderate factions triumph

After elections were concluded, Sidney Hanson secured another term as Party Chair, winning a unanimous 3-0 vote.

Johnston, D.D.
Published December 7th, 4474

Leadership elections for the UDP were concluded today, with the moderate factions of the party triumphing in the final vote, with current Chairperson Sidney Hanson winning a second term and the newly formed Moderate faction winning the office of Deputy Chairperson.

Speaking at the party's headquarters, Hanson thanked the other factions of the UDP for their support, and stressed a continuation of his ongoing efforts to repair the party's image, which had long been shattered since the numerous controversies that were committed by the party's extreme faction, the Pro-Life Communist Alliance.

He called upon all factions to take a stance against their radical ideals, declaring that it was a mistake to have ever brought them into the party. Hanson also encouraged forming a united front with the Republicans committed to containing extremist ideologies in Baltusia, both from the left and right of the political spectrum.

When asked about his thoughts about the conclusion of the Darklight trial in October, in which former Secretary Maya Darklight was charged with murder of her 5 year old child, Hanson was "appalled" that a member of the Farnsworth Administration, and by extension, a member of the UDP.

"It's disgusting—Downright disgusting that a former member of the Farnsworth Administration would do such a thing to her own daughter. We've heard the PLCA voice protest against our barring of them from these very leadership elections, but now that a former cabinet secretary has been convicted of murder, a secretary who shares the ideals of their faction, who exist under the same roof of our party, it definitely raises the question of their expulsion once again. I will consult with the new Deputy Chairperson about this, and alongside Mr. Lexington, the leaders of our party's other factions.

Once again, it seems the UDP is split on whether or not to keep the PLCA under the same roof, despite the immense controversies they've started, along with the unanimously accepted belief that they cost the party an electoral victory in the 4472 elections. Many within the party have seemingly voiced support for Hanson's proposal of expulsion. Whatever future lies for the party, it seems now is the calm before the storm.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Aquinas » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:35 pm

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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:49 pm

The New Valois Gazette is one of Baltusia's most widely circulated newspapers, headquartered in downtown New Valois. Reporting on politics, sports, entertainment, and local goings-on.

Darklight Found Guilty

Deputy Attorney General Sheila Reid Addressing Reporters

The highly contentious trial of controversial and disgraced former Secretary of the Environment Maya Darklight concluded yesterday with her conviction; the former Secretary of the Environment being convicted on two counts, one of Misprision of Felony and the other, more important charge, of Second Degree Murder, which carried an automatic sentence of life, she'll be kept in a maximum security prison in Santiago. Her attorney Mireille Thunder has already stated they will be appealing the conviction.

The trial took nearly seven months, with the evidence against the Secretary apparently stacked by the prosecution as more details come out about the investigation; Maya Darklight lived at her home in San Luis alone with her daughter for five years. During that time the prosecution showed there was no evidence anyone aside from Maya and Caia ever lived there, nor anyone else was even aware of the existence of Caia aside from Maya Darklight herself. The body of Caia was found in a shallow grave in the backyard, with the Medical Examiner finding that Caia died of asphyxiation the same day that Maya Darklight herself admitted was the last day she was ever in the house.

The defense's entire argument revolved around the fact that the Prosecution's case didn't conform to the exact definitions of the law, attempted to portray Patrick Longfield as another possible suspect, despite no proof he and Maya had spoken or interacted in six years, and the fact there was no exact forensic evidence which placed Maya in the house at the exact moment of Caia's death.

The Jury delibrated for a week before delivering their verdict.

Deputy Attorney General Reid gave few comments on the case beyond stating she gave the case as she saw it, presented the prosecution's evidence and went from there, commenting merely "Evidently the Jury found our evidence compelling and so justice for Caia Darklight was done. I've been already informed that the Defense is appealing which is their right in our society proving that our justice system works, though frankly I think our case is strong enough to survive any appeal."
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