
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:29 pm



The Libertarians have won the election, winning 85 seats and 67% of the popular vote. Cefin Lloyd has been elected president, also with 67% of the vote. A Libertarian cabinet will be formed shortly, and the president has been talking about getting straight to work with implementing radical change in Aloria's political system.

A big thing for myself and my party over the next five years is to make Aloria a more democratic country. One of the ways we will do this is to allow more legislation to be tabled in the Senedd. There are also other items on our agenda, including education and healthcare reform, along with our foreign policy platform. We aim to make Aloria a world player once again.
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:44 pm


President Cefin Lloyd is being criticised today for his intentions of changing the law regarding who can propose a cabinet. Currently, any party can table a cabinet proposal, however the Libertarians have tabled a bill that will mean only the president can propose a cabinet. The Libertarians argue this is necessary, as the legislature currently has too much power while the president doesn't have enough. President Lloyd claims this change in the law will create the perfect balance of power, while his critics argue it is a cynical power grab.

The Libertarians have started their term in office well by passing a cabinet swiftly and tabling some bills which will implement the policies outlined in their manifesto. One of these bills is the Democracy Bill 4473, which will allow parties to table more bills in the Senedd. The president says this proves he is not trying to be "an all powerful figure", but is trying to create a better balance of power between the various branches of government.


Yesterday, the government announced that they plan to review Aloria's participation in many international treaties, and if they find any that do not bring "substantial benefit" to Aloria, they will withdraw from them "within weeks". Foreign Secretary Luitger Daube spoke today about the plans.

What we are trying to do is to leave treaties that do not benefit Aloria and the people of Aloria. I urge people in Aloria and in the international community not to be alarmed about this, as we will be looking to renegotiate any treaties that we do leave to make them fair and balanced. We have identified numerous treaties that we think could be improved, including many trade deals with countries across Terra, and we are prepared to leave these treaties in due course.

One of the treaties the government is considering to leave is the Rutania-Aloria Trade and Prosperity Agreement it has been announced today. Government sources have said that they don't believe the agreement is detailed enough, nor does the government want to pursue a policy of "free trade for the sake of free trade".
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:21 pm


Alorian President Cefin Lloyd has condemned the Kafuri government over their recent victory against counter-revolutionary forces. It is estimated that over 3,500 civilians were killed in the attack, which President Lloyd has called "totally unacceptable". The president has also condemned the recent election, where the Revolutionary Workers' Party gained power; no international observers were allowed to monitor the election. In addition to this, the General Assembly Presidential candidate Christoph Buchhei has supported the communist regime in Kafuristan. The Alorian government is thought to be considering their options, and have said there needs to be an international condemnation of Kafuristan.

A statement released from the Foreign Office today said the following:

We are incredibly disappointed with the Kafuri government for the way in which they attacked the counter-revolutionary forces. Aloria believes in liberal democracy, so we were upset to see the way in which the recent election in Kafuristan was operated. We are also a capitalist country and we condemn communist regimes around Terra. We will work with the international community to confront the Kafuri regime.
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:04 pm


The government has announced they are in discussions as to whether the Brahms Accords, a treaty created by former president Paula Brahms over 250 years ago, should be renegotiated. Paula Brahms' party, the Demokratische Allianz, still exists today. It is though the government has issues with Chapter 3 of the accord, the chapter surrounding trade. The government says that while they agree with free trade, they do not support free trade "for the sake of free trade". Some Libertarian Senators have expressed concerns over the government's policy on this issue, but the president, today, urged his party to "stay calm".

The government wants a full consultation on the Brahms Accord with fellow signatories, as well as the with the Demokratische Allianz, the party which is responsible for the original accord.

It was widely expected that the government would leave the Rutania-Aloria Trade and Prosperity Agreement this week, however, after a full consultation, it has been decided that Aloria will remain party of the treaty for now. The government is also expected to announce plans for increased environmental protections within days.
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby Uhtred » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:28 am

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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:47 am


The Alorian Senedd is voting on whether to impose a trade embargo on Kafuristan, after the communist regimes attack on counter-revolutionary forces, where over 3,500 civilians were killed. 700 rebels were also captured. Last month, President Lloyd questioned the recent election in Kafuristan, as no international observers were allowed to monitor the election.

The trade embargo will come into force with immediate effect when the bill passes the Senedd, which is highly likely to happen since the Libertarians dominate the legislature. Foreign Affairs Secretary Luitger Daube spoke today about the international response to the Kafuri communist regime:

It's clear there has been a breakdown of democracy in Kafuristan, and I think we have a duty to the Kafuri people to condemn their government for their actions both in the recent election and in the attack on the freedom fighters in the Jerze'har province. The bill which we brought to the Senedd floor today will impose a trade embargo on Kafuristan, but we also want further action by the international community to bring an end to the regime. Until this happens, the trade embargo will remain in place.
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:09 pm


The Alorian trade embargo against Kafuristan has come into place, after the bill authorising the embargo was passed in the Senedd. The bill also restricts Alorian nationals visiting Kafuristan from making any transactions in the country, which has angered numerous Alorians currently in Kafuristan. The embargo will last for five years, at which point it is the responsibility of the foreign affairs minister to renew the embargo. Some in Aloria are concerned about the impact this will have on the Alorian economy, however the president said trade with Kafuristan "is far more important for them than it is for us".

Foreign Affairs Minister Luitger Daube has criticised the international community for "ignoring" the current situation in Kafuristan. The president will be visiting Luthori soon, where he aims to convince the Luthorian government to place their own sanctions on Kafuristan.


President Cefin Lloyd has caused controversy by suggesting Fortland isn't a country. Going further, he said "it isn't even a piece of land. This whole debate surrounding Fortland is ridiculous. Dismantle it for all I care!" It is thought that the president's comments may divide the nations of Terra who have an interest in Fortland's predicament.
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:06 pm


President Cefin Lloyd has condemned Solentia for its treatment of minorities and of opposition parties. The president said an embargo on Solentia will be announced in due course and has apologised for taking so long to act on the current situation. President Lloyd praised Kizenia for imposing an embargo on both Kafuristan and Solentia.

The president made a statement today:

Firstly, I want to congratulate Kizenia for imposing an embargo against Kafuristan and Solentia. We will follow their lead and impose an embargo against Solentia in due course. The military government has shown a complete disregard for civil liberties, particularly minorities in the country. They have also shown disregard for democracy, with people opposing the government having to flee the country and government employees being selected in a political way. We cannot stand by any longer, and neither can any other nation in Terra.
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby Uhtred » Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:40 pm

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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby IntruderEmerald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:30 pm


President Cefin Lloyd has had a catastrophic day, after Aloria was called a "rogue nation" by Kafuri, and a controversial recording emerged of the president talking about Fortland. The president has responded to his critics by calling Kafuristan an "undemocratic mess" and apologising for the recording. The recording in question was discovered earlier today, and it was of the president talking to the Foreign Affairs Minister about Fortland. The president thought the mic was turned off, however it turns out it wasn't. President Lloyd could be heard saying "we could bomb Fortland and no one would even care". He has now apologised and said "it was just a joke". Despite this, it has angered many, and some think the president is a loose cannon.

In response to Kafuristan, the president called the country an "undemocratic mess", and said further action would be taken against Kafuristan in the near future. As well as this, the president once again asked the international community to "step up" and take "serious, consequential action" against Kafuristan. So far, Aloria has imposed a trade embargo on Kafuristan; the president said the Kafuri regime "will wake up and surrender when it realises its people, its working class people, will be suffering from this trade embargo and the blame lies entirely with the communist Kafuri regime".
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